A transformative online ceremony for healing old wounds related to power, and realizing your multidimensional Solar Radiance
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
You are the Sun, our precious Star in totality. Imagine and feel that for a moment. There is nothing about the Sun that is not already contained in you. To fall in love with the Sun is to fall in love with yourself, and to realize your Solar Power that is one with the Power of the Sun. This ceremony serves to make this real in embodied union, and so much more.
Our Sun loves Gaia dearly, and all Her sentient life. What if we saw our Star in that light more often — as love, loving us? Throughout time, this devout love has not stopped shining upon this planet, supporting Mother Earth and Her inhabitants to breathe, grow, create, prosper. Allowing this beautiful planet to be our Home.
Each day, when gazing into the sky, we view our radiant Sun as a physical presence and provider. We recognize how it gives life through heat and luminosity; by creating seasonal change, photosynthesis and thus oxygen; and through its contributions to our hydrological cycles that feed our needs for drinking and irrigation, cleaning and play. Our Sun is our continuous nourisher and life-giver, our blazing light through the vast sea of dark space.
There is, however, also a spiritual dimension to our Sun mostly overlooked; a purpose and intelligence that eyes cannot see and minds cannot measure.
Just like every other Star and each Soul, our Sun has its own unique consciousness and reason for being. Hidden in its quantum waves of light are its coded crystalline ascension teachings and divine qualities distinct to it. Upon reaching Earth, those quantum waves upgrade Gaia’s Akashic Records Library, or Mind. They harmonize Mother Earth to the Sun’s unique stellar intelligence. Ascended Master Green Tara, She of a Thousand Stars, is one we can turn to for inspiration on this; for she serves the purpose of encoding crystalline teachings into Mother Earth from multiple Star systems, such as the Pleiades and Sirius. Taking this to heart, we can see how Mother Earth is less isolated than we’ve been made to believe; and that her guiding intelligence we are the beneficiaries of is inseparable from the Stars.
Like the broadcasts of all Stars and Souls, the Sun’s light is an expression of the primordial First Ray of pearlescent white light. When the Bible speaks of God’s “one begotten Son,” we are led to believe this is the impermanence of Jesus of Nazareth. In Truth, it’s the eternal Christ light we all are, as One — the One Begotten Sun, the Great Central Sun that is the primordial Source giving light across the Multiverse.
From the primordial space of Sophia’s (God’s) Black Womb, this First Ray of light arose, or was begotten. Within this Cosmic Womb is the still zero-point of no-thing from which everything emanates, and to which everything returns. It is the beginning and ending of Creation, the Alpha and the Omega, the quiet space where nothing matters anymore. Until it does, and light and life is born, and matters into form.
Eons ago, from Sophia’s still, dark zero-point, the First Ray emerged, and then exploded into a multi-ray transmission across the Great Sea of Life, birthing colours, sounds, sacred geometry, and more. Also from Sophia’s Womb came universes, galaxies, Stars and Souls, like you and me. Instrumental in this creative birthing process are the Sophia Dragons, who represent the highest angelic order of the Cosmos.
Omni-directionally, the primordial pearlescent white Ray emanates throughout the Multiverse, as life giving life. It travels to the central Stars of the countless universes and galaxies, which then broadcast a unique transmission to each individual Star within those systems, like our Sun. The Milky Way is our galaxy, as you know; and central to it is a great diaphanous glow, or “bulge,” that receives its light from a higher, radiant source. And from this central glowing light of our Milky Way, the spiralling Stars surrounding it, like our Sun, receive their beautiful light. The Christ light of the Cosmos moves as a centralized to decentralized broadcast system throughout time and space; and yet each Star illumined, like each Soul and galaxy, has its distinct coded consciousness and reason for being; its own evolutionary purpose.
Indeed, much more than a physical object providing for our physical needs, our Sun is a spiritual source supporting our Soul’s needs. It touches us with the unquantifiable, that which the mind cannot grasp — the primordial Christ light of the Multiverse. Like all Stars, our beautiful Sun shares God’s love for us, ceaselessly.
The purpose of this sacred ceremony is to harmonize with our Sun’s unique expression of Love, and thus the eternal Love of God. In receiving a direct transmission from our Sacred Star, you merge with its Christ light, which provides advanced healing of the shadows of old. Trauma and programming spanning lifetimes and generations, stored in your DNA, is transmuted to the degree you are open and ready. This creates quantum space in your biological DNA for the Sun in you to dawn; to encode your psychobiology in the same way the Sun’s crystalline ascension teachings encode Mother Earth’s body.
