A transformative online ceremony for empowering your LionHeart Courage, Truth and Roar!
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
We are at a great turning in our collective evolution that calls for far more than simply getting by. The story of finding a mate, having kids, getting a good job, experiencing a night out here and there — fitting into and “succeeding” at “normal” as good, upstanding members of consensus reality — is coming to a dramatic close. While filled with innumerable moments of beauty and love, we are ready for much more than this material, routine existence. Yet to avail ourselves to what calls us from higher planes and from within our Hearts, we must first get real with the denied and stark realities before and within us, ones coming out from hiding at increasing speed, summoning us to Truths we are now ready for.
Prophesied by all great spiritual traditions, the End Times are indeed here, experienced as the growing global storm. Infrastructure and systems that have upheld the material story, and that we have granted blind faith in, are fatefully collapsing. But more, it is the infrastructure and systems within, the limiting and false ideas we’ve held about ourselves, others and life, whose time have come. They are destined to fall, as well. With outer and inner dismantling, space is made for Higher Truths to finally emerge in awakening Hearts, and the world. Our prophesied graduation can take place from this difficult curriculum of learning through shadows and contrast, this simulacrum of form, seeming separation, and tremendous lies.
Now, in this most potent and opportune lifetime, we are here to steward the end of this dramatic story’s last chapter. To close the book altogether and toss it into the ceremonial fire, including all we’ve learned about ourselves that has nothing to do with Truth. These heresies, too, must burn in the holy fire of alchemy.
The world is heating up like a crucible, summoning us. Its intense heat and pressure process is playing its necessary role in burning away all that is unholy and untrue that we have accumulated through our many lifetimes. By choice and by necessity, we are all entering this transformative container, this alchemical fire. It is unavoidable. Yet there is free will. We have a say in how much of our trauma and programming, the lies we believe true, we give and burn away. We can choose how much we sacrifice carbon for diamond, lead for gold — how much we transmute our false self into what is eternal and luminously true.
Countless light workers and great numbers of masters on Earth at this time are leading this collective alchemy, this transformation in human consciousness. With their guiding light shining the way through their awakened Hearts, it is inevitable that we transition through the crucible of chaos and birth the Golden Age.
This ceremony is about strengthening this cause by activating your LionHeart and empowering you to lead this global awakening. To take a stand for what is True and Holy from your uncompromising sacred centre, the cardinal temple of your sovereign power and divinity. A direct transmission from the Mighty Oversoul of Lion / Lioness serves this purpose by healing old fears, shame and programming keeping your Heart hidden and you feeling unsafe to express, perchance Roar!
You commune with Lion consciousness, this incredible Force of Life, which activates the resonant codes and their divine qualities inherent to your spiritual DNA that this Spirit Animal represents, qualities that you hold in equal measure. Strength, courage, pride, fierceness, loyalty, determination, being a protector, and leadership; a desire to stand for Truth and Love, to Roar, even if it means walking away from your own “pride” — these and other divine qualities, if activated, integrate into your Heart and human awareness, and empower your Lion or Lioness Leadership!
You may already know that the French word for Heart is Cœur. Courage is a state of Heart, more than anything. And these days, given all that is occurring, we need the Heart of a Lion to courageously see the disturbing truths, as they are. To not pre-tend. Yet, the multitude continue to not tend to the great Matters of Heart before us. They see things as they, and nefarious forces, want them to be believed. Delusion feeds illusion, creates mass formation psychosis, and denies Heartfelt discernment. Complacency and blind subservience, the more lethal viruses, are ubiquitous, with power being handed over to dark tyrannical forces steadfastly imposing a global digital dictatorship.
