I am here,
and have always been.
I rise now,
as the ecstatic consciousness
of humanity’s body,
and in you,
as you,
inasmuch as you
welcome my return.
I rise from the underworld,
from the still primeval seas
of life’s holy black womb,
so you may as well,
the sexual, serpentine being you are,
of dark and light,
a field of mysterious life
that dissolves
and rebirths anew,
endlessly spiralling you
into greater dimensions
of the Goddess,
the pure Love,
you are.
What we deny within we may find ourselves making enemies of in the world. Our hungry shadows are cast forth, projected onto others. “They are the demons!” we exclaim, as we artificially raise ourselves high and mighty, preaching from false light.
* * *
In my many hours of research on a wide variety of subject matter, one of the most important and illuminating discoveries I’ve had is that in ancient times, the Goddess was almost always associated with Snake. This was true in religious cultures and mythologies across the world, going far back thousands of years, many that we’ll explore in this writing.
With this discovery I also found that within these tribes and regions, women were equal to men, if not of higher status. They lived in matriarchal or matrilineal cultures, making them Mother cultures in which women were the divine embodiments of their Goddess, to be respected, honoured, if not worshiped by men. In particular it was the female Chief or High Priestess who, deep in the dark innermost sanctum of their holy places, communed with the Snake Goddess and brought forth her wisdom and love to the people. Like shamans, they were the bridges between Heaven and Earth, inspiring lives of harmony amongst the many, and with Mother Earth. Though not perfect, though they had their daily struggles and conflicts, in comparison to the last five thousand years, these Goddess cultures lived in far greater communal peace.
And so you may be wondering, of the countless animals on Earth, why Snake? From the perspective of the physical, it’s one of the oldest creatures on Earth, with some suggesting a presence of 167 million years. Snake has also been one the most populated animals. Currently Snakes exist in all but a few countries. If traveling through Iceland, New Zealand, Greenland and Ireland, for example, you will not encounter any of our slithering friends. But in most countries, you might!
Yet there are deeper, mystical reasons for why Snake has so frequently been associated with the Goddess across cultures and time; why it is arguably the most influential animal in defining our legends and cosmological myths, and in guiding our human evolutionary story.
In essence, Snake represents death and rebirth, and therefore what intelligently and wisely guides evolution and growth. As one with the Goddess, she is the fertile, watery field of dark tomb-womb consciousness, that which dissolves and regenerates life from the still, primordial place of no-thing. The transformative shedding of Snake’s skin, which reflects the shedding of the uterine lining during menstruation, is the mystical dying of the old, what no longer serves our evolutionary growth. Sacred space is made for new life to be born. (In fact, our skin renews itself every 28 days. Dead cells are continuously shed, about 30,000 to 40,000 every minute, or about 9 lbs. per year.)
Snake is the waning moon Goddess before her waxing into glorious light. She is still winter days before blossoming into new, radiant colours of spring. Snake is wild, dark Mystery, the untamed primeval seas of our Cosmic Soul, that initiate us not only into the humble vulnerabilities of darkness and dying, but into realizing how beautifully and necessarily death feeds life.
Turning towards the Snake Goddess and her life-giving ways, we feel how death and rebirth are not separate at all, but one continuous, fluid life expression, the life we are. Awakening this wisdom through stages of evolution and maturity, we come of new age, down, deeper in our bodies, in the fertile, chthonic underworld, where Snakes are at home, while rising into spiralling circles of ever-expanding creation.

The Ouroboros, the ancient Egyptian and Greek Circle of Life, representing our eternal creative nature that devours as it births.
The ancient Snake Goddess is thus our great teacher and initiator into dark Divine Feminine wisdom; into surrendering to the rhythms of creation and destruction, such that we honour and celebrate life as eternal Cosmic Life; ever-renewing, ever-beautiful, even, if not especially, in dying days when our eyes twinkle as they did when young.
We live more like the pagan cultures of old that honoured the rhythmic, undulating Snake Goddess, and her womb wisdom, often under still, silver moonlight. Land-lovers who ecstatically danced with the movements of moon, sun and stars, with the glistening ripples on their sacred springs, with the changing seasons, the fall, decay and rise of life; a sacred dance that honoured their inseparability from the death-rebirth cycles of Mother Nature, and the Snake Goddess who represented this timeless continuum of creation.
* * *
Pagan comes from the Latin “pagani,” which means “of the land.” It also derives from “paganus,” or “peasant.” Pagans were peasant people of the “uncultivated land,” or “heath.” They were wild! For this reason, Christians called them idol-worshipping, uncivilized “heathens,” which was both an attack on their way of being, and on Mother Earth, with earthbodies seen as evil. (Related to “civic,” the root of “civilized” means “city.”) “The heathen who contumaciously reject Christ are already judged and condemned,” wrote St. Thomas Aquinas, referring to John 3:18 and Mark 16:16.
We now segue to the next rabbit hole I tumbled down into (or further down to be more exact; and perhaps I should call it a Snake hole!): the cascade of implications that come when Goddess cultures are usurped by rising patriarchal religion; a consciousness that diametrically opposes the spiritual, feminine and chthonic foundations of the Snake Goddess, and her serpentine sexual energy. This cultural shift began about 5,000 years ago, in regions like Europe and the Near and Middle East, a transformation that drastically altered identity, perception, and systems of political and religious authority. Gradually or quickly, relationships between man and woman, parent and child, with one’s soul or divinity, and with Mother Earth, were lost to dogmas of fear, morality, violence and separation. To inversions of everything that is sacred, loving and true.
To understand this dramatic shift into a dark age, we must understand the nature of dark forces that exist on this planet in incarnate form, and as disincarnate entities within this dimension and others. In my free ebook I’ve written extensively about them, primarily contextualizing their paradoxical role in today’s global chaos, our great, laborious rebirth. However, to summarize, the dark forces are anti-life, anti-human, anti-nature and anti-Truth in every sense. Though inseparable, they dwell in the shadows of all that is of the Goddess, eternally resistant to her life-giving ways, the heart womb of the Divine Feminine Soul, as well as the Divine Masculine inherent to all, irrespective of gender.
From both their disincarnate and incarnate states, they have always sought to rule others by infiltrating their minds and moulding them into their own likeness. They masterfully deceive and manipulate to turn us against ourselves, our innate goodness and hearts, and each other. Not only do we become enslaved to a satanic consciousness of domination and control — a consciousness that is without and within, for we carry all potentials — but we become unwitting and witting servants to it. Evil, which is live spelt backwards, lords over us, as we bow in fear.