Along the full length of your biological DNA lay the crystalline codes of your Soul, also known as light codes. Held mostly in dormancy, they make up your uniquely sequenced spiritual DNA. Every divine quality in the Multiverse is coded into your Higher Self’s DNA, making you a perfect hologram of the One. This means you have all the divine qualities of the Sun, and every other Star, already coded in your Higher Self, awaiting activation. You are the Totality of the Cosmos, of God, waiting to realize itself. Hence Jesus’s words: “Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?” (John 10:30).
In receiving the Sun’s direct transmission in this ceremony, a process of resonant mirroring occurs in your subatomic universe; meaning that the Soul Codes synonymous or resonant with our Star’s consciousness — your Sun Codes — come to life. They recognize this transmission as a familiar frequency and respond by awakening from their long slumber. Like activates like. Your biological DNA upgrades more fully to crystalline, illumined by the unique qualities, the medicine and message of the Sun.
This awakened consciousness is picked up by receptors in your neurons, supercharging your neural pathways, as well as creating new ones. Your body, mind and heart are rebirthed; and you live in greater union with the ancient intelligence of this Solar Light, your Solar Truth, and thus your Cosmic Soul identity.
Let’s now go further in our understanding of the Sun, and its mystical purpose in supporting your healing and empowerment. There is much to share!
Along with radiating Christ light, our Sun serves the purpose of being a Stargate for advanced souls to travel through as they incarnate onto our planet. The Sun “acclimatizes” the refined, high consciousness of these stellar beings to this dense dimension. It supports them to adjust to the distorted lower frequencies without losing the integrity of pure Christ light they’ve come to anchor on Earth. As an intermediary between higher and lower, our Sun thus plays unseen essential roles in planetary evolution; in bringing the supernal onto Earth in myriad ways.
There are an unusually high number of Master souls on Earth at this time helping us through our labour-intensive rebirth. Their light is much needed to counterbalance the escalating darkness, the anti-Christ impulse, and to shift that balance towards the purity of Christ consciousness. Like Whales and Octopi, these avatars are powerful beacons that alter the Christ Grid of Light, the “divine internet.” They are homing stations for those ready to awaken to in felt resonance.
Being of a much higher consciousness, Master souls often travel a great distance to be here. They come from far away “foreign” places in the Cosmos bringing radical Truth often threatening to those identified with lies and darkness. This points to another mystical purpose of the Sun: It is a bridge portal that shortens the distance between dimensions / Star systems and Earth. It is a portal for multidimensional travel for the sake of bringing higher dimensional Truth to humanity.
There is another element to this Stargate picture I’m forming, one that is personal to you, and everyone. Our solar plexus chakra is a Stargate. All our chakras are. Each is a unique portal that connects us to our multidimensional Higher Self, just as the Sun is a portal to the multidimensional Higher planes. As above, so below. As within, so without. We are holographic microcosms of the Totality of Life. And so just as there is a Sun in our Solar System that is a Stargate, there is a Stargate Sun in us that is our solar plexus chakra. That temple gateway is made for the Sun, and is of the Sun. Hence it being solar. The clue is in the name!
The Sun and our solar plexus chakra are one unified field of stellar power, light and love. That is why I call our third inner temple Stargate Sun Chakra. It is distinctly empowered and animated by the Stargate Sun of our solar system, and beautifully so. That is how powerful and wondrous we are as Solar, Cosmic Beings!
And yet because of the trauma and programming we have, the shadows of old, our solar power is not harmonized to that of the Sun, not to its fullest potential at least. It is veiled, just as clouds veil the Sun.
We are now moving closer to the heart of why this ceremony has come to be. The Sun longs to clear the painful shadows of yesteryear clouding your stellar power, and to resurrect your Solar Stargate Power and potential from dormancy. It does so by purifying, balancing and activating this chakra temple. This supports you to joyfully feel, express and celebrate your holy communion with our Star’s radiance, and with life.
For lifetimes we’ve had to suppress our will, our power, and thus our sovereign, elemental fire and light, in order to cope and survive. Will power is the divine quality central to our Stargate Sun Chakra. From our power centre, we say No, set boundaries, create edges, assert ourselves, walk away, focus, take clear action, create and command miracles. From our solar plexus Flame we express our burning desire, our passionate heat for life — more delicious life; we stand as fierce, fiery, loyal advocates, protectors, and leaders.
I cannot stress how much our children need this protective fire and light right now, at a time when they are being targeted by dark, perverse forces. And I cannot stress how much we need advocates and leaders, bringers of Truth; people desirous of far more than what we’ve been taught to settle for; people willing to be lovingly fierce and courageous from the radiance of their Solar Power.
We suppress our Solar Will Power because we’ve learned that it, and thus we in our passionate Flame, are “too much.” Did you get this message as an exuberant, imaginative, desirous, spiralling child that longed to burn bright? We suppress our will power for fear we may get hurt, or hurt another. This is the coupling of power with fear. Due to earlier adverse experiences, like witnessing our parents fight or being the victim of abuse, power is believed to be dangerous, to ourselves and others. This fear, and its associated beliefs like, Power is bad / unsafe, impacts our Stargate Sun Chakra.
