A transformative online ceremony for opening your Sacred Rose Heart and consecrating it to the Heart of Life
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
Breathing in sweet fragrances
of the Cosmic Rose,
the petals of my Sacred Rose Heart
softened and unfurled
as I joyously blossomed
further and fuller
into the Light,
and with this wondrous unfolding
I suddenly remembered
that I am the Rose itself,
the Rose of Life
forever breathing holy aromas
into the hearts of all,
uniting them
in love
Your Sacred Rose Heart is the cardinal temple of your human experience, and the central location where your Higher Self meets and breathes holy life into your body and mind. It is intimately woven into the Divine Mother‘s holy Heart Womb, from which She birthed you into existence. From Her Heart to your own there is an unbreakable bond, reminding you always of your divine origins and that you are eternally loved and held, belonging as one with the beauty of All That Is. The more you open your Sacred Rose Heart, the more you return to this blessed awareness. To divine union, which is your greatest longing.
Your Sacred Rose Heart carries the fragrance of Truth and Love that is boundless in its desire to serve others and reconcile life to its divinity. As a fractal of the Divine Mother’s Heart, in its naturally open state, there is no power greater than your Sacred Rose Heart to create, transform and unite; to command Heaven-on-Earth miracles and birth realities far beyond humanity’s current comprehension. Fully opening the petals of your Sacred Rose Heart and actualizing this potential is the achievement of all Masters of Light who have walked before you; men and women who have embodied the limitless superpowers of their heart and served from it to initiate consciousness and revolutionize species.
Realizing this heart potential requires living at further edges of your vulnerability each day. There is no heart opening without the uncertainties and uncomfortable feelings of the raw human experience; without making sacrifices, such as leaving people who are more accepting of you with your heart closed, or renouncing cultural ideas and personal beliefs that tie your worth to remaining hidden and small. Sacred is wedded to the word sacrifice for this reason. For your Sacred Rose Heart to flower open to Truth and Love, to its full divine expression, painful lies and fears accumulated across lifetimes must be sacrificed. Similarly, there must be the necessary sacrifices made to choose joy, inside and out, and bravely follow the spiral path of your heart’s curiosities, desires and destiny.
Within the Plant Kingdom, the Sacred Rose is the supreme carrier of the signature qualities that constitute your heart and consecrate it to its blossomed divine potential as one with the Heart of the Divine Mother. Humanity has known this interrelationship instinctively, which is why the Rose has been the primary flower of love shared between individuals. Without words, it speaks the language of the heart most poignantly, bridging our soul to our beloved’s. Each time you behold a Rose with gratitude and reverence, taking in its colours, peering into its spiralling, unfolding centre, and smelling its sweet perfume, an ancient message and medicine is transmitted from the Spirit of the Rose to your cardinal centre. Your heart purrs and softens and opens, just that little bit more, beautifying you and your perception of life, and blessing you into a deeper remembrance of your heartfelt divinity. Indeed, this powerful teacher of the Plant Kingdom has done more inconspicuous, unheralded wonders for the human heart and relationships than one can imagine.
In this ceremony, you commune with the ancient message and medicine of this force of life, what I call the Cosmic Sacred Rose. You experience a direct transmission from the Universal Consciousness that births and guides each physical Rose into beautiful existence. What a blessed honour that is! In receiving its holy life presence, its sweet medicine of love, the Cosmic Sacred Rose gracefully roots deep into your quantum universe. Breathing its fragrances into this fertile ground, it transforms and upgrades your neurobiology, heart and human awareness to new heavenly heights. To greater measure, you are empowered to trust and live from the guiding voice of your Higher Self that speaks most fully through your Sacred Rose Heart.
The Cosmic Sacred Rose has a special focus in this ceremony, and that is, of course, your tender heart. It brings the perfect medicine to heal wounds spanning lifetimes that have made it difficult to share your vulnerability and reveal your divinity. I personally feel that the deepest wound is to the human heart. That is where our greatest vulnerability lies; and yet it’s this depth of vulnerability that also gives our heart cardinal status as the central source of our power; as the Throne for the Light of Truth and Innocence we are. The Cosmic Sacred Rose comes to liberate this holy power by purifying lifetimes of pain that has curled your heart petals inward and tight. This is the instinctive protective response that acts when we realize it’s unsafe to feel and intuit; to be colourfully creative, powerful, expressive, and generally different from others; when we realize it’s too painful or dangerous to trust and be true to who we really are.
