Temple of Holy Virtue Healing & Activation

A transformative online ceremony for opening your Heart Temple to its wealth of Holy Virtues

  • Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to  to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
  • Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
  • Cost: $77 CDN
  • Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
  • Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
  • Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom

The Temple of Holy Virtue of millions of awakening souls is coming to life! Its Gates are opening, with sacred colours, sounds, words, geometric frequencies and more announcing themselves, emanating from the primordial pearlescent white light within, the First Ray. As an unfathomable tapestry of creative intelligence, they bear limitless Virtues of our divinity we’re now ready to welcome into our awareness to greater measure, and from which we can transform the world. 

This Temple is your Holy Heart. Also known as your Heart Chakra, Sacred Rose Heart, and Spiritual Heart, it is both distinct from your emotional and physical hearts, yet perfectly at one with them, with all three working and playing together harmoniously. Your Heart Temple’s natural state is to be abundantly filled to overflow, to generously share its sweet ambrosia and invite others inside in divine union — all qualities of innocent children. Awakening and celebrating our Heart Temple is our great longing and the world’s great need. Living this longing by joyously sharing our Holy Virtues inspires the feeling of be-longing only found within, a feeling of being one with the Light Realms we are. 

What if our courageous sojourns through worlds of form are ultimately journeys inward, into the Temple Heart? Our fairy and mythic tales, like the Quest for the Holy Grail, creatively and metaphorically point to this heroic passage, to the place within where we feel “There’s no place like Home.” The Holy Grail is an iridescent Chalice our royal personhood longs to drink from. We long to be drunk on its overflow of Love, and to pour forth our Heart’s liquid light onto others.

But we must brave the Quest, time and again, along countless yellow brick roads and down daunting rabbit holes. We travel through passages with romantic partners, children, work, sickness, war and tyranny; along dark pavement paths of loneliness, onto thrones of triumph, and aside peaceful brooks where we hear bird and angel song, alas. Through the many shadows of form, through heartbreak and de-light, we’ve evolved into and embraced greater Virtues of Love, with each lifetime affording us the opportunity to open our Temple Gates wider to more magnificent versions of our Self. To take to Heart what all prophets and avatars have realized themselves and point to: that all roads ultimately lead nowhere, now-here — Home, to the eternally present Heart Temple lovingly and patiently awaiting our entry. 

The human journey is our sacred rite of passage, and its vulnerabilities are not to be avoided, for they are the richest places of learning and heart opening. Trials of suffering auspiciously invite us into humble heartbreak, a bowing and breaking open, and a breaking free from the shackles of painful illusion. Entering the Temple Gates occurs through the body, which must include the tenderness of our emotional body, particularly grief. It is not a path of simply quieting, annihilating and transcending the ego, as some spiritualists assert. It’s a path of simply being human. The words “I’m afraid,” “I don’t know,” and “I need help” are empowering beyond measure. They humble and soften us. And in our heartbreak and surrender, our Temple Gates open more, with our sacred tears merging us deeper with Mother Earth, the Tao, the Great River, our place of belonging. Our Heart is less hidden, less protected, more available. We experience ourselves as more whole, which means health, and Holy. 

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Humanity is now ready to open its Temple of Holy Virtue wider, and at quickening speed, and to leave the story of suffering behind. This sacred ceremony serves this very purpose via a direct transmission from the holy Light Realms. You merge with supernal Love, with the perfect frequencies that your Temple of Holy Virtue needs and desires. To the degree you are open, trauma and learnt, illusory beliefs you’ve held about yourself, others and life and that keep your heart closed are purified. You are unburdened from the weight of unnecessary pain and protective patterns, making it easier to reveal the heart of your virtuous nature. 

The global insanity we see escalating across our beautiful planet is an expression of deeply wounded and shrouded hearts. Going back in time, the hearts of humans have had very good reason to close down, to shut their Gates. I invite you to consider that the deepest wound is to the human heart. It is vulnerable and sensitive beyond measure, which gives it its immense power as well. But without love in what has been a lengthy spiritually bereft and oft-violent dark age, vulnerable, sensitive hearts have had no choice but to close, shrouding Virtue, the Holiness and Truth of who we are. 

For most, the heart never fully closes, courageously resilient it is. Virtues like Kindness, Compassion and Faith have still shined through our protective mechanisms, like a flower rising through pavement cracks. But this has been weighed against beliefs that we are lacking, unworthy, undeserving, bad, wrong, flawed, unloveable and sinful; beliefs that have co-arisen with wounded inner disconnect, and come from deeply pained, programmed and violent cultures. 

Through manipulation and force, this consciousness has been moulded over time, and it has directed the collective story from the unconscious. Dark forces, like patriarchal religion, have been the prime overseers, the social engineers bent on separating us from our divinity and origins. Convincing us that we are shamefully divorced from Source, are at the mercy of an angry, vengeful (male) God who we must appease and seek forgiveness from, and that we are inherently flawed, “sinful” at birth, have all contributed to painful illusions and a protected heart.

