Archangel Michael Healing & Activation

A transformative online ceremony for empowering the Warrior of Light in you

  • Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to  to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
  • Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
  • Cost: $77 CDN
  • Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
  • Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
  • Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom

We all have a Warrior within us. Like King and Queen, it is a distinct, yet limitless archetypal expression of Cosmic Consciousness. Found in legendary tales and in the heroic acts of leaders past and present, the Warrior is something we must draw upon at certain times in our life. Challenging situations demand that we realize how strong we are. Our threshold for actualizing qualities a Warrior represents, like fierce protection and radical truth-telling, must expand if we are to grow personally and spiritually.  

When people think of a Warrior, what commonly comes to mind is doing battle, fighting for something, bloody sword and shield in hand. Given the barbaric history of humanity and how many times it’s been thrust in our face through television and movies, it’s only natural that this association comes up first. The tyranny and violence of days past often left us little choice but to “warrior-up.”

For a rare few, however, the need to be a Warrior has been driven by more than fear or ego, or a primal instinct to defend — it’s been a divine calling. Joan of Arc is one example of this anointment. Summoned by angelic forces when only a teen, she was soon on the battle field, heroically leading an army to Orléans against the English siege. She was, and still is to so many, a true Warrior of Light. Nelson Mandela, too, is a shining example of a Warrior heart leading, not simply through strategic and fiery resistance, but from egalitarian intentions driven by a higher calling.  

As the light of a new age dawns upon Mother Earth, we are leaving this old story of changing oppressive circumstances by fighting them. We are ready to birth a new world, not through any kind of force, even noble force, but by radiating our inner light. The countless light workers on the planet are doing just this. They are leading the spiritual revolution through their awakening hearts. Yet, there are many who can make their leadership even more powerful, more multidimensional, by growing into missing, yet immanent qualities of the Warrior that every light worker needs. Especially in today’s world!

Light workers can be kind and loving, but afraid to assert uncomfortable truths, advocate for justice, and broadcast clear, self-respecting boundaries. They can be sensitive and compassionate, but struggle being fierce, if not wrathful, both of which are divine qualities.

They can see the good in people and the divine light increasingly bathing Mother Earth, but with glasses a bit too rosey, they easily overlook wolves behind sheep’s clothing, and just how dark this world has become. The seriousness of what is before us, and the horrendous suffering of the world, are not taken fully to heart. For it takes the Heart of a Warrior to bravely face reality as it is, to break open to new thresholds of disturbing and enlightening truth, and thus to compassionate love. 

In this sacred ceremony, Archangel Michael up-levels your crystalline light work to include new and necessary dimensions of the Warrior within. Cascading down from the Light Realms, he helps you own and make known your uncompromising Power and Truth, expressed most fully from your noble Holy Heart. 

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Known as the Holy Warrior and the Angel of Strength, Courage and Protection, Michael is ecumenically revered as one who stands by, stands for, and stands guard. Along with Gabriel, he is mentioned in the Quran as an ally to Allah. And in the Sufi tradition, the mystical branch of Islam, he is there to lead “through so many veils of light.” Michael, which in Hebrew means “Who is as God,” is mentioned three times in the Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible, as one who stands guard over Israel. And within the New Testament, he is depicted as defeating Satan to help win the war in heaven. 

Many holy sites across the globe are dedicated to Michael, such as The Temple of Faith and Protection located in absolutely stunning Lake Louise, Canada. Originally hewn from mountain rock, this international retreat calls lovers of Michael who long to bathe in his presence more intimately. With Mother Nature being a heavenly cradle, the devout feel this Archangel’s crystalline energy and their communion with him amplified by the virgin blue waters and pristine mountain air. Though I have never attended, we are told it’s a favourite abode of Michael, upon which he anchors and emanates his celestial light. 

Across the Atlantic, and connecting northwestern Europe to the Middle East, there are seven sanctuaries all dedicated to Michael. These sites mysteriously align in what’s called the Sacred Line of Saint Michael the Archangel. Following the diagonal direction from west to east, and north to south, the first location is Skellig Michael, South Ireland, the fourth is Sacra di San Michele, Val di Susa, Turin, Italy, and the last / seventh is the Stella Maris Monastery, Haifa, Israel — to give you a general map. It’s believed that this line represents Michael’s sword, and also exists as a reminder to walk the straight and narrow path of righteousness, versus steering off into the callous world. 

These are only a few example of how in religion, folklore and the hearts of many, Michael is revered and celebrated; how he has been called upon time and again, across the centuries, for truth, justice, peace and protection. Now, in this sacred ceremony, he comes directly to you, offering his Archangelic presence and his mighty sword and shield to empower the Warrior of Light in you. 

Via a direct transmission from his heavenly Oversoul, Michael heals the quantum roots of trauma and programming that keep you from being a fierce, uncompromising light unto yourself and others, standing tall and true in your sovereignty, worth and strength. To take a stand for others, we must first stand for ourselves. To point the way to truth, we must no longer believe the lies we hold true about ourselves, born from the lies of the world. Lifetimes of painful experiences and deceptive illusions make it hard to do this. A defended heart and distorted identity shield our truth, power, light and voice, and make owning our innate worth and advocating for truth and sovereignty an unsafe possibility.  

