A transformative online ceremony for consecrating Divine Masculine Will to Divine Feminine Love
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
The Holy Order of Kings is an assembly of advanced, exalted beings who, among other acts of service, broadcast the highest frequency of Truth of the Divine Masculine. In this ceremony, I’m honoured to introduce you to them, and bring their safe, loving and strong presence into your heart. Via a direct transmission, the Holy Order’s collective presence heals and redeems your Divine Masculine essence so you can embody its true power and purpose as a force of creation, consecrated and in service to the Divine Feminine.
For millennia, the Divine Masculine has systematically and violently fallen from pure Truth and its sacred oneness with the Divine Feminine. Where there was once thriving cultures steeped in Goddess consciousness thousands of years ago, the darkness of dogmatic religion, tyrannical monarchies, empires, and governments soon emerged. The Innana priestesses of ancient Sumeria, the Shakti devadasis of India, the pagan witches of Europe, the heretical Cathars of Southern France, the potent spiritual leadership of “sinner” Mary Magdalene, are only some examples of Feminine Mysteries that either assimilated to the dark masculine through force or were eliminated altogether, with only fragments remaining, secreted away.
The sovereign power, wisdom, earth magick, wild sexuality, and ritual of the Goddess Ways were too much of a threat to an increasingly disembodied and evil masculine. The rising patriarchal rulers wanted to be the ordained “gateways to heaven,” a fatherly one, and to cut off all other passages to the divine, especially those of the Feminine Mysteries.
This tyranny of fallen masculine began about 5,000 years ago. With the advancements in information technology and military might over the last 100 years, the powers-that-be have become far more sinister, insidious and powerful in influence. All major institutions of broad-spectrum reach have been corrupted, beyond most’s wildest imaginings. Led by the bankers, and specifically the Rothschild Dynasty, and through secret societies like the Bilderberg Group, everything from Hollywood to education, health to law, science to policing, emergency relief to telecommunications, media to technology, have fallen prey to the dark forces. Travel high enough in any major organization / system and it’s inevitable to find the workings of evil, the ones who really call the shots and rule our world.
With help from a transnational network of agents and operatives, these globalists have socially engineered a technocratic, scientifically material, reductive, hyper-masculine collective culture and consciousness. True history has gradually been redacted, erased, and re-written, and institutions feeding the powerful have replaced spirited tradition. For example, John D. Rockefeller, the oil tycoon of the early 1900’s, and his biomedical mafia, re-institutionalized the medical industry, replacing herbal medicine with petroleum based drugs that are patentable and addictive. The entire field, from doctor’s offices and hospitals, to research facilities and medical schools, were re-engineered towards a profit and sickness model benefiting the oligarchs. From the World Health Organization’s inception in 1948, the The Rockefeller Foundation has been instrumental in its establishment, funding millions to shape global “health.” John D Rockefeller, who famously said, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers,” also created the General Education Board in 1903 to fund education. Like the “philanthropists” of today, he wanted to disempower the populous and mould young minds to be cogs in the machine.
The lasting sociological and psycho-emotional effects are clear today. Prized is thinking straight over feeling wildly, fitting in over standing out, being firm, strong and certain over vulnerable, messy and uncertain (in mystery). Compliance, conformity and obedience are the name of the game, not heart-felt self-determination. Saying Yes to an authority of consensus thinking, without question, gives you standing in society, not saying No. Using critical thinking and the feminine domain of intuition, reading between the lines with subtle perception, feeling into the nuance of black-and-white propaganda, seeing the devil in the details, all threaten the establishment. In today’s world, you are a “conspiracy theorist” for orienting inwards, using discernment, thinking distinct from the hive mind, and asking tough questions — for being different.
“Success,” “enjoyment,” “health,” “social responsibility,” and “social acceptance” are determined by how well we conform, so we are told; by how well we “trust the science” and condemn the silenced; by how much we fall for the Great Lie and give power away to the Great Liars.
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” ~ Mark Twain
Scary, overwhelming, maddening as all this is, The “Great Reset” Plan will not come to full fruition. The Holy Order of Kings comes in this ceremony to play its timely role in ending dark days by resurrecting the Masculine Principle to its true place within the Heart of Sophia, the Divine Mother of All Life. With this ascended return, the Masculine is redeemed to his divine state and purpose here on Earth, held in sacred union with his beloved, the Divine Feminine.
Both these qualities exist within you, and transcend gender. You are Divine Masculine and Feminine, King and Queen. The redemption of humanity the Holy Order serves thus occurs through each of us — the purification of the Masculine within, returning him to his rightful place in the Throne of your Heart. There, in sacred union, he drinks from the same Chalice of Love as your glorified inner Queen. Unified, they meet in the Holy whole Heart that’s consecrated to the Heart of Sophia.