These narratives have given rise to the belief that Life is flawed or an imperfect system, which has created existential fear deep within the human psyche. We are out of control, with no underlying divine order to the madness. Fear plus ideas of separation, sinfulness and violence have powerfully fuelled our addiction to control and duality, an us-versus-them (God versus the Devil), warring consciousness and story we’ve been steeped in for millennia. 

Oppressed and concealed for at least 5,000 years has been the Divine Feminine Truth known and lived amongst ancient cultures: That the primordial Birther of Life is Feminine in nature, who I call Sophia or the Divine Mother. Her holy heart womb essence is Peace & Love, which is the Truth of Life and our own primordial essence. For we are One with boundless Sophia, on all measures, a perfect reflection of Her divinity. And, like all heartened mothers with their own children, Sophia’s love for us is eternal and unwavering, and need not be earned in the slightest. 

Realizing this Truth in our Heart Temple — just how loved, powerful, and at One we are with Creation, as limitless Creation & Creators — is the supreme empowerment, our sublime liberation. We exhale deeply, trusting the perfection of life, the guiding, loving intelligence woven throughout, and in our hearts, even during times of great loss and when immersed in chaotic storms. Our cardinal heart knows what our ego and logical reasoning reject or cannot fathom. 

Over the ages, dark forces have perverted and oppressed Divine Feminine Truth & Wisdom to keep us disconnected, disempowered, and dependent on them. Limitless sovereign power and self-determination born from our Heart Temple have threatened their power and control. Timeless inner Truths have undermined the voracious lies dark forces need. 

Fomenting illusions of separation, inadequacy and dependency by force and deception has thus been the mandate of darkness. As has keeping humanity in a perpetual state of fear and trauma, a state of threat stemming from one lie after another, or one manufactured crisis after another, what’s called poly-crises. This fear-state has been especially prevalent during the last 100 years, exponentially so, with rapid advancements in information and military technology; with the ability to manipulate en masse with the click of a button, or by leveraging one sentence from a “trusted” physician, politician or news anchor. 

While the dark players are the master social engineers, we are responsible as well. We have our portion of darkness, our inner tyrant and karma that we work through and act out at home, school, work, in our relationships, etc. The madness is a top-down, string-pulling orchestration, but ultimately, it’s coming from all directions. 

With loving help from the Light Realms, this ceremony accelerates the end of this painful story through you, and specifically your Temple of Holy Virtue. A direct transmission heals painful wounds and beliefs you carry that have kept your Heart Temple safely closed in darkness, from darkness. Stories like I’m not worthy and I’m not loveable do not, in any way, reflect the Truth of who you are. They never belonged to you, but to the story that never was.

As your Temple Heart is purified and more of your Holy Spirit shines through your body and mind, this becomes more clear. You remember yourself not as a painful story to endure, but as innocent and sovereign of the story altogether, as Sovereign Innocence itself.

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Reconciling yourself to your divinity,
the Holy Spirit you are,

and to the unwavering Love
of our Divine Mother,

and having this known
in your Temple Heart

is the most healing, empowering and precious experience
you can have.

Illusions of fear and separation,
the lies that you are inherently flawed
and must earn love,

dissolve in Truth,
in Love.

With time,
you remember that,
all along,
you’ve been in the Garden of Love,

as Love itself.

Healing creates sacred space for your Virtuous Nature to come home to heart. Your Temple Gates open further, rejoicing and wanting more — more Life, more of You!

Like children, you abundantly celebrate and express the goodness and beauty you are, without shame. It feels safe and natural, alas, to dance in the Garden and bask in the glory of who you are as a powerful Being of Light. You remember that, all along, it’s been your deepest desire to experience this Love, the Life you are, in full, and to share it with others, such that they remember themselves as Love & Life, with no bounds! 

This ceremony expedites this revelation not only through healing, but by activating your wealth of Virtues secretly encoded in your Soul’s crystalline genome. Every divine quality, and therefore every Virtue that permeates and enriches the fullness of Creation, and that makes life worth celebrating, is equally yours and you. The Divine Mother created you as nothing less than a perfect reflection of who She is, on all measures, and uniquely so. 

Inasmuch as you are open, this transmission activates your encoded inheritance currently resting along the full length of your biological DNA. The crystalline codes of your Soul resonant with this broadcast from the Light Realms vibrate in excitation and burst to life. From dormancy, Holy Virtues you are ready to embrace are liberated; they swim wild and free in your human awareness, opening your Temple Gates wider. More of your Holy Virtues and the sacredness you are get to come out and play!

