Dolphin Heart Waves Healing & Activation

A transformative online ceremony for embodying the Spirit of Dolphin and sharing your celestial Heart Waves

  • Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to  to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
  • Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
  • Cost: $77 CDN
  • Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
  • Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
  • Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom

This sacred ceremony is a unique and precious opportunity to commune with the Spirit of Dolphin, these loving, playful, highly advanced beings who do so much for our planet, and to receive a direct healing and activation transmission from their celestial Heart Waves. 

For as long as Dolphins have existed on the planet, their powerful Heart Waves — sonar song rays and global presence — have served a mysterious divine purpose in the evolution of Gaia and her myriad inhabitants. These beautiful beings emit pure, high dimensional audible and inaudible frequencies that extend far and wide across Mother Earth, touching all who are open. Through a collective heart-field presence, human lightworkers and masters share a similar purpose with Dolphins by contributing to a planetary Grid of Light, what some call the Christ Grid. Like a “divine internet,” this unifying web of celestial frequencies and information invites souls to “dial” into it and open to new empowering possibilities and spiritual coherence; to awaken their sacred heart and strengthen the Grid in the process.

Since their beginnings on Earth, Dolphins, in their interconnected web of intelligence, have contributed greatly to this Grid. Subtlety, in unheralded ways, their Heart Wave communications and songs have unified not just Dolphins, but all creatures of the ocean, continuously bridging disparate sea animals into the Great Sea of Love. This Heart Wave field also extends onto the land and into the sky, energetically affecting soil, air, and plant, mineral and animal life.

Truly, Dolphins, pure in spirit and devout in service, like great avatars, have played an important role in creating a harmonic field of Oneness. And like the rising sea of lightworkers and masters today, they help us remember our divine inheritance and origins, that we as Eagles, Worms, Squid, Roses, Streams, and Humans are indeed one Family of Light. 

Humans cannot help but feel a strong kinship with Dolphins’ loving Heart Wave transmissions and presence, usually without knowing the deeper reasons why. We are drawn to swimming in their pure, playful Heart Waves, their magickal deep sea worlds, which hold powerful resonant medicine for healing and uplifting us, particularly our Inner Star Child.

In being with Dolphins, especially in the wide open seas, we feel and remember our true nature as wild and free. Within our cells and heart, they activate a visceral remembrance of our Higher Nature, the fluid unbounded beings we are swimming, dancing and spiralling in the endless Ocean of Life. 

Dolphins, likewise, are drawn to humans, joyously so. With their beautiful curiosity they approach swimmers in the wild seas, follow boats in their dancing pods, and have even played the role of protector at times. This friendliness and childlike curiosity extends to other land dwellers, like cats and dogs, with whom they playfully interact.

How many other non-human creatures demonstrate such engaging and bonding behaviours, and dynamic social intelligence, combined with this level of healing, ecological consciousness that spans the globe? 

It’s no wonder people flock from all over to swim with them, to feel and bathe in their magickal, loving Heart Waves. 

For these reasons and more, it’s a great honour to transmit the sacred Heart Wave frequencies of the Spirit of Dolphin. In this ceremony you commune directly with Dolphin’s Oversoul, which sparks within your subatomic universe a dynamic resonance with its supernal consciousness. This activates dormant crystalline light codes in your spiritual DNA associated with Dolphin, bringing to life the divine qualities and exalted intelligence of this Spirit Animal inherent to your Soul.

As a perfect hologram of the Totality of Life, and as one with Dolphin consciousness, you carry the same qualities within your Higher Self that you see in beloved Dolphins, in equal measure, and uniquely so. Once activated from dormancy, your heart, mind and body are rebirthed with divine qualities this Spirit Animal is known for, to the degree you are open. They include: playfulness, curiosity, wildness, innocence, gentleness, vibrancy, joy, protection, passion, family, bonding, nurturance, adventure, as well as other Heart Wave medicine.  

Communing with Dolphin’s boundless Oversoul merges you more intimately and somatically with shared light wave frequencies, the empyreal music and intelligence of this Cosmic Being, and its mystery teachings, truly of the Stars. Subtle energy channels stream this heavenly consciousness, the atavistic hymns of its Oversoul; and new neural pathways swim alive with its stellar divinity, and your Dolphin Soul.

