A transformative online ceremony for realizing your limitless Buddha Mind and opening to pure crystalline perception
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
I had a dream…
In a large, high ceiling gymnasium I was a goalie for a strange sport similar to handball, except the ball was the size of a golfball. There were two goals, smaller than ones you’d see in a soccer match, and it was six aside. Players ran around throwing this little ball to each other and then into the opposition’s net. In real life, I used to be a competitive soccer goalie for many years, so it made sense I was one in this dream. But my competitive edge was frustrated early in the game, as I unusually let in five quick goals, and we were down 5-0.
Making things difficult for me was that, for some reason, the lights in the gym were partially dimmed down; and more, the ball was not white, but charcoal grey. I was struggling to see and stop the ball.
Exasperated, after the fifth goal I decided I had to ask one of the officials for help. Briskly I walked to the sidelines and said, “I’m having a hard time seeing the ball because it’s grey. Can we change it to a white one?” To which he replied, “Why don’t we just turn up the lights?”
The gym lit up, and I woke from the dream.
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Buddha Mind is the Infinite Mind of the Multiverse. It is the Multiverse, a quantum field of consciousness, of sublime mystery without beginning or end. It is everywhere and thus everyone’s; yours and you!
The beautiful twinkling stars you see above are not simply gaseous objects emanating light that are far, far away. They are divine mysteries of awe and wonder, teachers in glowing disguise. Brilliantly, our stellar friends are the neurons of our unified Buddha Mind. Each star is an impressive part of the greater matrix of divine intelligence, with unique unfathomable ancient wisdom, advanced teachings of and for the Multiverse. Expressed in sacred codes, stars broadcast this information omni-directionally through their rays of Buddha light, transmissions that do many wondrous things, like encode the Akashic Record Libraries, or Minds, of planets like Gaia. Just as your neurons are pulsing, radiating, electromagnetic fields of information that transmit consciousness throughout your body, so too are star-neurons that do this throughout the One Body of Buddha Mind we are.
As the hermetic axiom As Above, So Below hints, your miraculous body contains the totality of your Buddha Mind within. Your soma is indeed the most important “Buddhist Temple” you will ever inhabit. For within your subatomic universe lies the Cosmic Blueprint of Creation, the Living Library of Light, the never-ending Secrets of Life — of you, not to be found anywhere else; not from any guru, not in an ashram, on a mountaintop or in a cave. Your individuated Buddha or Higher Mind is thus your divine inheritance, in full, that is a perfect hologram of Cosmic Consciousness.
Your Buddha Mind both surrounds your human body and infuses it. Your physical, emotional and mental aliveness is the expression of this higher intelligence and life force animating every cell and neuron. Being present is not about being in this very millisecond; it’s not about time at all, but rather being suffused with this higher timeless presence that is you. “Death” is simply this ever-present life force, your Buddha Mind, finally withdrawing itself from your body, much like how a Butterfly leaves its chrysalis.
Like the stars, your Buddha Mind holds and expresses its intelligence in crystalline light codes. These sacred codes make up your uniquely sequenced spiritual DNA. Just as you have biological or carbon-based DNA, you also have an Angelic genome, one that carries the limitless divine qualities of the Multiverse, or Buddha Mind. This spiritual DNA lays nestled against the full length of your carbon-based DNA, and is mostly dormant at this time. Activating these codes awakens your Buddha Mind and its immaculate qualities so you remember yourself as the stars, the One Mind of Life. So you, as the Higher Self you are, inhabit more of your temple body and experience higher dimensions of your limitless creative potential.
Wise spiritual teachers have always pointed us back to ourselves, humbly deflecting our need to project our disowned or unactivated Buddha Mind onto them. They remind us that we are complete and whole already, made in the perfect image and likeness of All That Is. Our many incarnate journeys give us the opportunity to bring this into fuller embodied realization; to have more of our spiritual DNA activate and higher quotients of our Buddha Mind merge with and operate our human awareness.
Forgetting our Buddha Mind in simulacrums of limitation and separation is our challenging rite of passage into next-level divine embodiment. Experiencing ourselves as a part, apart from the perfection of our Buddha Mind, and thus of life, is how we learn, grow, evolve and re-member. For example, compassion and humility are not integrated into the heart and thus Soul without suffering. Higher wisdom is not earned without embracing both shadow and light, and experiencing their paradoxical union in the Holy Heart; it’s not earned without admitting “I don’t know,” and even “I’m afraid,” and surrendering to the initiatory crucible of uncertainty.
