A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age

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A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age

Soul evolution and maturity depend on how well we courageously open to and embody the full-spectrum of the human journey. Along with feeling uplifting emotions like joy and expressing creative gifts, we have come to experience vulnerability, our raw humanity, the heartbreak that awaits us all that pain, suffering and truth initiate us into. Hundreds, if not thousands of incarnations into planets, bodies and stories afford us the opportunity to gradually give ourselves to each, and thus our Holy Cross. There is no transcendence of the world, no divine union, no Higher Truth, without surrendering to our heartbreak-induced crucifixion. It’s why we are here, and what we long for more than anything — to open our Holy Heart, claim our resurrection body, and ascend to higher, […]

Take Your Childhood Adversity Seriously & You Take a Stand for and Love Your Inner Child

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Take Your Childhood Adversity Seriously & You Take a Stand for and Love Your Inner Child

The cradle of love is the cradle of belonging, the beginning and the end, and everything in-between, from which a child grows and to which s/he returns, nourished, held, forever bathed by the unspoken. The healing journey asks that we take seriously the confronting truths of our childhood adversity, which is not easy. Owning the raw, uncompromised truth of what happened surfaces unexpected emotions and sensations, such as anger, sadness, shame and pain — feelings we learned were not safe to feel, and that most people in our disembodied world have no interest in accommodating.  These are the feelings we had to keep at bay to survive the harsh realities of our childhood. Suppress the feelings and we suppress the truth that mom was neglectful, […]

Honouring & Loving the Soulfulness of Children into Being

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Honouring & Loving the Soulfulness of Children into Being

When the raising of children  moves with the rhythms of their soul  and Mother Earth  then we will have woken up.  Nothing rushed,  nothing forced,  just enough structure to  allow what wants to unfold  to happen in its sweet soulful time,  trusting and honouring divine order,  the higher nature and agenda  of the child,  and that of life.  While looking at children from our physical eyes, let’s also remember to see our little wonders from the eyes of our soul.  What might we discover, and remember, if we did? Perceiving from our physical eyes we delight in their bright smile and twinkling eyes. We cherish their playful exuberance — their sudden spiral twists and cartwheel turns, and mud puddle stomping explorations; we savour their latest […]

Helping versus Serving ~ Healing the Roots of Mind Control

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Helping versus Serving ~ Healing the Roots of Mind Control

When we think of mind control, we might consider the psychological operations of today and days past. Programs such as the notorious CIA-led MK Ultra (Mind Kontrol) which began in the fifties; or the current regime of machiavellian manipulations fed through our corporate media, the school system, and other avenues of the deep state.  But there is another kind of mind control less talked about, which lies at the root of all psychological operations — that which occurs inwardly. This is the inner psychological operations that we live with each day — our mind’s need for control. In coming to this planet, we cannot escape a trauma psychology, if only because of the ancestral imprints inherited and the trauma and programming of the collective field […]

Silence of Soul

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Silence of Soul

Silence is always more authentic, more truthful, than words. Yet, how much time do you give yourself to silence each day, and thus give yourself to your soul and its quiet murmurings? How much do you reveal yourself, your forgotten depths, to another through the space between your words? How much do you reveal in intimacy, into-me-see, through tender eyes, a vulnerable smile, through the tears and trembles of your emotional body, and gentle, asking touch? How much do you share what words cannot possibly capture, what your mind cannot grasp, yet what your heart knows, feels, all too well? There, waiting for you in still silence, is the voiceless voice of the Ages that knows you far more than you realize. If only you […]

“If I lose the pain, I’ll lose the love.” ~ The Double Bind Nature of Trauma Bonds

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“If I lose the pain, I’ll lose the love.” ~ The Double Bind Nature of Trauma Bonds

“People have two needs: Attachment and authenticity. When authenticity threatens attachment, attachment trumps authenticity.” ~ Dr. Gabor Mate The child who endures abuse from a parent is stuck in an impossible bind. If he pushes away, he loses the parent. If he doesn’t, he endures the abuse. Children generally choose attachment over authenticity. It is a biological imperative to do so that comes from many generations of living in tribal societies where our life depended on being in connection with our community; from being dependent on one another for survival. If that bond was to break and we were outcasted, abandoned, it could mean our life. Attachment is also biologically wired into us because we need our parents, especially our mother, for nurturing and survival. […]

The Power of Seeing Others for Who They Truly Are

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The Power of Seeing Others for Who They Truly Are

In 1998, while living in London, England, I began seeing my first counsellor, a wicked and wise 63 year-old name Valerie. Every two weeks I traveled to Wallingford, Oxfordshire by train, always eager for our sessions. I yearned to speak to someone who could help me make sense of things, of why I felt so different and troubled, and with whom I could be myself, as best I could in those early days of inner work. Valerie was intelligent and fierce, which bode well for the one in me who could easily deceive and out-wit others. Unique in comparison to all healing practitioners I saw after (and there were many!), she was not afraid to pull out her sword and call my bullshit. One time, […]

Befriending the Discomfort and Possibilities of Aloneness: A Necessary Rite of Passage on the Spiritual Journey

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Befriending the Discomfort and Possibilities of Aloneness: A Necessary Rite of Passage on the Spiritual Journey

Everyone longs to be a butterfly, but few are willing to go into the cocoon. Befriending aloneness intimately is a necessary rite of passage on the spiritual journey. As you’ll read in this article, aloneness is both a passage away from who we are not, but believe ourselves to be, and towards who we are, in greater and greater measure. In a spiritually bereft, distracted and easily tempted society, embracing aloneness, not surprisingly, is rare. Much more value is placed on romantic relationships and keeping busy, while the slow of aloneness is easily judged, eschewed and, more deeply, feared. If you spend too much time alone, people eventually project their fears onto you. They worry you are isolating too much, and suggest you may want to […]

Set Fixing and Solving Aside. Your Relationship Needs You to Only Listen and Empathize.

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Set Fixing and Solving Aside. Your Relationship Needs You to Only Listen and Empathize.

“The more you need people to agree with you, the less open you are to what they think, feel and believe. You cannot share with them because you are trying to change them, and they cannot share with you because you are not listening.”  ~ Gary Zukav The temptation is to come to solutions with your partner, to figure the problem out that’s causing anger or resentment between you. But what if you did something quite different? What if you put the need to fix or solve to the side and instead focused just on connecting? What would that look like? Sitting together, perhaps a candle lit, one of you shares how you are feeling. The other responds with listening and empathy, only. No defending, […]

The Safe, Inviting and Eloquent Language of “I Miss” to Bring Another into Your Heart

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The Safe, Inviting and Eloquent Language of “I Miss” to Bring Another into Your Heart

Language is powerful. One word can make or break a conversation. Yes, most of what we communicate lies in the unspoken, the space between the words or energy underlying them; but the words you choose have the power to bring someone closer to your heart or further away. Connection—the tube The heart of communication is connection. Consider connection to be like a tube running from my heart to yours. The wider the tube, the larger the connection; the more can be passed through, felt and experienced between us. That tube is never static—it’s always changing given how something is communicated and what is being communicated. The tube, or openness between two people, fluctuates moment-to-moment depending on the words chosen, one’s energy and body language—the three main aspects […]