Simplicity is Best

Simplicity is Best

“Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men.” ~ Victor Hugo.

Children’s needs are quite simple. Adults make them complex.

As a society we are addicted to doing. There is a tremendous amount of guilt if we don’t do. We must be a good parent, friend, lover or co-worker. We must cook, clean, solve, fix, organize, drive, make, tear down etc. It never ends.

“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” ~ Richard L. Evans

In our need to do, we forget that while doing may provide for the physical needs of children, being supports the emotional needs. Here are some examples of being:

  • Listen and connect with them – truly hear them
  • Play and relate to them at their level
  • Follow their playful impulses, allowing them to lead
  • Encourage their imagination to flourish – dream with them
  • Smile and laugh with them
  • Hold them
  • Tell them how much you love them

Make your connection with their heart the foundation for all you do for them.

The business of life keeps us in the busyness of life, and it is easy to forget what truly matters. Take time to slow down, and remember that a warm heart, open ear, expanded imagination, and eager inner child is far more important to a child than a perfectly organized house and loaded itinerary.

Children remind us that simplicity is best.

Happy Monday!

*             *             *

Related Reading:

Every Moment is a Playful Moment
6 Ways to Live a Playful Life

Related Training:

Remembering to Play ~ Inspiring Joy, Freedom & Self-Care
Keynote Information

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