Ceremonies with Ascended Masters, Angels & Archangels


Isis Osiris Mysteries Healing & Activation

Join us in this ceremony where you’ll experience a sacred communion with beloved Isis and Osiris. Calibrate to their ascended consciousness and be initiated into divine qualities they are known for, ones that exist in equal measure within you, awaiting activation. It’s as if you travel back in time to ancient Egypt, to its pyramids and temples, to experience a powerful and magickal rite of passage under their supernal, loving guidance, and enter the Halls of your sovereign divine power to the highest level possible. 

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Hathor Star Nation Healing & Activation

The Hathor Star Nation is the collective field of consciousness made up of Hathor and her ascended initiates who amplify her transmissions in service of the mighty project of Cosmic evolution, soul ascension and divine reunion. In this online ceremony, you receive a direct transmission from this group of angels, which creates advanced, next-level healing of trauma and programming, and activates the divine qualities Hathor represents existing in your spiritual DNA, empowering the multidimensional Star you are. 

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Green Tara Healing & Activation

Green Tara is an ancient Goddess and loving force who longs to serve you in your heroic journey of healing, empowerment and ascension. Revered in the Tibetan Buddhist lineage, with her multi-ray transmission radiating Orange, Red, Yellow, and more Tara emanations, and known as She of a Thousand Stars, Green Tara and I invite you to this sacred ceremony. Immersed in a multidimensional stargate portal, you are supported to feel and know yourself as one with this universally loved Ascended Master, the countless stars, and the Realms of Light. You are empowered to be the Star You Are, emanating through the activated stargate temple of your human form.  

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Mother Mary Healing & Activation

It is a great honour to offer this ceremony, to create a safe and sacred space for you to meet Mother Mary, be healed and empowered by her loving, maternal embrace, and feel her holy presence in your heart. In communing with this Ascended Master, her rays bring advanced healing and empowerment on all matters of health and wellbeing, with a special focus on your Sacred Rose Heart. Mary’s holy presence supports your heart to surrender its pain, unfurl its tender beauty, and share its vulnerable power. Opening yourself to Mary, you viscerally remember what it’s like to be held by a loving mother, to give her your weight and melt into love.

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Mary Magdalene Healing & Activation

Mary Magdalene was a radiant force of spiritual leadership and divine femininity two thousand years ago; and she continues to be as an Ascended Master whose overlighting presence loves and liberates countless souls across the Cosmos. She now invites you to this sacred ceremony, offering her support in your bold path of leading and living from your sovereign Feminine Christ light, and raw, unapologetic humanity.

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Quan Yin Healing & Activation

This ceremony initiates your next-level spiritual growth through a sacred communion with beloved Quan Yin. Known as the Universal Mother, receive a direct transmission from her that heals the quantum roots of trauma and programming. Her pure broadcast also empowers you to embody the divine qualities she is known for, and that this Ascended Master radiates omnidirectionally from the high Light Realms. With embodiment, there naturally arises the Divine Feminine leadership our world increasingly cries out for. Immaculate qualities like compassion radiate through your heart and human form with growing power, and in harmonious union with the heavens, touching Souls near and far.

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White Buffalo Woman Healing & Activation

White Buffalo Woman walked the Great Plains of North America bringing with her ancient teachings and a prophecy of return, given to her beloved Sioux people. In this ceremony White Buffalo Woman activates this sacred prophecy through you, by healing the old and reconciling you with your indigenous nature, as a divine being and human inextricably woven into Mother Earth; and by empowering your Divine Feminine Christ embodiment, harmoniously one with the White Buffalo Star Nation. You are advanced along the ascension timelines you are ready for, which contributes to the ascension of Gaia and myriad sentient life on our planet.

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Mahavatar Babaji Healing & Activation

Mahavatar Babaji is one of the most advanced beings and teachers to have walked the Earth. And as an Ascended Master dedicated to empowering all souls, he comes to you in this sacred ceremony to help you realize the Master in you. You receive a direct transmission from Babaji’s loving Oversoul, which activates divine qualities of mastery he radiates and you are ready to embody. 

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Jesus Christ Healing & Activation

In this ceremony, receive a direct transmission from the venerable presence of Ascended Master Jesus. Along with experiencing advanced quantum healing, to greater measure, you embody and viscerally live the sacred, ancient teachings of the Holy Cross. You experience the cross as it was for him — a vehicle of transformation and multidimensional portal to higher consciousness; a holy gateway through which to cross over and resurrect the Divine Feminine Christ.