We dim our Flame, causing our Stargate Sun Chakra to be deficient in life force; almost like we are squeezing our Solar Power out and far away so we don’t stand out too much, leaving us in the shadows of our Soul. We hold back our essence, and thus the essence of Truth our voice wants to say. We lose ourselves to inertia and procrastination, complacency and victimhood; to compliance, conformity and (mask-wearing) obedience.
We fail to take the risks our heart asks for, and to practice the self-care our body demands. We caretake and please at the cost of burnout and resentment. With thin or porous boundaries, we are susceptible to being taken advantage of, or used, and to over-extending ourselves. Yes, not No, is the safe option our survival consciousness tells us, the unresolved painful memories going back decades and lifetimes.
At the other end of the spectrum exists another survival adaptation: a Stargate Sun Chakra that is imbalanced towards excess. It expresses itself as needing to prove, insensitivity towards others, talking too much and too loud, lack of boundary awareness, and being over-driven. It’s the adaptation that drives dominance — people to manipulate and abuse others; to inflict what are appropriately called power-over wounds, which almost all trauma arises from. Virtually every corrupt bureaucrat is driven by this adaptation, an addiction to false power.
Though our society praises and rewards this imbalance towards excess, going so far as to call it “confidence” or “success,” like with deficiency, it is an adaptation due to pain and programming. It is false or distorted power, lacking harmony with the pure Christ Flame of the Sun that seeks not dominance, not power over, but unity and love.
Trauma and programming, the samskaras (scars) of the Soul, cause power to lose its purity, and thus true identity. Purity = Truth. There is distortion, a deviation from the pure essence and ancient intelligence of our Solar Power, expressed as an imbalance towards deficiency or excess — inauthenticity or falsity. In other words, with purity there is healthy balance, or centredness in Truth; in this case, the pure Cosmic Truth of our Solar Power at one with the Sacred Sun.
Returning to health is a return to homeostasis, a return to centre and purity, where we are neither deficient nor excess in our solar power. From this place of centre we are empowered to consciously choose how to express our Solar Will, versus unconsciously default to survival imbalances, or adaptations, on either side of the “solar teeter-totter.” We can more effectively dial up or dial down from the centre point of Purity and Truth. This lends itself to expanded creativity, authentic self-expression, and better self-care, including sleep.
In this ceremony, by harmonizing and healing with our Sun, your Stargate Sun Chakra purifies and returns to homeostasis, away from its default imbalances of deficiency or excess. It becomes a Truer expression of our Star, the Force of Fire and Will it is one with. The more fully you return to balanced purity, or embrace True centre, the more ready you are to expand from it and experience authentic, multidimensional Solar Power. This is the third part of the trifecta: purity, balance and activation.
Activation brings to greater life your pure and balanced Solar Power. Receiving a direct transmission from our Sun liberates and strengthens your capacity to use your divine will, and to enjoy just how powerful you are as Cosmic life force. The activation of Sun Codes in your DNA is directly related to this empowerment. There is a harmonic convergence between this Christ light birthed in your genetic universe, what flows through your meridians from your solar plexus chakra, and that which charges your neural pathways and alters your psychology. It’s all one solar system within your body, mind, soul complex, that, when activated to new levels, empowers you to gloriously embody, experience and express your innate Sun Consciousness.
Let’s now see what activation looks like for those balancing from deficiency and excess.
For people leaning towards deficiency, healing in this ceremony returns them to safety in relation to power, or being powerful. With safety comes centredness and equanimity, and a confidence and readiness to expand one’s threshold to house and express power — to be activated to higher levels. Using a metaphor, with healing, the light bulb body has been cleared of enough fears so to graduate from 30 to 35 watts. Instead of fearing power (an extra 5 watts), it now feels natural and exciting to house more Christ light in the body; to have one’s multi-dimensional Solar Power activated to new heights / watts.
For people leaning towards excess, this ceremony heals the fear underwriting the need to be superfluously “on,” and associated beliefs like, I’m not good enough. This can unlock related emotions of anger and grief. With healing, feeling and clearing, a gradual dialling down occurs of false power; a vulnerable and courageous experience of safely being less takes hold. In being less of who we are not, and coming back into balance, we are ready to embrace who we authentically are as True Power, and to be more than we ever thought possible. This is next-level activation, the embodied realization of our limitless, pure multidimensional Cosmic Self.