It is painful to let Truth enter our Heart. Yet that is where it comes home as embodied, undeniable, felt reality. It’s why we say, Truth is in the Heart. Or, it finally came Home to my Heart. Feeling and knowing Truth thus takes Cœur, and often courage. Especially today. Truth can rock our world, leaving us feeling incredibly disturbed, filled with shock, horror, outrage and grief. But that is what being a Spiritual Warrior is about — taking to Heart the sheer magnitude of what is before us, not just the light and fluffy. Letting the raw Truths that extend beyond our bubble hit Home — the rampant manipulation, grooming and utter abuse of our children; the intentional maiming of innumerable people and global genocide via the “vaccine”; the purposeful destruction of Mother Earth; “climate crisis” lies, weather warfare and geoengineering; the monstrous hypocrisy, lies, inversions and perversions. The plan, set in stone for centuries, for transhumanism and global fascism!
These are the painful and shocking Truths that millions are waking up to, and that are waking up millions. Feeling and integrating them is essential to our soul growth and maturity — a sacred purpose our resilient Heart is divinely made for. Our Heart is wondrously designed to be broken, again and again, which really means opened. Heartbreak, and feeling through the depths of oft-turbulent and unknown waters, is a necessary rite of passage; an initiation into newfound vulnerability, humility and compassion earned by embracing the raw devastations of the human experience. Not avoiding them. Our Heart opens to greater capacities to be with, serve and even alchemize the immensity of pain and suffering in our world. It opens to higher levels of Divinity, Power, Truth and Love.
Life’s crucibles of loss, uncertainty, powerlessness, hopelessness and pain — experienced or witnessed — break our Heart open to the nobility of human depth, beauty and service. To being a human that is grounded, humble, wise and approachable. A human that is ultimately free; a freedom that comes by taking to Heart messy, disturbing, enlightening Truths; by no longer pre-tending, but actively tending to the Heart of the Matter in its full spectrum from dark to light, both inside and out.
It is for these reasons, and much more, that this ceremony comes to you now, at this most crucial, crucible time. The world needs LionHeart Leaders willing to feel and know the stark realities before us. To bravely take them to Heart, and stand for what is Holy and True. In particular, LionHearts must stand for our children, who are being sexualized, racialized and transgenderized. Our impressionable little ones need our protection, our Roar! Fortunately, fierce Lion and Lioness parents are waking up and having none of it.
This is our collective responsibility now. How can it not be? It is our responsibility to have our Hearts broken open, look reality head on, straighten our spine, claim our voice, protect our children, and be divinely embodied, proactive leaders in this global awakening.
The Mighty Spirit of Lion / Lioness is here to help. It comes to alchemize blocks to your leadership and Heartfelt expression at the quantum level. Unhealed painful childhood and past life memories of being punished or killed for acting on our inner Truth and questioning authority is a key reason why so many are struggling to see the escalating global tyranny and why abuse is so utterly normalized. Believing lies and acquiescing to abuse was and still is safer, says unresolved trauma and programming; a survival adaptation carried forward that keeps the pained Heart protected and prevents one from seeing Truth and standing in one’s own sovereign dignity and divinity. And from protecting children.
The greatest lies are not those expounded by our so-called leaders, but the ones we tell ourselves — that we are unworthy and unlovable; that we have nothing to contribute; and that we must listen to others over our own LionHeart; much of which our family, the “education” system, and corrupt religion have indoctrinated into us. Beliefs that have kept countless souls concealing their LionHearts, and acquiescing to, feeding, and being dependent on abusive authority.
Indeed, going back thousands of years, from cradle to grave, there has been a tyranny on the Heart. And therefore a tyranny on Truth and Love. This is the story whose time has come. We end it by alchemizing the inner tyranny oppressing us, empowering our LionHearts and Roar, and birthing the Golden Age from our radiant centre.
Via the link below, you are encouraged to set intentions for healing empowerments on anything you want. Nothing is too much to ask from the Mighty Oversoul of Lion / Lioness. Most of all, trust your LionHeart, and the pure loving rays of this Spirit Animal to know exactly how to serve you.
Click here for further details and registration.