A deep heart wound, sadly common in our society, arises when children don’t feel wanted. To not feel wanted is to believe you do not matter to others, and, by extension, the world. You can picture these related beliefs as: I’m not wanted or Nobody wants me; and I don’t matter. Carrying these stories is a profoundly dark, lonesome experience for attachment-driven children, what I call unbearable aloneness. It’s very painful to the sensitive heart that longs to feel and rest in connection.
It is no coincidence that we associate the word “matter” with “heart” by saying “heart of the matter.” Reversed is what we hear less of, but the words also point to personal truth: “A matter of the heart.” What matters to the Sacred Rose Heart is belonging through connection, a survival need foundational to tribal societies going back in time, and to all children. Belonging matters so much to a child’s safety and survival that, if threatened, they sacrifice authenticity to feel whatever semblance of connection they can, and to mitigate heart pain. Children adapt by being who they need to be — smart, tough, withdrawn, caretaking, obedient, good, etc — in order to be-long. To be the longing in the heart of the parent, especially the mother. To be a matter of the heart whose natural instinct is to connect and love.
This ceremony heals these and other tender wounds spanning lifetimes by giving your Sacred Rose Heart the felt-experience of belonging. Communing with the safe and loving presence of the Cosmic Rose, for your heart, is like feeling into and returning to its / your Divine Mother. Your beautiful heart senses a familiar fragrance that reminds it of its primordial divinity, power and purpose. Your sacred rose breathes in a colourful sweetness that evokes the purity of love it is. Indeed, resonating with this loving likeness, this primordial Rose Heart frequency of our Divine Mother, creates an I remember feeling. It sparks aromatic aliveness in your heart, a vivid, felt-knowing that: This is who I am, in Truth. It’s safe to open, love and be me.
With time and patience, and with each tear-fed, courageous unfolding of your precious petals, you trust more deeply how wanted you are. You remember how much you matter to the Divine Mother, and that, in sweet eternal love, you have always belonged perfectly in Her Heart Womb.
There is nothing missing in this boundless love. It is filled to overflow in ways the mind cannot imagine, but that your Sacred Rose Heart is divinely designed to experience and celebrate, in its fullest glory.
Embracing how loved you are, and how much your Sacred Rose Heart beautifully belongs in the Garden of Life, allows you to gradually fall in love with yourself, and all existence. Overjoyed and open, your heart’s aromatic dreams and gifts come alive, blossoming with the creative abundance of a colourful child. You feel empowered to fulfil your longing to serve and reconcile other hearts to their divinity. In be–longing, you be that which you long for, which, at its heart, is love joyfully serving love, with your Sacred Rose Heart consecrated to the boundless Heart of Life.
Activation, which is another word for empowerment, initiates this beautiful spiral unfolding, opening and remembrance; this holy heart-to-Heart union and alignment with Divine Will. But there is another form of activation that goes beyond the spiritual heart itself and that this ceremony initiates. Receiving a transmission from the Cosmic Sacred Rose awakens the consciousness of this flower secretly encoded in your spiritual DNA. As a perfect holographic mirror of our Divine Mother, you carry every immaculate quality of Creation within you. They are uniquely woven into the fabric of your Soul’s genetic blueprint in the form of crystalline light codes. This means that the ancient message, medicine and mystery of the Cosmic Rose also exists, in equal measure, within your Divine Rose DNA. As with all the crystalline codes of your Soul’s genome, your Rose codes lay nestled against your biological DNA. At this time, they are largely dormant, yet full of aromatic life eagerly waiting to bloom!
Activating them births the sacred qualities of Rose into your heart and throughout your human awareness. Neuronal receptors receive this liberated consciousness and stream it through your nervous system, creating new, empowering superhighways of Rose life force. To greater measure, your psychobiology and Sacred Rose Heart are animated by the mysteries of this Cosmic Flower, a presence that also influences all your other charkas, harmonizing them and up-levelling their areas of influence in your physiology and psychology.
