“Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ~ Albert Einstein.
From the diagram above…
- Which pathway does life mostly prepare you for?
- Which pathway have people been afraid you might take?
- Which pathway represents life 50 years ago?
- Which pathway represents life today?
Which pathway looks more playful?
Which pathway looks more alive?
Life is messy, and it’s getting messier. Global awareness, civil rights and a liberated mindset have created greater options and desire. With choice comes messiness in the form of detours, turns and twists, unexpected encounters, destinations, and challenges. We see more possibility, innovate, explore, while challenging linear convention.
Evolution is a movement from the left to right pathway: From defaulting to what is expected, to creating the unexpected.
Play is training for a new, messy world.
By becoming playful and supporting playful systems of learning and leading, we adapt to the changing times and support tomorrow’s generation to live healthy, happy and successful lives.
Play is the bright light that shines the way of our future.
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Related Reading:
Finding Creativity & Purpose in the Messiness of Life
A New World
The Call of the Butterfly
Float Before You Fly
Related Training:
Remembering to Play ~ Inspiring Joy, Freedom & Self-Care
Leaders at Play ~ Creative & Engaging Leadership for a New World
Keynote Information