A transformative online ceremony for awakening the Wild Feminine Mysteries of your Oceanic Soul
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
With her body being a poetic integrative expression of celestial sea and terrestrial life, the Mermaid Goddess is a perfect representative and teacher of Divine Feminine embodiment — of bridging Heaven and Earth, balanced and beautifully expressed in our fluid form. And she is the perfect initiator into the still Oceanic Womb, the primeval seas, where we are reborn anew.
The Mermaid Goddess comes to resurrect the lost Feminine Mysteries of your Soul, and the Soul of the World, from the dark Ocean Depths of the unconscious. It is her great honour and joy to support you to radiate them with unbridled wild Shakti power and delight, and to help you boldly lead from the Mermaid Goddess within. With this divine embodiment, you assist the Return of the Divine Feminine in its primordial fluid expression, and revolutionize human consciousness into a Golden Age.
In late December 2023, during meditation, the Cosmic Mermaid Goddess overwhelmed me with her unexpected presence and poignant, impassioned desire to serve through me and my ceremonial work. I was met with awe, reverence, joy, and a flood of tears as I communed with her Oversoul and felt her profound feminine power — as I embodied her medicine and message for the world.
Reverberating through every cell, her intention and vision were crystal clear: It’s time for humanity to end the long dark age of patriarchal rule. It’s time for our lost Feminine Treasures — buried deep, hidden from persecution and shame, hidden to avoid further pain — to ascend from the Ocean Depths of our collective psyche. It’s time for the Secret Feminine Doctrine of the Ages, the mysteries, wisdom and gifts once embodied and celebrated by the Ancients, inherent to our Soul, to rise anew into the Light of our human awareness.
It’s time for human beings to remember and gloriously embody the Celestial Mermaids we are!
The revolution is already taking place. For decades, there has been an awakening of the Divine Feminine and Her qualities that I’ll detail as we proceed. The Goddesses of Old Worlds, like Green Tara, Isis and Quan Yin — once every day women, are making their presence strongly felt in our hearts and minds, bathing Mother Earth with their celestial rays. The heart womb consciousness of our Great Mother, the Creatrix of All Life, is being felt once again, awakening our Holy Hearts and primal Soul wombs to the ecstatic love and still peace we are, and to our potential to create as our Primordial Mother does. And Mother Earth, her Divine Feminine consciousness, is also awakening into our hearts, as we commune more deeply with her sacred ecology of rebirthing powers and nourishment, and she ascends with us, as one, into new heavenly realms.
This feminine principle transcends gender. Unified within every human being exists the Divine Masculine and Feminine — Shiva and Shakti, King and Queen, Adam and Eve, Yang and Yin, Merman and Mermaid. Born from the primordial black womb of no-thing, we were created as perfect holographic mirrors of All That Is. Our Souls carry the complete universal blueprint, Masculine and Feminine, God and Goddess, including that of the the Great Maiden herself, She of the Cosmic Mer — Sea.
Before diving into the specifics of how the Mermaid Goddess can serve you in this ceremony, let’s take a few moments to better understand the Feminine Creation Blueprint and humanity’s fall from Her wisdom and ways.
Feminine Cosmology & Biology
Know that it is the womb
from which all beings arise;
the universe is born within me,
and within me will be destroyed.
~ Bhagavad Gita
“But in societies that conceptualized the supreme power in the universe as a Goddess, revered as the wise and just source of all our material and spiritual gifts, women would tend to internalize a very different self-image. With such a powerful role model they would tend to consider it both their right and their duty to actively participate and to take the lead… (and they) would tend to see themselves as competent, independent, and most certainly creative and inventive.” ~ Riane Eisler, The Chalice & The Blade
In ancient history, cultures believed the Cosmic Ocean or Supreme Being was primordially feminine in nature. Just as our biological mother births us from the mysterious amniotic ocean of her womb, for the ancients, it was intuitively, if not logically clear that all celestial beings and physical matter are born from the Divine Mother’s holy womb. Matter was of the Mother, from the Mother, with matter — from the Latin mater — literally meaning Mother.