Further, with your spiritual heart opening, your inseparable emotional and physical hearts experience relief and transformation. They harmonize more fully in sacred coherence, in unity, as One Rose Heart living, loving and breathing in new dimensions of awareness and love. This empowerment supports your subtle-felt sense and emotional body to become stronger guiding forces, trusted allies you can rely upon. Spiritual, subtle (senate body) and emotional heart intelligence work as one to help you honour the wisdom of your vulnerability, make life-giving choices, and step into the unknown to greater horizons.
For example, subtle, heartfelt intuition and the undenied grief of heartbreak, together, confirm it’s time to leave a toxic relationship, even though rational reasoning and fear kick and scream. A lighter example is that intuition plus joy in your bubbling heart confirm that you must sign up for that juicy course or date that juicy person, which your Higher Self knows are next steps to fulfilling your destiny.
Your heart is your great Truth-teller, relaying information to your body and mind received from your Higher Self. The latter sees the big picture, the metaview of your life or a particular situation, and guides you from this transcendent vantage point through your knowing Sacred Rose Heart. The cardinal triune of spiritual, subtle-sensate and emotional supports you with every day decision making, particularly, I must add, with discernment, an underused divine heart quality. With discernment, we read between the lines and hear what’s not being said; we know when to speak and act, and when to stay silent and patiently put. Along with Truth, heart discernment is very much tied to wisdom and self-care, and is vitally important, especially now, during these turbulent times of deception and dark rule.
Bypassing logical reasoning, your Sacred Rose Heart knows the higher and the lower, and everything in-between, in the eternal now, speaking without convincing, without any need to justify how it knows. It simply knows — now!
In general and in summary, divine qualities that the Sacred Rose represents that progressively activate in your heart, body and mind include: trust, compassion, beauty, grace, innocence, openness, acceptance, intimacy, tenderness, courage, discernment, paradoxical wisdom, truth, unity, and, of course, love — to self and others.
But there is even more. With thorns being part of its full expression, the Rose wonderfully integrates these divine qualities with pointed fierceness and protection, even sacred outrage. Activating the crystalline codes of Rose into your human awareness and opening your heart is thus a birthing of the whole Rose, not just the consciousness of its colours, petals and perfume (the top part!). It is the actualization of a progressively integrated you who masters both ends of the spectrum as a unified field of consciousness.
Parents are regularly tested with this in their need to be tender one moment, and then fierce and protective at other times. The challenge is to remain centred in the heart, in love, though firm and forthright. Outraged truth-tellers who name the intolerable, such as the transgenderization of children, are also tested. There are countless situations where our thorns are necessary, and each is an opportunity to learn mastery — to feel strong emotions, express piercing words, and take bold action, and have these expressions be guided by overarching love, a higher awareness announced through the purity and fullness of our Sacred Rose Heart.
The master speaks with piercing clarity and firmness at times, yet without judgment and condemnation, and thus without adding to divisive polarity — a consciousness humanity is heavily steeped in and addicted to. The pure love and power of our blossomed Sacred Rose Heart makes this level of sage service possible. As our cardinal centre, it’s the divinely designed purpose of our heart to radiate non-dual Sophia Christ Consciousness.
Actualizing this mastery and gift of love — that is the Truth of you are, in word and action, with your aromatic fragrances, colours and thorns a united front, is why you are here on Earth at this time. And it’s this heartfelt realization that the Cosmic Sacred Rose supports to ceremonially blossom within you.
We can safely say that your relationships with your children, partner, friends, co-workers and community serve to benefit from your healed, activated and harmonized Sacred Rose Heart; from the many mysterious human and spiritual dimensions of this Cosmic Consciousness that merge and blossom in your centre. Through touch, voice, emotions, and overall presence, more of your vulnerability, love and truth can be shared, which makes you both a safe, humble harbour and powerful leader.
