Healing & Activation

“The incredible relief I have experienced as a result of our work is nothing less than miraculous!” ~ Piper

Filmed in the summer of 2020, this short video shares the humble beginning of my current work, which at that time I called Healing With Starlight. 
Stellar Origins 
“One of the most, if not the most, important things I’ve ever done for myself is do this work with Vince.” ~ Candice 

In watching the short video above, you discover the stellar origins of my healing and activation ceremonial work. It began with the stars, and a private practice I called Healing With Starlight. Over a short period of time, just a few years, this work gradually evolved into something far more than I could have imagined. It went through many next-level iterations as I matured as a healer, writer and spiritual teacher, and as I completed my initiation with the Ascended Masters I continue to work closely with. 

Starlight is the light of Source, God, Sophia, Creator. Some call it Buddha consciousness, whereas I prefer to call it Christ consciousness or Christ light. There’s no relationship to Christianity here; for Christ light existed long before Jesus walked the Earth. His Biblical words point to this truth, simply and powerfully: “Before Abraham was, I am“. (John 8:58)

The eternal presence of Christ light precedes yet has given rise to all religion and esoteric spirituality. Irrespective of what we call this life-giving force, whether I transmit the rays of Diamond Light, Ascended Masters Isis and Quan Yin, or Spirit Animals like Butterfly and Dolphin, their and our sacred presence all converge into and shine from the one primordial, pearlescent white Light that is Love. 

For the sake of this summary, I simply refer to this diaphanous, loving radiance as starlight. And because Healing With Starlight is where it all began.

Introductory Overview
Starlight is the frequency of stillness. And stillness is the frequency of transmutation.

Starlight is much more than twinkling wonder. Advanced and ancient, it’s here to transform the world. And I am excited and honoured to share its many emanations with you at this pivotal time to accelerate the awakening of humanity. 

Conducted in online ceremonies, starlight is transmitted deep into the cellular structure, transmuting trauma incurred from experiences like difficult births, sexual abuse, childhood neglect and accidents. The quantum roots of programming — religious, cultural, etc, as well as limiting personal beliefs, are also transmuted by starlight, creating space for healthier, enlightened thoughts and ideas. Starlight also clears the heavy weight of karmic imprints and intergenerational trauma coded into our DNA, with each possibly predisposing us to various forms of psychobiological ailments. 

While people use source code to program computers, starlight transmits Source Code to activate your spiritual DNA. 

Starlight purifies and upgrades your biological subatomic “motherboard” to a higher frequency of cellular remembrance, so you feel or attune to your sovereign divinity and its guidance for you. With shadow imprints transmuted, quantum space is created for the crystalline light codes of your spiritual DNA to activate. More of your Higher Self and its divine qualities can anchor into your biological DNA. This awakened crystalline consciousness streams through your neural pathways, rebirthing your mind, heart and body to a higher frequency of starlight and its many emanations. Miraculous transformations in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing become possible as more of the Christ light you are anchors in your holy form. 

“The incredible relief I have experienced as a result of our work is nothing less than miraculous!” ~ Piper

“The experiments of both Burr and Rife revealed that the appearance of certain diseases, such as cancer, is preceded by a measurable change in an organisms energy field. Most importantly, by simply altering the frequencies of the cell’s energy field, they could ameliorate these pathologic disturbances.” ~ Bruce H. Lipton, The Biology of Belief (Referring to early quantum science experiments conducted by Harold Saxton Burr and Royal Rife) 

Counter to mainstream scientific thinking, many psychobiological expressions of illness are symptoms of trauma and programming stored in our biological DNA and held in our soul, imprints that can span lifetimes and generations. Longstanding chronic ailments such as joint pain, skin issues, endometriosis, memory loss and anxiety resolve quicker and with less effort when addressed at the causal cellular and soul levels, and at the level of frequency. Transmuting, re-programming, and upgrading core quantum bioenergetics heals manifestations of suffering in tissue, bone, muscle, organs, etc, while improving key health indicators like energy, sleep, digestion, clarity and mood. 

The psychophysiology unwinds and returns to lightness, openness and fluidity, our natural way of being. A traumatized system is fearful and rigid, prone to hang on tight in an attempt to control oneself, others and life. A healthy and vital system, however, reflects qualities seen in young children — embodied, delighted, and fierce at times; free to move and express sinuously, spontaneously, curiously, imaginatively and joyously, while feeling a loving kinship with life. 

“I feel lighter, at peace and so extraordinarily grateful that it brings me tears of joy just thinking about it.” ~ Davyn

This is my hope for you if you choose to heal and empower with starlight — to become more childlike, and to feel the immense presence of love and peace you are.

For a list of specific ways this work has helped people mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, click here.

As alluded to earlier, when starlight permeates your body, mind, heart and soul, your frequency is raised. With more of your spiritual DNA activated, you utilize fuller amounts of your Soul’s genetic potential. Your boundless capacity to create, love and experience life are realized to greater measure. Further, your magnetism to attract positive, life-giving experiences and opportunities increases. Commonly known as synchronicities, miraculous events occur more regularly, opening doors that, if ventured, align you with your Higher Self and purpose for being here. 

To make room for these new experiences, my clients find themselves releasing old relationships, habits (like emotional eating), and situations that are harmful, unfulfilling and no longer serve their evolution. They let go of outdated expressions of their previous vibrational state. With an enlightened shift at the cellular level, these decisions become easier, obvious, even automatic — as if they are being made for you! 

Instinctively, with stellar healing and activation, you feel compelled to live in greater degrees of integrity and harmony with your heart’s knowing and Higher Self, and with family, community and Mother Earth — a natural consequence of this frequency change, of coming to feel and know your true nature at the quantum, soulful, star level.

Change does not come all at once. Healing and activations integrate into the system and person’s life gradually over time, depending on the openness of the individual, and their commitment to following their hearts and practicing self-care. Indeed, for most, there is no quick “fix.” Healing and empowerment are an ongoing journey of unraveling and opening to the larger body of our Divine Self, and to the vulnerabilities and joys of our human experience. 

It’s a precious, challenging and wonderful journey altogether, and an honour for me to support people along the way.