A transformative online ceremony for communing with ancient Sirius and embodying its ascension teachings and stellar frequencies
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
I’m grateful for the opportunity to invite you to this sacred ceremony with Sirius; to transmit its light rays to you so you awaken its ancient presence and ascension teachings, stellar qualities inherent to your Sirian Soul. As you will discover, this ceremony is here not only to provide advanced healing and empowerment, but to activate a remembrance of how wondrously One you are with these beautiful lights of the heavenly skies.
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Also known as the Dog Star due to its placement in the the constellation Canis Major, and existing 8.6 light years away, Sirius has long been the brightest star in the night sky. For the next 210,000 years it will remain so, until Vega takes its place. Sirius is generally considered a binary system, one consisting of the highly luminescent Sirius A, which is about twice the size of our Sun, and B which transformed into a red giant and then into its current state as a very dense and relatively dim white dwarf.
Yet, there’s also the mystery and myth of Sirius C. Some believe this third member of the Sirius family graduated to a higher dimension of consciousness. Like souls and planets, stars too, including our radiant Sun, evolve and ascend. Whether Sirius C exists in an exalted plane or the same one, it indeed lives as part of the star system’s family of light and collective consciousness. Just ask the now-famous Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa, who were informed of Emme Ya (Sirius C) by the Sirian inhabitants, Nammo, 600 years ago. (“Nammo” means “to drink”). After arriving by spaceship from the star system, these amphibious beings passed on sacred, indigenous knowledge of their native home. This included information about Sirius A & B, and that Emme Ya revolved around the former, and is larger and brighter than this radiant star we see in our night sky. Though scientists now confirm the existence of Sirius A & B, Emme Ya still remains a mystery, at least to the rationally minded.
Sirius is a key congregational site for Advanced Souls and Cosmic Overseers, a place where interstellar and interplanetary diplomatic agendas of great importance are addressed. Filled with many esteemed beings, this star system is also a coveted centre for higher learning, a High School of sorts for souls ready to participate in more advanced studies.
Sirius not only convenes wise ones and teaches great wisdom to individual souls, but the star system transmits its high dimensional ancient wisdom and presence across the Universe, playing an important role in guiding planetary evolution. Since the beginning of Earth’s existence, Sirius has been like an Elder, or wise Caretaker or Guardian for our planet, keenly dedicated to serving Gaia and Her inhabitants in their ascension journey. In the same way a disciple might look up to their guru, or a student to their mentor, you could consider Gaia as always “looking up” to Sirius as a shining example of higher learning and evolution.
This sacred and intimate relationship with Sirius has been felt in the hearts of ancient cultures, who too have looked up to Sirius with awe and wonder. This reverence has been abundantly displayed by their megalithic temples that align with this stellar elder presence. Malta, a small island nation south of Italy, is one example, with dozens of temple sites pointing their axis to Sirius. Each is aligned differently, built in different periods to adjust to the Earth’s precession (slow wobble) and new orientation to Sirius. The old lands of now southeast Turkey hold another example of alignment, with Gobekli Tepe, the oldest known temple at 12,000 years, also facing this radiant star.
We must also include Ancient Egypt in our list. Rich with celestial reverence and advanced astronomical acumen, Egypt is perhaps the greatest example of a culture that not only honoured Sirius, but anchored its holy frequencies. The Temple of Isis at Dendera is but one shining example of a sacred site. Within the vast Kemetic mythos (Ancient Egypt was called Kemet), the Goddess Isis represents Sirius, with one of her many names Sopdet being the celestial manifestation of this star. Sirius’s heliacal rising mid-July after 70 days below the horizon was seen as heralding the New Year and the Nile flood, bringing fertility and life back to the dry land, and prosperity to the people. For this reason and more, Ancient Egyptians called Sirius-Isis-Sopdet the Great Provider. Sirius was also associated with the Goddess Satis, whose name means “enough” or “abundance.” The appellation Satis shares the same Proto-Indo-European root of SA with satiate and satisfied. This creatively expands our understanding of why Sirius is commonly associated with providing abundance, still today for many Egyptians. And why this celestial force represented the Spirit of Rebirth — being full-filled, as the ancient mystery school traditions of this land knew well.