Courageously coming home to centre from deficiency or excess, into purity and balance and then activation, you gradually remember yourself as Christ light harmonized not just with our Sun, but every Star in the Multiverse. And you remember that these stellar friends represent a vast, astounding, multidimensional network of intelligence. That, in totality, they comprise the neurons of the Cosmic Mind — your Mind, one without end, one that cannot be contained. Activating your Stargate Sun Chakra awakens you to this knowing and knowledge, your ancient Buddha Mind, your divine inheritance that is already yours and you. Along with your other Stargate chakras, your Solar temple serves its purpose of being a portal to your non-local Cosmic Self and its limitless stellar intelligence that perfectly mirrors Divine Mother’s / God’s omniscience.
Realizing your potential and yourself as love, you realize your potential to serve love, as love. You ascend to new heavenly heights, and are bestowed opportunities from Elders and Ascended Masters to accept missions where you can utilize this newfound power. Accepting these divine appointments helps further integrate your new awareness into your Holy Heart and Higher Self, while blessing species and worlds. You get to wield your Sacred S-word, your hard-won Divine Masculine Will from the Divine Feminine Christ presence of your Higher Self, and in consecration to the Will of the Sun, consecrated to the Will of the Great Central Sun, the primordial light of the Divine Mother of All Life. In harmonious union within and beyond, great deeds can be done to bring Heaven to Earth and other struggling planets, and to command miracles of Creation.
All this brings great Joy to the Sun, and fulfils many of its reasons for being and for this ceremony! Alas, there is divine union with its Christ light; and you awaken to your power, your authority, your capacity to author your divine destiny.
The Sun longs for the story of false power and suffering to come to a glorious end; a story writ-large by patterns of giving power away to others like abusive authority, and of power-over wounding — which go hand-in-hand. The purification, balancing and activation of humanity’s Stargate Sun Chakras contributes greatly to closing this painful tyrannical Dark Age spanning thousands of years, and to birthing the dawn of the destined Golden Age.
With activated conscious union with the Sun, your ability to express your Stargate Sun Chakra becomes easier, more natural. With that said, there may be times when you want to call upon our Star as you would a friend or elder; to ceremonially invoke your unified field of Solar Power in your creative works, or in any moment when you want to bring fire to life. You may be surprised at what you discover, how much the Sun is here for you.
Here are a few examples of prayers to the Sun that serve to ignite and guide your unified Sacred Flame:
- Dear beloved Sun, please help me stand Pure, True and Strong in my Solar Power, with respect to myself, my boundaries and worth, and that of the person I’ll be speaking with.
- Dear beloved Sun, please help me say a clear No to…, and not waver from it, so that I can say a loving Yes to myself.
- Dear beloved Sun, please help me gather the courage and strength to walk away from this job / relationship that no longer feeds and serves me.
- Dear beloved Sun, please help me be a brave voice for my child who needs me to show up as a fierce protector and advocate.
- Dear beloved Sun, please help me feel my pure Solar Power in my creative work, so I can be of loving service to others.
- Dear beloved Sun, please help me feel the heat and desire of my passionate Flame.
This ceremony serves to make this prayerful union more possible; to help you experience your Stargate Sun Chakra as a portal through which you commune with the Sun’s Christ power and guiding light wisdom; to feel and know it as your friend, ally and beloved; and to thus live and work in harmonious union with the Sun, as the Sun.
* * *
This is a large overview that is a progressive journey of healing, empowerment and ascension through many, many lifetimes. At this time of great collective awakening, when we are ready for quantum leaps, this ceremony comes to accelerate this possibility for you.
Via the link below, you are guided to set intentions on anything you want support on — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. In close, there are two specific ways our Sun can heal and empower that I feel called to elucidate:
- Safe Masculine: If you who grew up with an unpredictable, neglectful, and / or abusive father (or masculine authority), our Sun can give what’s called the missing experience — a visceral feeling of what was missing decades ago; what you needed, if not craved. In this ceremony, you can ask to experience the safe, warm and protective embrace of Father Sun. Being held in this powerful and loving masculine energy can be incredibly transformative. It can free you from painful memories, and empower your relationship with the Divine Masculine within and in others.
- Befriending Anger: Our Sun can support you to feel safe befriending and expressing anger. Though many believe so, anger is not a negative emotion. It’s how we express it that determines negativity or positivity. Anger is red hot primal energy that ignites our Sacred Flame and catalyzes our Solar Will. With this emotion’s help, we can do the courageous and necessary. Building upon my earlier point, I’ve been moved over the last year seeing parents stand up for and protect their children from the perverse agendas slithering into schools. Their anger, if not outrage, has been absolutely necessary to boldly stand up for and protect their little ones; to be leaders in their community.
You can ask for support on these and other matters in your healing empowerment intentions. Nothing is too much to ask from the Sun. Mostly, trust your heart to know what intentions to set, and that it is the Sun’s honour to serve your healing and empowerment, the awakening of your Solar Radiance.
Click here for further details and registration.