A transformative online ceremony for flowering and radiating the Lotus of Pearlescent White Light you are
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
This ceremony initiates your next-level spiritual growth through a sacred communion with beloved Quan Yin. Known as the Universal Mother, receive a direct transmission from her that heals the quantum roots of trauma and programming. Her pure broadcast also empowers you to embody the divine qualities she is known for, and that this Ascended Master radiates omnidirectionally from the high Light Realms.
With embodiment, there naturally arises the Divine Feminine leadership our world increasingly cries out for. Immaculate qualities like compassion radiate through your heart and human form with growing power, and in harmonious union with the heavens, touching Souls near and far.
As above, so below. As it is with Quan Yin in the Light Realms, it’s meant to be for you in this lower dimensional plane. Therefore, it’s Quan Yin’s great honour and joy to initiate these possibilities, and more, and help you realize how needed and important you are at this time. She longs to empower your Divine Feminine embodiment and leadership, such that you bridge Heaven and Earth through the lotus flower of your humanity.
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There is a saying in Japan: kajo waraku, which means to have a heart as peaceful, joyful and lovely as that of a flower. The flower is a beautiful symbol of our heart opening to the pure, eternal light we are. Within spiritual circles, the sacred rose most powerfully represents the heart, and for many good reasons. In other spiritual cultures, such as Hinduism and Buddhism which Quan Yin is associated with, the lotus flower stands prominent as a divine representation of our heart. In these eastern traditions, the lotus heart is called hridaya.
The lotus is truly a remarkable flower. Not only does it rise through the depths of murky mud, but through the unavoidable rite of passage of water, as well. This sacred element baptizes its unfolding and emergence into the light of the radiant sun, which waits for its glorious becoming.
Beholding this marvel of Creation, it invites our own courageous and humbling ascension from within our rooted humanity, both cognate with earthen humus. From fertile darkness we rise curiously, vulnerably and eagerly, cleansed and baptized by the inevitable tears of our emotional body. And then the moment arrives when we finally pierce the veil, and light graces us in full. We e-merge from the dream of separation, and merge with the luminous essence of our boundless Soul.
This is the gradual unfolding and awakening of our heart through many lifetimes and dimensions, or stages of being. Our unveiling is vulnerable, humbling and courageous, for there is no shortage of reasons to keep our heart closed, hidden in darkness, protected from further pain. I feel the deepest wound is to the human heart. Our heart is the cardinal Christ Temple that births the sweetness of Divine Feminine Love; and yet, with this abundance of sensitivity, openness and pure power lies immense vulnerability. This is especially true in a world where people are terrified of authentic power and love, and where it’s common to unconsciously and unkindly project this fear onto others.
In the tenderness of early, impressionable years, when it’s only natural to live like little Quan Yins with lotus hearts radiating wide, we soon discover that we must close our precious petals to cope and survive. From being open, connected and alive we adapt towards being closed, protected and numbed. It’s safer to feel less and be less. The purity and power of our loving innocence, our sweet fragrances and vivid colours, must hide in the shadows, as least for now.
Quan Yin arrives in this sacred ceremony compassionately aware of your human struggles, and the wounds in your heart. Inasmuch as you are open, she transmutes the quantum roots of old, tender wounds that keep your lotus heart guarded and you separate from your full-bloom, innocent and loving nature. The Universal Mother longs to pour her Vase of Compassion upon you and wash clean the mud of your trauma and programming, so the protective petals of your heart slowly soften from years of holding on, and open to greater expressions of safety, trust, truth and love.
This lotus flowering is not limited to your heart, but includes your entire lotus body. Each of your 50 trillion cells is a flower in itself, literally humming with life. Collectively, they vibrate and sing the secrets of the Multiverse and Quan Yin herself! When their chromosomal universes are touched with the compassionate love of Quan Yin, new life is born. With bountiful joy, they blossom to heavenly heights unknown hitherto, uplifting you into greater luminescence. Your heart-body, as well as your mind, transform as one into a living Lotus of Light, sharing fragrances of miracles and love the world craves.
This is our great gift to life! Each of us transforms the greater whole through our own personal transformation, which includes the consciousness of our ancestors and descendants. Through our own courageous flowering, new possibilities emerge for the flowering of existence, of life close and far, existing in the eternal now. It’s this mysterious truth, among others, that this ceremony helps you to realize more deeply, in embodied, heartfelt resonance.
“As a lotus flower is born in water, grows in water and rises out of water to stand above it unsoiled, so I, born in the world, raised in the world having overcome the world, live unsoiled by the world.” ~ Buddha
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One of the most popular Buddhist mantras used to unfurl our lotus flower is Om Mani Padme Hum. Pronounced Ohm Man-ee Pad-may Hum, it means hail to the jewel in the lotus. That jewel and thus mantra is traditionally associated with Quan Yin. Often depicted as wearing a white flowing robe while seated in a lotus flower, Quan Yin is the white pearl, the jewel in the lotus. From the lotus throne of her divinity, she emanates the First Ray of Creation, which is pure pearlescent white light. She radiates this compassionate love to this, and countless other planes of existence, inviting Souls to calibrate to the Cosmic Jewel she is, and thus realize the pearlescent light they are.
This celestial purpose of Quan Yin now comes directly to you in this sacred ceremony. She is here to awaken the immaculate qualities she represents that also exist within, secreted in your lotus body. These limitless qualities are encoded in your Soul’s genetic universe as a vast and truly unfathomable tapestry of crystalline light. From Her holy black womb, our Divine Mother birthed you as nothing less than a Miracle of Creation, with a divine genetic blueprint holographically mirroring the entire Blueprint of Life. Every quality of existence is uniquely encoded within the fingerprint Cosmic Soul you are! Richly humming with the Secrets of the Multiverse, this inheritance lays nestled against the full length of your biological DNA, with most being dormant at this time.