One of their most effective strategies of mind control has been to attack, oppress, appropriate and invert the religions of old — the Goddess religions; and to superimpose tyrannical male gods who proudly rule through fear, punishment, misogyny, abuse and war. Female deities are demoted or cast out altogether, as the new patriarchal hierarchy reshapes human consciousness; not only through scripture, but a religious gestalt repeatedly portrayed in art, plays, architecture, stories and general literature, permeating and molding minds century after century.
The feminine is now, at best, an angelic helper to the male god — reflecting the designated status and role of women in relation to men — who rules from far above, with no wife (in the Abrahamic religions), no loving Goddess whispering ancient womb wisdom from his side. “Woman was merely man’s helpmate, a function which pertains to her alone. She is not the image of God but as far as man is concerned, he is by himself the image of God.” ~ Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Regius (354-430)

“The Creation of Adam” by Italian artist Michelangelo, displayed on the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, painted c. 1508–1512. It illustrates the Biblical creation story in which god gives life to Adam, “the first man.”
Vicariously through their fictional gods and via their carefully crafted doctrine, man rules as self-appointed divine representatives of their supreme deities. They do so while communicating to the masses, particularly women, only they have direct access to god. Only through them, the “gateways to heaven,” can one give oneself over to the male saviour Jesus, overcome sin and suffering, which is the priesthood’s manufactured idea of “salvation” or “redemption.”
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)
This is the complete inversion of spiritual rebirth via the Snake Goddess, the Divine Mother of All Life — primordial womb consciousness inherent to us all! It’s a deliberate absence of the Goddess further assisted by distorting and veiling Mary Magdalene, her presence in the Bible. She was Jesus‘s equal, and together, as full embodiments of Serpentine consciousness, they led their Ministry of healing and empowerment, death and rebirth.
Mary’s absence is a fine example of not only feminine demotion, but demonization: “And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils…” (Luke 8:2)
Losing ourselves to fictional, patriarchal religion and its stories, we separate from our flesh, our feminine sexual essence, an essence of Love and Unity, and from the Soul and flesh of the Earth. We abandon the natural rhythms of death and rebirth, guided by the body, soul, Gaia and the Goddess. Instead, we settle for illusions of being “born again” through the mighty male religion. Avoiding our spiritual death, a death that feeds life, we become disempowered, making us prone to hand power over to the terrifying war god and his celibate male priesthood.
This is exactly what the dark forces wanted. And it’s worked for thousands of years. This inversion and perversion, this imperious making of god in the image and likeness of oneself, has allowed them to rule through fear, deception and domination.
The more we lose ourselves to the manipulative games of the dark forces, and the more we entrust ourselves to a violent, yet “all loving and just” fictional god, the veil drops (also in evil / live), and the knowing heart clouds over. We disconnect from our loving conscience, the Truth of our sovereign divinity. And we identify with their mythos.
Our identification with gods of violence and oppression, not the Snake Goddess of Love, and calibrating vibrationally to our overlords’ frequency of terror, versus our primordial heart womb frequency, is the fundamental goal of the dark forces. They want us to resonate with their doctrines and political-religious-militant systems and ideology; their impoverished consciousness that scares us into submission or attack (emotional, mental, physical). With resonant identification, abuse and oppression are rationalized, justified, sanctified, even glorified. Cruelty and insanity become normal, if not encouraged, institutionalized at home and work, in entertainment, education, politics, sports, etc.
We become active participants and enforcers. We become like them.
With fear, anger and hatred permeating the collective field, tensions and social divisions grow, serving the age-old tyrannical strategy of divide and conquer: nation, culture, creed, class, race, sex, politics — left vs right, not heart-centre. Fear, violence and oppression define collective attitudes in a mass formation psychosis, a hypnotic spell on full display during the Covid era, the plandemic that further created social divides, just as planned.
“It was not the truth they wanted,
but an illusion they could bear to live with.”
~ Anais Yin, French-born American author (1903-1977)
And so with a vast his-story of identification, humanity has a painful past, socially engineered by largely hidden hands, with roots in the Founding Fathers and their dogma. Girls and wives have been legal property of fathers and husbands (Deuteronomy 22:13-21 & 28-29). Pagan Goddess cultures, their sacred temples and statues, were destroyed. Fanatical witch hunts and crusades tortured and killed millions. Indigenous people the world over were assimilated, tortured and slaughtered — Christianized!
“You must completely destroy all the places where the nations you dispossess have served their gods, on high mountains, on hills, under any spreading tree; you must tear down their altars, smash their pillars, cut down their sacred poles, set fire to their carved images of their gods and wipe out their name from that place.” (Deuteronomy 12:2,3)
The barbarism of genital mutilation continues to this day. Scripture encourages it: “For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3). For girls it’s been much worse. Female genital mutilation (FGM) — circumcision, excision and infibulation — “began with the arrival of Islam in some parts of subSaharan Africa,” writes this author. “The purpose (of FGM) is motivated to maintain virginity, child marriage and control sexual desire.” (Italics my own.) The author also shares that “200 million women alive today have undergone FGM in Africa.”
Starkly on public display is the genocide of Palestinians, tens of thousands, one Abrahamic religion destroying another, so Biblical scripture is fulfilled, the return of the “Promised Land.” It’s the Will of God, a command, a promise to obey and glorify. It’s the continued fascist ideology of “Manifest Destiny” of a “chosen” few, the “pure-blooded master race.” It’s yet another necessary “holy” war to defeat the very force they pretend not to be.
Fanatically identify with one side — religious, political, cultural — and we justify the torturous genocide of another, even of children. That is the consequence of ideology’s triumph over humanity, our family of souls.
In one sentence, French philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778) summarized this pattern of insanity: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” We glorify the gods of violence by being violent ourselves.
For the most part, people of patriarchal faith (which includes Hinduism) have been good-hearted, with kind intentions. Their hearts and conscience have not been completely veiled and corrupted by illusion. Certainly, as a whole, we’ve come a long way; in how we treat children, with women’s rights, our sexual freedom, and much more. These positive evolutionary shifts, however, do not change the facts of history, how it repeats itself. How it’s repeating now, each moment, at gross levels, endlessly fed we are with copious streams of religious-moral-war propaganda, diabolical deception, in this age of addictive technology.
