Playful Revolution

Playful Revolution

Be Playful and you’ll Rock the Boat, Rattle the Senses, and Wake People from the Status Quo.

When we play we give Joy to the world. And because most of us are used to feeling more stress than joy, it can be a bit unsettling when confronted with a playful spirit.

A participant recently told me how her co-worker said to follow her outside. She went into her car, turned on some music (loudly!) and began dancing. The participant hesitated for a moment, but soon happily danced away as passer-by’s watched and scratched their heads.

As the video demonstrates, we are all wanting to let our hair down and raise our spirit’s up! We are all wanting to be free! And yet we need playful leadership – those brave souls who will risk taking the first step to stand out and be colourful, and those who will jump in and play along.

When enough people join in, we create a Playful Revolution!

As you go about your week, consider ways to take the risk to be playful. Perhaps you might just start singing out loud, or maybe twirl as you walk down the hallway, or spin your chair around in the meeting.

Start a Playful Revolution ~ Let your playful spirit soar and invite others to do the same!

Thanks to Trilby Jeeves of Buffoonery Workshops for this image!

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Related Reading:

Play Begins with Permission

Related Training:

Remembering to Play ~ Inspiring Joy, Freedom & Self-Care
Leaders at Play ~ Creative & Engaging Leadership for a New World
Keynote Information

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