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Joan of Arc Healing & Activation

A High Priestess of the Order of Magdalena, in this ceremony you commune directly with Joan of Arc’s Divine Feminine Christ spirit, the unbounded Heart Warrior she is. Joan’s intention is to inspire you to stand true, strong and tall in your sovereign divinity and warrior leadership during these extraordinary times of collective rebirth. Merging with her consciousness activates these and other transformative possibilities, while calibrating you to the sacred presence of the Order of Magdalena, of which Mary Magdalene is also a luminous star. 

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Saint Germain Healing & Activation

Recognized as the Chohan, or Lord of the Violet or Seventh Ray, Saint Germain arrives in this ceremony honoured to serve your healing and awakening, and to empower you into the next great stage of our collective ascension. There is a sacred nobility in Saint Germain you may be aware of, a beautiful, upright, piercing regality that commands honour (not worship). Held and radiated by love, this is one of the signature gifts he brings to you in this ceremony. This Ascended Master broadcasts a royal frequency that empowers you to claim your dignity and worth, without shame; to honour yourself, standing tall and true, crowned by your sovereign divinity.

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Heavenly Angels Sing Healing & Activation

Angels love to sing. And they love to sing to you! That is their continued prayer, their Love Song, calling you Home. This ceremony is a sacred opportunity to experience a harmonic transmission from this Celestial Choir; to resonantly feel their ancient Love Songs and have their frequencies come alive in your nervous system, bones, cells and soul. Attuning to these angelic songs, especially in your sacred heart, indeed opens you to healing, nourishment and upliftment, to the Heavens within and Angel you are.

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Archangel Michael Healing & Activation

We all have a Warrior within us. Like King and Queen, it is a distinct, yet limitless archetypal expression of Cosmic Consciousness. In this sacred ceremony, Archangel Michael up-levels your crystalline light work to include new and necessary dimensions of your immanent Warrior of Light. Cascading down from On High, he helps you own and make known your uncompromising Power and Truth, the immaculate qualities he is best known for, expressed most fully from your noble Holy Heart.

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Archangel Gabriel Healing & Activation

Archangel Gabriel, whose name means “strong man of God,” announces himself in this sacred ceremony as one heralding fierce uncompromising Truth. With the world besieged with voracious lies, he descends as a force of light through darkening clouds, summoning you to look upwards, feel his strong Archangelic presence, and open to higher dimensions of reality. His revelatory presence comes to dissolve spells of deceit enshrouding the planet for eons and to activate forgotten scripture existing in your quantum Universe whose time has come.

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Archangel Raphael Healing & Activation

In receiving a direct transmission from Archangel Raphael, you are gradually purified of illusions that veil you from realizing the Angel of Light you are. Lies you’ve believed spanning lifetimes and their underlying trauma imprints are transmuted, which can create radical transformations in health and wellness. Like a butterfly, your Angel wings open, and from a higher perspective you realize that, all along, the inner and outer shadows were nothing more than illusions you once believed in, a dream of Creation that was never true — never you. 

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Archangel Uriel Healing & Activation

Archangel Uriel is here to shine his Radiance upon you, and expand your capacity to see with real eyes and realize the abundance of empowering possibilities within and before you. Via a direct transmission from his Oversoul, he activates next-level vision, intuitive or subtle perception, heartfelt discernment, wisdom, and other divine qualities resonant with his unique archangelic broadcast, and uniquely inherent to your angelic Soul. Quantum space is made for your body, mind and heart to calibrate more fully to ancient Uriel, and for you to live with the crystalline clarity and love of your ancient Soul.

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Archangel Metatron’s Cube Healing & Activation

Archangel Metatron is a Force of Creation. And he wants you to know how much you are as well. This ceremony is about viscerally remembering this inalienable Truth that you are a limitless Creative Force. By directly communing with Metatron and receiving his powerful transmission, the creative intelligence of Metatron’s Cube — y-our Cube — is activated, empowering you to actualize the potentials of your multidimensional stellar nature; to transcend the limits of form you have become accustomed to; and to know yourself as a sublime Creator, one with the Divine Mother, God.

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