A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age

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A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age

Soul evolution and maturity depend on how well we courageously open to and embody the full-spectrum of the human journey; namely our vulnerability, raw humanity, the heartbreak that awaits us all that pain, suffering and truth initiate us into. Hundreds, if not thousands of lifetimes, spanning different planetary spheres afford us the opportunity to gradually give ourselves to each, and thus our cross. There is no transcendence of the world, no divine union, no Higher Truth, without surrendering to our heartbreak-induced crucifixion. It’s why we are here, and what we long for more than anything — to open our Holy Heart, claim our resurrection body, and ascend to higher, heavenly planes. It’s obvious to you now that things are far from normal. And more, that […]

Of Love, Life & Truth ~ Secret Wisdom in the Poetry of WordPlay

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Of Love, Life & Truth ~ Secret Wisdom in the Poetry of WordPlay

~ by Vince Gowmon Know, know now, the only time you can k-now, and you’ll win your Heart over, now won One. But you may  need to say a brave No to what is false, what is not You, to say Yes to what is real, what you know is true now, know now. And so trust  your  inner No, your inner k-no-w, its strength, its worth, its reason for being, so you embrace and follow your Heartfelt  knowing, and boldly  own  what is  kn-own within, making You more authentically known to the world, hiding less, if only a little, if only from your beloved, co-worker,  friend,  cat,  plant… If only you own not just what is known now but what you’ve  always known since […]

Helping versus Serving ~ Healing the Roots of Mind Control

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Helping versus Serving ~ Healing the Roots of Mind Control

When we think of mind control, we might consider the psychological operations of today and days past. Programs such as the notorious CIA-led MK Ultra (Mind Kontrol) which began in the fifties; or the current regime of machiavellian manipulations fed through our corporate media, the school system, and other avenues of the deep state.  But there is another kind of mind control less talked about, which lies at the root of all psychological operations — that which occurs inwardly. This is the inner psychological operations that we live with each day — our mind’s need for control. In coming to this planet, we cannot escape a trauma psychology, if only because of the ancestral imprints inherited and the trauma and programming of the collective field […]

The Truman Show ~ A Powerful & Creative Metaphor for the Spiritual Journey

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The Truman Show ~ A Powerful & Creative Metaphor for the Spiritual Journey

“It is freedom from the world that the deepest part of you seeks, knowing that in overcoming the world, all that is left is God, which is all there ever has been, and all there ever will be.” ~ The Journey That Never Was, by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle The Truman Show is one of the most powerful, evocative and creatively accurate man-made metaphors of the spiritual journey I have ever seen. Its messages of Truth and awakening, and portrayals of the dark undercurrents and agendas of these times, and days past, can easily be overlooked if one doesn’t see the deeper meaning of the movie. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, it is a story about a man named Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) who was […]

The Choice is Yours: Serve Tyranny from Fear or Serve the Awakening from Your Truth-Telling Heart

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The Choice is Yours: Serve Tyranny from Fear or Serve the Awakening from Your Truth-Telling Heart

The intellect can only take you so far in understanding what’s happening in the world right now. Stay comfortably bound by it and the news mongering it feeds off of, and you stay within a box of limited understanding and enslaved to tyranny. Awaken, as these destined times call us towards, and you transcend the polarizing, political mind into higher realms of Heart-felt Truth, both disturbing and liberating.  Courage is needed to choose the latter; for you must be willing to expand your thresholds for experience and reveal yourself anew. I hope by now you are piecing together that what is occurring across our dramatic global stage is much bigger than politics and health. What we are witnessing is the needed and destined collapse of […]

Journey into Mastery: The Integrative Wisdom of Suffering and Heartbreak in Advancing Our Soul

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Journey into Mastery: The Integrative Wisdom of Suffering and Heartbreak in Advancing Our Soul

We are here to experience suffering, not avoid it.  Take that sentence into your heart for a moment, and see what it feels like. It’s a big statement that holds great truths and promises filled with paradox, complexity and nuance, ones that may be uncomfortable to integrate into your heart, but that, if you let in, set your soul free. We do not journey as souls to do everything we can to avoid suffering; to avoid bad and only stay on the side of good; to avoid darkness and stay purely in the light. Suffering is freely chosen as a soul as part of our spiritual evolution through many worlds of form; not as something to escape, but something to experience that serves a larger […]

Feeling, Uncertainty & Truth: Expanding Three Thresholds for this Chaotic Collective Awakening

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Feeling, Uncertainty & Truth: Expanding Three Thresholds for this Chaotic Collective Awakening

Things are not what they seem. We have a view of reality that has been given to us, that is passed through the generations, shared through the media, from family and friends, through our work and schooling, and even through spiritual communities and books. These influences create paradigms of perception and conceptual realities we are convinced convey the truth of things; yet most, if not all, is a veil.  Awakening is not convenient to our thought bubble and identity because we must be willing to have even our most comforting ideas of self and life stripped away. And when enough space has been created through the unravelling of what is not, we can finally open to the truth of what is. I had a dream.  […]

A Crisis of Identity: Mass Formation Psychosis and the Awakening to Truth

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A Crisis of Identity: Mass Formation Psychosis and the Awakening to Truth

We must have the courage to see things as they are, not how we want them to be. That is spiritual maturity, that is leadership, and that is what these times demand.  Truth is devastating to the ego that must hang on to its perceptual world in order to survive.  The push from the conditioned multitude against the mounting clear evidence for mass manipulation, oppression and corruption is, at its root, existential — a crisis of identity. Accepting the hard, disturbing truths is a death blow to the limited, false self that survives by believing imaginary or false things convenient to its own survival. Akin to the submissive, don’t-speak-up child who, in order to survive, must assume his abuse is for his own good, the […]

Evolving from Fear and Division to Our Limitless, Loving Self: The Heroic Path of Soul Ascension

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Evolving from Fear and Division to Our Limitless, Loving Self: The Heroic Path of Soul Ascension

Do not fear death. For it’s only in embracing death that you can truly embrace life. Find beauty in its quiet depths, the still sweet surrender, yours and others, so you may find beauty in life. Doing so, you open to all possibilities, versus only the ones fear creates room for. Death is the great portal to life. When we understand this, we remember that, like time, it is a great illusion; that there is no such thing as death, but simply transitions in consciousness and experience. We are here not just to know this intellectually, but to experience it many times over before what most consider to be death — release of the body — and, in this, awaken to fuller embodied experiences of […]

A Perfect Storm: The Higher Learning and Soul Wisdom in our Escalating Global Suffering

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A Perfect Storm: The Higher Learning and Soul Wisdom in our Escalating Global Suffering

Lifetimes of trauma and programming form distortions in identity, certain ways of being and thinking that create safety. Being a certain way, such as pleasing, tough, good or smart, compels us to want life to be a certain way, again, for safety. Inner control creates illusions of outer control, projections from fear, which make it difficult to trust and flow with the full-spectrum rhythms of life.  I’ve made it abundantly clear that the virus- and vaccine-induced collective storm is serving a perfectly timed and prophesied evolutionary purpose for us individually and collectively (see here, here & here). I want to now take my teachings a step forward with the following, which will be a stretch in understanding for some more than others.  This Earth school […]