Along with other star systems, Sirius contributes to the evolutionary path of Gaia through its crystalline ascension teachings encoded into our planet’s Akashic records library, or Mind. The coded information is transmitted into Gaia via portals or stargates. Vortices like those in Sedona and Denali, and portals like the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, are examples of anchor points. Each feed the dragon lines or “meridians” of Mother Earth, amplifying her crystalline resonance. Masters or Avatars, too, with their illumined bodies alive to the heavens, act as powerful stargates holding and broadcasting these higher frequencies. Hathor, during her time of spiritual leadership in Ancient Egypt, is one stellar example of a stargate priestess and teacher of Sirian wisdom. Spirit Animals, too, act in this role. Dolphins and Whales, two powerful ambassadors of Sirius, quite literally sing the codes into the sea and land.
While Gaia’s Akashic records library is always open to those who can access its teachings, there are certain thresholds in our personal, collective and planetary evolution when the library doors open wide and the codes are activated at an accelerated pace. The ascension information is made more available in the collective consciousness, the Christ Grid, initiating an evolutionary leap humanity and Mother Earth are ready for. This is where we are now as we move into the Age of Light, and what this ceremony serves to facilitate.
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In this ceremony, you experience a direct transmission from the Sirius star system. Just as temple sites of antiquity oriented to Sirius, by participating in this ceremony you orient the temple site of your sacred form to this star system, and its stellar blessings. You open to and resonate with its loving Rays and ancient presence, which activates the Sirian crystalline codes existing in the holographic living library of your spiritual DNA.
As above, so below, states the Hermetic axiom. The entire Sirian library of ascension wisdom, all the divine qualities unique to this star system, profoundly ancient and mysterious, drawing hearts of Old Worlds, live in equal measure in your Soul’s genetic universe. As a living fractal of All That Is, as a perfect mirror of Creation, you are one with Sirius more than you can possibly imagine. This is what Sirius wants you to remember in this ceremony — just how much of Star Being you are!
To the degree you are ready, you awaken this encoded divine inheritance. Sirius’s Old Wisdom Stories stored in your Genetic Manuscript come to life, their mystery teachings integrating into your body, mind and heart. This merging and activation of consciousness builds new Sirian light superhighways in your neurobiology, higher pathways of learning and evolution that lead you to next-level stellar possibilities, inside and out. Further, this transmission may awaken old connections you have with the Sirius Star Nation, or Sirius in general, memories secreted in your subatomic universe you are now ready to birth in your human awareness.
Indeed, by participating in this ceremony, it’s as if you attend the “High School” or Home of Sirius without leaving this planet, or your body. You awaken to and bring its celestial teachings and presence to Earth through your form, particularly your sacred heart, thereby bringing more Heaven to Earth.
This, more than anything, is how we birth a new world — through our radiant stargate bodies.
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In communing with the Sirius star system in this ceremony, the possibilities for healing and empowerment are endless.
Via the link below, you are guided to set intentions for support on anything of concern or interest — physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The advanced broadcast of Sirius heals the quantum roots of pain and suffering spanning lifetimes and generations, much of which is related to trauma and programming. Unresolved, these shadow imprints can manifest as anxiety and depression, digestive and heart issues, migraines and joint pain, endometriosis and chronic jaw clenching, sexual issues and aversion to intimacy — and the list goes on and on.
And yet, it doesn’t have to be this way, and Sirius wants you to know this. Like with all powerful transmissions, Sirius is here to do the heavy lifting for you, so you don’t have slog through or re-live your painful past; nor must you know the roots or causes of your suffering to heal. With quantum healing, chronic expressions of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalance can resolve quickly, if not immediately.
Working with your intentions and Higher Self, you can trust the ancient wisdom of Sirius to know exactly how to support your healing and empowerment, and the ascended realization of your Stellar Soul.
Click here for further details and registration.