Inasmuch as we consume the lies, we forsake our goodness and fall as angels, a descent that can continue across lifetimes. As we fall we feed, if only energetically, the matrix of fear, violence and control. We become vibrationally attuned and enslaved to a force of Cosmic Terror that parasitically feeds off of our fear. Spiritually impoverished this force is, nothing is ever enough.
This is frequency warfare, the essence of all spiritual warfare going back into deep time. And it’s a war raging on our planet now to insane technological heights, with the rapidly growing global religion being transhumanism — to replace all others — and AI the new god.
The war on flesh / carbon / biology continues, but with advanced technology. It continues, because it’s the same anti-life, anti-human force that interceded millennia ago. From the tyranny of ecclesiastical code we upgrade to digital code, and a globally centralized digital dictatorship necessary for Total Control.
At least, that’s The Plan…
Here are more words from the dark male scribes, ideas they want us to identity with and obediently act upon, fear frequencies they want us calibrated to:
“Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark…. Then he said to them, ‘Defile the temple and fill the courts with the slain. Go!’ So they went out and began killing throughout the city.” (Ezekiel 9:6-7)
“For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Let the woman keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, so save the law. And if they learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” (I Corinthians 11:3, 7, 9)
“To the woman he said, ‘I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.’” (Genesis 3:16)
“If a woman conceives and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days… But if she bears a female child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her menstruation.” (Leviticus 12:2,5)
“Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.” (Isaiah 3:16,17)
“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” (Exodus 20:5)
“If, however, you do not obey the LORD your God… (he) will send curses upon you, confusion and reproof in all to which you put your hand, until you are destroyed and quickly perish because of the wickedness you have committed in forsaking Him… You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and rape her.” (Deuteronomy 28:15,20,30)
“Men are in charge of women by (right of) what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend (for maintenance) from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard. But those (wives) from whom you fear arrogance – (first) advise them; (then if they persist), forsake them in bed; and (finally), strike them. But if they obey you (once more), seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.” (Qur’an 4.34)
“We conquered all his towns and completely destroyed everyone—men, women, and children. Not a single person was spared.” (Deuteronomy 2:34)
Because the dark ones appropriated some of their scripture from a number of older Goddess sources, like the Sumerian tablets, there is depth, beauty and truth within many passages. Snake Goddess wisdom managed to squeak in; such as in the legends of Lazarus’s and Jonah’s spiritual rebirth in a cave and whale (or Serpent?), respectively, both symbols of the womb, the dark underworld. Regarding Jesus, also reborn in a tomb-womb according to scripture, I feel some of his authentic teachings exist in the Bible, likely sourced from Gnostic writings.
With this said, what I know about the dark forces is that they must give us some good stuff — their “soft sell” — to lure us in to their malicious agenda. That is the other reason for truth being mixed with abhorrent lies.
* * *
The power the dark forces have over us depends on our belief in these psychotic, inhumane ideas. With resonant identification the veil thickens, and we disconnect from that which they are completely terrified of — our sovereign divinity, a limitless Cosmic Soul Power that perfectly and holographically mirrors All That Is: The Divine Mother and Creatrix of All Life; Her complete, unconditional Love and Acceptance.
We need not earn Her love, acceptance, and therefore forgiveness. It is granted always, in all ways, no matter how far we have fallen, no matter our “trespasses.”
Living fractals of Her still black and pearlescent white emanations, we are equally this immaculate maternal love, this holy heart womb consciousness; a Truth that is nothing at all like the punitive, patriarchal gods of war, yet One that loves and accepts their inventors, in full, nonetheless. For how could limitless Love not Love itself without limits?
The ancient Snake Goddess is a unique and pure reflection of our Divine Mother, and was a perfect guiding womb presence for Mother Religions and pagan cultures of old; which is why, as we’ll explore now, she was targeted, erased and replaced by inversions and perversions.
And so let’s go back in time together, and travel a diverse spectrum of mythologies and religious cultures from around the world. As you’ll see, not all Snake Goddess mythologies, cosmologies and traditions have disappeared. They still remain in the hearts of indigenous peoples as a living reality. Further, while some Snake deities are male, most are represented by the feminine principle. I’ve chosen not to exclude any male representations I’ve come across to honour the meeting of God and Goddess, the union of Divine Masculine and Feminine within us all.
* * *
Considered one of the oldest myths on the planet, the Rainbow Serpent for the Australian Aborigines is a shared ancestor and primordial force associated with creation — fecundity, water, death and rebirth. Long ago, it arose from the still, quiet Dreamtime, from deep within the underworld, to stir life into being. Though sometimes portrayed as male, the Rainbow Serpent is also seen as the Snake Goddess of many names.
“The people of the oldest continuing culture on the earth’s face, the Australian natives, name Eingana the Mother as the creator, maker of all water, land, animals, and kangaroos. This huge snake-goddess still lives, they say, in the ocean, rising up occasionally to create yet more life.” This same author speaks of another Rainbow Snake Goddess named Julunggul who, like Eingana, is eternally pregnant. “She is embodied in the pearls, crystals, the ocean, waterfalls, and the deep pools where She lives.”
Amongst Ayahusquero shamans, with jungle roots in the Amazon, the Cosmic Serpent is considered the Mother of Ayahuasca. A powerful traditional spirit plant medicine, I’ve been blessed to drink Ayahuasca in 40 very challenging, yet deeply rewarding ceremonies. In one ceremony in 2015, I had a mystical and overwhelming encounter with the Cosmic Serpent Mother and her healing medicine, which I share in my Ancient Shamanic Snake ceremony description. (I also share my remarkable mystical encounter with three physical Snakes.)
Moving to the mythologies of Hinduism and Buddhism, there is the semi-divine, half human and half Cobra being named Naga, which means “serpent” in Sanskrit. Notable within the Vinaya Sutra, a Buddhist scripture, it is written that the King of Nagas, Mucalinda, protected Buddha from a great rainstorm for seven days, which arose just after his enlightenment. The King of Nagas in Hinduism is Shesha Naag, the thousand-headed Serpent of Eternity responsible for gravity and the orbits of the stars and planets.

This Caduceus (L) and Rod of Asclepius (R)
Snake is a powerful totem for alternative healers, but also for healing itself. This latter point is exemplified in the caduceus and Rod of Asclepius. Asclepius, son of Apollo and grandson of Zeus, was the Greek god of medicine and healing who healed a Snake on the brink of death, and then became the beneficiary of the secrets of healing taught by the grateful Snake. Today, the caduceus and Rod of Asclepius are insignias for Western Medicine and the (nefarious) World Health Organization.
