Andromeda Galaxy Healing & Activation

A transformative online ceremony for awakening the awe, power and vastness of your Andromeda Soul

  • Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to  to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
  • Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
  • Cost: $77 CDN
  • Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
  • Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
  • Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom

The Andromeda Galaxy is vast, majestic, another masterpiece of God’s heavenly light and limitless intelligence. To take in the awe-inspiring scope of its size and how small we are in comparison on this small spec of earthly matter is humbling, indeed. Add the fact that Andromeda is only one of trillions, likely more, galaxies in our universe, and our awe and wonder only grows. 

Existing 2.5 million light years away, the Andromeda Galaxy is the closest large spiral galaxy to our Milky Way. There are closer galaxies, but they are considered minor in comparison. Even with this incredible distance, we can still see its glow with the naked eye. Andromeda is the furthest celestial object that our pure sight can embrace. 

Andromeda is much larger than our galactic home. Also a spiral, the Milky Way has a diameter of about 100,000 light years, whereas Andromeda is estimated at 250,000 light years across. It is also believed that Andromeda has about 1 trillion stars, while in comparison the Milky Way is estimated to have anywhere from 100 to 400 billion stars. 

The Andromeda Galaxy is also called Messier 31, or M31,  named after French astronomer Charles Messier (1730-1817), who listed it as the 31st fuzzy object in the sky he discovered. Yet it was spotted much earlier by Persian astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sūfī (903 – 986 CE), who recorded his findings in his Book of the Fixed Stars in 964. Given the deft astrological and astronomical skills of the ancients who designed sacred sites like Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, and Göbekli Tepe in stellar alignment, and who knew of the precession of the equinoxes, it’s likely that Andromeda was known prior to the common era. 

Taking the magnitude of this celestial wonder to heart, it is a great honour to present this ceremony to you. By participating, you commune directly with its swirling stellar sacred geometry, its unfathomable collective consciousness that is ancient and brilliant beyond measure. Just as individual stars have their unique ancient intelligence and ascension wisdom, their reason for being, so too does every galaxy. Each is a geometric “fingerprint” of creation adding to the sacred majesty and mysterious web of life. 

Merging with Andromeda in this ceremony, you open yourself to this majesty and mystery, to a Heartbeat Rhythm and wealth of Cosmic Consciousness unlike any other galaxy — to a powerful and vast divine inheritance already yours, and you! 

For you are made in the image and likeness of All That Is. That was the Divine Mother’s / God’s great gift to us, Her Original Blessing, along with free will. That we are perfect holograms, living fractals, of She of All Things. This means you are the Andromeda Galaxy already, in its entirety — its beauty, its wonder, its vastness. You hold the ancient wisdom and gifts of this Giant within the Universe of your Soul.

This ceremony serves to activate this unfathomable divine inheritance, your Andromeda Soul, so you remember in somatic resonance just how powerful and awe-some you are. With this next-level realization, more innate Heaven can be birthed through you onto Earth at a time when Light is most needed.  

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At this time of accelerated collective awakening, we are coming home to this divine remembrance. But there are powerful, highly intelligent, ruling dark forces doing all they can to keep humanity in a matrix bubble of limitation, ignorance and forgetfulness. By hiding advanced technologies (free energy, health & healing, etc) and keeping our ancient history concealed, by keeping the UFO File top secret (though this is changing) and veiling us from the Absolute they know much of, they have narrowed our bandwidth of perception and possibilities. Add the tools they feed and fund, like Hollywood, sports, alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, manipulative media, and a vast network of systems to intoxicate / poison us, and our dark overlords have created a sophisticated matrix that keeps us numb, dumb, sick and distracted; not wanting too much, not questioning too much; disconnected from our vast divinity.  

This is why Roman poet Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis, born approximately 55 CE, stated, “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” Distraction and shiny bits have long been used to keep our perception entrained to the material world and its trivialities, away from their dark deeds, and from our Soul and its Higher Truths that, if realized, would threaten their enslaving establishment. 

Taking this to heart, we can understand why entheogens like psychedelic mushrooms and the spirit plant medicine ayahuasca have been illegal — not because they cause “brain damage,” but because they expand our consciousness. Entheogen — from the Greek entheos, means God or divine within. The last thing our dark overlords want is us awakening our inner God and Goddess. Hence the Roman Catholic Church anointing themselves as the “gatekeepers to heaven,” while systematically oppressing the ancient rites that initiated heavenly embodiment. 

On the one hand this matrix system, in control for thousands of years, must be called out for what it is — abusive, mind controlling, oppressive, enslaving, evil. On the other hand, our dark overlords have created a system of limits and suffering necessary for us to evolve through. They have played a vital role in helping us gain the wisdom and learning found only through dark nights; when wealth, health and freedom are curtailed; when thresholds to experience are in place. The matrix is this veiling, “educational” framework and container, the co-designer of our Soul’s lesson plans. 

This is one of the great paradoxes only the initiated heart can bear. Name the abuses of power, the outright evil, as we must, and as luminaries have throughout time; yet can we simultaneously recognize that darkness, and its concomitant fear and web of lies, have been purposeful in our soul growth? We cannot evolve into higher thresholds of Light, Love and Truth without some measure of darkness, fear and lies — without the illusion and contrast that evillive spelled backwards, provides. Veil and lie are also in those words. 

