A transformative online ceremony for awakening the ancient medicine and teachings of Cedar in your earthbody
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
Oh, the cedar tree!
If mankind in his infancy
had prayed for the perfect substance
for all material and aesthetic needs,
an indulgent god could have
provided nothing better.
~ Bill Reid, renowned Haida artist and carver (Reid 1984:8)
What a honour it is to invite you to this ceremony with the Great Spirit of Cedar! By participating, you directly commune with its ancient presence, medicine and teachings, and in doing so, open to gifts and powers it holds that cultures throughout the world have venerated over time. To the degree you are open, you remember these divine qualities as your own, as living expressions of your limitless Soul that’s one with this sacred Tree Sprit.
Before going further into the details of how Cedar can support you in this ceremony, let’s travel around Mother Earth and back in time to explore how this Tree Spirit has served indigenous peoples, and why it continues to be honoured today.
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The Spirit of Cedar, or Cedrus, manifests in a number of varieties (some say 12-13) across the world, in the northern and southern hemispheres. In North America, we are familiar with Western Red, Atlantic White, and Yellow. Australia has a version of Red Cedar called Toona ciliata. Having a beautiful, rich heartwood colour, this tree also exists in New Guinea and parts of Asia.
In the Mediterranean region we discover Atlas, Cyprus, Deodar, and Cedrus Libani, or Cedar of Lebanon. Sacred to this Middle Eastern country, and known as Arz al-Rab or “Cedars of God,” this tree is Lebanon’s national emblem. Located between two thick red horizontal stripes on its national flag is a green Cedar. Cedrus Libani is also a popular homeopathic medicine that I took back in the day, known for healing skin issues like psoriasis, eczema and dermatosis. More on the healing magic of Cedar shortly.
Cedar is referred to 103 times in the Bible, honouring the horsh, or sacred forest lands of Lebanon. Notes this author, “The cedar tree is a tree planted by God (Psalm 104:16, Isaiah 41:19). It is considered to be the first of trees (1 Kings 4:33). The Bible describes the cedar tree as strong and durable (Isaiah 9:10), graceful and beautiful (Psalm 80:10, Ezekiel 17:23), high and tall (Amos 2:9, Ezekiel 17:22), fragrant (Song of Songs 4:11) and spreading wide (Psalm 80:10-11). The eagle makes its nest and perches in the high branches of the cedar trees (Jeremiah 22:23, Ezekiel 17:3-5).” This author takes us even further into the Biblical tributes to Cedar, and its spiritual dimension: “In Leviticus 14, cedar is mentioned five times in connection with the sacrifice offered in the ritual cleansing of homes.”
In the ancient Middle East, during Biblical times and long before, Cedar was a prized source for woodwork. Deeply aromatic, relatively soft and pliable, and with strong preservation properties, from this sacred tree was born many regular-use items, and also seagoing vessels, palaces and temples. Perhaps the best example of the latter is Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, in which the Ark of the Convenient was apparently held in its Holy of Holies central chamber.
Travelling east into Russia we find the Siberian Cedar Pine, popularized internationally through the publication of the book series Anastasia Ringing Cedars. Written by Vladimir Megré, with over 11 million copies sold, the series documents Megre’s “accidental” run-in with a beautiful, young mystic in the pure wilds of the Siberian taiga, or ecoregion. Named Anastasia, among many things, she teaches him about the magical healing properties of Cedar that improve digestion, brain function, and physical strength. Humbled by her Earth wisdom and higher vision for humanity, Megré returns to Moscow and eventually wildcrafts a popular brand of Cedar Nut Oil, made pure from the nut kernels of pine cones.
Land-based rural Russians resonant with Anastasia’s teachings tell us that, after maturing for about 550 years, the Siberian Cedar Pine begins to sing a pleasant harmonious sound. It hums or rings, imbuing the surrounding area with sacred sound frequencies. Hence the title of the book series — Ringing Cedars. This ringing-singing is the broadcast of the tree’s accumulated wealth of Cosmic and Solar rays, notes this author. “The ‘Ringing Cedar’ trees of Siberia retain and resonate a vibrant cosmic sound, and the local natives believe these sacred trees hold a universal connection.”
Circling further around the globe and to where I live in North America, we discover a rich, detailed history of Cedar Love. Let’s now explore this together, just how magnificent this sacred tree has been to indigenous peoples of this vast land.
“Cedar is about as central a resource to our life as anything that you could ever potentially talk about.” ~ Donny Stevenson, Vice Chairman of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, United States Pacific Northwest
Called the Tree of Life, Holy Tree, and Life Giver, for indigenous peoples of North America, Cedar has been the great provider and protector. For thousands of years, it has met the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of tribal communities like the Cherokee, Coast Salish, Haida, Kiowa, Comanche and Cheyenne. Sacred Cedar has stood tall as a spiritual guardian and keeper of ancestral spirit and story; as a wayshower tending the light of tradition so people stay connected to their indigenous roots and cultural identity.
