An online ceremony for receiving advanced healing empowerments from one of the most ancient and venerated animals
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
It was my fourth ceremony with the spirit plant medicine Ayahuasca, another heroic shamanic journey of facing deep fears, opening to higher dimensions of Cosmic Consciousness, and venturing into overwhelming unknowns. I was hoping to heal the litany of chronic health issues I had, a list too long to name. Once the medicine took affect, my heart rate expectedly went up, yet this time to heights that were very concerning. I had been struggling with undiagnosable heart issues for a while, what ended up being about four years. Intense, piercing aches, strange palpitations, and a high rate plagued me daily. With Ayahuasca’s descent into my belly, cells and soul that evening, my already high heart rate went to terrifying levels.
Laying on my stomach (which I rarely did) and feeling my heart rapidly pound against my ribcage and mattress, I sincerely thought I was on the verge of death. And yet an irrational, quite unconcerned voice inside urged me to hang in there. Things would be fine, I was told. I was far from convinced, as I prepared mentally for my heart to literally explode, and for an abrupt, tragic, messy ending.
This blithe voice was not done with its sage advice. Let go of your fear — all your fear. I was told to release control and completely surrender — because the heart pain and rate had nothing to do with heart problems, and everything to do with my heart centre experiencing a dramatic, transformational opening. A creative rebirth.
Somehow, with great courage, I did just that. I gave up needing my heart to slow. I gave up my fear of dying. I gave up completely! To the best of my vulnerable, overwhelmed ability, I softened and relaxed into my mat. I sunk into surrender, into the deep Unknown, trusting like the archetypal Fool.
It was not long after that the Snake of All Snakes appeared in my inner vision, directly in front of me, and with great urgency. Without a moment’s hesitation, it slid right into my aching, breaking-open heart. This Cosmic Serpent took me over — in full — filling my entire body, heart and being! I was suddenly one with this ancient Serpentine Force, a consciousness that, years later, I’d realize was initiating me into a higher purpose — the work I do now.
My mystical encounters with Snake are not limited to psychedelic experiences. On one memorable day, while sitting on a park bench overlooking a gorgeous lake on Cortes Island, Canada, three yellow striped garter Snakes appeared about six feet away from me, one after the other, all within 30 minutes. Each stopped in the exact same spot, still as stone, curiously looking at me. This is unusual, given these Snakes are highly skittish and bolt at the sight of a human too close. And more, it was unusual that there were three, and in perfect succession!
The last of the three Snakes, the smallest, slithered not away from me after stopping, but towards. I was sitting on a unique bench built against land angled upwards. Beneath, there was a small space, perhaps only a few inches high, between the wooden seat and dirt, a shadowy place where the last of my friends entered. It moved underneath me, near the Muladhara base of my serpentine, kundalini life force. After remaining seated for a while longer, I got up and left, without seeing or hearing this mysterious Snake again.
Suffice to say, Snake is dear to my heart for reasons I can, yet can’t adequately express here. It, along with Octopus, have been the most powerful Spirit Animal initiators in my many shamanic journeys. For this reason, I honour them by having drawn pictures of each in the corners of my altar, which I use for meditation and all my healing and activation ceremonies.
Snake is generally associated with transformation, due to its remarkable skin-shedding. Often overlooked, however, is that it also represents transmutation, what makes transformation or rebirth possible at the quantum level. It’s this alchemical medicine that has me feel so drawn to Snake in my ongoing ceremonial work, and in life.
The Christ light I transmit, whether emanated from Ascended Masters, Spirit Animals, Stars, Crystals, or more, is the frequency of stillness. And stillness is the frequency of transmutation. Stillness is the zero-point of consciousness, the holy space between the out-breath and in-breath of life. And Snake is a powerful and ancient representative of this primordial consciousness. When called upon, its still medicine transmutes the unsettling “noise” of trauma, the fragmented and polarized aspects of consciousness, into the empty space of no-thing; which is Shanti, or Peace.
We are transformed at the quantum level through death and rebirth. Snake alchemically dissolves the energetic imprints and painful illusions we are not — our old skin, and activates our higher, crystalline divinity in sacred embodiment.