These debilitating patterns often come from not being protected during overwhelming experiences; from feeling like our feelings, words, needs — we do not matter. For example, we may have had an abusive father, and we could not count on our mother to stand up for us, even listen to our concerns. We had no choice but to shut down and defend our heart. 

In my previous work as a somatic therapist, one of the most powerful things I did for my clients was give them an experience of what was missing when young. We would reenact a specific and difficult childhood situation, but in a new, empowering way. It usually meant I played the role of protector, and provided what was missing in that early life experience. With specific guidance from my client, I would stand exactly where and how they wanted; for example, between them and the now imagined abuser at the bedroom door, with my arm/palm extending as a strong boundary. With a firm, clear voice, I’d then say, “Back off! Leave her alone. You will not touch her again!” As you can imagine, these reenactments often released tremendous amounts of suppressed emotion, and provided untold, transformative healing. I was being a much needed Warrior of Light for my vulnerable clients, a strong shield and sword. 

Now, in this sacred ceremony, Archangel Michael brings his shield and sword to you, to give you a feeling of being protected. His strong, safe and loving presence lifts you from the unbearable aloneness that comes from believing no one is there for you. In feeling protected, your wounds and heart can safely become unprotected, and open to the healing touch of Michael’s light. Unresolved, secret shadows, and the painful memories they hold spanning lifetimes, can dissolve into greater dimensions of love. To greater measure, you are liberated from identifying with and clinging to the steel shield and sword that’s served, if not saved you. They transform from steel into light.

Fear-based patterns that have kept you small are replaced with empowering qualities of the Warrior of Light that Michael represents, Archangelic qualities existing in equal measure in your spiritual DNA. The Divine Mother birthed you from her holy black womb with a crystalline genetic universe encoded holographically to contain every divine quality of Creation. Nestled against the full length of your biological DNA, most of this divine inheritance is dormant at this time. This means that every immaculate quality of Archangel Michael and the Warrior of Light he is exists within you, again, uniquely so. You, too, are an Archangelic Warrior of Light waiting to remember yourself; for you are nothing less than Life itself!  

By communing with Michael in this ceremony, the crystalline codes of your spiritual DNA resonant with his transmission come to life. I call these your Archangel Michael codes! Truly, they are your own, specific to your fingerprint Soul, yet carry the frequencies, wisdom, love, Warrior power — everything you share with Michael. As one!

That is the secret, sacred purpose of DNA activation — remembering yourself as All That Is; as the Multiverse concealed within your Soul’s genetic library of light! In the case of this ceremony, and all others I lead, with activation you realize your oneness with that which specifically transmits healing empowerments to you. 

This is divine empowerment — not a filling of what’s missing, which fosters illusions of lack, need and dependency, but rather a sparking of embodied, heartfelt realization of the miraculous Life you’ve always been!

Like all Great Luminaries, the Holy Warrior wants nothing less for you, for he sees the wholeness you are, and thus your immanent holiness. Being seen in your Holy Truth is alone a transmission that activates Truth. Being seen as the Warrior of Light you are calls forth this ancient immanence that knows itself well. 

How much of your crystalline divinity comes alive through this ceremonial transmission depends on your openness and readiness. To the degree you receive Michael’s broadcast, your body, mind and heart are rebirthed by your Archangelic divinity, the Spirit of the Warrior you are. With healing and heart opening, there is more space within for your Higher Self to root, and to stand for, stand by, and stand guard — tall in your sovereign divinity. You are empowered to use your shield of light to protect yourself, and others; to unapologetically and spontaneously say No, define your edges, advocate, name the intolerable. You are empowered to see the truth and speak your truth; to wield your s-word, or sacred word.

Your angel wings open, like a bird, revealing more of your Holy Heart, the cardinal centre of the Warrior you are. With its light of Protection, Discernment & Truth illuminating your sword and shield, and Love emanating from your undefended heart, your light work soars to new heavenly heights of divine appointment. You are summoned by the Angels to express your Warrior Spirit in new acts of service — to shine and lead, like Michael, on this, and other planes.

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Archangel Michael is here to expedite this transformation at a time when your Warrior presence is most needed. The polarizing spiritual wars in our world only end as we end old patterns of self-persecution, the divisive wars within; as we stop projecting our unresolved shadows onto the world and fighting destructive illusions.

Indeed, the Golden Age is birthed by opening our pure Holy Hearts, and claiming the Warrior Throne of our Christ Self, radiant shield and sword in hand. Only from this foundation, realized through our human form, can we inspire truth, justice, protection and peace; can we, like Michael, empower the Warrior of Light in others, and bring Light to the world.

Via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for any healing empowerments you want. Nothing is too much to ask from Archangel Michael. Most of all, trust your heart, and his safe, immaculate presence to awaken your Warrior Truth. 

Click here for further details and registration.