A transformative online ceremony for experiencing Great Hawk’s alchemical magick and liberating the FireHawk Warrior you are
- Date/Time: To be rescheduled in the near future. Feel free to to my newsletter for updates and check out my scheduled ceremonies
- Can’t attend?: You can still receive the healing & activation if not on Zoom
- Cost: $77 CDN
- Minimum age to receive the healing & activation: 9 years ~ please read the FAQ’s pertaining to children
- Minimum age to attend on Zoom: The legal age of majority (adulthood) in the country you reside in
- Further Details & Registration: Please click the link at the bottom
The Great Fire of Life
consumes with everlasting Joy,
it comes closer,
sacred sacrifice,
your Great Ending,
the Heat of Life
claiming you
as its own
Perhaps like you, it’s when I’m lying in bed, in the sweet liminal space between waking and dreaming that I get flashes of inspiration — a vision, words, a feeling in my body that suddenly knows. This occurred once again, just a few days ago.
The sun had set, and the quiet I long for had come over the city. My eyes, too, feeling heavy, had set into darkness, as I began to drift from one dreamworld into another. And then, there it was.
A striking vision of native artwork — a rising black bird, with white and red markings, shooting starward with intense fire in its heart. “FireHawk!” announced a voice.
FireHawk? Curiosity struck me. I wasn’t clear what this meant. But this uncertainty only lasted a moment. The Spirit of FireHawk began to pour into me, word after word, feeling after feeling. My heart began to fill and expand with the unique power and medicine of this holy bird, and its purpose for summoning me.
While this mysterious communion unfolded, I couldn’t help but wonder if FireHawk was a unique revelation to me, or if it was an actual bird known to others. Hawk, yes, but FireHawk? Sounded like an old, gas guzzling car from the 80’s or a sports team. I did my best to hold off, but couldn’t anymore. I flipped over on my left and flipped on my phone. “Fire Hawk” I typed in, two words. And right there, at the top of the search results, was an unexpected find.
For thousands of years, indigenous peoples of Australia have sung stories about the sacred FireHawk. This mighty bird would “steal” burning sticks from the natives, like ones used in a cooking fire, or they would lift smouldering branches from wildfires. Carrying the flaming wood away in their beaks or talons, they would then drop it in a specific grassy or bushy location up to a kilometre away; a strategic spot in order to smoke out prey.
Well, in recent times, scientists have discovered this is no myth, but a living reality. In the northern Australian savannas, Raptors (which Hawks are a type of) do indeed live up to their name of FireHawk. They pick up, fly with, then strategically drop their torches, and with a fierce swoop, they prey on escaping animals like insects, small mammals, and reptiles.
When something like this is discovered, it challenges scientific and scholarly minds that hold animals as inferior in intelligence and capability; just like how research that shows the Sphinx is much older than conventional estimates confronts stubborn, orthodox Egyptologist thinking.
Part of my purpose in leading ceremonies is to expand one’s heartfelt perception of life, far beyond the scientific, reductive, materialistic view we’ve been conditioned into. In my Spirit Animal ceremonies, my intention is not just to give participants the opportunity to experience advanced healing empowerments, but to show a higher, soulful vision of land, water and sky dwelling creatures — of all Mother Nature! To inspire newfound understanding and appreciation, wonderment and love for what indigenous peoples have known and lived for thousands of years.
This is my continued living prayer — to bring our animal friends closer into the hearts and lives of people, and for people to feel greater communion with the Natural World, and the possibilities of Creation that are without end.
Now, serving as one with the Great Spirt of Hawk in this ceremony, my prayer continues for you. Just as FireHawk came to me, this sacred firebringer comes to ignite the FireHawk of your Soul!

Sparrow Hawk
* * *
The Great Spirit of Hawk is our powerful and mysterious teacher of fire. It is believed by the aforementioned indigenous peoples of Australia that they learned from this Spirit Bird how to work with this element. FireHawk was their firebringer in more than one way, lighting up their world, and their hearts.
The ancient medicine and teachings of fire are many. At its heart, the fire of this world is a metaphor for the Flame of your Soul. This heat burns brightest in your passionate Holy Heart when filled with love, a diaphanous love with no bounds. This is why heat is within the word heart. That is our divine clue. You are the Fire of Life, a heat, heart, light and love the world desperately needs. And FireHawk in this ceremony is here to initiate these and other divine qualities into embodied realization.
