A transformative online ceremony for embracing the Pure Truth of your Angelic Light
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
What a wonderful honour it is to bring Archangel Raphael into your heart in this sacred ceremony; to give you a unique opportunity to allow his pure Archangelic presence to inspire your own. Raphael wants you to realize the Angel of Light you are in embodied resonance. A direct transmission from him empowers you to viscerally remember this as your divine inheritance, and helps to end any spells that you are anything less than pure and holy.
Recognized in Judaism, Christianity and Islam for his immense healing powers and protection against demons, Raphael comes at a time when great waves of sickness and darkness are surging on Mother Earth, pushed upon us by the deceitful propaganda and mandates of troubled souls. As has always been the case, these dark ones want us to remain lost in darkness with them, captured by their manipulative, artificial and parasitic ways. Light, love, truth and unity, and therefore our empowerment, are their greatest threats. And so they must do everything they can to keep us divided, afraid and forgetful of who we are as powerful and sovereign Angels of Light. This is especially true now as the Age of Light is rapidly dawning.
A disempowered person is prone to perceive dark’s cunning ways as benevolent or helpful, and to give power away to those who seem to have their best interests at heart. In struggling to feel and trust the light within, it becomes harder to discern positive from maleficent intentions. That light is the Light of Truth that resonates in our cells, gut and heart. It hears what’s not being said, feels shadowy undertones not overtly conveyed. It compels us to question authority, versus simply obey. It pierces the veil and sees through the dark.
Light knows Truth,
for it is the source of Truth.
Lifetimes of trauma, indoctrination / programming, and persecution veil us from this light, and inure us to illusions that in no way reflect Truth. These adverse experiences cause us to internalize untruths that distort identity and perception. A few examples are: we are inherently unworthy and bad; we must earn love and God’s forgiveness; we deserve to be punished and are separate; we deserve only so much; it’s wrong / unsafe to question authority. These and other untruths have created the violence, codependency, complacency and victimhood that’s defined much of our world going back millennia. They have caused the multitude to close their hearts and confuse painful illusions for “normal.”
Deceptive untruths can only be born from impure states of consciousness. Impure does not mean bad or less than. It simply means distortion of, or deviation from, what is holy and true. All that is impure, in energy, thought, word and deed, is illusion. Anything less than absolute purity is temporary, and not who you are. Raphael comes to end these shadow illusions by helping you embody and remember a simple, yet powerful gospel: Purity is synonymous with (High) Truth — who you truly are.
Please allow these words to sink deeply into your heart, where Truth resides.
Deep within your heart
in the purity of your Holy Spirit
the Truth of your Innocence
remains untarnished.
No matter what occurs,
no matter the darkness you fall into,
this radiant Truth of who you are
forever remains, calling.
In remembering this,
you remember the invincible nature
of who you are
at One with our Great Mother,
and the invincible nature
that is Eternal Truth.
We now better understand why Jesus spoke so highly and often of children as pure representations of Spirit. In Luke 18:16, he says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” We also find teachings of innocence in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” I remember asking Quan Yin, one of the Ascended Masters I work closely with, what it takes to be a member of the High Council she belongs to called The Sophia Dragon Tribe. She answered in one word — purity.
It is by no means easy to ascend to that level of mastery and archangelic Truth. Many heroic lifetimes of intense, vulnerable and courageous purification are required to evolve from dark’s subtle layers into glorious light. Tremendous sacrifices must be made of all that’s untrue, all we are not.
Like all Ascended Beings, Raphael has done this heroic work. And his continued service and joy is to assist souls, like you, to do the same — to leave realms of darkness for expanded thresholds of Truth and Light; to embrace purity in heart. Like Jesus and Quan Yin, Raphael does so by ceaselessly broadcasting the pure frequencies of Truth across the Multiverse, inviting those who are ready to be initiated into them. He radiates the highest divine qualities of grace, gratitude, compassion, fierceness, abundance, forgiveness, joy, wisdom, and other qualities that make up who we are, in Truth. This is Divine Mother’s / God’s work at the heavenly levels, with Raphael being a Force of Archangelic Light calling Her children home.
Now, in this sacred ceremony, Raphael radiates his overlighting presence directly upon you. In receiving a transmission from his Oversoul, you are gradually purified of illusions that veil you from realizing the Angel of Light you are. The immaculate Truth of Raphael, whose name in Hebrew means “God has healed,” transmutes painful lies you’ve believed spanning lifetimes and their underlying trauma imprints, which can create radical transformations in health and wellness. Examples of impurities are: ideas that you are less than, undeserving, incapable, unworthy and sinful; painful regrets, resentments and memories; patterns of self-shame, self-blame and self-defeat.
Healing creates quantum space for the Truth of your Angelic Self to activate in your DNA and shine into your heart and human awareness. With enough time, you are released from inner bondages convincing you that you are anything other than immaculately divine, and that make you susceptible to nefarious agendas wishing to keep you in the dark. Like a butterfly, your Angel wings open, and from a higher perspective you realize that, all along, the inner and outer shadows were nothing more than illusions you once believed in, a dream of Creation that was never true — never you.
Raphael dearly wants this for you. Again, it is his great joy for you to realize your unmitigated beauty and power, the force of life you are; to not shy away from your Angelic Truth anymore. He wants you to glow brilliantly by fully owning the God-given glory that is you, two words wonderfully related.
Enough lifetimes have passed where we’ve been conditioned to believe that being less than the Angels of Light we are is to be commended. We’ve been taught to dim and dumb down in order to be safe, acceptable, and loved. In many tragic ways, our survival has depended on being in the dark. Those difficult days and illusions are rapidly coming to a close. The world, as you can see, desperately needs your High Truth. The Age of Light needs Angels of Light! It’s birthed only by radiating our Glorious Selves. There is no other way.
Via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for healing empowerments on anything you want. Most of all, trust your heart, and the loving light of Archangel Raphael to serve your angelic embodiment.
Click here for further details and registration.