For these reasons Buddha said “Life is suffering,” as well as, “There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.” Journeying through the contrast of good and evil, light and dark, fear and love, knowing and not knowing — through the different seasons of existence — matures us as Souls, and expands our embodiment of wisdom and our Buddha Mind.
* * *
In this ceremony, you are given the opportunity to accelerate your heartfelt, somatic realization of your Buddha Mind and its stellar wisdom and intelligence. Via a direct transmission from Cosmic Buddha Consciousness, your body, mind and heart are suffused with this primordial light. This initiates both next-level transmutation of trauma and programming stored in your carbon-based DNA, and light code activation. The crystalline codes in your spiritual DNA that resonate with this transmission come to life, rebirthing your human awareness so you live more from your Higher Mind of ancient stellar wisdom and other immaculate qualities of Buddha Consciousness. So you embody your Inner Buddha!
This is a Mind that knows and does not need to know. That remains open to all things at all times, not grasping nor reducing life to simplistic, logical, binary, right-wrong conclusions. No longer identified as a-part, with your Buddha Mind activated, you do not limit life to separate parts; instead, you perceive the whole, from the whole, as the whole. A playful metaphor I love is the archetypal Juggler; the one who knows the wisdom of not holding on too long and remaining open to all possibilities. The one who knows, but is not attached to knowing.
Buddha Mind is absolute pure still emptiness. And in this vast emptiness arises complete crystalline clarity. Primordial emptiness rebirths us with pristine perception and infinite wisdom; it baptizes us as a Mind full of wonder and possibilities, and with a childlike heart. Indeed, by surrendering to the still space of no-thing everything is revealed — the everything we are, the fullness of our Buddha Mind. Woven together as one, we humbly live in and as non-knowing knowing.
In this ceremony, the healing rays of Buddha Consciousness, which are the pure frequency of stillness, clear or empty you so you may embrace the zero still-point of nothingness and be filled with higher perception, a greater clarity from the fullness of your inherent divinity. In being cleared of who you are not, you become more clear of who you’ve always been. In being stilled of what’s been disturbing, you are born anew, peacefully, as stillness itself.
For example, in this ceremony what can be cleared or stilled are outdated and painful ideas about self and life, like: I am not worthy; I deserve to be punished; I am stupid; I am unloveable; I’m not wanted; I am separate from God’s love; I am flawed; the Universe is a flawed (imperfect) system. Emptying these illusory stories and their trauma roots creates quantum space in your biological DNA for being filled with the activated crystalline coded presence and Still Truth of your Buddha Mind. Your neural receptors pick up this liberated consciousness and stream it through your neurobiology. The Buddha Consciousness of your divinity supercharges your nervous system, while creating new pathways of Love, Truth, Wisdom and more. To the degree you are ready, you perceive less through the distorted filters and noise of trauma and programming, or maya, and more from the pure crystalline clarity of your Buddha Mind.
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Let’s now take our understanding of transformation and what’s possible in this ceremony a creative step further…
Your non-local, individuated Buddha Mind is a snap-shot summation of all choices and experiences — your karmic baggage, or samskaras, and accumulated wisdom and mastery — spanning your parallel lifetimes. Evolving this consciousness entails travelling countless incarnate neurological pathways in your Buddha Mind, a Mind that is not separate from your human brain and nervous system. Though it may appear you are exploring the world, you are in fact exploring your Buddha Mind through your human-neurological system and manifested outer pathways, which are a projection of your Buddha Mind’s current state of consciousness and evolutionary needs. Your Buddha Mind is the dreamer and your human experience and world are the dream.
Much like how a movie projector projects light onto a screen, casting an array of moving shadows and parts, the theatre of the world and your human experience are projections of your Buddha Mind. Your Buddha Mind is the light (consciousness) projected through your brain / nervous system and senses; and your illusory incarnate experience — a physical reality that is in essence 100% empty space — is the dance of shadows and light, dancing with others, like in Plato’s cave.