Let’s now turn our attention to one of the most powerful Virtues inherent to your heart and soul that’s vital for opening your Temple Gates: Forgiveness — of others and self. Forgiveness makes it easier and more possible to embrace all your Holy Virtues, to open to the infinite goodness and love you are. Forgiveness creates space within to claim how deserving you are of life, in its boundless beauty and wonderment. With Forgiveness, you recognize that though you have believed dark thoughts and travelled down dark roads at times, these experiences do not reflect the Innocent Truth of who you are.

Forgiveness is not easy… except for when it is. It’s divinely designed to challenge beliefs underwriting the false self that you are attached to and have become complacent in. Forgiveness threatens the survival identity addicted to self-punishment, low worth, and right/wrong ideas of God & Life. It’s divine power is meant to dissolve illusory self-concepts and self-defeating stories that you re-live and recycle across many incarnations. Forgiveness thus holds great power in disturbing and dismantling your inner “establishment” built from lies, which then detaches and frees you from the world built from lies.  

No longer interested in lies, inside and out, you no longer defend them, inside and out. Your heart becomes undefended, a pure expression of who you’ve always been — the Virtues of your Soul and Life, transcendent of this world.  

Forgiveness is much more than people understand it to be, as you may sense. Its power to create miracles of transformation is deeply sacred, making it rare and radical, a most Holy Virtue, indeed. As your cardinal Christ centre, your Heart Temple is divinely designed to express this reconciliatory power towards yourself and others. Deep inside it longs to, because being forgiving is your natural state. You are meant for giving! Like a Great River, your sacred love is meant to flow through your heart, abundantly, at all times, as children and masters demonstrate. Forgiveness is thus divinely ordained to open your Temple Gates wide and set free your full wealth of Holy Virtues. 

Forgiveness opens your Gates to greater Compassion, as an example, a Holy Virtue Ascended Master Quan Yin is known for. With Forgiveness in your heart, it becomes easier to compassionately recognize the hard road you and others have traveled; how easy it is to get lost and confused, hurt and hurtful towards others, given trials through adversity and monstrous lies. With Compassion, we lower our expectations and put ourselves in other people’s shoes, instead of simply seeing things from our personal worldview. And with Compassion towards ourselves, we more easily accept that we’re not here to be perfect, but Humble, another Holy Virtue. Humility dissolves illusory, self-punishing ideas that we cannot make mistakes, we cannot “sin,” which, from the Hebrew “khata” and Greek “hamartia,” means “miss the mark.”

Forgiveness also opens the Gates to greater Courage. Along with Compassion and Humility, they support you to take your past actions to heart, as truth, instead of diminishing or denying them. The humble heartbreak of sacred emotions like healthy shame and grief help you to feel through and accept the facticity of what occurred and your role in it. As one harmonious and intelligent system, your Virtuous Heart is meant to work with your Emotional Heart in this way — to assist your courageous feeling, compassionate acceptance, and gradual integration of difficult truths, and to liberate you from unnecessary patterns of self-punishment and guilt.

That is the wondrous, mystical power of your Heart Temple! At the spiritual, emotional, as well as physical levels — as one — you are empowered to embrace your raw humanity and difficult life story; and you are guided beyond, through your Holy Gates to something greater, to Luminous Truths on the other side.

For these sacred reasons and more, I also call your mystical centre Christ Temple of the Holy Heart. Entering these Holy Gates and releasing your illusory story, you are indeed Christed by your own divinity. You open to the Truth of your invincible innocence, your Holy Spirit that is innocent of all things. For you are no-thing.

And in this sweet emptiness you feel Divine Mother’s love for you, an unfathomable love that’s been unchanging throughout time, singing across the Heavens and through your Holy Heart, all along.

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Via the link below you are encouraged to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want. You may ask for support in areas pertaining to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Here are a few examples of intentions that may act like a guide or prompt for you:

  • I want to forgive my father for abusing me
  • Please help me stop the pattern of being hard on myself / my child
  • I want to release patterns of guilt and self-shame I’ve had my entire life
  • I want to feel and know that I’m good enough / loveable / worthy / deserving
  • Please help me trust my heart to guide me
  • Please help me heal the fears I have of opening to / receiving others
  • I’d like to release my fear of feeling anger (that it’s dangerous to myself / others, will get out of control, for example)
  • I want to clear the belief that I’m bad / wrong / sinful (say, incurred from religious indoctrination)
  • I want to clear the story that I must earn God’s love and forgiveness
  • Please heal the trauma I incurred from being neglected / abused as a child
  • I want to heal the pain I have in my heart
  • I want to feel safe and relaxed in my heart and body
  • I want to feel safe to open my heart, give love and receive it

Trust the wise, guiding whispers of your Temple of Holy Virtue to know what intentions to set. And please trust that you don’t have to know all the details about your history to heal. That’s not possible when we take into account preverbal, ancestral and past-life imprints.

Working with your intentions and Higher Self, the Light Realms will know exactly how to support you. It’s their great honour and de-light to be here for you in this way.

Click here for further details and registration