Before we go further into this topic, let’s explore the physical and relational dimensions of Hawks.

Red-tailed Hawk
Belonging to the family group Accipitridae, it is believed that there are over 50 kinds of Hawks, including Red-tailed, Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned, and Cooper’s. They live on every continent except Antarctica; even in places you may not expect like Central America, the West Indies, and Jamaica. And Hawks live in every habitat on Earth, from tropical, to dry, to temperate regions.
Often confused with Falcons, which are part of the Falconidae family group, Hawks are bigger yet slower than than Falcons. And Hawks are smaller than their fellow Accipitridae family member, the Eagle. The size of Hawks — beak to tail — ranges from around 11-15 to 20-27 inches, with the largest Hawk being the Ferruginous, seen in the stunning banner image. By comparison, the body of the Philippine Eagle, the largest of its kind, is 34-40 inches in length. Another comparison you may be interested in is wingspan. Tip-to-tip, the Ferruginous spreads its glorious wings 53-56 inches, whereas the Philippine Eagle goes far beyond, up to around 86 inches.
Hawks are diurnal creatures, active between dawn and dusk before heading off to sleep. They love to soar for hours, spreading their majestic wings and gracing the skies with little movement, other than what winds arouse. And from on high, as well as on ground and a perch, they sense, keenly so, with very sharp hearing. Hawks also have piercing sight, which is why we use the term hawk-eye. They are very observant, acutely sensitive to the subtitles and movements of their surroundings.
This sensitivity, along with their physical power, and sharp intelligence and talons, make them formidable birds of prey. Hawks feed on animals like squirrels, rodents, fish, birds, reptiles (snakes), amphibians (lizards), and even insects like grasshoppers, which they catch mid-hop — in the air, as they’re trying to escape the Australian fires.
Like Eagles, Hawks are generally monogamous and mate for life, which increases the survival of their offspring. However, not all stay with their beloved beyond the mating / breeding season. Hawks that say goodbye often only mean farewell, in that they reunite with their partner year after year. When they are with each other, they share in the family duties, from building the nest, to protecting and feeding their fluffy little ones, called eyases. As with humans, this shared responsibility strengthens their bond.
Like other creatures of Mother Nature, Hawks add poetry and beauty to the world through their courtship rituals. Notes this author, “Before mating, hawks engage in courtship rituals to strengthen their bond and attract a mate. Courtship behaviors can include aerial displays, circling flights, mutual preening (grooming each other’s feathers), and courtship feeding (affectionately bringing food to one another). Hawks may also use vocalizations to communicate with their mate.”
It’s estimated that young Hawks remain with mom and dad between 6-8 weeks before leaving the nest. After they make their great leap into the unknown, their parents may keep a watchful, loving eye on them, at least for a while, ensuring their safety and survival, which is a lovely thought. If they spend their life in the wild — always my prayer — Hawks live around 15-20 years.
Taking the physical and relational dimensions of this Winged Being into our minds and hearts, let’s now move deeper into Great Hawk’s spiritual dimensions, and the fiery medicine and teachings it brings to you in this ceremony, and beyond.
* * *

Northern Harrier Hawk
The Hawk,
the mighty Hawk!
It carries a Great Fire
in its heart,
an ancient heat
shining through
its fierce, penetrating eyes.
Feel this majestic being,
know it within,
for Hawk comes now
to ignite the life you are,
the FireHawk of your Soul!
The Great Spirit of Hawk sees you in your Holy Fire. It feels your passionate heat, your burning desire, your strength, conviction, and raw, courageous heart.
Hawk sees your Winged Soul that knows itself as boundless, detached from the material world, skydancing in the eternal. It sees your wings stretching like its own, as the endless breadth of life.
Hawk sees your Warrior Spirit that passionately stands for Truth and Freedom — an uncompromising Truth your Heart exquisitely knows, and a Freedom of flight which is the nature of your angelic Soul.
The Truth sets you free, and this Truth is in your Warrior Heart. Open your heart to Truth and you open your wings to Freedom. Open your wings to Freedom, and you reveal your Warrior Heart of Truth.