The neurological paths you choose to explore, whether down shadowy roads or along beautiful forest trails, are, to be extra clear, pathways through and expressions of your Buddha Mind. They are manifestations of your Buddha Mind’s state of consciousness and free will that interface with your human awareness. Each choice and experience, no matter how small, transforms or evolves your human neurological map, thus altering the inner map of consciousness, or divine matrix of your inseparable Buddha Mind. This is an exquisite, moment-to-moment, neurological biofeedback loop between your integrated body, ego-mind and Higher Self, with information from both joys and difficulties informing your Buddha Mind.
Expanding to a fuller metaview, we can now see that the totality of human experience on Earth is the coalesced projection of all Buddha Minds — their varying states of consciousness, evolutionary needs and chosen neurological paths. The 8 billion human souls are one neural network exploring, experiencing and further mapping out their own divinity, and the collective consciousness or matrix. Add the network of Mother Nature’s myriad sentient life, and this interconnected web of intelligence goes to ineffable dimensions of complexity.
After leaving your body, your Buddha Mind’s matrix-map of consciousness provides the working template from which you exercise your free will and determine your next sojourn through form. From it, you plan or map out what neurological routes to explore in order to optimize Soul growth and evolve your Buddha Mind, continuing no further than where you left off. For example, you may choose neurological pathways of disability, artistic expression, athletic prowess, business success, or poverty. From your Buddha Mind’s non-dual perspective, there is no better or worse, right or wrong; only what is in the highest service to your growth, and also to others who you serve through your variegated experiences.
Each heroic lifetime gives the pure Sacred Flame of your Buddha Mind the opportunity to burn through karma; to transmute lower frequencies of fear, hatred, guilt, jealousy, shame, etc, expressed through your biological DNA and neural pathways; to alchemize them into higher divine qualities like love, compassion, genius creativity, faith, patience, humility and forgiveness. Sacred inner alchemy is the activation of these encoded divine qualities, the inner magick of upgrading your embodied genetic code from carbon to crystalline and refining your nervous system towards pure Buddha Consciousness. You are empowered to hold higher heavenly frequencies and transmit more diverse expressions of your pure Buddha Mind in and through your temple form. This inspires you to travel new neurological pathways, inside and metaphorically outside; higher ways, or highways of divine love, service and possibility.
Do you see how outside is in, and inside is out? How it’s all One? Hence the Second Hermetic Principle, “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”
* * *
And so it is, that your Buddha Mind has evolutionary work to do; and yet, paradoxically, it is unchanging in its innocence and purity. It carries samskaras or karmic imbalances of lower dimensional resonance; and yet it also dwells in refined Archangelic planes; in complete stillness and peace. Indeed, in this eternal now moment, you have already achieved Nirvana; you are an Awakened One, which is what Buddha means. But in the illusion of time, and as a Soul Traveller wanting to experience the richness of life, you must climb many mountains and explore many dark valleys, the path of suffering, to realize this — to come home to your Buddha Truth. Healing and activation (empowerment) is thus the process of re-membering what has never unbeen — the crystalline eternal Truth of your Buddha Mind — of You — that perfectly mirrors the perfection of All That Is.
Mature Souls are ones who have bravely travelled many, many diverse neurological pathways up beautiful mountains, through deep valleys, and far beyond. They have humbly learned and evolved through encounters with dark and light, successfully integrating these experiences into their heart and higher Buddha Mind. And then the moment comes when they are ready to transition from being a mature Soul to being a living Master. They are ready for satori — total liberation or apotheosis; for their diaphanous Bodhi tree moment. Their courageous emptying has created the quantum space necessary for their spiritual DNA to completely activate; and their sensitive nervous system is refined and purified enough to fully stream this awakened consciousness. The Stars or Neurons of the Cosmic Mind fuse with their human neurons, and they, as Buddha Mind, usurp their human awareness.
The dream of separation, the story that never was, ends; and they know themselves as Life, as One.
Circling back to my sporty dream, whatever identification remains with the little illusory separate “me,” or ball, dissolves in the Sacred Flame of the transcendent Buddha Mind, now illuminating the gymnasium. The dim (charcoal grey) ego (ball) loses (down 5-0) itself from the dream (game-maya) that never was, and I, as Buddha Mind, wake to that which has always been — the Life I Am, far transcending yet transforming the gymnasium and human self into crystalline Truth. The Hermetic Axiom As Above, So Below is embodied and realized in its truest meaning.