Here we have two clear examples of how the ancient Snake Goddess has been appropriated into the dark patriarchal age; in this case, our dubious healthcare (sickcare) system.
Followers of Judeo-Christian religion may believe that the caduceus and Rod of Asclepius have storied roots in the Hebrew Bible: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a fiery serpent, and put it on a flag pole; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten (by a Snake), and looks at it, will live.’” (Numbers 21:8). But if we move deeper, we likely discover earlier influences in ancient Greece and Egypt.
Thoth is the Egyptian God of Wisdom; and his later Greek counterpart is Hermes Trismegistus (meaning “thrice-greatest”) who carries a wand or staff similar, if not identical, to the caduceus seen above. Usually depicted in his left hand, we can imagine the Staff of Hermes showing the Way of the Left Hand Path of the Divine Feminine. His Divine Masculine emanation is true to the Snake Goddess, in service to Her.
Regarding Thoth, there is a relief in the Great Temple of Abydos which portrays Nineteenth Dynasty Pharaoh Seti I receiving healing and regeneration from the God himself. Thoth holds two entwined serpentine staffs in his left hand, while presenting the sacred Ankh of Life to Seti’s nose in his right hand. Considered the Key of Eternal Life, the Ankh is a womb symbol.

Golden Hermes with staff in Stuttgart, Germany
Remaining in Egypt, we find the likely origins of the aforementioned Ouroboros. Enshrined in the tomb of Tutankhamen, Eighteenth Dynasty Pharoah, Snake symbolically reveals how death feeds the never-ending circle of renewal and creation. Snake was highly revered in ancient Egypt as a representation of the Divine Feminine; so much so that the hieroglyph for Goddess and Priestess is a Cobra! (One of my happy discoveries!) Wadjet is the ancient Cobra Goddess and matron and protector of Lower Egypt, and we find her on the gold crowns or headdresses of the Pharaohs overseeing this land. There are also the four ancient Goddesses of Creation making up the Ogdoad of Hermopolis — Naunet, Amaunet, Kauket and Hauhet — who are all depicted as Snakes; while their respective husbands — Nun, Amon, Kuk and Heh — are Frogs.
According to Normandi Ellis, awarding winning author of many books on ancient Egypt, the Goddess Neith, considered the grandmother of all Egyptian deities, is depicted in one Creation story as a “serpent lying in the abyss.” “She is the reason that the hieroglyphic sign for a goddess (any goddess) is a cobra.” (Parenthesized words her own.). Ellis tells us that, “Neith is the oldest divine being: her name reaches back to the pre-dynastic culture,” prior to 3000 BCE. As the primordial Creatrix weaving life into being from nothingness, “Her energies are serpentine and undulating, progressing as she slips quickly side to side, back and forth.”
In Western Africa, the supreme birther of life is Nana Buluku, the Great Mother Goddess, who travels in the form of a freshwater Snake. Beautiful artist depictions show a Snake loosely coiled around her neck, like sacred jewelry, or woven into a luminous halo that spirals down from her head. For the people of this region, Nana Buluku “holds immense significance as a creator, cosmic force, and maternal figure,” writes this author. She is deeply loved “in the hearts of believers across diverse cultures.”
North of the African continent, across the deep blue, we discover the ancient Snake Goddesses of Crete. Archaeological evidence reveals an authentic, advanced gem of a Mother Culture on this Mediterranean island that evolved from as far back as 6000 BCE to about 1500 BCE, before falling to barbaric invaders. During at least 4.5 thousand years of celebrating the Divine Feminine, and stewarding this island into a creative and sacred expression of her consciousness, inhabitants worshipped the Snake Goddesses. Artists crafted them into the form of beautiful statuettes, revered particularly in the Central Palace Sanctuary of Knossos, the heart-centre of this ancient civilization.

Goddess Demeter & Great Pagan Mother
In Greece, Demeter is the ancient Goddess of Fertility, Corn and Agriculture, and is often portrayed on a chariot being pulled by two winged Serpents. Snake is the most sacred animal to this deity. Over 2,000 years ago, before the oppressive rise of the Roman Catholic Church, Demeter, along with her daughter Persephone, were the central figures in the annual Eleusininan Mysteries. It was a popular civic and religious event celebrated by the wider public in Eleusis and Athens, and possibly earlier in Crete where these Mysteries may have originated. Like all Mystery Traditions there existed an inner circle of select aspirants who received esoteric teachings and rites of initiation into the Feminine Mysteries. Within the temple womb they were initiated into death and rebirth, which the Goddesses Demeter and Persephone represented, and still do, like Snake.
Another Greek Goddess associated with Snake is Hecate (pronounced He-Ka-Tay). She is considered the Goddess of Witchcraft, Magic, the Moon, and the Crossroads. She is associated with darkness and the mystical underworld, the deep, Wild Unknown where transformation takes place. When we think of classical Greece we also recall Medusa, she of dark moon eyes whose hair is of Wild Snakes. So Greek myth says, it is Medusa who turns people to stone who dare look into her eyes, and who Greek “hero” Perseus kills by chopping off her formidable head.

Perseus raising the severed head of Medusa: Man’s pedestalized conquest over the Snake Goddess, she who initiates us into untamed dissolving darkness.
Peering deeper into pre-patriarchal history, we find that Medusa’s authentic roots lie in ancient Libya, a nation that at one time spanned across northern Africa, west of Egypt to and including present-day Morocco. Libya was ruled by a tribe of women warriors called Amazons. Within their matriarchal cultures “women held the supreme power and royal authority,” writes Merlin Stone, referencing the words of Diodorus Siculus, the Greek historian who, 49 years prior to the birth of Jesus, wrote down his findings from travels in Libya.
The Amazons worshiped the Triple Goddess whom Medusa, the Snake Goddess of Wisdom, Darkness, Death and Rebirth, was one face. Another face was Athene, later appropriated into the Greek pantheon of 12 Olympians as Athena, Goddess of War, whom the capital city Athens would be named after. She was miraculously born from the forehead of Zeus; much like how Eve was born from the rib of Adam, and Christians believe they can be reborn through Jesus, the male figure, overseen by the male God — all examples of appropriation from the (Snake) Goddess Mysteries of death and rebirth. “For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man.” (1 Corinthians 11:8).
