A powerful online ceremony for embracing the possibilities only found in darkness, and returning to the innocence of still peace
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
Know that it is the womb
from which all beings arise;
the universe is born within me,
and within me will be destroyed.
~ Bhagavad Gita
“In the moment betwixt the breathing in and the breathing out is hidden all the mysteries…” ~ The Essene Gospel of Peace
Sophia’s black womb is the primordial space from which everything is born, and to which everything returns. From within the Holy of Holies of this peaceful, still presence the First Ray of pearlescent white light was born, sung into life by the original birthing cry of Om. This white light then exploded into a multiplicity of uniquely coded living languages that form the Blueprint of Cosmic Creation. They include colour, sound and sacred geometry, frequencies of unconditional love that conceive and animate life, and weave it together into a limitless mosaic of perfect beauty and harmony.
This primordial light is Christ Consciousness, also known as Buddha Consciousness. Christians and others misunderstand Biblical scripture referring to the “One Begotten Son,” believing this conception to be Jesus, when in Truth it is Christ light, the One born from Sophia’s womb — the “One Begotten” Sun-light, the First Ray. As sons and daughters of the Most High, we are all children of Sophia, the Divine Mother of All Life, or God. We are One Light, as ancient civilizations knew and science is now discovering.
And yet, we are also beings of unfathomable darkness, as the Chinese Yin (feminine-black) Yang (masculine-white) symbol of duality reminds us. Made in the image and likeness of Sophia, our “dark side” is the black womb we, too, have in primordial essence. As holographic blueprints of Creation, our black womb perfectly reflects and is one with the Divine Mother’s. Equal on all measures, there are no limits to its — our — capacity to immaculately conceive realities, as Sophia ceaselessly does.
Also immanent within our black womb is the same stillness of being that is the absolute zero-point of all life, the ineffable peace called Shanti in Hinduism. When we give our final exhale and our body stills, we come home to this divine birthright and resting place, the peace and oneness we long for more than anything, and forever are.
I am a Voice speaking softly.
I exist from the first.
I dwell within the Silence,
within the immeasurable Silence.
I descended to the midst of the Underworld,
and I shone down upon the darkness.
It is I who poured forth the Water.
It is I who am hidden within Radiant Waters.
I am the Womb that gives shape to the All,
by giving birth to the Light
that shines in splendor.
~ Trimorphic Protennoia, The Nag Hammadi Library
* * *
Via the quantum Rays of Sophia’s Dark Mother transmission, this ceremony is an invitation to awaken your own holy womb, and to heal that which separates you from its infinite treasures. You resonate with this Dark Ray, which activates the quiet existence of your own black womb in your subatomic universe — your holy womb consciousness. Born in your human awareness is its still, ancient presence, the wisdom found only in darkness, the primordial space where all things begin, and all things end.
There is much to learn in darkness that we do our best to avoid. Most, as to be expected, prefer busy routines of predictable living over the uncertainties that come when things suddenly don’t go our way. Despite our best efforts to control, structure and “solidify” (materialize) our lives, life has a way of undoing our nicely packaged plans. The seasons of challenge, change and endings, like the great unsettling season humanity is in now, ensure we don’t fall asleep to, and settle for, the illusions of certainty, things, and humdrum, soda pop “normal.” Dark nights of the soul, personal and collective, initiate rebirth, a greater remembrance of who we are, what really matters in our hearts, and what we long for most.
This points to the teachings of emptiness, prevalent in Buddhism, that dark nights initiate us into, an emptiness we fundamentally are. Emptiness is the space of no-thing; a disorienting experience you likely know when it feels like life is letting you down, or abandoning you, and you are neither here, nor there. The winter season of your heart has arrived, summoning you deeper into ineffable mysteries, into the zero still-point that all vital endings return us to. What once was — a relationship, job, your health, your sense of self, or beliefs about life, is suddenly in question, falling away, or gone. “I don’t know what to believe anymore,” you say, in shock, fear and grief.