A ceremonial transmission from the Holy Order of Kings purifies the toxic imprints and painful memories from having endured lifetimes of dark masculine control. Trauma, programming, the shadowy residue of past / parallel incarnations and ancestral inheritances are transmuted, to the degree you are open and ready.
Dearly important to the Holy Order is its desire to give you the missing feeling of being safe, held and protected. It wants you to feel the pure strength of Kingly Divine Masculine standing guard, in honour of you. This is an essential reason for this ceremony, one that can provide tremendous healing, re-coding your genetic library to the Truth of masculine power as inherently safe and loving.
Outside of trauma caused by accidents, loss and disasters, our wounding comes from being overpowered. These traumas are called power-over wounds. They stem from boundary violations, with common examples being physical abuse (including spanking and circumcision), sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Mental boundary violations should also be considered. The school system, as we know, was designed to mould standardized minds, not unfold unique souls; to teach developmentally inappropriate curriculum. Religious indoctrination and government propaganda are other examples of mind control abuse.
What was needed during difficult moments of being overpowered, especially when young and during physical and emotional violence, was to have a safe and strong protector. Someone who stood between you and your abuser, providing a physical barrier, while stating firmly, “Back off! Do not touch her/him! Do not speak to her/him like that again.”
I invite you to feel what that would have been like to have a strong protector play that role for you… someone who then turns to you and gently says, “You are safe now. That will never happen again.”
In this ceremony, should you ask, the Holy Order of Kings offers you this missing experience, the experience of protection you needed, but never received. The Crown of their Unified Presence circling you, their piercing eyes facing outward, swords up, held at their sacred Warrior Hearts gazing gently upon you, the Holy Kings are here to transmit a strong, resonant felt-knowing of we’ve got you.
Receiving this sacred kingly protection communicates to your heart, nervous system and soul that what was is over now. Trauma, known as the eternally present past, and its memory imprints, can now melt away. Quantum space in your DNA is made for the dawning of light, the light of your Soul, and for new neural pathways of safety and love to form. Your body can finally soften and relax as its meant to, dropping down closer to Mother Earth’s waiting arms. Shoulders, jaw, diaphragm, psoas, and other clenched muscles, as well as menstrual blood, can loosen and move fluidly and painlessly, once again. You return to feeling safe and alive in your body, in relationship, and in the world.
The unhealthy strength that holds you together, upright, that helps you cope, survive and fit into the machine, gradually gives way to the true strength of your Divine Masculine and Holy Spirit. In successive stages of integration, the old sword that fights and protects as a survival adaptation is replaced by the Sword of Kings; a Sword that doesn’t need to be clung to in fearful, tired desperation, but that can now rest its sheath. You are coronated and crowned by the undefended Regal Masculine Heart and Presence of your Higher Self.
This is the forgotten King the forgotten Queen cries out for, inside and out. She calls for his fierce protection, his empowered, no-nonsense, take-charge direction, his dignity and strength. She calls for his collaboration and union in body, mind, heart and soul purpose. She calls, sometimes in tears, sometimes stomping her feet, to be held in her Highest Light, joyfully, magickally, creatively, sexually.
The King is the Spirit of Divine Will, and he’s meant to serve the Divine Love of the Queen. Though they are one, in Truth, the Divine Feminine Christ is primordial. Ultimately, it is the Queen who wields the Sword of Kings. She knows how to direct it with intuition, flexibility and beauty, in service from within the fluid Christed body. Watch any master warrior or martial artist, and you see one who is graceful with his or her sword. Body and sword move as one, a sinuous wave of pulsing action, alive and filled with presence. Without the healthy Queen guiding the masculine impulse, the body is rigid, tight, disconnected, using far too much energy, and the sword movements are choppy. Fear and the need to control and destroy are more likely to drive action. We end up with the disembodied, insane world we live in today.
When the King bows to the Queen’s lead, we create the Golden Age we are now collectively birthing. The Sword is wielded in higher service from the unified Holy Heart. This is Divine Leadership, not a rulership that controls through overpowering its people. Integrated Divine Leadership honours the sovereign divinity of all — their inner Kings and Queens. From the Holy Heart, the S-word is wielded through the power of the Sacred Word, and through clear action aligned with the Will of our Earth and Divine Mothers. The Sword of Divine Leadership can be strong and pointed at times, but also gentle and forgiving, directed from the golden heights of Queen’s Love, a Love consecrated to the Heart of Sophia.
Divine Will serves Divine Love, harmoniously, most naturally, a marriage made in Heaven.
Via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for healing empowerments on anything you want. Nothing is too much to ask, whether in the context of mental, emotional, physical or spiritual concerns. Most of all, trust your heart, and the safe, loving presence of the Holy Order of Kings to serve your Regal Embodiment.
Click here for further details and registration.