This feminine cosmology is found in ancient Egypt, beginning foremost with the Goddess Neith. She is “considered the oldest divine being,” writes Normandi Ellis, award winning author of many books on Egypt. “Often called the grandmother of the other gods and goddesses, Neith is guardian of the mysteries.” Ellis tells us that, “The first hieroglyph to indicate a divine being was n-t,” which is symbolized by wavy water, followed by a mound of dirt and a flag. Earth emerged from the primordial waters, matter from Mater. Ellis also teaches us that, “Nt is the hieroglyphic precursor to the word neter, and this original name for Neith meant ‘the goddess.’” The neteru make up the Egyptian cosmology of Goddesses and Gods, all the forces of creation, and is derived from Nt or Neith, the primigenial GoddessHead.
Ancient Egypt, far back to Kemet as it used to be called, holds many secrets about the Divine Feminine, ancient treasures now rising to the surface, such as the little known truths of who Isis and Hathor actually were — and are today. For now, let’s focus once more on neter; for it has quietly and significantly inspired English speakers with one important word representing our feminine home of Gaia, and our bodies, which are an expression of Earth. From neter we get the word nature — Mother Nature.
The cuneiform Sumerian tablets of the ancient people of Sumer, in the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia where Iraq exists today, also tell of an old feminine cosmology. Their water Dragon Goddess Nammu, written with the ideogram for the primeval sea, is described as “the mother who gave birth to heaven and earth.” From the oceanic black womb of no-thing, Nammu gestates and births life, the enduring, holy service of Dragons whose heart wombs are one with the Divine Mother.
Arguably most revered (not feared) of all divine forces within Sumer was the Goddess Inanna, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, later called Ishtar in Babylon, and Ashtoreth in Canaan. (In Revelation she is referred to as the “Great Whore of Babylon”). Inanna inspired a large community of devout priestesses across many cities, and the unbridled liberation of sexual love, power and sensual pleasure. She empowered the Divine Feminine immanent within all to live, love and lead, joyously and fiercely so, and in the face of rising androcratic governance which gradually consolidated power after 3,500 BCE.
Inanna was a guiding light support for Mary Magdalene as she heroically carried the torch of the Feminine Christ Flame through the dark, oppressive landscape of the Near East, and beyond. Still today, Inanna reminds us to keep this Flame alive, as the treasures of her sacred message live on and rise from the Oceanic Deep into the collective consciousness.
Like Neith, Inanna was an expression of early Mother Cultures & Traditions that had yet to completely fall to dominant, patriarchal rule, just as the Snake Goddess was in Minoan Crete, Kybele was in Anatolia (later called Great Mother of Gods in Rome), and the Mermaid Goddess Atargatis was in northern Syria. Originating to as far back as 4,000 BCE, Atargatis is one of the earliest known Mermaid deities, and her influence spread west to Greece where she was called Derceto, to Rome where she was known as Dea Syria (Syrian Goddess), and beyond. We can also turn to pre-Islamic Arabia for evidence of early Mother Religions yet condemned by the dark masculine. There we discover that it was not Allah who was worshipped, but rather Al-Lat. She was the Mother Goddess, or Goddess of Creation. She was Source.
God the Father in the ancient Semitic language of Aramaic is Abwoon, yet it means Birther. If we peer deeper, we find that Abwoon is a combination of “abba” (father) and “woon” (womb). In the The Aramaic Prayer of Jesus, God is “Father-Mother of the Cosmos” — the One who creates, or births, “all that moves in light.” I cannot help but wonder if Abwoon was originally the primordial Mother, only, before finding a consort — before birthing the Divine Masculine, “abba.” It’s also worth mentioning that in Aramaic, the language of Jesus, God or Source is called Alaha, which beautifully means Sacred Unity. It carries the root of AL, present in both Allah and Al-Lat.
