Pleiades Star System Healing & Activation

A transformative online ceremony for communing with the ancient Pleiades and embodying their ascension teachings and stellar frequencies

  • Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to  to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
  • Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
  • Cost: $77 CDN
  • Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
  • Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
  • Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom

I’m very excited to invite you to this sacred ceremony with our overlighting friends, the Pleiades star system. This healing and activation is your opportunity to merge with the eminent consciousness of these ancient stars, their wisdom, knowledge and higher frequencies; to allow their rays to transform your body-mind-soul complex, and empower you to anchor this stellar presence on Earth as a Starseed lightworker. 

Located on the shoulder blade of Taurus-Bull constellation, the Pleiades star system is one of Earth’s closest star clusters (Messier 45 or M45), with its major stars visible to the naked eye in both hemispheres. Believed to have formed approximately 100 million years ago, the Pleiades are 444 light years away from our Sun. Consisting of nine primary bodies, it is estimated that there are between 500 and a 1000 stars in total making up the entire celestial system. Those nine stars are: Pleione, Atlas, Asterope, Maia, Taygete, Celaeno, Electra, Merope, and Alcyone. The latter is the brightest and central star, with its luminosity a whopping 2030 times that of our Sun! 

The ancient name Pleiades is thought to have come from Greek Mythology, with father Titan Atlas and Mother Oceanid nymph Pleione being the divine parents of the latter seven stars stated in the last paragraph. They are known as the Seven Sisters or Starry Seven. One could thus derive that Pleiades means Daughters of Pleione. There is another association with Greece. Within Mediterranean culture, it is believed that the star system derives its name from the word plein, Greek for “to sail.” Going back in time, the heliacal rising of the Pleiades would mark the Mediterranean sailing season.

Perhaps more than any other star or star system, the Pleiades hold prominence in legends and myths throughout the world, going far back in time. From Greek, Hindu, Celtic, Persian and Scandinavian / Viking mythologies, to the lore of indigenous cultures, there exists many origin stories or ancestral associations with this star cluster. Our Ancients knew them well. In fact, many of our most influential and venerated texts reference the Pleiades star system, like the Bible (3 times), Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, and Japan’s Kojiki, the 8th century “Records of Ancient Matters.” (It’s also worth noting that six of the main stars are called “Subaru” in Japan, meaning “united,” and are depicted in the automobile company’s logo.)

For members of the Ininew Cree tribes, the largest First Nations community in Canada, the Pleiades are the Pakone Kisik, or Hole in the Sky, from which all originated. It’s through this hole that Star Woman first arrived on Earth. The Cherokee also speak of origin stories related to this system; that their ancestors came to Earth as Starseeds with light and knowledge from the Pleiades. The Hopi, too, attach their ancestors to this cluster, calling the Pleiades, and its inhabitants, the Chuhukon, meaning those who cling together. And for the Maori people of New Zealand, the helical rising of this celestial system they call Matariki marks the beginning of their New Year.

The Pleiades play a central role in guiding Mother Earth’s cyclical growth or evolutionary timelines, and that of our solar system. The Sun and all its circling planets revolve around Alcyone every 25,920 years, with 12 celestial months of 2,160 years corresponding to our 12 zodiac signs. This is known as the precession of the equinoxes, or the Great Year or Platonic Year (named after Plato). It’s an awesome elliptical orbit around our Spiritual Central Sun of Alcyone, influential in Mayan Calendars, the Vedic time Cosmology of the Yugas or evolutionary ages (Iron, Bronze, Sliver, Gold), as well as many other ancient time systems. The Pleiades are thus a central and monumental guiding force in humanity’s Cosmic cycles of learning and growth that spiral through space and time. 

Like with the Sirius star system and our Sun, the Pleiades also influence our evolutionary path through their powerful Cosmic rays. Working with the larger cycles of time, these rays travel to Gaia as quantum waves with various degrees of intensity depending on where we are in our orbit around Alcyone. Consciousness is shifted and possibilities are activated on Earth, catalyzing new stages of evolution for Gaia and her inhabitants, like the one we are in now.

Did you know that the year 2012 marked the end of our solar system’s epic 25,920 year orbit around Alcyone? That is why we are experiencing such extraordinary global upheaval. We are in the End Times, and these are our collective labour pains as we birth the prophesied Golden Age. 

Ascended Master Green Tara, known as She of a Thousand Stars, is one Cosmic force who oversees these quantum wave transmissions. She transmits the crystalline ascension teachings of the Pleiades, and other star systems, to Mother Earth, encoding them into this planet’s Akashic Records library, or Mind. Assisting this anchoring process are advanced Pleiadian beings — Starseed lightworkers and Master souls who, throughout time, have chosen to incarnate on Earth to ground and broadcast heavenly light. Along with lightworkers from other parts of the Multiverse, they play vital roles in balancing darkness, creating new quantum timelines, healing and empowering humanity, stewarding Mother Earth and her ecosystems, and birthing Golden Age cycles.  

Like with other stars, the eminent consciousness of the Pleiades is in the global ether for those ripe souls ready for its unique ascension teachings and divine qualities; to merge and resonate with its light. As a perfect holographic mirror of the Cosmos, that consciousness is also within you as latent coded potentials awaiting activation. Historically, initiatory rites led by High Adepts from the Pleiades, and other star systems, facilitated the activation of stellar consciousness into embodied resonance. But now, as the chaos and change on the planet intensifies, the guiding-light presence of the Pleiades is becoming stronger, and available to anyone open to its rays. 

Via a direct transmission from the Pleiades in this ceremony, you have the opportunity to experience these transformative possibilities. Just like you would have in ancient times, you are initiated into higher levels of communion with these magnificent Stars; into embracing more of their — your — light! Resonating with their Christ light activates your crystalline Soul codes synonymous with their signature transmission — the Pleiades codes of your spiritual DNA, laying nestled against your biological DNA. With activation, the sacred consciousness of this star system — its unique ascension wisdom and divine qualities — is set free in your heart, mind and body. To the degree you are open, and in successive stages of integration, your kundalini channels, neurobiology, and human awareness experience next-level stellar integration. You live with a visceral, heartfelt remembrance of how ancient and at one with the Pleiades you are. How much of a Star Being you are!

This can catalyze all sorts of wonderful healing. Whether it is trauma from childhood abuse, chronic jaw tension, multiple scleroses, anxiety or insomnia, by allowing this light into your system, the roots of these and other complex issues can be transmuted, and will be to the degree that you are ready and open. You can trust that your timeline for healing and empowerment will be / is perfect for you!

It is a de-light and honour for the Pleiades to serve you this way; to bring you back home to your origins as one with the Stars! Please know that there is no limit to what their rays can heal. Via the link below, you are guided to set intentions for healing empowerments on any issues. Most of all, trust your heart, and the sacred and loving light of the wondrous Pleiades to guide you home!

Click here for further details and registration.