A transformative online ceremony for receiving advanced healing and activating the Octopus DNA of your Soul
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
The Ancient Spirit of Octopus is core to my heart and soul. By far, more than any other Spirit Animal, Octopus has been a powerful guiding presence in my life, a deeply mysterious one especially during my initiatory shamanic journeys with Ayahuasca and Mushrooms. For this reason, along with Snake, Octopus is honoured on my altar in all my ceremonies.
Now, in this sacred ceremony, I extend this heartfelt honour and love for this Spirit Animal to you. Via a direct transmission of its Oversoul, Octopus comes to awaken the Master you are, the wild Octopus of your ancient Soul.
Advanced, alien and ancient, there is no other animal quite like the Octopus. Widely known for their unusually high level of complex intelligence, Octopi have stumped scientists, like in their ability to edit their RNA. But let’s begin with some basics about this incredible being. They have nine brains, a central one, and one for each of their arms. They also have three hearts and blue blood. They creatively use tools, and if they lose a limb in conflict they regenerate it to its full functionality in less than 130 days.
Octopi are masters of shape-shifting disguise. Alterations in pigments and plates in their skin cells create innumerable iridescent and even metallic colour patterns. In the blink of an eye, 200 milliseconds to be exact, the fastest of all creatures, they camouflage themselves by adapting to the colours and textures of the terrain, creating 3D alterations to their skin and even splitting their colour patterns into two, straight down their body.
With a complex array of adaptive survival behaviours, they are master escape artists. As invertebrates with no bones (their beak is technically not a bone), they regularly hide in tight crevices; and they’ve intelligently escaped aquarium tanks, traveled through pipes, and squeezed through impossibly small holes. Their nimble speed, ink-spray, ability to suction cup shells around themselves into a swimming fortress, and proclivity to mimic a wide variety of animals (even to the extent of walking), has them creatively defy the attacks of predators. Sheer brilliance!
Yet where their intelligence is not often recognized is in their unusual curiosity and exploratory behaviour, both aspects of playfulness. As demonstrated in the wonderful movie My Octopus Teacher, we can see how this creature plays with other fish, moving its many arms around their school in a juggling motion. More so, the film reveals the Octopus’s stunning sentience in how it bonds with its human friend, quite literally at the heart.
It should also be noted how these advanced beings know the wisdom of sacrifice. The male dies only a few months after mating, while the female dies right after giving birth. Octopi are thus powerful examples of how death feeds life, how sacrifice is directly wed to the sacred and service.
These last points of sentience, sacrifice and service segue us to the invisible, what eyes can’t see and mind’s can’t measure, a Universe within Octopus few know about.
Like avatars, Octopi embody and powerfully serve from exalted multidimensional planes. Their pure spirit comes from very old Cosmic origins and they travel a great distance from deep space to incarnate and fulfil many sacred purposes in our collective evolution. A primary one is to be powerful bridges to the Sublime Divine. Via their highly advanced nervous system, they anchor high quotients of supernal frequencies and ancient wisdom, and broadcast these divine qualities across the planet, inviting those open to entrain to them. In doing so, similar to Dolphin, they balance, harmonize and upgrade Mother Earth’s life forms within Her quantum field. You could say that Octopi are like eight pointed stars, arms reaching out, sending light in all directions, while synthesizing the many into One.
Octopi are also powerful purifiers of imbalanced energy, with their 2000+ suckers symbolically representing absorption. Through their complex nervous system and within their etheric body they take in and transmute tremendous amounts of toxic consciousness, “clearing the air” (and water), so to speak, like spiritual garbage collectors. This advanced skill mirrors the mastery of avatars going back in time. Swami Sri Yukteswar, for example, guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, would take on his disciples’ pain and alchemize it in his body.
Indeed, at the physical and spiritual levels, we can see how these miraculous beings are true Masters. This is further demonstrated by how inconspicuously solitary and quiet they are, outsiders like most awakened ones, tucked away in the dwelling “caves” of Mother Earth; and, paradoxically, in how wildly audacious they are, like the radicals Jesus and Gandhi, making themselves known in the most brilliant and unusual ways. Yet above all, it’s in how they hold and transmit the pure ancient frequencies of Oneness — of Love, Truth, Peace & Stillness — bringing the many home from the dream of duality, that their mastery shines most.
In this sacred ceremony, commune with a wildly true living Master, the Oversoul of the Great Octopus. Resonating with its ancient consciousness, the divine qualities of this Spirit Animal inherent to your soul come alive in your heart and human awareness. As a perfect holographic mirror of the One, you carry the complete blueprint of Creation within. This divine inheritance lays nestled against your biological DNA as crystalline light codes, with most dormant at this time. By receiving this transmission, and to the degree you are open, the Octopus codes of your soul come to life. Your genetic universe upgrades to include the ancient Cosmic secrets, alien intelligence, and wild creative powers this mysterious being represents. Gradually, to greater measure, you anchor higher frequencies in your empowered nervous system, and shine your synthesizing Starseed light across Gaia. You embody the Master Octopus of your Soul.
These possibilities become real inasmuch as you create quantum space for them. This is why healing, or clearing, often precedes light code activation. By communing with Octopus, you experience quantum clearing from a true Master Healer who holds the eminent power of the Ancients to alchemize dark into light; to transmute old trauma and programming spanning lifetimes and generations, making space for your Higher Self to root in your sacred form.
Receiving healing from this Spirit Animal, along with embodying more Octopus consciousness, reconciles you to your natural fluid state. From the frozen confines of trauma manifesting as tight muscles and joints, shallow breathing (constricted diaphragm), black-and-white survival thinking, and more, gradually you return to the Great Seas of your boundless light body. With integrative time, there becomes a felt-experience of being Octopus-like, which holds similar qualities to being childlike. Open, fluid, imaginative, curious, daring, creative and playful, we see the Wild Octopus in spiralling, spontaneous little ones, a state of harmony with the sinuous rhythms and waters of Mother Nature and Life.
With help via the link below, you are guided to set intentions for healing empowerments on anything you want. Nothing is too much to ask from this beloved Spirit Animal, whether it be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual in nature. Most importantly trust your heart, and the Master Spirit of Octopus to know exactly how to support your heroic ascension.
Click here for further details and registration.