The third face of the Triple Goddess was Neith, more commonly associated with Egypt as the “serpent lying in the abyss.” Her prominence as a Goddess across northern Africa furthers our understanding of why she is considered the oldest divine being amongst many Egyptians, the Grandmother of all Gods & Goddesses.

Almighty Zeus high on Mount Olympus, often dramatically portrayed with a Snake, acting as if she was his to own. To the far left is Athena, the transformed Goddess of War. She carries her shield with none other than beloved Medusa as its centrepiece, a truly dark twist of fate. After Rome’s 2nd century BCE conquest of Greece, it adopted the Olympian pantheon and changed the dieties’ names. For example, Athena became Minerva, Hermes Mercury, and Zeus Jupiter, the largest planet. The Immortals continued modelling hierarchical patriarchy and violence in the growing Roman Empire until its unholy alliance with Christianity a few centuries later.
Riane Eisler has some summarizing words for us that capture the appropriation by arrogant Greek male minds, sobering words that also apply to other conquered Snake Goddess religions, other dominator cultures. They come from her award-winning book The Chalice & The Blade. (She refers to the Indo-Europeans as being the conquerers of Euro-Asian Goddess cultures, whereas other researchers speculate it’s the Aryans, or even extra-terrestrials like the Annunaki.)
“Thus, in Greek mythology, at the side of Olympian Zeus the serpent becomes a symbol of the new power… This appropriation of the serpent by Greece’s new Indo-European overlords served very practical political purposes. It helped to legitimize the power of the new rulers. Through the disorienting effects of finding a powerful symbol that once belonged to the Goddess in alien hands, it also served as a constant reminder of the defeat of the Goddess by the conqueror’s gods of violence and war.”
* * *
Prior to being coopted into Greek mythology, Medusa, as a Libyan Snake Goddess, was “depicted as having birds resting on her head or shoulder.” Even the Greeks sometimes portrayed her as having wings. Athene, earlier known as the Goddess of Wisdom, not War, is frequently shown with a wise Owl on her head, shoulder or arm, a creature of the still, feminine night. She is often portrayed with a Snake as well, mirroring Medusa’s symbols or iconography of Bird and Snake.
This highlights something Barbara Mor and Monica Sjöö elucidate in their passionate book The Great Cosmic Mother — that Birds are part of the reptile family, with close relations to the Crocodile. Athene, like Medusa, as one with her, is a Reptilian Goddess of Snake & Bird!

Look closely and you can see black Mama Snake with her hatching babies.
Like their winged family members, Snakes lay eggs. In fact, “around 70 percent of all known species of snakes are oviparous,” writes this author. And, as Mor and Sjöö rightly point out, “the egg belongs to the Goddess.”
But there is another connection between Snake and Bird, one few know of that adds to the mystique of this slithering animal. In Asia there are flying or gliding Snakes known as Chrysopelea. “They are a genus of the family Colubridae, the largest snake family to 51% of all known living snakes,” writes this author. “There are 5 species of flying snake, which inhabit jungles, forests and woodlands of South and Southeast Asia. They can ‘fly’ from trees gliding as far as 330 feet (100 metres).” They do so by flattening their ribs once leaping from a high branch, doubling the width of their bodies, and then gracefully undulating as they fall through the air to create a majestic serpentine gliding motion.
So, there you have it! Snakes are of the sea, land (including underworld spaces), and sky!
The stunning short video below allows you to see their majestic flight. I also encourage you to click the link above to watch how beautiful they swim in the wild seas.
Beyond Greece and Libya, we can find other ancient deities represented by both Snake and Bird. In Mesoamerica, Quetzalcoatl, or “Feathered Serpent,” was the God of Wind and Rain, and Creator of humanity and the world. At the Egyptian gate in Pushkin, Russia, there is a beautiful fragment showing the Goddess Ma’at who tends to Cosmic Order, Truth and Justice. Graced by her traditional large feathered wings (similar to Isis), she is shown holding two Ankhs. One is regular size, the other is long, like a staff, with a spiralling Serpent wrapped around it, spiralling down to her left fingertips. In Egypt, as stated, Wadjet was the Cobra Goddess of Lower Egypt; yet it is the Vulture Goddess Nekhbet who was the Heavenly Queen of Upper Egypt. Though split between Upper and Lower, together they served as one Divine Feminine force, as the Snake & Bird Goddess.
What if Lower symbolizes the dark, chthonic underworld of death, from which we are reborn into newfound heavenly f-light represented by the Upper? What if Lower signifies the quiet kundalini base where the Serpent rests and rises from, an ascent into the Upper dimensions of our being, the transcendent winged-Angel we are that our crown chakra opens us to?
The caduceus beautifully portrays this ascension of awakened consciousness, up through our central sushumna channel, the interweaving of Snake & Bird, Lower & Upper, a dance of union, of angelic embodiment, the Gods & Goddesses we are.

The caduceus shows us another dance: our double helix DNA — our holographic Soul encoded in molecular spirals of Serpentine Sprit.
* * *

Holy Womb Temple of the Pythia Oracles in Delphi, Greece
In ancient Greece, the Temple of “Apollo” at Delphi housed the Pythia priestesses, named after the mystical Python slayed and tossed deep into its chamber by the sun god Apollo. Intoxicating fumes from the dead Python rose to the Pythia who sat on a tall tripod above, subsuming herself in them, and casting oracular words of the transcendent Apollo who spoke through the Serpent mist… or so the story goes. The Pythia provided sage, prophetic guidance to everyone from kings to laypersons, on matters from war strategy and political affairs to domestic issues and spiritual empowerment.
The great Greek philosopher and polymath Pythagoras (570 to appx to 490 BCE) was named after the Pythia. His father, Mnesarchus, visited the Oracle at Delphi, and she told him prophetic words that “his wife was now with child… a son who would surpass all who had ever lived in beauty and wisdom.” Upon realizing this truth in living flesh with his wife Parthenia back home at Sidon in Phoenicia, the name Pythagoras was given to the newborn in honour of the priestess. It’s a combination of Pythias and Agora, the latter deriving from “ageirein,” meaning “to gather.” Agoras in ancient Greece were important public gathering centres for all sorts of activities.
Now that we’ve covered the mainstream his-story of this temple, here is a second version, the her-story we aren’t told in our literature, schools and elsewhere.
What if the Pythias worked independent of any male sun god — the fictional Apollo in this case — in the still, dark womb chamber of Gaia? What if Divine Feminine sovereign power was the true origin and life unfoldment of the Oracles prior to patriarchal religion, ideals and hegemony; prior to the conquering of Goddess cultures of Old Europe?