The true Warrior is willing to courageously sacrifice for Truth and Freedom, inside and out. Because Truth is life, Freedom is life, and there is no joyous, Soulful living without both. Spiritual Warriors choose to live these innate qualities from their Holy Heart, each moment, as best they can. This possibility grows as they sacrifice what’s false and limiting — that which is not of Truth and Freedom — to the Fire of their Soul.
To the Fire you offer your fear and shame, the self afraid to fly. You offer the pains causing you to look down, and feel down, to believe yourself unworthy of angel wings, your inheritance of heavenly skies. To the Fire you offer the fearful story that says not to forgive, because of what might be felt, experienced, lost — awoken!
To the Fire you sacrifice these and other secret places I’ll detail further; hidden pains spanning lifetimes and generations keeping your heart and wings closed to silent cries within, the burning and yearning for more life — for You!
Each sacrifice is for the sacred. Each sacrifice creates space for more of the sacredness You are to grace your human form. As with any fire, the more you feed it, the brighter it gets. Sacrifice more of who you are not, more of your limiting, painful story, and the Fire of your Soul fills your body with greater heat, light and life. It alchemically consumes and envelops you, dissolves and illumines you, which allows the Soul Fire you are to fulfil is alchemical purpose, one that extends far beyond your body.
With inner sacrifice, your Holy Fire can shine through your miraculous form upon the world as a transmutational, diaphanous force. It brings much needed light, illumining pained hearts and freeing lost souls. You become like Jesus, who shares in the Gospel of Thomas, “I have cast fire upon the world, and now I tend it to a blaze.” Like the FireHawks of Australia, you become a bringer of the Sacred Flame, lighting up dark, bitter, cold lands.
Facing the suffering world with your Holy Heart ablaze, your Warrior Spirit takes the darkness of the world to heart. You don’t avoid, diminish or deny monumental global pain, as so many do. You don’t pre-tend, but rather tend to the agonizing heart of the matter by allowing suffering, near and far, to break your heart into wider expressions of love and compassion, so more of each can be shared with the world.

Harris Hawk
This is the unheralded, humble Way of the Heart Warrior. And it’s the Way of the FireHawk Warrior who has a passionate and compassionate Heart on Fire — for him/herself, and the world; a heart wisely guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, the SkyDancer within who sees with heavenly sight, and brings Heaven to Earth.
Far from a path of fighting, of sacrificing others in war, the Way of the FireHawk Warrior is the noble path of sacrificing oneself in surrender. And it’s this courageous, vulnerable surrender that our dying, awakening world calls us to now, without exception. Not to battle, not to fight darkness, but to facing and sacrificing our darkness, the hidden shadows of old, to our FireHawk Soul.
Surrendering to our
in the Holy Fire of life,
we are guiding light
Warriors and Wayshowers
for the dying world,
of sacrificing
for the sacred,
so the sacred
brings the dawn
This sacred sacrifice is what we desire more than anything, and why we’ve chosen to be here at this time. And yet, it’s also what we fear most. We long for Truth and Freedom, to open our heart-wings and fly, and to share our Soul Fire, our passionate heat, with others, and the world; and yet this also terrifies us on some level.
It terrifies us because of what must end inside, the courageous, vulnerable sacrifices that must occur — our dying to uncertainty, the Fire of our Soul.
This is why the Way of the FireHawk Warrior is not for the faint of heart, and why few fly. Fortunately, Great Hawk, as your faithful friend and guide, is here to make the Way easier, so your heart and wings open more fully to your Self, and the world.
* * *
In this ceremony, you commune directly with the ancient Universal Spirit of Hawk. You resonate with its power and presence, its wisdom and medicine, its intensity, its heat, the Love of its eternal Fire. And by resonating alive with the divine qualities of Great Hawk, you remember them as your own. They are awakened from dormancy within your FireHawk Soul.
Some of these qualities I’ve already mentioned, but they are worth repeating: intensity, passion, wildness, strength, courage, wrath, fierceness, boldness, piercing vision, clear focus, alchemical magick, and freedom. This is not a complete list by any means, but it does capture the essence of this Spirit Bird’s power, medicine and teachings.
Just as you are a perfect holographic mirror of All Creation, you are made in the likeness of this Spirit Animal on all measures. This means that the divine qualities of Great Hawk are encoded in your spiritual DNA, and uniquely so. You have a FireHawk Soul, unlike any other. The crystalline codes of your spiritual DNA lay nestled against your biological DNA, awaiting activation. So do your Hawk codes, therefore, longing to be set alight.
