The Body is the Speaker, The Soul is the Music ~ The Subtle Journey of Embodying and Broadcasting Your Power
The body is the holder of frequency. And the frequency depends on how much trauma and programming is stored in the neurobiology and how anchored the soul, or higher self, is into the DNA. The soul longs to use the body as its tool for broadcast — to express its gifts and purpose through, held in the soul’s consciousness, as accumulated through many incarnations. For me, that broadcast is my gift of transmitting starlight to heal and empower. How powerfully I do that depends on the frequency I hold at my cellular level. As I embody my soul power more, that frequency increases and my broadcast becomes that much stronger. Though there may be exceptions, the soul generally doesn’t override the body. It doesn’t push […]
Yes, Trouble’s Brewing Out There, but Are You Playing, Living, Despite it All?
There is a lot of turbulence in the world, and it is very easy to dwell on climate change, the US election, Brexit and more. Don’t turn a blind eye to it all, but do notice how much you are turning towards the doom and gloom versus what makes you come alive, here and now. For those on the healing journey, the “spiritual path” as some like to call it, you may be inclined to inner-work yourselves to death, endlessly processing the fine far away corners of your psyche. And for all of us, we may find it easy to focus more on bleakness than beauty, folly than fun, problems than possibilities and play. Yes this is somewhat dichotomous, I’m aware, for there can be […]