Dark Emerald Ray Healing & Activation

A transformative online ceremony for healing deeply rooted pain and being uplifted into Emerald’s Archangelic light

  • Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to  to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
  • Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
  • Cost: $77 CDN
  • Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
  • Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
  • Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom

Emerald is an Archangelic crystalline frequency, a wise overlighting force and loving friend that’s served the Cosmos going far back, since the Dawn of Creation. This Ray is associated with Archangel Raphael, and is primary to Green Tara’s multi-ray transmission, her 21 Tara emanations serving the Multiverse. At this difficult time of collective rebirth, Emerald’s Dark transmission comes with a special purpose needed in our world: it reaches deep into the old, hard-to-reach places of our body-mind-soul, deftly clears the hidden complexities of our shadows, and lifts us from them.

Emerald’s rich green colour represents rebirth, growth, nature and abundance. In its Dark Ray expression, it brings the spirit of fecundity into the secret, quantum roots of our unconscious, and also into the light of our conscious awareness. It opens us to newfound, luminous possibilities in the dark underground spaces of our psyche, which include the labyrinth of our painful shadows, and far deeper, in our primordial black womb consciousness.

In its ancient wisdom, the Dark Emerald Ray alchemizes the pains of our humanity into fertile humus, a rich, sacred ground of being from which we abundantly grow anew. Unconscious, sticky, fearful patterns of our murky history no longer hold weight in our psyche, but transform. We root deeper into the pure blackness of our primordial innocence, the vast wisdom of our silent birthing ground. From there we blossom higher, into new dimensions of crystalline light.

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It goes without saying that the journey of healing and empowerment is confusing, frustrating and overwhelming at times. A major reason is because so much of what we struggle with runs deep in the unconscious, buried in the dark. Chronic conditions like physical pain can be very mysterious, hard to make sense of, with no clear diagnosable Why?! I, for one, know what it’s like to go from one puzzled and expensive healing practitioner to another, only to hear the expected, “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” I know what it’s like to have one strange ailment arise after another, and to be clueless as to the traumatic roots. 

The roots of pain and suffering are hidden in the shadows of trauma, inherited ancestral patterns, past-life karmic imprints, and viral programming, much of which is encoded in our DNA. And their corresponding, causal events are often concealed from our conscious recollection, hidden from the light of our human awareness (which, in many ways, is a blessing, and has its divine reasons for being).

People I’ve worked with in my healing and activation ceremonies, and in my earlier therapy practice, have had extensive memory blocks from childhood. For example, they may not recall anything before the age of nine, or have no memory from ten to fifteen years of age. This likely signifies that one or more experiences overwhelmed or shocked them to such an extent that it could not be integrated into their conscious awareness. The protective, survival mechanisms of the mind automatically shut down any recollection thereafter, and the painful memory remained secretly kept in the shadows. 

What occurred internally was too much, too fast, too soon, an apropos description sometimes used for trauma, especially for young, under-resourced children. Emotional abuse, sexual abuse, spanking, abandonment, or even pushing developmentally inappropriate curriculum, overwhelmed the nervous system and psychology. The adversity was too much to take in mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, too much to integrate into the conscious awareness of the fragile, developing psychobiology. Fear immobilized the system and life force became frozen in time. 

Adverse childhood experiences easily overwhelm the sensitive, developing psychobiology of little ones for whom small is big. Lacking secure attachment, and a calm adult to engender calm in the child in what’s called co-regulation, dysregulation or spikes in the nervous system take hold, and remain stuck. Fear and overwhelm do not move through and out, as compared to animals, like ducks, who instinctively shake stress off after conflict. Animals do not carry the trauma humans do due to this instinctive survival wisdom. Children, as well as frightened and overwhelmed adults, on the other hand, do not “shake off” distress with the efficiency and regularity of animals. They do not engage the ancient survival wisdom of the body that releases through sound (like singing, weaping and drumming), movement (like shaking and dancing), tears, and deep exhales. They do not soften into inner safety and homeostasis, with this being even less possible without a calm, receptive, loving presence nearby, ideally with tender arms to fall into.

The nervous system and identity adapt into a state of chronic vigilance or collapse, high-tone sympathetic or parasympathetic arousal. A survival psychobiology wired for threat, protection and rigid bracing overrides the natural instinct for safety, connection and fluid openness. We become less natural, less rooted in the rich humus of our body and Mother Earth, and in the black womb consciousness of still, primordial being. 

These inner distortions or imbalances remain present, even though we no longer live at home with our scary parents or are at the mercy of our abusive parter. This is why trauma is not what occurred — the specific event, but its impact and residue within. And it’s why the experience of trauma is referred to as the eternally present past. Hence war veterans having psychophysical reactions to fireworks, or an adult still fearing dogs three decades after the one and only attack in the playground. What happened years ago remains within, frozen in time. 

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Once we understand this, the deeply rooted nature of trauma, as well as programming, such as through religious, media and school indoctrination, things become clearer internally, and in our world. We understand the nature of human suffering, now and historically, intelligently and compassionately so. We not only sensitively perceive the burdens of the human experience, but recognize how beautifully courageous we are in enduring them, and carrying on. We do this despite what exists inside: the heavy weight in our unconscious, the aches and illnesses in our body, our pained history spanning lifetimes and generations, and the troubled collective consciousness we are inextricably linked to.

It’s a miracle, indeed, and a testament to the human spirit and heart, that even with such deeply rooted pain, most live as good-hearted, generous, creative and loving everyday people; that the light of our divinity still shines through, and the heavenly flowers we are still bloom, though our pained roots silently cry for healing tears and sunshine. 