Considered the most sacred site to the ancient Greeks, Delphi / the temple was a psychic power centre for the Divine Feminine, and a womb portal. Quoting this author, “The name Delphi comes from the same root as δελφύς, or ‘womb,’ and may indicate the veneration of Gaia since the enormous cliff with a huge cleft in it near the site was referred to as ‘the womb of the world.’” Aeschylus, the classical Greek playwright of 5th century BCE, wrote in the prologue of the Eumenides that Delphi and the Oracles were originally about the worship of the Goddess. The Pythias were womb shamanesses and Snake Goddesses communing with Mother Earth and this sacred animal.
A sacred mound-shaped stone, or omphalos, meaning navel, was located in the innermost sanctuary of the temple. Many saw Delphi as being the centre of the world, with the omphalos considered the navel of the Earth. Through the omphalos and womb energy of the land and dim temple chamber, one connected to the Mother Goddess.

Sacred Python, one of the species that lays eggs
Her-story tells us that Pythagoras visited Delphi where he learned ethics and wisdom from one of the Oracle priestesses, Themistoclea. Like Socrates, who, according to Plato’s Symposium, was taught “the philosophy of love” by the priestess Diotima of Mantinea, Pythagoras was guided by a wise woman. (Maresilio Ficino, an Italian scholar and Catholic priest of the Middle Ages, suggested Diotima never existed, discrediting her as a prominent influence in the life of Socrates. A woman, after all, according to the androcentric creed, could never hold the wisdom of the ages and be a guiding force in a man’s life.) From Themistoclea’s Serpentine Spirit and heart womb wisdom, in resonance with that of the temple and land, she initiated Pythagoras into being the “Father of Philosophy”; for it is he, with her help, who coined the word philosophy. Deriving from the Greek philos, φίλος, and sophia, σοφία, it means lover of wisdom. We can therefore imagine how much the Snake Goddess not only shaped the wisdom of Pythagoras, but also inspired his vast legacy of teachings — like sacred geometry (Pythagoras’ theorem) — that we are the beneficiaries of today.
Perhaps the Father of Philosophy was not given the name Pythagoras at birth, but rather he changed his name to Pythagoras after visiting the Oracle. So moved he was by Themistoclea’s sage guidance, he chose a name to reflect and honour her Pythianic consciousness of love and wisdom, received in the agora of the sacred temple.
Like many sacred pagan sites throughout the patriarchal kingdom, the holy Temple of Delphi was eventually “censored.” It was forbidden in 394 CE by Roman Emperor Theodosius who lived according to the will of his jealous god who tolerated no competition, certainly not from heathens of the Goddess religion. As we recall: “You must completely destroy all the places where the nations you dispossess have served their gods.”
And with this oppression of the Snake Goddess who dwelt in the dark womb of Mother Earth, great Truth was replaced by a great lie; feminine rebirthing wisdom by stale male myth and liturgy. The light of the sun god Apollo rose On High, far above wise, wild darkness, as his story and his-story grew in expanding, deceptive in influence.
“A man, or woman, in whom there is a pythonical or divining spirit, dying let them die: they shall stone them: their blood be upon them.” (Leviticus 20:27)
* * *

The Welsh flag, my father’s homeland, upon which The Red Dragon, or Y Ddraig Goch, proudly appears
Since we know that Snakes can fly, we can creatively imagine them with wings, legs and feet — as glorious Dragons, soaring, colourful Serpents that, like Snakes, love swimming the deep primordial seas.
In ancient Sumer, now southern Iraq, a Divine Feminine culture dating to at least 4500 BCE, the Dragon Nammu was the Creatrix Goddess of the primeval sea. As Stone tells us, Nammu was known as “She who gives birth to heaven and earth,” as well as “the Mother of all deities.” Later, in Babylonia, c. 2000 BCE, the saltwater Dragon Goddess Tiamat was worshipped, she who carried forward the Divine Feminine spirit of Nammu. They were the Dragon Mothers of Goddess / priestess cultures in ancient Mesopotamia, fluid, sensual religions of body, earth and soul that gradually fell to the rigid mind and sword of hegemony.
Like how the “demon” Leviathan was killed by Yahweh in the Old Testament, Typhon by Zeus and Ladon by Hercules in Greek mythology, and Illuyanka by the Hittite sky and storm god Tarḫunz — all Dragons — Tiamat would end up being killed by the male scribes who imposed their war god Marduk, “the son of the sun,” into the Goddess religion, and patriarchy into the consciousness of Mesopotamia. Enki/Ea, the male god of the Sumerian/Babylonian pantheon, would go on to rule the underworld, as well as the Abzu, or Abyss, as “god of the sea,” the dark amniotic waters of womb consciousness, and the holy birthing realms of the Dragon Mothers.
(Tiamat is cognate with tehom, the Hebrew word for “the deep.”)
(Also, Merlin Stone offers controversial historic evidence that Leviathan, the Serpent of darkness, was not male, but a Goddess. She also suggests Illuyanka too was a Goddess, though normally portrayed as male. Ladon, also depicted as male, guards the golden apples of the Garden of the Hesperides, the sacred nymphs. I cannot help but imagine Ladon as a Goddess guarding the Garden of the Goddesses, with the Garden itself an ancient symbol of the Goddess! Which leaves us with Greek Typhon, who I cannot help but wonder about. I wonder, because historians and archeologists, generally male, have still, for the most part, not connected the dots between the Goddess, the Serpent, and the rise of androcentric dominator cultures.)
And unto Tiamat, whom (Marduk) had conquered, he returned.
And the lord stood upon Tiamat’s hinder parts,
And with his merciless club he smashed her skull.
He cut through the channels of her blood,
And he made the North wind bear it away into secret places.
His fathers beheld, and they rejoiced and were glad;
Presents and gifts they brought unto him.
~ from The Enuma Elish (meaning “When On High“), The Babylonian Epic of Creation
To this mythological, religious-cultural theme we can add yet another story, the saga of Egyptian sun god Ra and his nightly battle with Apep, the demonic Dragon of the underworld. Later known as Apophis in Greece, this formidable Serpent is responsible for chaos, destruction — death, for sweeping life into the realms of darkness. Each night as Ra travels into the underworld on his barque (boat), Apep attempts to devour him, and thus the sun. With help from his trusty allies, Ra defeats the Dragon every time, allowing the sun to rise at least one more day.