You don’t know what to believe because you are being emptied, let down into the crucible of darkness.
There is no spiritual growth without courageous emptying — inside and out. Mother Nature reveals the archetypal rhythms of Cosmic evolution through her continuous cycles of death and rebirth. We, as vulnerable humans, however, much prefer beginnings over endings, certainty over uncertainty, holding on over letting go, staying together over falling apart. We cling to idealized illusions of happiness, permanence and success taught by authorities and our entertainment industry that create a spiritually immature, shallow and unfulfilling existence. We cling, because we’re terrified of death.
Circumvented are vulnerable, humble, soulful depths felt only when we finally slow and still, and question and empty what we thought true. Surrendering to widening cracks made by uncertainty and loss, we discover them to be our friends in disguise — the uncomfortable, initiatory dark spaces needed if greater wisdom and Truths are to shine through; if we are to release our attachments to suffering, and, in the black womb of our dark nights, be reborn anew.
sometimes the most
thing that can happen
is for life as we know it,
and the self we thought true,
to end,
so the gift of life we truly are,
and quietly long for,
can come alive,
radiantly, beautifully so.
There is no becoming a Master of Light without becoming a Master of Darkness, and surrendering deeper into initiations into Sophia’s black womb. Every brave sojourn into worlds of form is our opportunity to learn and evolve further through dark’s endless teachings, and to rise higher like a flower into the light of our Christ Self. Each dark night is our sacred opportunity to bravely walk away from the known, inside and out, and dissolve like the caterpillar; to give ourselves to our tomb-womb, such that we open our wings to our Higher Angelic Nature, and fly!
Indeed, black womb spaces in which we dissolve are our opportunity to evolve into love, and remember ourselves as eternal emptiness, an emptiness that knows, yet doesn’t need to hold on.
In courageously dissolving
we realize an ancient, secret Truth:
that solve is in the word dis-solve,
with love quietly whispering
in its final four letters,
calling us into being
from the space of no-thing,
the still emptiness we are.
* * *
Within and beyond, womb consciousness breathes as one inseparable body of ancient life. The same primordial impulse that births stars and planets, and rebirths you, is the same intelligence that moves Mother Earth into fall and through winter, and cycles planets into greater darkness, receiving less Cosmic Rays. It’s the same divine intelligence gracing our biological mothers’ wombs, who bring us to light from the amniotic ocean depths of darkness.
Perceiving from both our human and divine sight, we realize how much wise womb consciousness beautifully and humbly exists throughout life — including in you. For it’s perfectly encoded in your holographic Soul, whose black womb is one with Sophia’s.
This ceremony initiates you into realizing your black womb’s holy inheritance of divine qualities, and the possibilities they hold. Working with your healing empowerment intentions, Sophia’s Dark Mother Rays transmute, or empty, trauma and programming keeping you from receiving this inheritance in your human form. Painful imprints incurred from many difficult lifetimes of holding on — imprints causing you to unnecessarily hold on today — can gradually soften and let go, and you can exhale deeper into the still peace of no-thing.
Healing from Sophia creates the quantum space for your Soul’s encoded black womb consciousness to come alive and rebirth you anew, in your heart, mind and body. You resonantly feel, especially in your Holy Heart, just how unfathomably ancient, mysterious, creative and powerful your holy womb is, and that of life.
In time, and to the degree you are open, the black womb of your Soul releases its sacred treasures into your human awareness. You come home to your infinite birthing power, and to intimately appreciating the ancient rhythms of life that create and destroy, that bring new life through death. You come home to endless dark wisdom, and to the still peace of not knowing, a heartfelt peace that says, “Everything’s okay right now, just as it is.” A peace quite at home in the dark.
And in coming home to your holy black womb, the womb of Sophia, you return to something else, so beautifully important.
That you were born in
the Truth of Original Innocence,
means you are
everlasting Innocence, in Truth.