In ancient Palestine, Jesus, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene referred to our primordial Source as Sophia, which in Greek means wisdom. Veiled from humanity for over 2,000 years is that these three avatars came to Earth to anchor and broadcast the sacred consciousness and teachings of the Divine Feminine, of Sophia, woven into Mother Religions prior to their incarnation. Buried and hidden Gnostic or early Christian texts preserved some of these esoteric, deeply misunderstood, and “dangerous” Goddess truths, hinting of the left-hand path of the Divine Feminine Christ. The Sophia of Jesus Christ, dating to circa 180 CE, is one such heretical writing. Part of the Nag Hammadi Library unearthed in a jar in Upper Egypt in 1945, in this scripture Sophia is called the “Mother of the Universe,” creating in consort with the “beginningless Forefather.”
“Son of Man consented with Sophia, his consort, and revealed a great androgynous light. His male name is designated ‘Savior, Begetter of All Things’. His female name is designated ‘All-Begettress Sophia’. Some call her ‘Pistis.'” ~ The Sophia of Jesus Christ, Nag Hammadi Codex III
In Trimorphic Protennoia, also discovered in the Nag Hammadi Library, and meaning “Three Forms of First Thought,” we feel the vast heart womb presence of our Primordial Mother. In reading the following words from the text, we can imagine just how much of a threat they were to an androcentric religious system, and to a culture heavily defined by patriarchal domination.
“I am Protennoia, the Thought that dwells in the Light. I am… She in whom the All takes its stand…. I am the Invisible One within the All…. I am immeasurable, ineffable, yet whenever I wish, I shall reveal myself of my own accord…. I descended to the midst of the underworld, and I shone down upon the darkness. It is I who poured forth the water. It is I who am hidden within radiant waters…. It is through me that Gnosis (Knowledge) comes forth…. I am the real Voice.”
Yet, even in the patriarchal Bible, which perceives women as unclean, sinful and evil, there is a shrouded reference to the maternal presence of our Divine Mother: “Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.” (Peter 2:2-3). The nourishing power of “spiritual milk” could not be denied, as it’s genetically encoded in our bodies and Souls — in our heart wombs — to long for this nectar of our biological, Earth and Divine Mothers. In the love poetry of Sumer, milk’s sweet magick brings Inanna and her beloved into divine union: “Inanna drinks Dumuzi’s milk, and he drinks hers.” From this Sumerian tradition of which Inanna is Queen Christians get their story of the Garden of Eden, which symbolizes the fertile field of pleasure and sexual union. (Further on the subject of milk, I could write about the sacredness of cows in different cultures, as holy representatives of our Earth and Divine Mothers, but will only plant that as a seed.)
Indeed, across the world, the nourishment and womb wisdom of Sophia never fully left, despite our extended, oppressive dark age. A wonderful example I will close the first part of this section with is the baptismal font. Central to Christian rites of rebirth, it represents purification and a return to the amniotic Ocean of Divine Mother’s holy womb. In the watery, black womb of no-thing, we are reborn anew, illumined by the Christ light of our divinity. Like the chalice of the Eucharist, also symbolic of the womb with its handles reflecting the fallopian tubes, baptism is an example of how Goddess consciousness finds ways to mischievously speak through the cracks of rigid patriarchal religion; how the true Source of Truth and our fluid divinity, the primeval waters of Creation stories across the world, cannot ever be fully suppressed.
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return.” ~ Job (1:21)
Scientifically speaking, feminine primacy stands true in body and brain development. Every soul is born into a female body, with this originating embryonic blueprint remaining so for the first 9 weeks. Around this time of gestation, for boys the developing clitoris forms the penis and the vagina’s lips seal together to create the scrotum. Researchers have also discovered by measuring blood circulation that the feminine, intuitive right brain comes online before the masculine, logical left brain. The non-linear, mysterious domain of our creative Soul speaks through our nervous system before the logical mind can analyze, categorize, organize and direct it into worldly endeavours.
Human biology further reminds us of feminine primacy in that we inherit our mitochondria from our maternal line. Existing within each of our 37 trillion cells, mitochondria are the power generators for our body, converting glucose and sunlight into adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, what Dr. Casey Means writes in Good Energy is our most important molecule. “Trillions upon trillions of chemical reactions happen in our body every second… (and all) these activities run on energy — namely, the ATP that the mitochondria produce.” Mitochondria, she goes on to note, “are inherited entirely from our mothers, passed down through millennia in an endless progression of nesting dolls along a matrilineal line.”