With this revelatory and celebratory embodiment, we perceive Buddha Mind everywhere. Looking at Wolves and Fungi, Willows and Roses, Diamonds and Sirius, we see unfathomable unique maps of intelligence woven within the One Buddha Mind. We find our own Mind there, projected outwardly, as individuated expressions of our shared Cosmic Genetic Biology. For we have Wolf, Fungi, Willow, Rose, Diamond and Sirian DNA within us, codes of Creation awaiting activation and to up-level our neurobiology into the wider Fabric of Being. As living fractals of life, we are the multiplicity of All That Is secreted within as divine potentials longing to stream through our neural pathways and send us along new, exciting, luminous adventures. Coming home to your individuated Buddha Mind, you thus come home to the totality of y-our Cosmic Buddha Mind, one you have never left and have always been.
“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self…” ~ Buddha
From this integrated higher perspective, we realize that the countless Souls that make up our extended Family of Light spanning the Multiverse are exploring, integrating and evolving the One Cosmic Buddha Mind. Just as we evolve our individuated Buddha Mind through our choices and pathways, the Totality of Souls through their “neurological routes” or adventures, co-create, weave and expand the “neurological mappings,” or divine matrix, of the Unified Buddha-God/dess Mind.
Furthermore, just as we, in our incarnate journeys, experience an exquisite neurological biofeedback loop with our individual Buddha Mind, every Soul provides a continuous biofeedback loop with the One Source Mind, The Divine Mother of All Life. Truly, our Beloved Mother rejoices in experiencing Herself through Her countless children and their endless adventures. She does without judgment, without limits, and with the unwavering luminous Love of an Infinite Suns.
The great awakening is realizing that there is only One Buddha Mind exploring and experiencing itself in unfathomable multiplicity. We are Life uniquely experiencing and enjoying Life, a Cosmic adventure through shadow and light, dreams and wakefulness, without end. One that, at its Heart, is love and still empty peace, forever changing and changeless, in this eternal now moment.
* * *
Returning to this ceremony, you are invited to commune with the wonders and powers of Buddha Consciousness, and to free yourself from painful neurological pathways sullied by the cellular imprints of trauma and programming spanning lifetimes and generations. Inasmuch as you are open, this alchemical transmission uplifts you from these engrained and addictive routes influenced by attachments to suffering, like self-punishment and poor self-worth, and unresolved painful memories, like neglect or abuse. With the crystalline light codes most resonant with this Buddha broadcast activating, new neurological routes form, guiding you away from pathways of fear, shame and lack, and along neural paths of love, peace and abundance.
As the doors of perception open, life moves with you, as you, holographically and synchronistically opening outer doors reflecting your inner transformation. New and exciting timelines present themselves in the timeless, fertile presence of eternal now, the now that is you. Opportunities weave together and align in the Web of Creation, inviting you to explore, embody and evolve through a greater richness, diversity and depth of your stellar intelligence and limitless Buddha Mind.
Courageously emptying into the boundless space of your Buddha Mind, it becomes crystal clear what the higher purpose of these End Times is. Our prophesied global collapse is the emptying of a pained and strained global neurological network, or Mind, freeing humanity, and the world, to open to and re-map purer expressions of Buddha Consciousness. We are witnessing the necessary dissolution of a trauma network and programmed matrix, governed by dark forces, that cannot be saved or fixed. The solution (soul-ution) is in the dis-solution.
Through our own humble surrender and emptying to our Buddha Mind, quantum space is made for higher, live-giving timeliness — neurological pathways — to manifest and rebirth the quantum field, or collective Mind. The Greater Network is alchemically re-created by Buddha light rays and ways, divine potentials birthed through us, as us, as one, in synchronistic harmony, a stunning and miraculous transformation of consciousness that breathes holy life into our and Gaia’s destined ascension.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore,”
said growing numbers
in this great initiation
from darkness to light,
not realizing that their
confusion and uncertainty
is the fertile field
for new possibilities.
From this enlightened perception, you accept what must be — this holy collective alchemical fire — without resistance, while also embracing your role as Buddha light shining through the darkness. From the diaphanous power of your Sacred Flame, you stand strong in the Truth of Buddha’s proclamation: “There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle.”
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Via the link below, you are encouraged to set healing empowerment intentions on anything you want. You can rest assured that nothing, whether in the context of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wellbeing, is too much to ask from Cosmic Buddha Consciousness.
Please trust your heart to know what intentions to set, and that this pure, loving Force of Life will know exactly how to serve your heroic Soul embodiment and ascension.
Click here for further details and registration