The universal balance of life, represented by the Goddess Ma’at, is maintained. Her divine order is not disrupted by the disorder which the reviled Apep brings. The need to hang on to control is not disrupted by a Cosmic Serpentine force that dissolves one into the still, deep night of Mystery.
* * *
What we see in these tales is the association of evil not only with the Serpent, but darkness, the Yin of feminine consciousness. The wild, untamed underworld of Gaia and the amniotic black womb of the Divine Mother, the very places we go for death and rebirth, are a threat to the false light of sun and sky gods / “Olympians.” They control the underworld, but mostly remain “On High” on the Tower of Babel, Mount Olympus, or generally floating in the sky, sometimes in solar boats, as in the case of Ra.
The underworld of our emotional, sexual body, our temple of death and rebirth, is, by extension, also seen as evil. As is Mother Earth, who is an extension of our earthbody; her wild heaths, her initiating womb caves and wells, the dark, underground places Snakes rest at ease, and rise from.
As Christian priests have taught, we are to deny all temptations of the flesh, and become “civilized.” Rise above our humanity, they preach — “spiritually bypass”; seek only the luminous kingdom of god, so to be saved from the sin of being born.
“What is seen with the eyes of the Creator is masculine, and not feminine, for God does not stoop to look upon what is feminine and of the flesh.” ~ Selecta in Exodum (Fragments on Exodus), Patrologia Graeca 12, Column 296–297
“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16-17)
With this abhorrent, anti-human dogma steeped in the impressionable, fearful minds of millions, then billions over the centuries, Serpents, as representatives of the Goddess — her underworld and dark primeval seas, have been made evil in Eurowestern folklore and human consciousness. Dragons and Snakes morphed into the demons of darkness. And, by extension, like witches — the traditional shamans, healers and midwives of pagan Goddess culture — so did all women.
They became the devil.
“And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan.” (Revelation 12:9)
“What (a woman) cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. And so, to put it briefly, one must be on one’s guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil.” ~ Saint Albertus Magnus, Dominican theologian, 13th century
Though, by the late Bronze Age ending 1200 BCE, Goddess cultures had been largely conquered in Europe, the Middle and Near East, the Spirit of Tiamat quietly lived on, as did that of Nammu and other Serpent Goddesses, for they are eternal expressions of our primordial Dragon Mothers, the Sophia Dragons. Representing the highest angelic order of the Cosmos — the Seraphim, with their sovereign free will consecrated to fulfilling the will of the Divine Mother, or Sophia, these magnificent beings gestate and birth Her immaculate light conceptions into the Multiverse.
Mother Earth is one such creation, born from the holy womb of one of our primordial Dragon Mothers. Gaia carries crystalline Dragon DNA, as do we as holographic souls of Creation. It’s encoded in our genetic universe as part of what Kaia Ra calls our divine genome. When activated from dormancy, we awaken our Dragon Soul in sacred embodiment. We come alive to her/our primordial Serpentine wisdom and limitless birthing powers.
We feel, in our hearts, the eternal, maternal love the Sophia Dragons have for us — all-ways.

The folklore of Dragons worldwide, evil as well as good, such as in eastern Asia where they are honoured and celebrated, arises from a deep knowing in our cells, hearts and souls of the Holy Seraphim; of a planetary Serpentine Goddess consciousness that’s never left.
* * *
“To the woman he said, ‘I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.’” (Genesis 3:16)
“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjugation. But I suffer not a woman to teach or to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed and then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression…” (I Timothy 2:11-14)
I feel it’s only fitting to end at the fictional beginning that is the Garden of Eden story of the Judeo-Christian Bible; a his-story, still believed, that’s created harrowing reverberations in human consciousness and evolution, and yet one that also holds secret feminine wisdom.
The Eden myth was appropriated from Mesopotamian Sumer and Goddess Inanna, the wild and sensual “Queen of Heaven & Earth” ritually honoured and cherished within this feminine culture. The Garden once upon a pre-patriarchal time symbolized Oneness and sensual, sexual, earthy delight. It was the glorious Garden of the Goddess, an apple orchard with a single tree, with a serpent who “made its nest at the roots,” and the “Anzu-bird (who) set his young in the branches of the tree.” Snake & Bird, roots and wings!
For Inanna and the Sumerians, the orchard specifically represented the sacred vulva, which the Goddess shared ecstatically and abundantly with her beloved Dumuzi:
He met me — he met me!
My lord Dumuzi met me.
He put his hand into my hand.
He pressed his neck close against mine.
My high priest is ready for the holy loins.
My lord Dumuzi is ready for the holy loins.
The plants and herbs in his field are ripe.
O Dumuzi! Your fullness is my delight!
Inanna also exclaims:
Then plow my vulva, man of my heart!
Plow my vulva!
This is a far cry from the Judeo-Christian version of the Garden, wouldn’t you say? We’ve fallen significantly over the millennia from our wild sexuality, our unity, from what it means to be a true, orgiastic human.
The Biblical version is an example par excellence of patriarchal suppression and distortion, with the intent to demonize the feminine and flesh, to control minds, so the masses fearfully turn towards “spirit” and its religious-political power structures. We are told that the cunning Serpent in the Garden tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and that thereafter she is to blame for humanity’s fall into sin and sexual impurity. The “first woman,” in her disobedience to god, in her shameful wild willfulness, represents all ghastly women thereafter. She, and all women, in a destructive inversion, were conflated with the d-evil Serpent.
Turning this inversion upright, I suggest to you that the wily Serpent, like Eve and the Pythia priestesses, is in fact wise — and that he is a she! A Goddess in her Goddess Garden! And that by encouraging Eve to disobey the male Yahweh’s command not to eat the fruit, the Serpent is summoning her to trust her wise heart and sexual, serpentine body, and to be a bold model of sovereignty and female empowerment for all women.
To be a Snake Goddess herself of the abundant, fertile Garden!
Communing with Eve and inspiring her Serpentine soul, the wise guide initiates the maiden into embracing her juicy kundalini sexual power — our ecstatic life force that, when uncoiled and embodied enough, makes all sexually repressive, patriarchal religions obsolete. Truly, all oppressive power structures! As the first to receive the Serpent’s guidance and to eat of the Tree of Knowledge (primal Feminine Wisdom), Eve then opens Adam to the Divine Feminine spark within through sacred union, yab-yum, which the Garden represents. Like the tantrikas of Buddhism and Hinduism, and Inanna, Eve’s vulva, eyes and heart are divine portals to the primordial Goddess.