Our mothers also maintain the bond with our ancestors by imbuing children with the bloodlines of their maternal lineage, Azra and Seren Bertrand remind us. The developing embryo, merging with mother in the blood-rich placenta womb, is baptized by this sacred feminine elixir of the matrilineal ancestry. It’s mother’s blood that allows the Soul to grace its new form, and the child to grow into life. What a humbling realization to take to heart — that while the mother and father each contribute 50% of the chromosomal blueprint to their child, all bloodlines are determined by the female, not male.
Indeed, if we look closely throughout ancient history, and feel into our hearts, we remember that the Feminine Mysteries are the foundational creative blueprint and Source of Creation. Yet burgeoning dark masculine forces had other ideas in mind. They wanted the true Goddesshead, in Her myriad human expressions, to be limited, eradicated and re-configured. For the past 5,000 years, this oppression and conditioning has been our experience — our Kali Yuga; our sunken depths into patriarchal rule and voracious lies.
Fall from the Feminine Garden
“To the woman he said, ‘I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.’” (Genesis 3:16)
The fall from the Feminine Garden began long before the birth of Jesus and rise of Christianity. Civilizations or tribal peoples that were matrifocal, and who worshiped the Goddess, such as the people of Minoan Crete and Sumer, succumbed to an invasion of androcratic, political forces. This gradual, or quick take over, occurred in the first five thousand years before the common era; and, as we know, the dominance continued to rise and spread, infiltrating the collective consciousness of the last two thousand years, and re-shaping cultures worldwide. In this section, to ensure this ceremony description does not turn into a small book, we will focus on the rise of Christianity as central to the violent oppression of the Divine Feminine, the Mermaid Goddess within.
Like monarchies and empires of old, the Roman Catholic Church was ruthless in coopting, perverting and suppressing the Feminine Mysteries for nefarious political purposes. Its dominance grew from the foundational, androcentric teachings of the Old Testament, the Torah, and the patriarchal Jewish consciousness of the Near East; a scripture and religious consciousness that encouraged the raping of women (Judges 19:24-25), and in which wives and daughters were the legal property of husbands and fathers (Deuteronomy 22:13-21 & 28-29). Christianity imbued itself with a zealous, political religiosity that sanctioned the abuse and oppression of the feminine body and spirit, because “it is God’s Will!”
Within the Judeo-Christian faith God is a male created by men. Eve was created from a man, born from Adam’s rib: “And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.” (Genesis 2:22). Eve was the original “sinner,” the seductress manipulating Adam into further “sin.” Women, as seeds of the original Eve, were thereafter seen as the lesser of two genders, sentenced to labour pains in perpetuity and subservience to men. God commanded it be so. They were responsible for death. For it was Eve who tempted Adam out of the Garden of immortality into mortality, forever transforming all earthly life, including the sacrificial “Son of God,” Jesus, into mortal beings. “From a woman sin had its beginning, and because of her we all die.” (Ben Sira 25:24).
The wild serpentine kundalini of our Shakti Soul, and its expression through unbridled sexual union — a path to God/dess beyond Church control — was “sinful.” The embodied Tree of Life unifying Heaven and Earth, grounding the Feminine Mysteries into form, was usurped by the dualistic Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil — of rigid mind. Dogmatic right-wrong patriarchal religious belief ruled through fear, and fluid holy embodiment, particularly sexual embodiment, was condemned.
Christ (Buddha) realization became an exoteric sacrifice versus an esoteric journey and reality, available to all who are ready. The root eso means within, and comes from the Greek esoterikos meaning, “belonging to an inner circle.” Traditionally, those with “eyes to see and ears to hear,” who were ready to awaken the unified Goddess and God within, were initiated into the Divine through the ancient mystery schools of Mount Carmel (Palestine), Egypt, Greece, Tibet, and elsewhere. By excluding and erasing the gnostic wisdom of the paleo-Christian era, and turning the Divine into an external, inaccessible male God, the early Church Fathers closed the doors of perception to the esoteric, and turned eyes outward to the corrupted exoteric — the patriarchal trinity of Father, (only) Son, and male Bishop / Priest.