Centred in your heart, you live more at one with this Spirit Animal and its love for you. You live and breathe its multi-dimensional medicine and message, and are empowered to share it with the world. 

Via the link at the bottom you are guided to set healing empowerment intentions on anything you want — mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I invite you to consider the needs of your Inner Star Child, a speciality of importance dear to this Spirit Animal. 

Dolphins love children, and embody the playful spirit of the child beautifully. They are a great force in reconciling you to your innocent, bubbly nature, and the elemental water consciousness of your fluid body. In this ceremony Dolphin awakens your Inner Star Child to greater measure, the one who knows the Great Oceans intimately, how to swim in their starry light and wild darkness with ease and wonder; like the dreaming child you once were, peacefully at home in the dimly lit amniotic ocean of your mother’s womb.

To the degree you are open, Dolphin liberates these beautiful, instinctual qualities of your Inner Star Child, and integrates his or her creative power into your heart. Healing developmental trauma resulting from neglect, abuse, abandonment and other adverse experiences, and clearing associated beliefs or programming makes this possible. As a co-creator in this ceremony, these difficult experiences could be places of interest during your intention setting. 

As a child you may have learned that your buoyant Heart Waves, and thus creative power, were “too much,” or unsafe to you or others. You may have been taught not to dream too big, feel too deeply, imagine too numinously, move too wildly, create too boldly. You were likely taught or conditioned to be a certain someone other than who you truly are, inflexibly so; and that safety, love and approval depended on being who you are not

Being smart, strong, ambitious, pleasing, caretaking, responsible, etc, made you a “good” girl or boy, a worthy one, suitable for the “tough,” “hard” world out there. Fitting into the mold of your family, school, church, community gave you the high “marks” you desired, the attention you sought, the “success” you strived for — but at the cost of your true colours, the wild and free soul you are.   

You can ask Dolphin to heal the quantum roots of these painful patterns and memories, possibly spanning lifetimes and generations. With healing, psychobiological constrictions like muscle tightness, black-and-white survival thinking, and rigid identities soften, and make way for spontaneity and fluidity. More of your emotional body, the elemental water consciousness of your feelings and healing tears, flow as they desire, and as they once did. Instinctively, they move at one with the fluid, emotional body of our Earth Mother, her untamed em-ocean, which lovingly longs for your own.

More fluid within, your Higher Self is freer to move through your sacred form as its meant to. In your cells, muscles, bones, organs, meridians and nervous system, and in your emotional body, your joyous Dolphin Soul can swim, and thus move you, in newfound ways. The divine Heart Waves you were born to emit, and that the world needs, cascading down from your divinity, can broadcast through your stargate body, and across the world.

Indeed, inasmuch as you are open, you become more Dolphin-like, and like the Masters of the world who contribute powerfully to the Christ Grid of Light through their celestial Heart Wave transmissions. You become available as embodied sacred medicine, the Spirit Medicine of the Child, for the multitude spanning our globe; or simply for the one before you who feels lost and confused, and feels your Heart Waves feeling them. 

Sadly, the Dolphin population is plummeting. With great numbers captured and killed, ocean water toxicity, underwater noise pollution (seismic blasting), and the insane collective consciousness, Mother Earth has become less and less hospitable for these highly sensitive beings. Through your Dolphin Heart Waves Healing & Activation, however, you anchor their consciousness more fully on Gaia, which harmonizes you with and enhances their collective presence and purpose. This strengthens the Christ Grid, and your capacity to steward Mother Earth and awaken humanity as one loving ecological consciousness, one field of Stellar Light.

Sings Dolphin,

the Star Beings we are,

bringing Heaven to Earth,
ancient starlight
into clouded hearts.

We shine together
with invincible innocence,
the primordial essence of life
we are,

we sing glorious songs
for the new emerging world,

weaving hearts
across the Ocean of Life.

With Seas of Dolphins across the world and in the heavens, joyously and harmoniously you sing the many back to One, in unified Waves of Love.

As stated, via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for any healing empowerments you want. Nothing is too much to ask from this beautiful Spirit Animal. Most of all, trust your heart, and the intelligence and love of Dolphin to guide you home. 

Click here for further details and registration.