Truly, at least for me, this is one of the greatest miracles of life. 

And yet, we are not meant to endure as we have, to continue carrying such a heavy weight of unprocessed pain as a way of being and living. The arduous path of learning and evolving through suffering is coming to a close on this planet as we ascend into a Golden Age. At least for those souls who are ready, it is a glorious, prophesied time to birth ourselves anew in Fields of Love. 

An Age of Miracles is before us, and this sacred ceremony with the Dark Emerald Ray is here to initiate it. It does by birthing the Miracle you are from the quantum, holy depths of your soul. You are lifted from the hero and heroine’s journey of enduring adversity as you once have, into miraculously transcending this collective story of suffering altogether. 

This transformation in consciousness occurs with the Dark Emerald Ray shining deep into the quantum roots of your pained history, your eternally present past. Complex areas hard to look at, feel and process, painful memories hidden and forgotten, are transmuted to the degree you are ready. This safe archangelic Ray alchemizes shadow-scapes where there might be ample resistance due to unbearable pain arising from experiences that were too much, too fast, too soon. Its loving presence gently integrates the psyche back from disassociation and fragmentation, from being frozen in time, into wholeness — holiness, which means health

Examples of adverse experiences, from this lifetime or previous ones, include: enduring a stressed or angry mother while in the womb; circumcision or being placed in an incubator after birth, without touch; childhood sexual abuse, abandonment and neglect; being bullied emotionally and / or physically, such as from a sibling or at school; disasters like hurricanes, floods and war; rape, violent assault, torture, or being burnt alive; ancestral war or genocidal trauma.

From these experiences arise not only fear, if not terror, but also self-shame and self-blame, such as believing it was our fault for the adversity we experienced. I’m bad / wrong and It’s my fault are common beliefs amongst survivors of adverse events. They often correspond to attachment failures, in which children blame themselves in order to protect the image of the primary caregiver, and the familial relationship. This is an unconscious survival reaction of little ones who instinctively know they need the other / relationship to survive. They hold the caregiver in the light of infallibility, even though this person is harming them. Children also blame themselves because, in their sensitive, impressionable minds, there must be something wrong with them to deserve such treatment, to not be met with pure love. For this reason, I don’t deserve, I’m not worthy, I’m not lovable and I am flawed are also common trauma-based beliefs. 

The Dark Emerald Ray holds great compassion for this suffering, yours and the world’s. In this ceremony, its holy transmission transmutes the energetic fabric of deeply rooted beliefs that we can become addicted or attached to in one lifetime, or across many. These painful beliefs and their trauma roots are cleared to greater measure, or completely, so they no longer unconsciously write the story of your life, and keep you cycling through dysfunctional patterns in the Wheel of Samsara, stuck and lost in old ways.

Quantum healing lightens you from anxious and depressive states, and can provide miraculous transformations in your physical health. You are less drawn to, or completely withdraw yourself from addictive relationships with humans, porn, food, gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc. You are empowered to make conscious choices that your body, mind, heart and soul deserve and call you to, and that are creatively life-giving. 

Indeed, with loving support from the Dark Emerald Ray, there is more quantum space within for your sovereign divinity to shine in your human awareness, more breathing room for the Breath of Life you are. The old tiring, trying load is loosened and lightened, and you are lifted from what’s ultimately not who you are, the story that never was.

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What was once
dark and painful
finally dissolves into peace,

the still blackness
of your womb,
your final resting place

at one with our Holy Mother,

and from this humble ground
of original innocence

you rise again,

a gift of heaven,
the dawning of a new day. 

This quantum soul rebirth and empowerment can be explained in another way, and is experienced through an additional ceremonial gift from the Dark Emerald Ray.

Merging with this sacred, celestial consciousness activates the crystalline light codes of your spiritual DNA, specifically the Emerald codes of your Emerald light body. Nestled against the full length of your biological DNA lays the totality of your encoded divine genetic blueprint, of which this archangelic light is one expression. Like your biological genes, your angelic genes and thus full set of codes are uniquely sequenced, with most being dormant at this time. This divine inheritance was graced upon you by our Divine Mother, who, from Her holy black womb birthed you in Her image and likeness as a perfect living fractal, and a reflection of Her unbounded love.

This means that every immaculate quality that exists in Her quantum field also exists within you, and uniquely so. The ancient ascension wisdom and gifts, the timeless teachings and healing medicine, the spirit of abundance and creative birthing powers of the Emerald Ray, in its full spectrum archangelic radiance, therefore, is part of your Soul fabric. 

By communing with the Dark Emerald Ray in this ceremony your Emerald codes come to life, rebirthing your heart, mind and body. Your neurobiology awakens and supercharges with this archangelic consciousness, creating new neural pathways away from fear, shame and doubt and towards safety, love and truth. To greater measure, you live and create from these embodied qualities unique to the Dark Emerald Ray. You realize, especially in your Emerald Heart Chakra, how this Christ light is a beautiful, effulgent aspect of your multidimensional Rainbow Soul, and how you are forever one with the resplendence of Cosmic Emerald Consciousness. 

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Via the link below, you are encouraged to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want — mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. Nothing is too much to ask from the Dark Emerald Ray, which longs to serve you.

Most of all, trust your heart; and that the Dark Emerald Ray is here to do the heavy lifting for you, so you don’t have to slog through and re-live your painful experiences, and you can rise anew from rich, fertile beginnings, embodying the invincible innocence you are. 

Click here for further details and registration.