Sovereign power was to be given to a dualistic, male-led theology, to the “gatekeepers to heaven,” to the unholy Church. Redemption from inherent “sin” and “unworthiness,” and the guarantee into heavenly afterlife, came through surrender to dark masculine enslavement. With this came the death of the authentic death-rebirth initiatory traditions of ancient cultures, and the birth of shallow settling for “born again.”
Interestedly, mer — the root of Mermaid — also means to die, and forms words related to death like mortal. Avoid dying to the Great Sea of no-thing, to Sophia’s still black womb, a dying Jesus and mystery schools initiated aspirants into, and the vulnerabilities and uncertainties of being truly born again are avoided. Jesus the man becomes the Christ to turn to and be born through. Forgotten is the Divine Feminine Christ within, and the esoteric rites of the Ancients.
The sovereign Mermaid Goddess within was a threat to the clergymen and patriarchal rule dependent on inversions of Truth and total control. Her wild, sensual, mysterious, mystical sea-presence, the Queendom of the Feminine Soul, are not easily moulded and controlled. They don’t fit into the tight box of dark masculine lies. And so it was that there became a systematic crushing of all that represented or expressed the Divine Feminine, the Goddess of Truth & Freedom.
Not long after Jesus’s crucifixion, with the unholy merger between the Catholic Church and Roman Empire, a new, patriarchal religious story emerged. Gnostic sects and early Christian teachings that diverted from this dogma, and that sought to preserve the true message of Jesus, were increasingly perceived as a threat and attacked. By the 4th century CE, pagans living in tune with the feminine rhythms and wisdom of Mother Gaia were persecuted by Emperor Theodosius I and his Roman Christian state. (He reigned over the western empire from 379–392, and then over both East and West from 392–395). Temples in North Africa, and ones dedicated to the Gods Mithra, Dionysius and Serapis, to give a few examples, were destroyed. With Christianity established as the official creed by the late 4th century, and the decreed prohibition of pagan deity worship, heretics were pressured to convert to the new patriarchal religion.
The ancient Temple at Delphi in Greece, within which the Pythia Oracle Priestesses offered prophetic, sage guidance to laypeople and rulers alike, was forbidden in 394 CE by Theodosius. Considered the most sacred site to the ancient Greeks, Delphi / the temple was a psychic power centre for the Divine Feminine, and a womb portal. Quoting this author, “The name Delphi comes from the same root as δελφύς, or ‘womb,’ and may indicate the veneration of Gaia since the enormous cliff with a huge cleft in it near the site was referred to as ‘the womb of the world.’” Aeschylus, the classical Greek playwright of 5th century BCE, wrote in the prologue of the Eumenides that Delphi and the Oracles were originally about the worship of the Goddess. This was prior to any association with worshipping the violent Greek god Apollo, whom the temple would later be named after (appropriated by). The Oracles of Delphi were in essence womb shamanesses communing with Mother Earth and the sacred Python (inspiring their appellation Pythia), a Snake consciousness that represented the Divine Feminine in ancient cultures throughout the world. A mound-shaped stone, or omphalos, meaning navel or belly button, was located in the innermost sanctuary of the temple. Many saw Delphi as being the centre of the world, with the omphalos considered the navel of the Earth. Through the omphalos and womb energy of the land and temple chamber, one connected to the Mother Goddess. But this place of communing with the Goddess was abruptly shut down with the rise of Roman Catholicism, which depended on the myth of a male God and Eve’s great sin.
Some believe that the second, and more famous burning of the Library of Alexandria in 391 CE didn’t destroy all the estimated hundreds of thousands of sacred texts, but was a ruse (a false flag operation) to smuggle some away to control advanced information, likely with roots in the Far East — Zoroastrianism, Buddhism & Vedic Hinduism. Archbishop and Patriarch of Alexandria, Theophilus, who ruled from 385-412 CE, was known to be violent and severely intolerant towards heterodox views challenging Christian hegemony. Influenced by Theodosius’s pious and fanatical imperialism, it’s possible that Theophilus would have overseen this clandestine looting of sacred knowledge. Some propose that this wealth of ancient texts live on today in the vast, underground labyrinth of the Vatican Archives, spanning miles; that they add to an unfathomable collection of “forbidden” knowledge — Divine Feminine Treasures — the dark forces want us to remain ignorant of. It’s much easier to control us that way.