One could argue that for tribal peoples of North America, Cedar is to trees as Bison is to animals. For the Sioux peoples of the northern United States, Bison provided food, clothing, shelter, tools, medicine and other resources. All of it was used, as has been true with Cedar.
Across time, amongst indigenous peoples, Cedar has been crafted into:
- housing, including the central Longhouse
- bowls and dishes; pots and pans made water tight for cooking and boiling (a hot stone was dropped into water to make it boil)
- clothing, like dresses, skirts, capes, hats, ceremonial head and neck rings, and crowns for Chiefs
- tools, like withes, along with rope and twine, fishing nets and hooks
- storage chests, often beautifully carved
- weapons, like spears, bows and arrows
- transportation items, notably canoes and paddles
- instruments, like drums and rattles (and one more I’ll share shortly)
Birthing mothers would lay in a pit filled with the soft lining of Yellow Cedar bark to welcome their child into the open world. Soon, the child would be placed in diapers made from the soft absorbability of the inner bark of the same sacred provider. At the other end of the lifespan, burial boxes were made from Cedar to house the bodies of the deceased.
As is true today, Cedar was a cherished tree for the beauty and power of Native artwork. Two examples that stand out are ceremonial masks and totem poles. A few ferry rides away, about 8 hours northwest from where I live in Vancouver, Canada, lies a small island community called Alert Bay. And in this humble Native village stands the world’s tallest totem pole at 173 feet. Like most, if not all totem poles in this region, it was made from Cedar, likely Western Red because of its strength, with Yellow Cedar having a more pliable, forgiving constitution.
Now, to that other instrument I hinted at. Medicine drums and rattles were mentioned, but not flutes — Love Flutes! Made from the heartwood of Red Cedar, and regarded highly amongst the Kiowa and Cheyenne peoples, you can see a Love Flute at the bottom of this page. As with all divine art, this instrument sings beauty to your he-art just by looking at it, without a single note played.
Amongst indigenous cultures like the Inuit and Métis peoples, Cedar is considered one of four sacred medicines, along with Sage, Tobacco and Sweetgrass. Smoke of burning Cedar has been used as incense to cleanse and prepare ceremonial spaces, like sweat lodges, and to purify the body and soul. Going back in time, pieces were carried in a medicine bag around one’s neck to protect him or her from evil spirits. For similar reasons, Cedar was placed on top of one’s front door to invoke a guardian spirit, a protector from evil entry. Honouring this sacred role of Cedar, Coast Salish and Tlingit shamans called this tree a Spirit Assistant or Guard Figure.
Filled with anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial compounds, and analgesic flavonoids, and viewed as having vast spiritual powers, Cedar has been one of the most trusted plants for healing ailments — in North America, and certainly beyond.
Teas have been made from Cedar leaves and branches to heal persistent coughing, tonsillitis, canker soars, measles, fevers, rheumatism, and pneumonia. This sacred tree has also treated female obstructions, and acted like a midwife making child delivery easier for struggling mothers. Even more, just as Cedar was used to dress sensitive infants, the soft, absorbent lining of Yellow Cedar’s bark was used for dressing wounds and as a tourniquet.
Taking to heart how much Cedar has been honoured and worked with across the world, the extent that both its physical and spiritual dimensions have been recognized, speaks volumes about this Spirit Tree’s venerable power and presence.
Appreciating this long list of gifts given by Cedar, I cannot help but also reflect upon how highly incomplete it is. There are mysteries within mysteries in Great Cedar, spiritual and earthy dimensions that bestow medicine and teachings unknown, though received by sentient life through time.
This is why I’m leading this unique ceremony. By participating, you can discover for yourself the mysterious gifts of Cedar that have no limits in their capacity to transform another, and this world. Even more, you have the opportunity to realize them as your own.
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“As the sun shines both on the cedar and the smallest flower, so the Divine sun illumines each soul.” ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux, known as “Little Flower” (1873 – 1897)
Behold Cedar and you receive a Wise Elder and Great Spirit of the Sacred Forests of Life. You receive a devout servant of sentient beings, from tiny to tall, a servant of the Ancients of this Earth, and of the ancient Soul of Gaia herself. Behold Cedar and you breathe in this humble wonderment of love that also beholds you, and knows you, intimately well.
To behold something or someone is to take them in from your Holy Heart, not just your hands. From your Holy Heart you then take the mystery and majesty of this being to heart, in honour and love.