That said, we are now completing a long cycle of evolving through limits and suffering, our Kali Yuga. The escalating global chaos and collapse are the final labour pains of our collective rebirth, an awakening prophesied across many spiritual traditions. We are ready to break free from the oppressive matrix of lies and illusion into a Golden Age of Divine Feminine embodiment and celebration. We are quickly transitioning into an Age of Miracles that allows us to evolve in joyous and accelerated ways only possible in such an epoch. 

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The monumental Andromeda Galaxy is your great initiator in this monumental awakening. Its infinitely wise, safe and loving presence comes to open your psychosomatic senses, activate your stellar consciousness, and uplift you into your Cosmic Soul. In the hallowed quantum grounds of your Holy Temple Body, it does this through light code activation.

Nestled along the full length of your biological DNA you hold the crystalline codes of the entire Blueprint of Creation. They immaculately encode the inexhaustible wealth of divine qualities within your spiritual DNA. Your Soul has its own divine genome that carries and mirrors the ancient wisdom, knowledge, gifts and creative powers of All That Is, on all measures. 

Most of these codes, and their various sacred qualities, are currently dormant, awaiting activation. Their inactivity represents inner veils limiting your bandwidth of perception, concealing your sense of Galactic, Cosmic presence. Like seeds, they are asleep, yet full of intelligence, waiting to burst into life and birth you anew. 

Included in your Soul template are your Andromeda Galaxy codes, carrying the divine qualities specific to this constellation of Light. Try to imagine the amount ancient knowledge, wisdom and creative light-power latently stored in your Andromeda DNA. That, my friend, is what this ceremonial activation initiates you into — your Andromeda Soul. It does so to the degree you are open and ready. 

By receiving a direct transmission from the Andromeda Galaxy, your associated codes, resonating with this specific stellar frequency, stir in excitation and burst into life. Their qualities joyously rebirth your heart, mind and body into fuller divine remembrance, which may include the activation of latent wisdom and gifts specific to Andromedan Star Nation experiences. 

With DNA activation, new neural pathways form, streaming this unique galactic consciousness, transforming and upgrading your psychobiology, which is what embodied ascension is. Your neurons quite literally fuse with the stars of Andromeda, giving you a greater sense of oneness with this Great Galaxy, of love and gratitude for this ancient guiding-light friend. 

Progressively, you live the little-known truth enlightened Masters know — that stars are the neurons of the Cosmic Mind. Through the Holy Temple of your physical form you gradually come home to this radical truth, to your divine inheritance as One with Creation, with each star a brilliant beacon transmitting Universal Consciousness through your illumined neurobiology. 

Indeed, the Andromeda Galaxy wants you to know how beautiful and wondrous you are! It wants you to feel, relax into, celebrate, and create from the Divine Cosmos you perfectly mirror. In this, you return to your childlike origins, a Child of God de-lighting, twisting and turning — ecstatically spiralling, like galaxies and playful little ones do. Spiralled alive by Andromeda’s luminous arms, you embody the ancient intelligence of this sacred geometric pattern expressed in your DNA, and in sea shells, flowers, wind, and countless other spiralling creations. 

In incremental stages of integrated awareness, the Spiral Way of the Divine Feminine feels more familiar and natural. You return to your innocence, your dreamy Soul that cares little for the straight and narrow. You are empowered to forgo the unnatural, rigid, linear, “normal” paths of this imbalanced masculine world, and to let your curious, meandrous wonder lead, the One inside that knows there’s so much more! 

Empowered by Andromeda, you are resourced during this time of collective upheaval. You stand fuller and stronger, emboldened in your Galactic Essence, able to see from a Higher Place what cannot be seen at ground zero. Feeling the glowing Truth of Andromeda in your heart makes you less susceptible to the dark web of lies, and the hyper-masculine, transhumanist, anti-life agenda that wants to enslave you to all that opposes your unbounded sovereign divinity. 

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Starlight is the frequency of stillness, and stillness is the frequency of transmutation.

Activated empowerment with the Andromeda Galaxy arises only as we heal, or transmute, the shadows of old. This ceremony is both a healing and activation for this reason. Healing creates zero-point, quantum space in your biological DNA, stilling painful untruths into quiet emptiness. Receptive room is made for light code activation to occur, and for your true nature as an Andromeda Soul to anchor in your body. 

A direct transmission from Andromeda’s presence transmutes traumatic memories and program imprints spanning lifetimes and generations, again, to the degree you are ready. These may include the epigenetics of ancestral wounding, limiting beliefs, and predispositions to illness; as well as trauma imprints incurred from childhood neglect and abuse, a difficult birth, or while in utero. Also transmuted can be samskaras, or soul scars, carried forward from past / parallel lives, and vows or oaths bonding you to unnecessary suffering. 

As with all my ceremonies, there is nothing you cannot ask for support on. Via the link below, you are guided to set healing empowerment intentions on any matters of concern, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. 

Trust your heart when writing your intentions, and that this beautiful Spiral in the Sky will know exactly how to serve your Radiant Andromeda Embodiment. 

Click here for further details and registration.