From the 13th to 16th centuries, during a manic hunt initiated by the Church, 100,000 European witches were tortured, murdered and exiled. Thousands more wise women — the Old English meaning of witches, from wicce — if not millions some researchers say, were barbarically imprisoned, tortured and burnt at the stake throughout the years of the Catholic Inquisition. Formalized by Pope Innocent IV in 1252, the Inquisition legalized the horrific punishment of heretics, as well as the complete confiscation of their goods and property, leaving little to nothing for the remaining family to inherit or live off of. This abhorrent racket of mind control, abuse, murder and theft ended in the early 19th century in Spain.
As with other heretics, like the Cathars of southern France, victims of the Albigensian Crusade (1209–29), one of many “religious wars” initiated by the Roman Catholic Church, witches were considered practitioners of the devil, or devil-worshippers. From this hellish belief arose the evil witches of our famous stories like The Wizard of Oz, and the villainous dark broom-riders of Hallowe’en traditions. Overtime, the true magick of the Old Ways of women, rooted in the black womb mysteries of the Divine Feminine, were systematically inverted into black magic. Upon humanity was cast a social-engineering spell to avoid the “dangerous,” “sorcerous” Feminine Mysteries (including wild, loving sexual union.)
While churches throughout the world, like St. Peter’s Basilica and Notre Dame, were built high on top of sacred power spots/portals to control Mother Gaia’s consciousness, the Ways of the Feminine Mysteries and women in general went underground to avoid persecution — figuratively and literally. Earth-magick rites and shamanic practices had to be conducted beneath Earth’s surface, like in catacombs. Vast treasures of heretical gnostic wisdom were buried for safe-keeping and posterity. Unearthing the esoteric texts of the Nag Hammadi Library and Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1940’s, in Upper Egypt and the Judaean Desert respectively, symbolizes the humble stirrings of lost Feminine Treasures resurrecting from the shadows of human consciousness.
Although the Feminine Mysteries have been awakening and uplifting planetary consciousness from its dark spell at an accelerated pace, we also see an escalation of tragic madness across the planet. The distorted, mechanical, disembodied, hyper-masculine shadow landscape of scientific materialism, military might, and tyrannical control is destroying sentient life like never before. Our dark overlords are aggressively pushing their anti-life, anti-biology, anti-family, transhumanist agenda at full speed (while pretending to care about human beings, climate and the environment). They are pushing their technocratic new world order.
The dark rulers deeply fear the prophesied resurrection or rebirth of the wild Feminine Mysteries from the collective oceanic unconscious. The resplendent power of our awakened treasures completely reveals, subverts and dissolves the patriarchal program, or matrix. Injecting billions with a black budget, black magic, military-made, transhumanist “vaccine” and modifying our DNA is an essential part of our dark overlords’ plan. They know that it’s in our genetic universe and throughout our temple body — the true Church of God/dess — that our Feminine Treasures come to life, and our inner Mermaid Goddess is set free.
To further explore the history, myth and symbology of the Goddess / Divine Feminine, please read my Ancient Shamanic Snake and Sacred Primordial Om ceremony descriptions.
Healing & Activation Ceremony
In this sacred ceremony, you commune with a Cosmic Master of the Feminine Mysteries and Celestial Seas, the boundless Oversoul of the Mermaid Goddess. She comes to lift you out of this dark story, and the painful memories held in your DNA, heart and Soul. She’s here, with bubbling joy and honour, to initiate your heroic Ocean Womb rebirth, and your rise into the Light of Truth, ascending as one with humanity and Gaia into the destined Golden Age.
