A transformative online ceremony for purifying, balancing and activating your root chakra, and birthing the Ruby codes of your Archangelic divinity
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
“Give me your weight,”
whispered Mother Earth,
“and you give yourself
to the Heavens.”
Rooting down into our bodies, and into Mother Earth who is an extension of our form, is not only necessary for our health and wellbeing, but is especially important during times of great change and upheaval. Clearly, we are living in such a time now.
Our global infrastructure, like our banking, economic and political systems, are collapsing, causing energy and food shortages, inflation, skyrocketing debt, and more. Uncertainty, distrust and fear are on the rise, and at their destined time. There is no error in this monumental collapse and collective purging. It’s a perfect storm. As so many spiritual traditions have prophesied, and as written in the stars, our astronomical alignments, we have reached the End Times. “Normal,” dysfunctional as it’s been, and our seeming “democracy,” must now bow and fall into the dark abyss, where they can be transformed. These systems of behaviour and governance are completely unsustainable, especially given how ruled by darkness they are, and have been for millennia.
Obvious this is to a growing number of awakening people, the spellbound majority still refuse to acknowledge this stark reality. It’s only by courageously seeing things as they are, not how we want them to be, disturbing as this can be, that we come home to our hearts, where truth lies, and down, into our body. Allowing difficult truths to come alive within, and feeling the fullness of our emotional response, like shock, anger and grief, anchors us deeper into the rich, raw realness of our humanity, and our messy transforming planet it’s inextricably connected to.
We stop avoiding reality, inside and out, uncomfortable, chaotic and frightening as it can be. We become intimately and compassionately aware of truth’s dark and light versions that, while clearly seen externally, have their expressions within, as well. For we are made of shadow and light, and have our inner tyrant and angel. We are not separate from the rising sea of evil and good, fear and love that dramatically plays out before us.
This humbling, truthful awareness sparks rare and radical self-responsibility. It ends the game of pre-tending. Tending to the heart of the matter as it is, not how we want it to be, in the body of Earth and our own, we come down to Earth. Courageously going down and in, into our shadows and untended messiness, we perceive more clearly, humbly, honestly and compassionately. And we open up to higher reality, Higher Truth; to joys upon joys, and awakened service.
* * *
Like a tree, we open up and rise into the light to the degree we root down into the rich, dark, wet messiness and beauty of our humanity. We open to our Higher Self inasmuch as we embrace our fertile body, tears, shadows and all. The clue lies in the word “human,” which etymologically comes from the word “humus,” meaning earthiness.
Though the Archangelic Ruby Ray is unlimited in how it can serve your healing and activation, your going down, in and up, it has a speciality: the root chakra temple, or Muladhara, meaning root (Mulu) and base (Adhara) in Sanskrit. This chakra, or energy centre vortex, is located at the base of your spine, at your pelvic floor (perineum). Its archetypal element is earth, and its pure, animating life force roots you in your elemental earthbody, at one with Mother Earth. And its colour is a rich red, which, when we consider the holy life fluid of our blood, symbolizes being a raw human perfectly.
It thus makes sense that physical survival, security, stability and self-preservation — root human needs, are the sacred functions of your Muladhara temple; that it plays a vital role in creating a healthy home for you in your human experience, down to Earth.
Just like how a home has its own foundation, your root chakra is the energetic foundation of your body-mind-soul complex. This foundation is one way to define the seat of your soul. From this grounding base, your coiled kundalini serpent rises and informs your other six major chakras. As one unified system, their healthy, life-giving expressions are inextricably tied to how healthy your root chakra is. They depend on a solid soul-body foundation, or home base.
With your Muladhara thriving in pure expression and fulfilling its sacred, earthen role, you are empowered to anchor your Higher Self, to descend, which is what avatar means; and you are empowered to ascend the ceremonial rainbow bridge of your chakra temples. You can successfully explore and thrive in the material world, in healthy, loving relationship with others, as a spiritual being living in harmony with the Light Realms.
