Pause For Love ~ Remember Who You Are, Why You Are Here and What Matters Most

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Pause For Love ~ Remember Who You Are, Why You Are Here and What Matters Most

I was sitting with my book designer in her apartment, struggling through what seemed like another litany of hurdles that go along with publishing. But that day there was a new challenge we’d yet to confront. A fuse blew, killing her internet connection. We needed that connection if we were to do the research and share material between our computers. So she phoned her landlord. “Hi Nigel. I’ve blown a fuse. Can you come replace it?” Nigel? Nigel Williams? It couldn’t be. Yet it was. I could hear his old, familiar, distinguishably sluggish Welsh accent moaning through the phone; my long lost uncle who I’d not seen in twenty years, someone who’s had as difficult a life as anyone I know, and someone my family […]

You Market Your Purpose by Living It

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You Market Your Purpose by Living It

While useful to market your business, the most important means of making a living from doing what you love is to truly live your message. And as your offering ripens and you deepen further into life, life moves you, guides you and wanders with you further along winding roads leading you to the people ready for your services. There is not as much need to push as much as flashy, tech-savvy, and dare I say, manipulative marketers may deceive us into believing. There is not as much need to make things happen if we feel and trust the pulse of life moving us, and have the courage and awareness to follow, to let it lead us into wild unknowns.  Too much pushing and getting lost in the […]

Children’s Play Becomes Work When You Get in the Way. Let Them Be.

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Children’s Play Becomes Work When You Get in the Way. Let Them Be.

“In today’s world there is such a focus on a child’s academic abilities that the social is becoming obsolete. I have seen children as young as 2 years of age who know their entire alphabet, the sound each letter makes and numbers up to 10. Parents are so proud of their child that they are “sooo smart”. However, the same child does not know how to play by himself—even for a few minutes—is constantly seeking approval from their parents, and has the highlight of their day being what they refer to as ‘lesson time’—which is an app on a tablet—because that is when they get to spend time with mom or dad.” ~ Early Childhood Educator  Play does not have a beginning and ending. It […]

Remembering to Be Human on the Spiritual Path

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Remembering to Be Human on the Spiritual Path

“We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.” ~ Wayne Dyer If you have been on the spiritual path for a while, and feel like you are spinning your wheels in life, not clear on your direction, here is a suggestion for you (and I am speaking from experience!). Perhaps you have become TOO spiritual! Yes, indeed! Maybe you have forgotten what it is like just to be a human being, just a dude or dudette, living on planet earth. Maybe for a month try tucking your spiritual growth books away and replacing them with some juicy novels! Adventure, romance…hmmm!! Or turn off your nightly guru talks, and instead tune into a hilarious […]

3 Places to Hide

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3 Places to Hide

One of my favourite ways to play is to hide on others. Those closest to me know I like to disappear, and then suddenly jump out from behind a tree or from under a stairwell, and of course, joyously scare them! How fun!! Well, just in case you need a few more ideas, here are three places to hide that I particularly like. 1. In the Elevator                       My friend Ross spontaneously decided to play Hide and Seek with his boys in the elevator. To his delight, they played along, scurrying around, trying to find a hiding spot! One of my participants who I shared this story with decided to try this with her son. […]

This or That ~ A Simple Way to Play

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This or That ~ A Simple Way to Play

What do you prefer? This or That? Bananas or Apples? Star Wars or Star Trek? Cats or Dogs? Movies or TV? This or That is a simple and engaging game that people of all ages love to play. One person says two related objects or topics of interest, and the other people say what their preference is. It’s that simple! Try it in the car with your son, at the dinner table with your family, or at the start of your meeting with your team. You will be surprised at how much it raises everyone’s spirit, how quickly you get to know one another, and how pleasantly addicting the game is! Variation: If you had to give up something, what would it be? Breakfast or […]

8 Keys to Self-Care

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8 Keys to Self-Care

“Taking good care of you means the people in your life will receive the best of you rather than what is left of you.” ~ Lorraine Cohen. Self-care is an act of putting your Self and well-being first. Below are eight simple ways to practice self-care and create space for rest, simplicity and playtime. 1. Notice Your Energy Be conscious of how you feel. Are you tired, stressed, anxious? Listen to your body, honor its needs, and don’t push yourself beyond what feels comfortable. 2. Write Down Tasks De-clutter your mind and write your to-do list down. This helps to lesson anxiety and create clarity on what needs to be done. 3. Prioritize Tasks Does it really need to be done now? How much stress […]

Simplicity is Best

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Simplicity is Best

“Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men.” ~ Victor Hugo. Children’s needs are quite simple. Adults make them complex. As a society we are addicted to doing. There is a tremendous amount of guilt if we don’t do. We must be a good parent, friend, lover or co-worker. We must cook, clean, solve, fix, organize, drive, make, tear down etc. It never ends. “Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” ~ Richard L. Evans In our need to do, we forget that while doing may provide for the physical needs of children, being supports the emotional needs. Here are some examples of being: Listen and connect with them – truly […]