By feeling into her safe and loving presence, you remember, at a cellular-soul level, the Mermaid Goddess in you — your lost Feminine Treasures, again, existing in both genders. This remembrance is somatically experienced through spiritual DNA activation — by awakening the crystalline light codes of your Soul’s genetic universe that represent the Mermaid Goddess you are.
Making up the divine blueprint of your Higher Self, the full spectrum of your crystalline light codes lay nestled against your biological DNA, with most dormant at this time. You carry within you the complete Blueprint of Creation, and thus the Cosmic Mermaid Goddess — her codes. All the divine qualities she represents are inherent to you as well, in equal measure and unique expression. These include being bold, playful, curious, open, mischievous, wild, juicy, sensual, sexual, orgasmic, delightful, beautiful, creative, magickal, abundant, fierce, feisty and strong.
Feeling into these sacred human qualities, can you sense how and why they have been antithetical and threatening to rigid religious and patriarchal, do-good, be-obedient establishments? As it’s been outside, it has been within. These same qualities have been disavowed by the conditioned inner ego establishment that demands “appropriate” behaviour and conformity, and the denial of the Mermaid Goddess within. To various degrees, it has not felt safe or natural to swim freely in the fullness of who we are.
Diving deeper into the pristine waters of your Oceanic Innocence, can you feel and imagine how much your Inner Star Child lights up when these Mermaid qualities are set free? De-light, for a moment, in the glorious wonder of your Inner Star Child and Goddess spiralling, swimming and playing together as one in the Ocean of Life, as they are meant to! Now imagine what’s possible for yourself, and the world, if your Inner Star Child and Mermaid Goddess united in dream and purpose to bring the lost Treasures of the Divine Feminine Mysteries to light.
Opening to Mermaid Goddess’s transmission in this ceremony resurrects these historically shamed and suppressed Feminine Treasures and childlike qualities from your unconscious; from genetic dormancy. This occurs through a dynamic processes called resonant mirroring. The crystalline codes synonymous with her transmission — your Mermaid codes — experience a beautiful, resonant I remember feeling, which brings them to life, and ignites an embodied, heartfelt realization that this divinity is your own. With this awakening, your body, mind and heart are rebirthed and uplifted by the sacred Mermaid consciousness of your Soul.
This awakened Feminine consciousness is immediately picked up by the receptors of your neurons. Your Divine Feminine nature, the Celestial Mermaid you are, swims more fully and freely through your neural rivers, and in new ones, lighting you up with Oceanic Magick and Mystery. To greater measure, you are empowered to flow with the currents of your Soul and life; to command the presence and possibilities of the Mermaid Goddess within, at one with the Cosmic Consciousness of the Mermaid Goddess.
Working in tandem with Mermaid Goddess code activation, or empowerment, is quantum healing. Her transmission transmutes the painful memories, trauma imprints and programming, compromising vows and oaths, that span lifetimes and generations. Again, this occurs to the degree you are ready.
Via the link further down, you are guided to set healing empowerment intentions on anything you want. Here are a few examples of beliefs you may hold that the Mermaid Goddess can partially or fully liberate you from by transmuting their underlying trauma / energy matrix:
- I have to be good, obedient or strong (to survive)
- It’s bad or wrong to put myself first
- I’m not good enough or worthy
- I’m unloveable
- It’s weak or unsafe to feel the watery depths of my emotional body — my em-ocean
- It’s unsafe / bad / wrong / weak to be soft, gentle, vulnerable, tender, open
- Sexual energy is unsafe or should be expressed within reason
- Wild sexual expression is bad or sinful
- Touch or being touched is unsafe
- I don’t deserve to be touched or held
- The body or flesh is sinful
- It’s unsafe / I’m unworthy to be desired or desirable
- I’m not beautiful
- It’s unsafe to speak my truth / express my needs and desires
- Magick, ritual, ceremony, Earth-Nature communion, paganism, witchcraft is dangerous or sinful
- It’s bad or sinful to be curious, ask questions, dream or wonder
- It’s wrong or unsafe to be wild, creative, magickal, mischievous or playful
- I don’t deserve to be a Goddess in the world / a female or male embodied in the Feminine Mysteries
- If I’m powerful, I may hurt another
- If I’m powerful, I may get hurt
For more on the last two beliefs, common to our world, please watch my video, “Uncoupling Fear from Power.”