In this ceremony, the Ruby Ray empowers these sacred purposes of your Muladhara chakra by purifying, balancing, and activating or expanding its presence to new levels. A direct transmission from this crystalline Ray deepens your rootedness into your vital earthbody, and strengthens your soul-human expression during a time of intensifying storm winds. Your spiritual leadership and sovereignty, your role as a grounding, guiding force in our chaotic rebirth comes to new life.
Rooted within, you are emboldened in facing the growing dark realities, in taking them to heart, without diminishing, denying or even judging them, and without being swept away. With greater activation, you have the firm footing to even honour these chaotic gales, the sacred, paradoxical role they play in rebirthing our world. This higher, paradoxical wisdom only comes with welcoming and embodying the celestial light of your Higher Self. From this embodied, grounded presence, not only are you less resistant to the ancient dance between light and dark, but you can broadcast light through the darkness, as a sturdy beacon and homing station for others.
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Our spinning chakras draw in consciousness from our Higher Self, and other electromagnetic or celestial Rays, store that energy, and express it into our bioenergetic field. This occurs via our subtle energy channels — nāḍīs or meridians, that converge at the chakras. The sensitive receptors of our neurons pick up this streaming consciousness and express it through our neurobiology / nervous system. This then influences our physical health, our psychology or identity, and perception.
For almost everyone in this low dimensional Earth plane, the energy within their chakras is, to some degree, impure — pained, distorted, dense, and imbalanced. This varies from chakra to chakra, and is resultant of karmic baggage, childhood trauma, viral programming, and more, which I’ll get to. A maladaptation occurs, in that chakras express as deficient or excessive rather than in their natural, healthy, balanced, and thus pure state. They do not draw prana into the body at the optimum levels possible, leaving the bioenergetic field with less than optimum health and vitality.
Regarding the root chakra, when deficient in expression, pure grounding chi is not circulating enough. This can cause us to feel spacey, flighty, anxious, restless, worried, scattered — all signs of being ungrounded in the body and world; of reaching up without coming down. Not enough of our immaculate Holy Spirit, in its ruby radiance, is animating our Muladhara. With deficiency, we search without fully landing, which can manifest as frequent moving or couch surfing; as not feeling at home or belonging anywhere. Material reality is not respected or properly tended to, engendering lack of self-physical-care, procrastination, and struggles with practicalities like organization and finances.
Difficulty rooting in the body and world due to Muladhara deficiency also thins personal boundaries. Life force anchoring into our earthbody strengthens our I Am Here integral edges, and the desire to honour and protect those edges. Not being down to Earth in our soma leaves us susceptible to deceptive winds; to perceiving reality not as it actually is, and to being manipulated and having our personal space violated. This ungrounded naivety and lack of discernment underwrites the willingness to give power away to dark, corrupt forces; which continues to happen at alarming levels amongst the over-trusting, disembodied multitude, many of whom are ungrounded New Age spiritualists.
Healthy rootedness is often a struggle for spiritual seekers who only want the light (or to return home to their Star Nation), rather than be in their body, at home in this trying, beautiful world. This ungroundedness, the lack of balance between reaching up and rooting down, slows their spiritual growth and utilization of all other chakras, resulting in all sorts of challenges, some I’ve mentioned, and others I’ll cover shortly.
At the other end of the spectrum, an impure over-engaged root chakra can express itself in excessive holding on. A gripping fear makes it hard to leave familiar shores of predictable living. This is the shadow side of anchoring in the body — we anchor too much, to the point of being stuck in our ways, overly-boundried, inflexible in mind and body. There is lethargy / sluggishness and apathy; heaviness in the body — being excessively weighed down. We lack spontaneity and openness to new possibilities, the curious, fresh mindset of a child. Senses are dulled as we easily settle for the mundane, humdrum routines of TV watching materialism. This can easily create a depressive state, as we struggle to rise into the truth of our higher, fluid, lighter nature.