There is a secret clue that speaks to this teaching, hidden in the word itself. Within behold we find the spiritual dimension of to be, and the spiritual and physical dimensions of to hold. Beholding Cedar, we are being with this sacred Being, and holding it in our Holy Heart. And from this foundation of communion, we open to the possibility of holding Cedar in different ways, such as by crafting it into something and sharing our creation with others.
Beholding is infused with our Holy Spirit’s higher wisdom that tells us how to approach and work with Mother Nature. This wisdom says that how we harvest, use and share this tree’s bounty begins with how we approach it. If we walk towards Cedar with a humble request and gratitude in our hearts, then with Cedar’s permission, our crafted offerings carry the sweet Spirit of Cedar fuller, and further, serving others and life.
Indigenous peoples throughout time have beheld Mother Earth and her sentient life this way. Whether it be animals, trees or plants, whatever was in their sight and hearts, they first asked permission to harvest or kill. Listening with their inner ear and humble shamanic hearts, they heard their answer.
With this intimate, spirited kinship, Nature gave back in plentitude. Animals like Elk, Deer or Moose willingly offered themselves to the tribe as a sacred sacrifice, two words related. Sometimes, they wandered in the way of bows and arrows, and into the hearts, hands and stomachs of grateful people. The inhabitants would give back through sacred offerings to the land, like the burning of Sweetgrass. They lived like living prayers, harmoniously stewarding Mother Earth in rhythm with Great Spirit, the Circle of Life.
As is the case in all my ceremonies, when I’m drawn to a field of consciousness for the first time, I ask permission for us to serve as one. With Cedar, I called upon its Holy Spirit from my candlelit altar and said, “Dear Great Spirit of Cedar, would you be willing to lead a ceremony with me?” The answer was, of course, a wonderful Yes!
Just as Cedar has delighted in sharing its myriad blessings with indigenous cultures throughout time, this Sacred Tree is equally delighted to share itself with you! This ceremony is your opportunity to receive the ancient medicine and teachings of Great Cedar — to be with and hold them in felt resonance. Merging with Cedar’s unbounded Cosmic consciousness in this ceremony makes this possible; for in sacred communion, you activate the Cedar Spirt of your Soul.
You are made in the likeness of All That Is, perfectly so. You are a living fractal of Divine Mother, God, and Her infinite creations. This means you are whole and complete, as Divine Mother desired you to be when She conceived you in Her Holy Heart Womb. Therefore, every divine quality within Great Cedar — its sacred medicine and ancient teachings, its mysteries and wonders — is within you already, waiting to come alive.
These immaculate qualities are secretly encoded in your Soul’s DNA. Making up part of your Creative Blueprint of Life, your crystalline Cedar codes lay nestled against your biological DNA, awaiting activation. While your divine Cedar inheritance reflects every aspect of this tree’s Cosmic consciousness, your particular set of Cedar DNA are uniquely arranged. You are fingerprint Soul and Cedar Spirit, unlike any other.
By resonating with Cedar’s transmission in this ceremony, your Cedar codes come alive and its divine qualities are set free. To the degree you are open and ready, this awakened consciousness transforms your heart and human awareness. New neural pathways form streaming the Christ light of Cedar, empowering you to experience yourself in embodied, heartfelt resonance and harmony with this Beautiful Being.
Over time, and in successive stages of integration, you live and breathe carrying the ancient medicine and teachings of Cedar as a living reality. You feel more deeply, especially in your Holy Heart, why Cedar has been called Holy Tree, Tree of Life, and Life Giver. You feel the deep rootedness of its Elder presence, how profound a Being it is. This is your sacred at-one-ment with this Cosmic Tree of Life.
Cedar wants you to know this divine inheritance — intimately, beautifully, abundantly; just how much you are woven not only into this Tree Spirit, but the Natural World, as Nature itself.
In beholding the sacred tree,
I knew it as myself,
and in this knowing
there was love,
a sacred love that
honoured this treasure of life
as myself,
and from whom
I received
with the gratitude of life
Healing from Cedar in this ceremony creates the quantum space for your crystalline blueprint to activate. As painful shadows of old are cleared, room is made in your psychobiology for more of your Higher Cedar Self to anchor in somatic residence and resonance.
Via the link further below, you are guided to set intentions for healing empowerments on anything you want. Rooting deep into the quantum nature of your suffering, Cedar is infinitely capable of transmuting trauma and programming spanning lifetimes and generations. When quantum roots are healed, their symptomatic, chronic manifestations of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conditions resolve quicker, if not immediately.
In your intentions you can request for the healing of psoriasis, neck pain, digestion issues, insomnia, tinnitus, migraines, anxiety, and depression, to give a few examples. Again, there are no limits to how ancient Cedar Spirit Medicine can serve you. The only limits are those existing within you — what you are ready to experience given your openness and Soul’s evolutionary needs.