With these and other divine qualities present each moment, your Sacred Rose Heart is presented, irrespective of whether a physical Rose accompanies it. It is the loving touch and fragrance of this Divine Heartfelt Presence that your human family longs for most, to receive and give, more than any physical representation.
All in all, as you activate and integrate your inherent wealth of Cosmic Rose Consciousness, you live like advanced ancient cultures have going back millennia — in closer embodied kinship with the Plant Kingdom, and thus Mother Earth. You carry this flower-teacher’s profound medicine and message with you at all times, its myriad sweet fragrances vibrating alive from within your divine biology, and through your triune Rose Heart, which overjoys in consecrated union with the Heart of our Divine Mother.
You are empowered to travel the most courageous and noble path of all: The Way of the Sacred Heart. Far from easy — as it’s not for the faint of heart, it is the most direct route to fulfilling your purpose and experiencing divine union; for it is the path of and towards Truth. Indeed, Truth is in the heart. Travelling The Way, your Sacred Rose Heart is always aligning you with the truths of your human-soul destiny, while preparing you for even greater truths that joyously await you. Ever present and faithful, your heart, sometimes from its pointed thorns, prompts you to release anything that compromises the integrity of your sovereign divinity and destiny. It calls you to sacrifice for the sacredness you deserve and are, and that The Way leads you to.
This is the accelerated, spiralling way of self-mastery, the ascending path of embodying expanded thresholds for truth. It’s a pilgrimage that includes mastering the seeming paradoxical wholeness of the Sacred Rose Heart in its full divine expression, and embracing advanced levels of paradoxical wisdom only the heart can bear.
Via the link at the bottom, you are guided to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want. There is nothing you cannot ask for from the Cosmic Sacred Rose regarding your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. You may be surprised at how many psychological and biological ailments humans struggle with that have roots in a pained and closed heart (connected to unresolved trauma and programming). A few examples are:
Contracted breathing and musculature; back and chest pain; irregular heartbeat; chronic fatigue; thymus gland maladaptation; low self-worth; depression and anxiety; poor empathetic attunement; judgment towards or disregard of feelings and emotions; heavy emphasis on analytical / rational thinking; excessive fear of the unknown; issues with sexual and emotional intimacy; struggles trusting intuition, discerning nefarious intentions, being creative, voicing personal truths, and relating to and playing with children (due to closing off from one’s Inner Star Child)… to name but a few symptoms.
Examples of intentions that may resonate are:
- I want to feel safe to open my Sacred Rose Heart
- I want to feel safe feeling my emotional body (like grief)
- I want to safely enjoy emotional / physical intimacy
- I want to release the belief that it’s bad / unsafe to feel my feelings
- I want to heal my heart / chest / back pain
- I want to heal the belief that I’m not wanted / I don’t matter / I’m unlovable
- I want to trust my felt-intuition, the voice of my Higher Self
- I want to courageously share my creative he-art
- I want to feel empowered to speak my thorny truth (by saying No, for example)
- I want to know and trust I’m worthy of love
- I want to clear the belief that I must earn love
- I want to feel loved, held and safe
Courageously committing to the Spiral Way of your Sacred Rose Heart, you invite others to unfold and follow their own spiralling heart. You awaken to the miraculous Truth that your heart perfectly mirrors the Cosmic Rose, the Heart of the Divine Mother, in power and presence. Consecrating your heart to this Truth, your spiralling path leads you on adventures of higher service, divine missions of transmitting frequencies of Love & Truth that heal, blossom and unite hearts, near and far.
Beyond any act of doing, sharing your holy fragrances of love is the single greatest Heaven-on-Earth miracle you can command, and your most revolutionary contribution to the dawning Golden Age. In radiating the love you are, you realize that You are the Miracle of Heaven the world waits for.
This is your place of be-longing. For, in opening your heart and claiming your divinity, you be the longing of life that longs for itself, in divine union.
From my Sacred Rose Heart to yours, thank you for reading. It’s been a de-light writing this for you! Please trust your heart to know what intentions to set for this ceremony. And that the Cosmic Sacred Rose, in its infinite love and wisdom, will know exactly how to serve your heroic spiral unfolding and expression.
Click here for further details and registration