A transformative online ceremony for opening your crown chakra and embracing your Amethyst Violet light body
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
The beauty and power of Amethyst Violet Light shines down from the Light Realms in this ceremony, inviting you to embrace this holy colour and live its ancient teachings. Violet Light reigns high on the spectrum of colour frequencies; hence it sitting atop the rainbow, and the rainbow bridge of our major seven-chakra system. Your crown chakra is your portal to the refined dimensions of the empyreal. Opening your Sahasrara, or thousand-petalled crown, you accept your royal divinity as one with the Light Realms. You embrace the Truth that Amethyst Violet Light is who you are.
A Master indeed, Amethyst is one of over 500 crystals in the Grandmaster Crystal Quartz family. Born and raised from the ancient intelligence and beauty of Quartz, Amethyst also carries the signature frequency, knowledge and purpose of the Violet Ray, making it a pure emissary of this heavenly colour.
A distinctly noticeable love exists for Amethyst amongst Crystal Lovers, a heartfelt familiarity with its ancient consciousness. A common presence in homes, retreat centres, spirituality stores, and on altars across the world, we see it range in size from small pieces, right up to sentinel / mountain-like structures many feet high. The Crystal store down the road from me shows this affinity with its name — Amethyst Creations. The love humans have for this Crystal adds to its power and mystique, the mastery of Amethyst as a healer, teacher, and transformer of collective consciousness. In love, we open our hearts to this Crystal even more, this portal to the Light Realms. We let ourselves receive and be received by its Violet radiance in holy communion.
In this sacred ceremony, you experience a direct transmission from Amethyst Violet Light. Resonating with its Cosmic Colour frequency and intelligence provides advanced quantum healing of trauma and programming spanning lifetimes and generations. The purity of this Ray brings purity to the deep shadows of your psyche, the secret, vulnerable places of old. It resolves what has been contributing to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual ailments, and does so to the degree you are open and ready. Anxiety and depression, digestive and sleep issues, back pain, psoriasis, sciatica, and more, resolve as this Ray pierces the shadows of yesteryear and alchemizes their quantum roots. Again, this occurs only to the extent you are done with these struggles, these difficult pathways of learning and growth.
With purification, or clearing, quantum space is made for your crystalline light codes associated with Amethyst Violet Light to activate. Resting dormant along your biological DNA, these violet codes make up a small portion of your Higher Self’s spiritual DNA. Merging with this broadcast, those specific codes come into reflective resonance, and into life. Segments or genes within your carbon DNA upgrade to the crystalline intelligence, or genius, of this ancient light.
The receptors in your neurons pick up this supernal consciousness and transmit it through your neural pathways, supercharging them, while new neural pathways are formed. Your Amethyst Violet light body takes hold in your psychobiology, and you live and breathe in greater resonant union with this divine quality.
Just as Amethyst Violet Light is part of the Blueprint of All Creation, its distinct colour blueprint, when activated in your genetic manuscript, influences your life script. Activation expands and diversifies your bandwidth of perception. You perceive less from the eyes of density, distortion and darkness, from the pains of old, and more from your Holy Spirit’s Amethyst Violet consciousness that’s one with the Light Realms. With changes in perception comes changes in priorities and decision-making. Speaking to you and through you, this Ray guides your choices in regards to food and company; what creative paths to pursue and in what way; when to stay and when to walk away. You more easily say No to that which is not of this Violet coded template, and Yes to creating and walking along Amethyst Violet “brick roads.” You reason, reflect and act in resonant accord with its love for you, which is self-love.
Each colour of the infinite Rainbow Kingdom interacts with us in this way. They touch our body, heart and mind with their distinct message and medicine, their guiding intelligence and universal wisdom, that is our divine inheritance. For this reason, I love working with life’s boundless pallet of colours and their associated crystals in my ceremonies, like Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond. I love bringing to life in myself, and others, the Rainbow Kingdom that radiates every Cosmic Colour throughout our Holy Spirit; just as I enjoy activating the ancient intelligence of the Crystal Kingdom we’re one with. I write of Joy upon Joy waiting to come alive in psychosomatic resonance and residence.
Through your courageous and vulnerable spiritual journey you realize your power to create from this pallet of beauty and wonder. Healing the darkness that veils the light brings to life your true colours. You awaken your inner Artist and free your imaginative, playful spirit — the limitless creative potential of your Inner Star Child. Instead of painting grey landscapes, you paint colourful ones, and from the love, magick and wonder of your Holy Heart where your Inner Star Child resides. Hence the word art being in Heart. A divine clue, indeed! It is destiny that all of us realize the powerful heartists we are; that we share and celebrate the true colours of our Inner Star Child and infinite Rainbow light body.
