A transformative online ceremony for embracing the Heart of Darkness, the beauty and possibilities only found in death
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
When I called upon Raven for the first time, asking if it would be willing to lead a healing and activation ceremony with me, I was stunned by how powerful and beautiful its presence was. I always ask first, versus assume any field of consciousness will agree to join me in ceremony. Once confirmed, I request a transmission, to feel this Being in embodied union. With Raven, its presence came quick, and stunningly strong. It was like it swooped down, a dense, intense weight of emboldening energy filling my every cell, grounding, wrapping, expanding and uplifting me, as if granting me Raven wings to fly. It was hard to end, and yet it’s not the end. For Raven is always in my heart. And like you, I can call upon its powerful, wise Oversoul in any moment.
This sacred ceremony is your opportunity to commune with Raven, and to feel in your own unique way its healing, empowering, mystical presence. Raven comes bringing the message and medicine of darkness at a time when darkness and death are rapidly enveloping our planet as a necessary rite of passage into global rebirth. This Spirit Animal’s wisdom reminds us that death is not to be feared, and that rebirth lies on the other side of the same coin. That they are forever woven together as one, like destruction and creation and emptying and filling in Mother Earth‘s and our own transformational passages.
In spiritually bereft Euro-western cultures, darkness, emptying and death are feared, viewed as negative, and circumvented at great cost. We resist change and personal transformation as a result, and stubbornly cling to status quo living, to dying “normal” as so many do now. We have forgotten that only by giving ourselves to darkness, to emptying into its sacred void, can we experience rebirth, and embrace new life. Only by befriending the vulnerabilities of darkness can we open to what we long for most.
We forget that we began in darkness. Humans are formed in the dark womb, not the bright, piercing lights. We are “planted” into the sacred wet ground of our mother’s womb, like seeds are planted into the dark birthing ground of wet soil. As it is on Earth, it is in our spiritual origins as well. Within Sophia’s, or God’s, Black Womb, each of us as souls were born, as were all celestial bodies, and all light. Everything that exists in the Multiverse once emerged from pure, still black, the zero-point of life. And just like how plants eventually fall back and decompose into the dark depths of Mother Earth’s loving arms, we too will return to where it all began, fully reabsorbed into the primordial Heart Womb of the Divine Mother of All Life. Into peace.
Indigenous cultures and ancient mystery schools have a history of initiating people into and through the primordial birthing intelligence of darkness. In certain tribal societies, like the Dagara people of Burkino Faso, there is a tradition of burying initiates, usually around age 13, in the soil up to their neck; horizontally or vertically. Seeds in Mother Earth. Like ancient Egyptian mystery schools, where initiates as a final test were placed in a sarcophagus, a tomb-womb, individuals in these rites of passage were left in darkness for days to confront and embrace their greatest fear — death; to surrender to it, and be reborn anew.
In these examples and more, darkness, in its ancient wisdom, its primordial birthing intelligence, does its mysterious work. In its still, quiet holding, it slowly gestates and nourishes, softens and strengthens, unravels and expands its focus of care. Souls, humans, plants and other sentient life are prepared for their rising, their birthing into the dawn of a new day, the infinitely wild array of light, colour and sound that is life.
Darkness is thus much more than the absence of light. It is holy, sacred, beyond comprehension. It is our and life’s wildly intelligent birthing ground and midwife. A people that avoid the void of darkness, the space of nothingness that endings bring us to, do so because they fear vulnerability, specifically uncomfortable feelings and uncertainty, and the small and large deaths that come with transition and transformation. This is the consequence of uninitiated, disembodied modernity. People fear life as they fear death, closing off from newfound possibilities, from the fullness of who they are; which is projected onto and passed down to children, and chalked up as perfectly “normal.”
Only in embracing death, in finding beauty in its quiet depths, the still sweet surrender, ours and other’s, do we embrace and find beauty in life. By giving ourselves to the depths of darkness, and befriending it, we discover and birth the depths we are — of wonder and compassion, wisdom and abundance, joy and love, and more. So much more! We open to an array of joyous light, of endless possibilities, versus limiting ourselves to that which fear settles for.
Raven comes in this sacred ceremony to awaken this, your divine inheritance, by being a bearer of dark wisdom, carrying its ancient message and medicine in its heart. Wrapping its wings around you, it invites you into its Heart of Darkness where you realize it’s safe to let go and not know, to empty, to trust the void and end just a bit more. To give yourself to the underworlds of your body and soul, and otherworlds of higher, supernal planes.
You merge with its Oversoul, and with the wisdom and possibilities darkness holds. This activates this primordial consciousness that is as much a part of your Oversoul as it is Raven’s. For we are all perfect mirrors of the One that contains both black and white, dark and light. That is everything and nothing at once. Coming home to darkness, you come home to yourself, to everything you are that is the Heart of Darkness.
As a safe and loving presence, Raven heals the fears that keep you from embracing these possibilities. It transmutes old shadows in your subconscious, pains related to loss, uncertainty, powerlessness, abandonment, and more, spanning lifetimes and generations. Trauma and programming that have kept you avoiding the vulnerabilities of change and rebirth, of shape-shifting and shining your radiant power, are alchemized. Raven’s mystical presence makes magick out of misery, mischief out of seriousness, uplifting you into each, into the magickal mischief of your playful, adventurous, creative soul that naturally flies high in heavenly skies. Indeed, with Raven’s support, you travel across the timeless chasm from the shadows of the underworld into the joys of otherworlds, and into the union of dark and light.
And so, Raven asks: What are you ready to offer to its Heart of Darkness that empties you and avails you to life anew? Perhaps it’s the fear of death itself. The fear of slowing, being unproductive, irresponsible and useless; of falling apart and uncertainty; of being alone, neither here nor there. Maybe it’s the fear of being a nobody, which is who you really are.
And Joyously so!
“If you would swim on the bosom of the ocean of Truth, you must reduce yourself to a zero.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Via the link below, you are encouraged to set healing empowerment intentions for anything you want — mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. Nothing is too much to ask from mystical Raven. Most of all, trust your heart to intuit what you need support on, and that the Ancient Dark Wisdom of Raven will know exactly how to serve you.
Click here for further details and registration.