Cedar brings specific medicine worth mentioning. Like other Tree Spirits, Cedar can help strengthen your core and give you a more solid inner foundation. Feeling stronger in your core is about coming down and in, rooting in your body. Healing trauma imprints that make your body feel unsafe — overwhelmed or emotionally uncomfortable — allows for this possibility of solid grounding.
As does clearing issues specifically related to your spine that can manifest as scoliosis, misaligned posture, and back pain. Healing the quantum, energetic roots of spinal issues allows for more chi to flow through your central Sushumna channel, which rejuvenates your spinal column and generates inner core strength. It becomes easier to hold yourself upright, not just physically, but in your dignity and worth. You can stand taller, more solid in your Self — your Truth, as a healthy, empowered human, open to the light of your Higher Self, while being less susceptible to strong (deceptive) winds.
For more on this topic, please read my Dancing Willow Tree ceremony description.
Behold, the Tree of Life!
It shines in splendour,
glowing with the one body
of Mother Earth.
Know this light as your own,
as the Great Tree calls you to,
know how brilliant and alive
you are,
as Life,
the One Light
shining throughout Creation
Being rooted, down and in, you are somatically present and alive. With heightened awareness your body feels as its intended to be felt — joyously as part of Mother Earth, interwoven with her vast ecosystems. Made from her sacred substances, your body is experienced as an earthbody. Rooting in your earthbody, you can then rise like Cedar to receive even more of your Solar Essence, the limitless life force you are.
What makes Cedar such a potent healer and ancient teacher is how much Christ light it receives and be-holds in its holy form. Sourced from the Sun and Cosmic Rays, Cedar anchors a high light quotient into its body, and down into Mother Earth. Combined with what’s drawn upwards — physical and spiritual sustenance from Gaia, and Cedar’s ancient Cosmic Soul, and this tree is the powerful force of healing and Eldership it is. This advanced solar life force imbuing leaves, cones, branches, bark, trunk and roots gives Cedar its place amongst venerated trees, spanning cultures and time.
In the human realm, Cedar would be a Master Soul; and in the animal world, we can look to Octopi and White Buffalo as a few examples of powerful light bringers. Like Cedar, they not only anchor this higher consciousness, but transmit it through their bodies. Their continued broadcast contributes to the Christ Grid of Light, the “divine internet” spanning Gaia bridging sentient life to love, innocence and stillness, to the Oneness we are.
This subtle broadcast from Cedar is the ringing or humming Russians speak of, heard in vibratory resonance. Though they say it happens once a tree matures to the ripe age of 550 years, Cedars are always contributing to the greater Christ web through their holy frequencies. It’s a matter of intensity. As it matures into eldership, like the advanced elder Souls walking this planet, it anchors more light, and its broadcast grows in power to the point of being heard.
Your body is like the body of a Cedar Tree, which this ceremony is here to help you realize. Your earthbody is divinely designed to receive the fullness of life, the complete holographic nature of your Soul. And just as a Cedar Tree grows and matures through time, so do we as Souls through many lifetimes. Each incarnation gives us the opportunity to expand our Soul embodiment, which corresponds to crystalline light code activation. A fully self-realized human is one whose entire angelic genome has come alive in somatic, harmonic resonance. That resonance then sings life into being, like the Great Cedar!
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Merging with the consciousness of Cedar in this ceremony, your earthbody remembers and heart beholds these Treasured Truths more deeply, the ancient wisdom of life encoded in Mother Nature and your Soul. You naturally recognize these sacred templates for living as woven throughout the fabric of being, within and without.
Rooted in your earthbody, and with your consciousness expanded, you sense how you breathe as one with Mother Earth, as she breathes with Cedar, and all sentient life. The lines once separating your body from Mother Earth dissolve, and you remember yourself as one miraculous, divine organism. As life experiencing, breathing life!
As an empowered divine human, you naturally celebrate this inheritance to fuller measure, honouring yourself as indigenous peoples have honoured Great Cedar throughout time. You honour the child of the Earth and Stars you are, vibrantly alive in your Holy Heart, and in every cell of your sacred earthbody.
All this and more is possible for you in this ceremony; because nothing is impossible for Cedar, who always sees you in your highest light. Writing your healing empowerment intentions is reaching for this light, for the Star You Are! It’s reaching for what is already yours and you, that Cedar beholds evermore.
Trust your Holy Heart to guide your writing, the quiet voice inside that says, You deserve and are worthy of life — for you are life! And beyond, trust Great Cedar to be your loving friend and wise teacher-healer here to guide you home to your embodied, earthen divinity.
Click here for further details and registration