The impurities of deficiency and excess, energetic contraction or exhaustive overload, can manifest in physical ailments such as lower back and kidney pain, weight and digestive issues, fatigue, hip tightness, knee pain, and more. While I’m careful not to pigeon-hole symptomology too much due to the complexities of cause, there is truth that these are expressions of Muladhara impurity and imbalance.
* * *
To examine the causes of these maladaptive expressions, we must understand trauma, particularly incurred in childhood during the formative years (0-7) when the nervous system and identity are rapidly developing. It goes without saying that our home life during our early years has a significant influence on our bioenergetic home. The nature of our external foundation, expressed relationally, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and financially, impacts our developing inner foundation.
One of the sure indicators of trauma is not feeling safe at home, in our body. For children growing up in an unpredictable, volatile, abusive, and / or neglectful home, not only are the experiences scary and overwhelming, but so is feeling. Big emotions like sadness, fear, terror, anger and disgust, as well as sensations like tightness, are too much for their developing psychology and nervous system, and for children to bear on their own.
The younger the child, the more they need to be soothed by a safe, loving attachment figure. This is called co-regulation or interactive regulation. The parent’s calm engenders the child’s calm. Young children are not yet wired to self-regulate, or self-sooth. They need the secure base of a secure attachment, a regulated, loving, nurturing adult who essentially communicates, verbally and non-verbally: “It’s okay. I’m with you. It’ll all be fine.”
Imagine if you had heard and felt more of this…
Gentle reassurance, particularly through touch, communicates to children that it’s safe to be as they are now, feeling what they feel now, down and in. Thus it’s safe to be who they are, as wild, feeling beings in their body — here and now.
That’s what these two powerful words — It’s okay — mean, in essence: It’s okay to be you, big emotions and all. They simultaneously mean: And I’m okay being with you in your vulnerable experience. We are in this together. This latter part honours the importance of secure bonding, the needed foundational We essential in the root, formative years.
Feeling okay to be me,
while I’m with you ~
what a rich, fertile ground
from which to grow
into my Self,
and the relational world.
Gentle, soothing reassurance in moments of childhood fear also communicates something else important, without words: I’m in control so you don’t have to be. Fear and inner instability seek to (unnecessarily) control — outside and in, to make things better, as best one can. When nourished and calmed by the primary attachment figure, however, fear gives way. The child grounds into safety — a feeling that All is well. She trusts her world is okay, because she feels her world through, or undivided from, her parent’s secure, calming presence.
Secure bonding, or resting in connection, serves these sacred purposes, and so much more. Big, scary emotions and corresponding spikes in the nervous system are less likely to get stuck and form long-term psychophysiological maladaptations in the form of trauma and unhealthy belief systems; of living wired for threat. Instead, these threat responses can soften and release. The child’s system and identity can relax and regulate; and from this rooted, embodied foundation, the little one can blossom into life, as divinely designed.
In the cradle
of soothing love,
a silent voice whispered,
“I’m here with you, now.
All ways.”
And in that pristine moment
the gate opened even wider
to the purity and power
of the Muladhara temple,
and this Child of Light
like a sacred rose,
eagerly, beautifully and gloriously
into her life of destiny,
the Garden of Life
she forever is.
Indeed, the secure ruby base children need for life is nourished into being by this grounding cradle of loving attachment; one that is strong and reliable, soft and forgiving, rooted by the pure Muladhara of the primary caregiver. It is this home base of familial love that activates and enriches the child’s earthen Muladhara power, from which angel wings rise and spread in radiance from the Holy Heart.
There are other early foundational pieces essential to developing a child’s Muladhara that extend beyond this heart-and-soul relational field. Examples include: having a stable physical home environment — not moving from one home to another, with the child regularly being uprooted and having to make new friends; being provided with clothing, healthy and abundant food, and other physical essentials; and reliably showing up for children by attending their events or picking them up from school on time, versus being indifferent, forgetful or late, which is hard on impressionable, dependent little ones.