Bring a Snake to mind and you may be able to sense its primeval intelligence and chthonic medicine, humbly bound in the stillness of being. Can you feel this quiet, ancient life in its bones, blood, eyes and soul? Can you sense its wisdom teachings, how it carries them like an inconspicuous Master, unmoved and piercing, there for those who are ready? Can you sense Snake’s deep Earth Wisdom drawn from the roots and wells of holy ground, the Underworld, carried forth from ancient days as one of the oldest of all creatures?
Can you sense just how much respect, if not honour, this creature commands, as a great frequency holder of transmutational stillness, a heart womb frequency that initiates death and rebirth?
This rich, sacred embodiment is what makes Snake the powerful, mystical, venerated presence it is; a presence that, perhaps unlike any other animal, has captivated cultures across the world going far back in time. This presence is what makes Snake a Universal Healer, commonly recognized by human healers as an important Spirit Animal totem and ally; and honoured by Ayahuasca Shamans, or Ayahuasqueros, who call the Cosmic Serpent the Spirit or Mother of Ayahuasca — the Mother who entered my heart and filled my being.
For these reasons and more, Snake is truly a shamanic Force of Creation.
This ceremony is your unique opportunity to commune with the sacred Cosmic Serpent. A direct transmission from this Spirit Animal heals or transmutes trauma and programming, conditions that have been frustrating, confusing, debilitating, ones that can range from psoriasis, anxiety, back pain, migraines, insomnia, to name just a few. These, and other psychobiological and soul conditions, are often symptomatic of deeper imprints incurred from this lifetime and previous ones, and inherited from your ancestors.
To the degree you are open and ready, Snake transmutes these conditions at the quantum level, which creates space to be initiated into Snake’s venerable consciousness — its ancient wisdom teachings, still medicine, and chthonic heartbeat. This initiation occurs through the activation of Snake’s divine qualities existing as dormant potentials encoded in your spiritual DNA. Nestled against your biological DNA, the complete blueprint of the Cosmic Serpent exists as part of your Soul Code, a divine blueprint that mirrors All That Is, on every measure.
Snake’s transmission in this ceremony activates this hidden potential. Inasmuch as you are open, and in success stages of integration, your crystalline Snake codes come alive and your human awareness is rebirthed with the Serpent of your Soul. Weaving in and out, this consciousness is set free to travel like a serpentine River, the Way, the Tao, through your neurobiology, creating new neural pathways of health and empowerment, your natural heart womb frequency of still love. More of your kundalini, or creative-sexual life force, is set free to ecstatically rise, exalting your heart, mind and body in union with Snake’s sublime shamanic presence.
This is your union with the Cosmic Consciousness of Snake, which, over time, can draw your heart, body, work and life closer to the mysteries of this incredible Spirit Animal, and the quiet Earth in which it dwells. Inasmuch as you are open, Snake is taken to heart in still love and sacred kinship, a humble awareness that intimately knows why this creature has been venerated across time and space.
A final thing I’d like to share with you before closing this description:
One of the most revelatory discoveries I’ve had in my many hours of research is that in ancient times, throughout the world, Snake was almost always associated with the Goddess. This deep, sacred treasure of knowledge broadened my understanding tremendously of why this animal is associated with death and rebirth, pathways initiated by the Divine Feminine inherent to us all. Further, in uncovering the history of the rise of dominator cultures about 5,000 years ago, in regions like Europe and the Near and Middle East, I compassionately saw how the rebirthing wisdom of the Snake Goddess, and by extension women, was brutally attacked, oppressed and coopted into the new patriarchal religions and political systems.
Inspired by these discoveries, I decided to write an article called The Ancient Snake Goddess, in which we explore many examples of old Mother cultures of Serpentine consciousness. Specific patterns of oppression and appropriation are highlighted, those still on display in popular myths and religious scripture. We deepen our understanding of why forces of darkness found it necessary to deny the feminine, its fertile womb underworld and rebirthing wisdom, the medicine and message of the shamanic Snake Goddess.
Within this article I also share some truly fascinating facts about Snake as a physical being on Earth. Things I only discovered recently that add to its sacred mystique as a representation of the ancient Snake Goddess.
Returning to this ceremony, via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for any healing empowerments you wish for in this ceremony. Nothing is too much to ask from this Spirit Animal. Most of all, trust your heart, and the safe, loving and powerful presence of Ancient Shamanic Snake to support your personal transformation.
Click here for further details and registration.