Of particular importance to the Cosmic Mermaid Goddess is her compassionate desire to heal sexual trauma and transmute negative sexual programming. So much of our collective wounding arises from sexual violation during childhood, or in our later years. Studies reveal that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys have been sexually abused. These numbers are likely higher due to memory loss or fear of speaking the truth. There is also the programming spread through Hollywood, video games, pornography, social media, and toxic school curricula (& here) that hyper-sexualizes and perverts children and adults to please the pedophilic “elite” funding and overseeing these cultural phenomena.
Sexual trauma and distorted belief systems keep our Shakti kundalini life-force coiled at the base, hidden in the dark ocean depths of our psyche. Or they create an imbalance of over-active and unfulfilling sexual promiscuity, void of heart and intimacy. Shakti, personified by Goddess Kali Ma, is pure power. It is chi, qi or prana — the sexual energy that is our creative life force animating our cells, nervous system, heart and human awareness.
In this ceremony, by receiving advanced healing from the Mermaid Goddess, sexual trauma and mental, emotional and physical distortions — like difficulty with orgasm, impotence, inhibition, disinterest, body image issues, addiction, and thin boundaries — can dissolve and resolve. You can safely feel and free yourself from the fear, grief, shame, guilt, hatred, anger and rage arising from having given up your Wild Femininity — from having denied or betrayed your Mermaid Goddess Truth. Heavy emotions and subtle imprints drawn from pained lifetimes and generations can alchemize into forgiveness, and into healthy, joyful, loving, wild and creative sexual vitality and expression. Beautifully, abundantly, orgasmically your Sacred Rose Heart can gradually spiral open to blissful union.
In incremental stages of integrated awareness, the Mermaid Goddess within and your Wild Shakti are liberated. Eve safely returns to the “forbidden” Garden of your Heart, Body and Sexuality, uplifted and unified with healthy Adam who embraces your Feminine Mysteries. The sweet juice of Eve’s tender fruit is imbibed by Adam in this merging of Feminine and Masculine, their kundalini serpent energy ascending as one from the oceanic depths of Being.
The ancient dance of Shakti and Shiva spirals up the Tree of Life of your holy form, lighting the Rainbow Bridge of your chakras, and dissolving the illusion of “Good and Evil” — of duality. You are set free, as a sovereign, sexual, creative, unified being, a Being of Innocence, grounded in your body and Mother Gaia, while swimming joyously in the amniotic Womb of Sophia.
The Mermaid Goddess wants you to know that it’s time to remember this as your natural state. That, in Truth, you were conceived in invincible love and innocence within the Womb of Sophia, and born as such as the Holy Spirit you are. And, through your biological mother, you were born to live and lead in love, innocence, and so much more, by giving of your True Self and receiving in turn, carefree, open and alive — like little ones. You came here to dance new and old songs, and sing wildly, barefoot on the grass; to create and make love with abandon, mischievousness, devotion and sensual bliss; to enjoy, celebrate, and share your body, the sacredness that is your Temple Stargate home; to feel it in touch with the messages and medicine of Mother Earth, her boundless Living Library whispering secret words, the Old Ways, to your bones and heart.
It is your divine destiny to merge in Soul Union with your Beloved, if only the One within. In touch, in sacred embrace, you ecstatically experience the One Body of Christ.
This is what the passionate Mermaid Goddess wants for you. This was the clear, overwhelming, visceral vision she presented to me as I communed with her Oversoul, moving me to tears; as the doors of mystical perception opened wide, and she carried me through to the magickal otherworld — the wild Feminine Mysteries of my Oceanic Soul.
Now, in this ceremony, it is your turn to commune with her, to rise and embody your divine inheritance of Feminine Treasures.
Via the link below you are guided to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want, whether in the context of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual ailments / desires. Nothing is too much to ask from the Queen of the Cosmic Seas. Most of all, trust your heart, the whispers of your Mermaid Soul calling from the Ocean Mysteries.
Click here for further details and registration.