Beyond the nuclear family, there is also the vital role Mother Earth and her wild, wide open spaces play in cultivating healthy rootedness, and raising our children. Unstructured, unsupervised play, with little bare feet touching soil and grass, and the body and imagination free to explore and create, is powerful beyond measure for grounding children in their earthy existence; for giving them a felt-sense experience of being one with their extended body that is Mother Earth. Energetically feeling into Gaia’s holding presence and embrace, giving her our trusting weight as we do in our mother’s tender arms, brings essential life force up through the subtle channels of our body. This is sweet, rising nectar for the blossoming Muladhara and earthbody. As it is with rooted trees, it is for the entirety of our rooted humanity.
* * *
These foundational pieces are greatly missing in our society. Sadly, they are disappearing at alarming levels. Insecure foundations in our early years — physical, relational, financial, or otherwise — also known as adverse childhood experiences, plus far too much time spent indoors and in front of technology, are indeed creating unhealthy adaptations in the Muladhara, and in the developing identity of children.
Much of this is socially engineered by the dark forces ruling our planet. Driven by their plan for a transhuman world, with the ongoing injections key to their overarching strategy, they seek to disconnect us from our carbon / biological / natural inner and outer worlds, from the roots of our humanity. The manufactured “climate crisis” or climate scam is, among many other things, an attack on carbon dioxide, and thus what is natural, holy and of the Earth. It’s part of the UN documented plan for an AI World Society, in which we are uploaded from our elemental, carbon earthbody into the artificial, digital universe. Perception and boundaries blur, and we can no longer tell what is real.
Destroying families and removing — uprooting — children from their parents, hallmarks of communism, and ruining kids through “gender affirming care,” a stepping stone towards transhumanism, further add to this nefarious mix and dystopic vision; to the growing instability of our inner and outer environments.
Parents must be discerning more than ever. It’s their parental and social responsibility to be awake to the dark agenda, grounded and centred in their discerning hearts, so to provide a secure, loving foundation for their children, that includes fierce protection. Without this foundation, both parents and children are vulnerable to the deceptive, dark gales before us. They easily become swept away by manipulative, coercive narratives, like transgenderism or woke ideology in general. They become uprooted from their humanity and from Mother Earth.
With growing storms, and children unshielded and ungrounded, fear becomes the unstable emotional foundation from which children attempt to grow into the world. Imbalances or survival adaptations towards deficiency or excess take hold in the Muladhara. The root chakra struggles to fulfill its sacred purpose of empowering physical survival, security, stability and self-preservation at optimum, divine levels, and in harmony with Gaia’s loving holding.
We struggle to live down to earth, securely rooted and healthy in our humus.
Indeed, not from a foundation of soulful red rock do we build our lives, but temporal sand, easily shifted by the winds of fear, inside and out. Home does not feel like home.
* * *
This sacred ceremony is here to safely guide you back into your earthbody so you feel at home in this, your temple of belonging. Safely and comfortably rooted within, you feel more at home with others, and in the world, belonging right where you are, with each footstep. You trust you are in the right place at the right time, which is important these days, a felt-knowing born from grounding your sovereign divinity into your form, and Mother Earth.
A direct transmission from the Archangelic Ruby Ray heals stuck, old, outdated, and frankly unnecessary patterns of suffering that disconnect you from your body, physical reality, and true power. This loving Ray purifies your root chakra imbalances tilting you towards deficiency and excess, ones that stem not only from childhood adversity (including birth trauma, incubation & circumcision), but other traumatic experiences in this and other lifetimes, and inherited from your ancestors. Viral programming encoded in your DNA which distorts identity, perception, discernment and rooted security can also be transmuted.