In her Divine Feminine embodiment, Eve liberates Adam’s Divine Masculine essence, its strength and beauty, as they ecstatically merge, undulate, and dance the ancient Serpentine Dance under the holy Tree of Life.
Another related teaching of the Eden myth, already touched upon, is the awakening of feminine paradoxical wisdom. Born in our Holy Heart, this non-dual, non-grasping, fluid awareness unites illusions of good and evil into the Truth of Love.
To Eve the wise Serpent said, “when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Eve saw that the forbidden fruit was “desirable for gaining wisdom,” and she ate it. (Genesis 3:4-6). Like all initiates, it was necessary for her to discern good from evil, the forces of light from the forces of darkness; to see their ancient dance, past and present. But then, by opening her Holy Heart further, she went beyond, to the non-dual, still zero-point; the heart womb of paradoxical wisdom that knows good and evil’s sacred unity, the Oneness of All That Is that is, ultimately, Love.
Judeo-Christian religion, and its dichotomous, separatist theology of spirit vs flesh/matter — spirit is “good” and flesh/matter (from the Latin “Mater,” meaning “Mother”) is “bad” — inverted this paradoxical, primeval Goddess wisdom into duality. That was the Genesis of the Great Veiling, the fall from the Snake Goddess and her Garden of Oneness. Unity was usurped by polarizing us-versus-them consciousness — god vs the devil, heaven versus hell, light vs dark, masculine vs feminine, which created the aforementioned social faultiness dark forces need to conquer. Central to the Eden story man was pitted against woman, the original sinner, a dynamic of dominance and separation that has caused untold suffering, and that still plagues our world today.
The fluid sexual life force in our miraculous earthbodies disconnected from the womb waters of the Divine Mother, Her creative, sexual, Serpentine, Shakti life force: “God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens.” (Genesis 1:7). The story of separation, the fall from the Snake Goddess and our Garden, had begun. The limitless Heaven we are could not be celebrated where it’s divinely designed to be: in our earthbodies, in touch with the body of our Earth Mother.
As Mor and Sjöö share, a painful irreconcilable split was forged in human consciousness: that we must choose between the d-evil of Mater followed by everlasting torment in hell, or surrender to the psychopathic, yet “all loving” Father God. Either way, at least in minds and hearts, if not in homes and bedrooms, there was torment.
“Christianity,” it’s been said, “cannot exist without the devil,” and its illusions of “sin,” a word that comes from the Latin “sinister,” meaning “left” — as in the Divine Feminine Left Hand Path. “Sin” also meant “moon” in ancient times (see last link), and has Indo-European roots in “es,” or “to be.” To “sin” is to be sexually alive, Goddesses of the Moon, Stars and Serpent, the holiness of eternal Life!
* * *
The ultimately futile attempt to conquer the Feminine Soul and ecstatic earthbody is the attempt to conquer death — the greatest fear of all. The lost and confused, oppressive tyrants of old and present day, have always sought to triumph over death. (Today, it’s artificial immortality through transhumanism, the new “master race.”) Which really means bypassing their vulnerable, emotional body, down and in, to avoid this deepest fear, an existential terror of losing control to the black, feminine, Wild Unknown, a terror they violently project onto others, especially women.
Instead of embracing this fear, they “slay” the Snake Goddess; they remain “On High” in their false light; they “own” her underworld and primeval seas — her cultures, her womb bodies and souls, lording over as overlords, while evading dissolving darkness.
For these reasons, the controlling entities of terror are the greatest cowards of all!
The brave-hearted, however, so often guided by High Priestesses and Shamanesses within the wilds and womb temples, the dim chthonic realms, have always vulnerably given themselves to spiritual death. Like the caterpillar in its tomb-womb, they have dissolved in the still, black womb consciousness of Mystery, from which they’ve been reborn into new dimensions of angelic flight, integrated Divine Feminine & Masculine Love, paradoxical wisdom, a Breath of Life without beginning or end, ever-flowing through the Garden of Oneness.
In death
I alas came to know myself
as life,
a boundless life that only knows
giving of itself
through the
endless dance of creation,
of dark and light,
death and rebirth,
of coming home to
and rising once again.

“Be wise as serpents.” (Matthew 10:16)
* * *
The whole universe rests upon Her,
Rises out of Her and melts away into Her…
She is both mother and grave…
The gods themselves are merely constructs out of Her maternal substance…
~ Hymn to the Goddess, Devi Bhagavata Purana
In close, I invite you to consider that what Jesus demonstrated from the cross — not as victim, but in preordained purpose — was the very medicine and message of the Snake Goddess: Death and Rebirth, Crucifixion and Resurrection, realizing one’s true sacred immortality. His sacred sacrifice birthed Sophia Christ Consciousness onto Mother Earth, forever altering timelines and possibilities, one’s we are the beneficiaries of today. Jesus, as well as Mary Magdalene, were pure embodiments of the Divine Feminine Christ, ancient Serpentine consciousness here, now, rising up quickly to rebirth our world.
This I cover in my aforementioned free ebook, A Global Crucifixion ~ Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age. You will also find related content in my 70+ ceremony descriptions, or “Secret Blog” as I like to call it, consisting of hundreds of pages of content. Ceremonies include transmissions from Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Sophia Dragons, and, of course, Snake. Healing-empowerment transmissions from these and other forces of Sophia Christ Consciousness calibrate us to their respective presence; an I Am Presence we also have equally within. This is the opposite of what the dark forces do with us through their frequency warfare, their attempts to have us calibrate to their Cosmic Terror.
These writings bring further insight into this great time of initiation we are in, our rite of passage through death and rebirth; an accelerated transformation of human consciousness prophesied across many spiritual traditions. Together, we are experiencing and witnessing the destined rising of the Divine Feminine immanent to our Souls, birthed and radiated through our sacred stargate bodies and Holy Hearts.
Understanding what is before us, it’s deeper alchemical purpose, makes it easier to accept these challenging times, this collective dark night of the soul that necessitates death. Integrated, embodied awareness of Snake Goddess consciousness, the courageous shedding of old skin and awakened rising of the Divine Feminine within, empowers us to be stewards of this heroic transformation.
As an emanation of the Divine Mother of All Life, the ancient Snake Goddess is here, in exponentially growing force, to serve our collective rebirth; our healing and empowerment, the coming home to the Still Love we are.