In opening to Sophia’s pure Dark Mother Rays in this ceremony, you resonate with primordial Innocence — in-essence, which awakens you to your own. Original Innocence is the holy blueprint of Sophia’s and your black womb, an invincible innocence you forever remain.
Just as children are born in pure innocence in the dark womb of their biological mothers, Souls are born in innocence in Sophia’s black womb. We never leave, in Truth. Our Souls forever root in the still, fertile Ground of Being of our Cosmic Mother, Her black womb consciousness, just as trees remain rooted in the dark soil of our Earth Mother — her innocence, in which they are born.
And so, no matter how far you stray down dark roads, and believe yourself to be anything but innocent, you remain innocent of all things — because you are no-thing. No matter what actions you take, and how much you believe yourself to be unworthy or flawed, nothing can tarnish and remove you from the invincible Truth of your Original Innocence.
That’s the thing about Divine Truth — it’s invincible! You need only remember your primordial, unwavering essence, and know it as Truth in your Holy Heart, which is your Return to Innocence, an innocence you already are.
This is why you have many heroic lifetimes — so you can transcend all limiting, illusory ideas about yourself, and from your Holy Heart, where Truth always lives, make this declaration of Innocence before your Self, and Sophia.
Sophia always remembers your Original Innocence for you, which is her endless, unconditional love, her Song of Remembrance, sung to you in infinite ways from the forever love of her womb, making this primordial space a Heart Womb. There is no birthing of you, and all of life, without love. There is no seeing you in the Truth of your Original Innocence, no matter your choices, without this holy, whole, unchanging love.
As mothers of this world know, love is, above all, the greatest force from which to create and celebrate life, to birth and sing a child into existence. It’s a pure love that always sees a child, and all others, in their highest light, no matter how much they have forgotten. It’s a love that, while fierce and firm at times, also sees you as innocence, innocent of all things, and sings this unbroken Truth into being.
When we remember this innocence in heartfelt resonance, we stop fighting so much; because we stop fighting ourselves. We exhale and forgive, soften and let go. Things don’t matter as much, if at all, because we remember ourselves for who we truly are, as innocent of all things — all matter.
With time, and Sophia’s loving support, we release our identification with the dream of this material world, and the false self born from matter that believes itself unworthy. We remember ourselves as timeless Christ light not of this world, deserving of all life as a pure child of Sophia. And beyond, we surrender to black womb stillness, the peaceful innocence of Sophia, where all comes to beautiful rest.
* * *
Awakening from the dream of form
and into the Truth of no-thing,
we can contemplate deeper
the secret meanings within,
“Much to do about nothing.”
Initiated deeper into the mysteries and possibilities of Sophia’s black womb in this ceremony, you are empowered to consciously navigate the loss and uncertainty of this planet’s great winter season — our collective dying and rebirth into greater life. More easily, you can humbly accept, if not embrace, things falling apart, outside and in. To not fight what’s happening, not fight life, but trust the collective labour pains guided and held by ancient womb consciousness, a paradoxical wisdom rebirthing humanity and this world anew. Indeed, together we are moving through a dark birth canal and into the Christ light of a Golden Age.
Taking this to heart, into your Heart Womb, and allowing things to fall apart, you can fall deeper into the sweet embrace of love and life. And from your newfound heart womb consciousness, and the light of your Holy Spirit, you are empowered to midwife the vulnerable surrender of others into rebirth, into the invincible innocence they are.
In sweet surrender,
ancient knowing stirs awake,
timeless Truths speaking
from your holy black womb,
reminding you:
It’s safe to not know,
and to rest in this innocence you are.
And that in being emptied
of all beginnings and endings,
all you think you are
and believe true,
you open to all possibilities.
in returning to
you remember yourself as
In falling apart,
you fall in love.
This is your place of belonging.
This is home.
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return.” ~ Job (1:21)
Click here for further details and registration. I also invite you to read my poem: Can You Be Here in the Emptiness?