This ceremony empowers the Artist you are by birthing Amethyst Violet Light into your heart and human awareness, and into your daily creative brush strokes. Activating your pallet of violet light codes allows this to happen; as does opening your Sahasrara, or thousand-petaled chakra. Amethyst Violet Light is the perfect colour frequency to unfurl the petals of your lotus crown and open you to the Supreme Creator within; for your Sahasrara emits the wavelength of Violet light. By merging with the colour wave of your crown chakra in this ceremony, there is a familiarity of resonance and intelligence that guides the opening embrace of your Higher Self’s multidimensional Cosmic Consciousness. Your mystical petals shimmer and unfold, and you realize more fully your non-dual nature as one with the Totality of Being.
This self-realization is fulfilled as Amethyst Violet Light transmutes obstructions or impurities in your Sahasrara. Samskaras, or soul scars, and distortions in crown consciousness, veil this portal to our divinity. They prevent the pure light of our Holy Spirit from flowing down through our 7th chakra and into our mind, heart and body. And they prevent the full rising of our kundalini from our root, or Muladhara, and the balanced integration of our rainbow bridge across all chakras.
A physical blow to the head, limiting beliefs, and psychic trauma stemming from multi-lifetime adverse experiences can create a sealing off of, and thus ceiling to, our multidimensional potential. A physical blow can be an attack from a sword, for example, that pierced our head, and created a psychic fracture in our Sahasrara (samskara or soul trauma). Unhealed, this impression in crown consciousness may remain with us over many lifetimes.
Distortions in the crown can also arise from believing we are unworthy of our divinity, one of the most core and common beliefs amongst our brothers and sisters; or that divinity is working against us, and must be feared. Connected to these beliefs is the common story that it’s not safe to be powerful, and to trust our divine knowing. We may have been punished in this or a previous life for expressing higher Truths that were deemed dangerous, demonic or sinful. With fear taken to heart, it would rise into our mind and close off our portal to the divine.
Other blockages can come from interactions with the dark occult that pervert our psychic field and cloud our pure Violet nature. Our consciousness blends with or takes on toxic energies and lies that make impure the holy, open nature of our crown, and veil us from Higher Truth. Similarly, past-life vows and oaths can create obstructions in our Sahasrara. Secret societies or religious pressures / persecution may have spurned allegiances to lies and suppression, and to a fearful image of a punitive God denouncing mysticism. This can veil the true nature of the limitless and loving God within, the magick shining down on our crown.
“We make our destinies by our choice of gods.” ~ Virgil
In this ceremony, Amethyst Violet Light serves to remove distortions, obstructions and denouncements of your divinity; to purify your Sahasrara so its petals safely and beautifully open to your Supreme Nature and Knowing. With this, the pure consciousness of your Holy Spirit has more freedom to travel its desired course — as cascading crystalline liquid light falling down through your eighth chakra gate and then your crown, illuminating your Sushumna channel. This welcomed light baptizes your pineal gland or mystical centre of knowing, your pituitary gland interfacing with your indigo third eye, your sapphire throat chakra, emerald heart centre, stargate sun chakra, orange sacral chakra, and ruby root chakra. Graced by your angelic descent, your rainbow bridge lights up more fully, rooting you deeper into Mother Earth, and into your Heavenly Body.
As your crystalline light descends through your Sushumna channel, it also spreads omni-directionally like a wild fire, and does so from your Holy Heart. A Central Star in the Universe You Are, your magnificent heart radiates light throughout your body-mind complex. Add the light activated in your genetic universe and charging your neural pathways and subtle meridians, and you experience a beautiful, colourful symphony of higher intelligence coming from all directions, forming a unified field of empowerment. Mingling and merging within, the matrix of your body-mind-heart is infused by the glory of your multidimensional Holy Spirit, the Shekinah that darkness has no chance against.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)
With Soul radiance animating your psychobiology and anchored centrally in your Holy Heart, you increasingly become enlightened, or Christed. The more fully you can receive this inheritance, the more you are anointed by your own divinity. With this comes the realization of your potential — your divine appointment — as a sacred site anchoring and broadcasting Christ light. What if you called your temple body a sacred site? You become a living, breathing prayer, purifying the collective field and activating the Christ Grid of Light by your very being, including your Amethyst Violet radiance. Your sacred site acts as a diaphanous homing station for others to resonate with, and have their angelic codes activated by.
This is the work of mastery, of love, without bounds.
Via the link below, you are encouraged to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want. Please remember that Amethyst Violet Light is not limited to working with your crown chakra. As an advanced Ray, it provides multidimensional healing on trauma and programming at the quantum bioenergetic roots. You need not know what these roots are, or why they took hold. Memories and knowledge of childhood, ancestral and past-life adverse experiences are not required to heal. And yet, as guided by my instructions, it’s good to be as specific as possible in declaring your intentions for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing and empowerment.
Most of all, trust your Holy Heart, and that Amethyst Violet Light knows exactly how to uplift you from the shadows of old into the immaculate presence of your Higher Self.
Click here for further details and registration.