Via the five categories listed below, you will find a growing number of online ceremonies I lead, with detailed descriptions that not only outline the different Angelic Beings and Fields of Consciousness I transmit, but the nuances of trauma, trauma resolution, attachment theory, light code activation, personal empowerment, spiritual ascension, and much more.
To view my currently scheduled ceremonies, please click here. If you cannot attend a ceremony you are interested in, not a problem. You can still receive the healing and activation, and just as powerfully as if on Zoom. These and other details you’ll find as you explore the links below.
Thank you!
The Divine Mother, Mermaid Goddess, Buddha Mind & more!
Commune with The Divine Mother of All Life and Krishna Consciousness. Explore healing empowerments for your Inner Star Child, and much more in this category!
Ascended Masters, Angels & Archangels
Commune with universally loved Ascended Masters like Quan Yin and Jesus, Archangels like Michael and Metatron, and other Beings of Light!
Spirit Animals
From sea to land to sky beings, and beyond, in this category you’ll find an array of magnificent Spirit Animals longing to support your journey of healing and empowerment, such as Hummingbird, Horse, and audacious Octopus!
Sacred Rose, Cedar Medicine, the Ankh of Life & more!
Commune with powerful expressions of Mother Nature, and with the advanced consciousness of ancient worlds!
Stars, Crystals, the Rainbow Kingdom & more!
Commune with the Pleiades Star System, Golden Ray, Diamond light and more!