This means that every divine quality of Quan Yin also exists within you, as a uniquely encoded, crystalline expression of your Soul. These are the pearls of wisdom waiting to be discovered, the codes of crystalline light filled with the wonders of Quan Yin! By receiving a transmission from the Universal Mother, the crystalline codes associated and resonant with her — your Quan Yin codes — burst to life. Like a homecoming party, they feel an old, familiar frequency and jump for joy! They awaken in de-light!
Inasmuch as you are ready, divine qualities like wisdom, compassion, beauty, maternal love and more associated with Quan Yin are set free from within your subatomic universe. Their activated essence and intelligence travel through your neurobiology, creating new superhighways of pure, ascended consciousness. Your lotus body rejoices with sweet aromas born from your cell flowers, a rich, multi-coloured divinity other Souls can be graced by. This crystalline consciousness especially fills your flowering heart, giving you the felt-realization of how beautifully one you are with Quan Yin, she who graces the Multiverse with these same heavenly perfumes.
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With your heart opening wider to divine qualities like wisdom, beauty and compassion, you naturally move into a new kind of leadership, a Divine Feminine leadership the world desperately needs. This is not limited to leading others, as we’ve traditionally understood leadership to be, but includes and embraces being led. We can now look at the word “leadership” in a broader way. Imbued by feminine receptivity and the spirit of co-creation, we allow life to lead us and move through us for the advancement of all sentient beings.
This Divine Feminine leadership is what Quan Yin, and other Ascended Masters I work closely with, have awoken in me. Our ceremony with Quan Yin occurs because my body, mind and heart are calibrated to her, and my Soul has ascended enough to merge with her heavenly rays and frequencies. Across many lifetimes and many planes, as an initiate and lightworker dedicated to living at the edge of my vulnerability and in service to life, I have risen like a lotus, gradually opening to my unique fragrances, and discovering their mysterious unity with Quan Yin, and other Ascended Angels; how they beautifully coalesce as one.
In this lifetime, I’ve risen from the dark mud of adverse childhood beginnings and through many stages of healing waters, to realize and embody this remarkable, sacred unity. Through a number of challenging stages and rites, I’ve progressively consecrated my personal will to the unified Will of my Family of Light, often, I must admit, without realizing I was doing so. From wounds to wisdom, and pain to purity, my tear-soaked lotus flower bravely ascended to finally emerge and merge with the light of my divinity, woven by frequencies of love shared with my Ascended Family.
With this awakening, I realized that it was my purpose all along to lead as one with them, in sacred receptivity and co-creative Divine Feminine leadership. In this ceremony, this fulfillment of destiny expresses itself as a pure, unified broadcast of the pearlescent, compassionate love of Quan Yin.
Each moment Quan Yin unites with me in this way, the limitless potential of my human form is mysteriously and miraculously experienced! My stargate portal body, made up of 50 trillion buzzing stargate cells, acts as both receiver and transmitter, gracefully broadcasting a diverse range of heavenly frequencies omnidirectionally. Pure expressions of love, waves of invincible innocence, cascade down from the high Light Realms and out, most notably through my Holy Heart, the cardinal Christ Stargate. Countless humans are touched beyond my imaginings, and often without their conscious awareness. The true Church of God/dess does its holy work, 24/7, with my stargate form bringing Heaven to Earth.
As you can see, these transmissions extend far beyond my formal ceremonies. When we lead and receive in Divine Feminine co-creatorship, life and the human experience are experienced together as one continuous, fluid ceremony, as they are meant to be.
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While Om Mani Padme Hum has traditionally been about hailing Quan Yin, this ceremony is clearly about you hailing your divinity, and thus hailing-loving you!
Like all the Ascended Masters I work with, and the Divine Mother of All Life, Quan Yin requires no hailing or worship. She needs nothing at all! Rather, she invites you to perceive and receive her as a loving friend and loyal mentor, one dedicated to supporting you to flower and radiate your pearlescent white light across the world, as the Master you already are.
Like a blossoming flower, this is a gradual journey of unfolding, opening and revealing yourself. Progressively, you raise your bioenergetic frequency field, and harmoniously consecrate your heart and will to Quan Yin and the Light Realms. Committing to healing and activation, to rooting in your humus–humanity and embracing your fluid body, brings these heavenly possibilities into embodied, heartfelt resonance. Reading the holy book The Sophia Code, written by Kaia Ra, will likely empower your lotus flowering further, as you commune with Quan Yin and other Ascended Masters.
With patient time and dedication, guiding whispers frequent you more often, as do the miracles of synchronistic events. Pathways emerge and align with your heroic emergence, inviting you to flower further to new edges of vulnerability and into greater realms of light. Bringing Quan Yin into your lotus heart, your Divine Feminine living and leading indeed blossom with wonder, magick and mystery. You realize just how one with her you are, and have always been.
In the spirit of co-creation, your intention setting is of vital importance in this ceremony. Via the link below, you are guided to write intentions for healing empowerments on any topic you wish — mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. Nothing is too much to ask from radiant Quan Yin, as you may imagine.
Most of all, please trust the Universal Mother to know exactly how to support your sacred flowering. Her compassionate love for you, and her gratitude for the opportunity to serve you, are without end.
Click here for further details and registration.