Your Heart is Designed to Grieve ~ Learning to Live with Heartbreak, Your Gateway to Love

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Your Heart is Designed to Grieve ~ Learning to Live with Heartbreak, Your Gateway to Love

Chances are, you will never heal all your wounds, nor are you meant to. Perhaps they are to be faithful companions on your journey, worthy friends guiding you, reminding you of compassion and humility, and acting as an acutely sensitive barometer shooting aches and pains through you when you are not aligned in truth, or pushing too hard. Indeed, a certain amount of pain and heartbreak may just be necessary for all of us if we are to stay grounded in our humanity and open to the rawness of living and loving in the unfathomable paradox of light and dark we endlessly wander through together. I was walking along the beach the other day when I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in […]

Of Love, Life & Truth ~ Secret Wisdom in the Poetry of WordPlay

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Of Love, Life & Truth ~ Secret Wisdom in the Poetry of WordPlay

~ by Vince Gowmon Know, know now, the only time you can k-now, and you’ll win your Heart over, now won One. But you may  need to say a brave No to what is false, what is not You, to say Yes to what is real, what you know is true now, know now. And so trust  your  inner No, your inner k-no-w, its strength, its worth, its reason for being, so you embrace and follow your Heartfelt  knowing, and boldly  own  what is  kn-own within, making You more authentically known to the world, hiding less, if only a little, if only from your beloved, co-worker,  friend,  cat,  plant… If only you own not just what is known now but what you’ve  always known since […]

Helping versus Serving ~ Healing the Roots of Mind Control

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Helping versus Serving ~ Healing the Roots of Mind Control

When we think of mind control, we might consider the psychological operations of today and days past. Programs such as the notorious CIA-led MK Ultra (Mind Kontrol) which began in the fifties; or the current regime of machiavellian manipulations fed through our corporate media, the school system, and other avenues of the deep state.  But there is another kind of mind control less talked about, which lies at the root of all psychological operations — that which occurs inwardly. This is the inner psychological operations that we live with each day — our mind’s need for control. In coming to this planet, we cannot escape a trauma psychology, if only because of the ancestral imprints inherited and the trauma and programming of the collective field […]

Silence of Soul

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Silence of Soul

Silence is always more authentic, more truthful, than words. Yet, how much time do you give yourself to silence each day, and thus give yourself to your soul and its quiet murmurings? How much do you reveal yourself, your forgotten depths, to another through the space between your words? How much do you reveal in intimacy, into-me-see, through tender eyes, a vulnerable smile, through the tears and trembles of your emotional body, and gentle, asking touch? How much do you share what words cannot possibly capture, what your mind cannot grasp, yet what your heart knows, feels, all too well? There, waiting for you in still silence, is the voiceless voice of the Ages that knows you far more than you realize. If only you […]

Our Animal Friends, Bodies and Children Deserve More: Choosing Conscious and Kind Eating (That Can Include Animal Products)

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Our Animal Friends, Bodies and Children Deserve More: Choosing Conscious and Kind Eating (That Can Include Animal Products)

Before reading this article, please know that I’m very aware of the push by the dark forces to co-opt the vegan movement, based on their climate crisis narrative, which is an utter climate scam. I’m aware of how they are targeting our food systems, as tyrants do — destroying meat processing plants, trying to move us towards unhealthy fake meat substitutes and bugs, attempting to convince us that cow farts and manure are disasters for carbon “pollution,” and manipulating food science in favour of Big Business.  They do this and more while pretending to be our planet saviours. And yet no one destroys Mother Earth more than they.    *                    *                    * “The greatness of a […]

From Mother Mary to Me: “Your most important spiritual practice is sleep.”

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From Mother Mary to Me: “Your most important spiritual practice is sleep.”

“As we learn to treat our body with the highest of respect, we, by natural extension, treat our children, Mother Earth and all her inhabitants with the same degree of respect.” ~ Vince Gowmon “Taking good care of you means the people in your life will receive the best of you rather than what is left of you.” ~ Lorraine Cohen As you may know from reading other articles of mine or watching my YouTube channel, I’ve been in an intensive initiation for over a year now (completed now, as of November, 2021). Guided by the masters and mysteries of the Spirit World, I’ve been undergoing a transformation in consciousness that has affected me on all levels – body, mind, soul — one that has […]

Beneath Trying

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Beneath Trying

By Vince Gowmon Beneath your trying you may discover a well of tremendous untouched grief. Trying to be strong Trying to be tough Trying to be needless Trying to be dependable Trying to look good Trying to do good Trying to be brave Trying to be funny Trying to be smart Trying to be beautiful Trying to make it, get there Trying to keep it, hold it, all together for yourself, for everyone around you So much trying keeps us from the depths of much needed crying It keeps us busy, distracted, caring for others, lost in what we think is important, looking everywhere everywhere, but within For if we were to stop long enough to feel beneath the pulse of busyness, the lure of […]

Taking Time to Feel Authentic Forgiveness: Healing in a Culture of Quick-fix Solutions and Spiritual Bypassing

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Taking Time to Feel Authentic Forgiveness: Healing in a Culture of Quick-fix Solutions and Spiritual Bypassing

For more on forgiveness, please read the description for my ceremony, Temple of Holy Virtue. Otherwise, enjoy this article, as well as the related video at the bottom. Forgiving is a liberating act of love to self and others. It can free us from pain, resentment, from feeling separate from others and life. But forgiveness, if not felt deeply and given with enough rooted authenticity, can be a means of bypassing uncomfortable feelings (spiritual bypassing), the truth of one’s raw inner experience.  Long held as a virtue in religious teachings, cultures and, more recently, in new age / personal growth circles, we have and continue to be taught and even expected to forgive; to let it go and move on, for it is the kind […]

The Power of Empathy to Help You Relax Into and Heal Uncomfortable Feelings

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The Power of Empathy to Help You Relax Into and Heal Uncomfortable Feelings

The first memory my counselling client, Sandra, had of feeling fear was when she was 5 years old. She acutely remembers her father suddenly snapping at her in the kitchen. It was just him and her, alone, his big, overwhelming presence, those fiercely intense eyes. In recalling the incident, fear rises into her throat, constricting it, which was most likely what she experienced in the kitchen 32 years ago. The first memory my client, Adam, had of been anxious was when his mother became depressed due to the sudden loss of her beloved father. She quickly spiralled downward. Adam became scared and confused. He was losing his mother. As Adam shares this painful memory he notices his chest tightening and his breath becoming shallow. His […]

When You Re-Parent Yourself, You Re-Pattern Yourself ~ Holding Yourself in Times of Distress

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When You Re-Parent Yourself, You Re-Pattern Yourself ~ Holding Yourself in Times of Distress

Everyone gets anxious, some more than others. While many associate bouts of distress with “mental illness”, for me, it’s simpler to see these experiences as the wounded child within acting out. We all have a wounded child inside. She gets triggered. He worries and frets. She catastrophizes and gets sucked into obsession. Past pains are projected onto present moment situations, again and again. We get afraid. We aren’t broken, as I like to remind my counselling clients. Rather, we’re just re-living unresolved trauma and attachment pains from childhood. (Anxiety/distress also comes from shock trauma or pain incurred in relationships later in life, but I will simplify this article to developmental trauma.) Something is needed in those moments of distress. Certainly, it doesn’t help to judge […]