A transformative online ceremony for communing with the Green Goddess, receiving advanced healing, and merging with the stars
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
Green Tara is an ancient Goddess and loving force who longs to serve you in your heroic journey of healing, empowerment and ascension. Revered in the Tibetan Buddhist lineage, with her multi-ray transmission radiating Orange, Red, Yellow Tara, and more, and known as She of a Thousand Stars, Green Tara and I invite you to this sacred ceremony, a multidimensional stargate portal that invites you to feel and know yourself as one with this universally loved Ascended Master and the countless stars.
Starlight is Christ or Buddha consciousness emanating in infinite diversity. This understanding subverts and transcends religious doctrine; for Christ / Buddha light permeated the Earth and Cosmos long before Jesus and Buddha walked these plains. Hence Jesus’s present-time reference to the past few Christians understand: “Before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58). Christ light is the “One Begotten” Sun emanating from the Holy of Holies Sophia’s Black Womb that we are holographic expressions of, and that the forms of Jesus and Buddha were advanced stargates for. We are radiant, diaphanous stars made in the image and likeness of the Great Central Sun whose primordial pearlescent light, or First Ray, permeates all.
However you wish to define this light, this ceremony is an invitation to more fully own your divine inheritance as a stellar being; and to viscerally remember how the mysterious stars remind you, without end, of who you are as one with the highest Light Realms, without end.
A star’s twinkle is a wink.
“Remember the light”,
it says.
“All ways”.
Scientists tell us that everything is made from stardust. The astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan in his book Cosmos noted, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” Articulated in a different way, all matter — our body, the trees and planets, etc — is starlight densified to varying degrees; it is the vibrational frequency of divine light slowed and crystallized into form. When we finally surrender and say, “Oh, I give up! It doesn’t matter!”, which always feels good to say, we are in that moment lightening up from the incarnate dream of maya (illusion), or unbinding from matter, which the Sanskrit word maya is related to. And, beyond light, we are remembering ourselves as one with the still Black Womb of the Divine Mother of All Life, the peaceful emptiness we are in which nothing matters.
This ceremony liberates you from painful attachments to suffering and maya by awakening you to the enlightened Master you are and your divine inheritance. You commune directly with Green Tara’s overlighting presence and resonate with the holy qualities she exemplifies like abundance, shamanism, eco-consciousness, and the contrast of innocence (White Tara) and wrathful rebel warrior that destroys obstacles (Blue or Ugra Tara). The dormant light codes of your spiritual DNA nestled against your biological DNA that resonate with her holy presence come alive. Their divine qualities awaken, awakening you, and you live and breath more at one with Green Tara, embodying the immaculate gifts and wisdom she represents, equally encoded in your soul blueprint.
During or after the ceremony, you may find yourself unlocking memories, gifts and wisdom encoded in your DNA related to past lives in Tibetan Buddhist cultures, or from other lineages associated with Green Tara, such as Celtic Ireland and the Cheyenne people of North America who called her Star Woman. You may feel yourself drawn more fully to Green Tara in any of her 21 emanations, and to working with her directly as a mentor and guide which the holy book, The Sophia Code, supports you to do. Or your Inner Star Child may feel freer to guide your eyes upward to peer into the heavens, and greet and celebrate our twinkling friends.
More broadly speaking, in communing with Green Tara, her stellar rays bridge your human biology with our shared Cosmic Biology. Tara, which translates to Star Mother, comes from the Sanskrit root, Tar, which means star as well as bridge. Her multi-ray transmission reconciles you to the truth that stars are the neurons of the Cosmic Mind. Your human neurons quite literally fuse with the vast intelligence of the stars, enlightening your neurological highways / nervous system, and empowering you to travel and serve the multidimensional Cosmos. The stars’ uniquely diverse crystal-line — Christ light — codes and ancient wisdom templates activate in your DNA, upgrading your current genetic blueprint to a more divine library of stellar intelligence and possibilities. To the degree you are open, your human awareness upgrades to Cosmic Consciousness.
The potentials this ceremony holds to heal and empower are truly endless! With Cosmic light integration comes a harmonic convergence of all micro and macro parts / systems in your psychobiology. Cells, organs, and your brain hemispheres communicate better with one another, operating less separately and more as a coherent, synced whole. Painful shadow imprints spanning this lifetime, your ancestral lineage, and previous / parallel incarnations are transmuted by the still zero-point of Christ light. This means chronic conditions like digestive issues, psoriasis, anxiety and joint pain can miraculously heal, and the innateness of worth, beauty, joy, and even a remembrance of interstellar purpose, can be restored.
Health means whole, which comes from embodying our undivided holy nature!
As above, so below. As within, so without. Interior to our psychobiology and in relationship to our larger Cosmic Body, this ceremony moves you towards greater unity. Your multidimensional Universal Playground comes more alive in your holographic electron universe and thus human awareness. Electromagnetism and alignment with divine will increases, drawing new life-giving opportunities to you. Progressively, you are liberated from the shackling dream of density, duality and separation to live in harmonic union with your Higher Self, the magnificent Stars, and the Infinite Loving Intelligence of Life.
Indeed, more than a healing and activation, this sacred ceremony invites you to experience a much deserved Homecoming. For, the same thing She of a Thousand Stars is transmitting to you is who you are.
Via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for any healing empowerments you wish… upon a star. Nothing is too much to ask from Green Tara, whether in the context of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual ailments / desires. Most of all, trust your heart, and that the Green Goddess loved the world over will know exactly how to support your journey of stellar embodiment and ascension.
Click here for further details and registration.
Image in the banner is adapted from the works of Zeng Hao, to whom I am grateful for.