As you come more fully into pure balance, away from deficiency or excess and towards sacred centre, more of your Ruby radiance is ready to be shared in your temple body and life. This is the activation of your root chakra, its expanded, grounding presence that this Ray also supports you with in this ceremony. Your Ruby temple’s ancient gifts and mysterious grounding wisdom serve your soul’s embodied expression and evolution in newfound, creative ways — to new heavenly heights. All this occurs to the degree you are open and ready.
Grounded, balanced and activated in your root chakra and divine humaneness, it feels more natural to engage your sacral and heart chakras, and enjoy sensuality, intimacy and sexuality. Your third chakra, or power centre, has the stable ground from which to enact divine will; to wield the sacred s-word of the Divine Masculine impulse; to be pointed and directed, and without procrastination. And, in consort with your heart and power centre, your throat chakra can express itself more naturally. You can speak your truth closer to the spontaneous ease and fullness of a blurting child. You can say a clear No and set personal boundaries, for you feel more solid within, safely held and contained by the supporting structure of your earthbody.
Rooted down into your legs, feet, and Mother Earth, it becomes easier to trust, open and act from your heart chakra; to take leaps of faith into the unknown, guided by the whispers of Higher Truth that know the way. You have the firm footing to rise into your indigo third eye vision and horizons, to embrace new possibilities only perceived from divine sight. And with the seat of your soul in place, the foundation exists for more Cosmic Christ Consciousness to cascade down through your violet crown chakra, or thousand-petaled lotus Sahaswara. Like the Dove upon Jesus, your Holy Spirit can gracefully descend into the throne of your form, and claim its rightful seat in your human awareness.
Healing and activation from the Ruby Ray expands your rootedness in Mother Earth and her boundless presence. Your empowered earthbody feels a greater kinship with her ancient teachings and life force, akin to the symbiotic, co-creative partnership Druids experienced with Gaia. From your hands to her trees, from your feet to her rich soil, and from your heart to her’s, an atavistic intimacy and exchange comes alive. The infinite, pure blessings of our Earth Mother draw into your earthbody and sacred rose heart, further activating and empowering your ecological consciousness, at one with the heavens.
* * *
A final piece of importance: As part of Ruby Ray’s gift to purify, balance and expand your root chakra presence, it also activates certain crystalline light codes woven into your Soul. Making up your divine genetic blueprint, these codes run the full length of your biological DNA, with most being dormant at this time. Being a perfect hologram of All That Is, you carry the entire creative blueprint of the Cosmos, and thus Cosmic Ruby Ray, encoded within you, and uniquely so. There is as much Archangelic Ruby consciousness in the living fractal you are as there is in the entire Multiverse! This means that every divine quality making up this beautiful Ray, all its ancient teachings and wisdom that have birthed and blessed life through the ages, are inherent to your ancient Ruby Soul.
In merging with Ruby in this ceremony, a process of resonant mirroring occurs in your Higher Self’s genetic universe. This turns on, or activates, the light codes synonymous and resonant with this particular transmission or frequency. The Ruby codes making up your Ruby light body come to life, abundantly so. Their consciousness anchors into and alchemically upgrades your carbon DNA to crystalline light — the Ruby light you are!
The receptors in your neurons excitedly pick up this liberated crystalline frequency. New neural pathways form, overriding pathways of fear and shame, and supercharging your neurobiology and human awareness with Archangelic love and light. Add the greater flow of Ruby consciousness streaming through your meridians from your activated Muladhara, and you can see just how powerful this ceremonial transformation can be.
Truly, to greater measure, in embodied resonance and residence, from human roots to angelic wings, you live at one with the Cosmic Ruby Ray — your shared divine qualities, ascension wisdom, and archangelic life force, shining without end.
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Via the link below, you are encouraged to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want — mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. While Ruby specializes in serving your root chakra temple, as an Archangelic Ray its capacity to heal and empower goes far beyond this area.
Mostly, trust your heart to know what intentions are best, and that the Archangelic Ruby Ray will know exactly how to serve your rooted ascension into the Light Realms.
Click here for further details and registration