Like the firebringers of Australia, Great Hawk brings heat and light, a Holy Fire that creates the alchemical magick needed for your crystalline Hawk codes to activate. This is Great Hawk’s sacred transmission. The ancient alchemical practice of transmuting carbon into diamond using intense heat metaphorically represents this magick. Great Hawk’s fiery transmission transmutes — sacrifices — carbon imprints of trauma and programming into your crystal-line Higher Nature — the sacredness of your FireHawk Soul. In resonant excitation, your FireHawk codes come alive to the familiar heat and light of Great Hawk’s transmission and life expression.
The diaphanous higher nature of your FireHawk Soul lands in your body, and takes hold throughout. This universal life force streams through your neurobiology, creating new neural pathways away from fear and shame, and toward Love, Truth and Freedom. The divine qualities associated with this Spirit Animal, inherent to your Soul, awaken and upgrade your human awareness. Progressively, you feel and live them as your own, especially in your Holy Heart.
This is your sacred at-one-ment with Great Hawk, your shared Heaven coming down into your Earth form. In successive stages of integration, you embody this ancient Spirit Animal’s power, its sacred medicine, the Way of the FireHawk Warrior. You fall in love with this wondrous Spirit Bird, because you’ve fallen in love with your FireHawk Soul.

Ferruginous Hawk
Central to this activated embodiment and opening is your Holy Heart. To know and love the FireHawk within and live true to your Warrior Heart, your wings must spread open to life. Opening to life, you can then receive the Great Winds of Life’s eternal blessings. Even more, you can feel them in your heart, as Truth — the Truth of who you are. But to receive and feel, and remember this divine inheritance, first you must courageously reveal your heart to yourself, and then beyond.
For this reason, the central anchoring point of your FireHawk Warrior Soul is your cardinal centre, your Holy Heart. From there, everything expands, in all directions — your power, your purpose, your love and freedom. The radiant Truth & Fire you are! All this shines omnidirectionally, as we see when we behold the wonderful Hawk in majestic flight, its sacred wings and Spirit stretching across the sky, revealing its FireHeart to the world.
* * *
Great Hawk’s powerful transmission is here to do the heavy lifting for you, so you don’t have to slog through, or even re-live, what’s painfully old and deeply hidden, and what no longer serves you.
Your intentions for healing, and your heartfelt desire for much-deserved more, are vitally important when preparing for this ceremony. By writing your intentions, you declare to yourself and Great Hawk that you deserve to no longer suffer as you have; you declare that you deserve to experience more life, and to fly!
Burning desire and its passionate longing for life are beautiful, natural and empowering human experiences. In fact, your Fire of Desire, your willingness to actively choose life, is what makes you a passionate Warrior of Truth and Freedom. And writing your intentions is a powerful way to claim your worth and the desirous FireHawk Warrior you are.
Via the link further below, you are encouraged to write healing empowerment intentions for anything you want. Nothing is too much to ask from Great Hawk; nothing is too much to offer to its alchemical Fire, whether it’s mental, emotional, physical or spiritual ailments / concerns.
A question to ask yourself when writing your intentions is: What am I wiling to sacrifice for Truth & Freedom — for the sacred?
Sacrifice is another word for heal. As you heal, you sacrifice what is painful and limiting, what is wholly not true and you, and what no longer serves your spiritual growth. You offer these shadow imprints and patterns to the alchemical Fire, to the Light of Truth, so it can burn brighter in your heart and human awareness; and so you can feel uplifted by your Higher Self embodiment.

Ferruginous Hawk
And so, in calling upon Great Hawk in this ceremony, what are you willing to sacrifice to this powerful healer’s alchemical magick?
Perhaps trauma related to being emotionally or physically abused, or to being abandoned or neglected. Remember that trauma incurs from both what happened to you (abuse), and what didn’t happen (neglect). You can also offer beliefs arising from adverse experiences, like: I’m unworthy, I’m bad/wrong, I’m flawed, It’s wrong to put myself first, I’m a sinner, It’s my fault.
Maybe your sacrificial offering is the pain underwriting your unwillingness to forgive. Could it be that you hold on to shame because, in doing so, you get to keep punishing yourself — unnecessarily so? And could it be that you hold on to resentment so you can continue punishing another? You get to keep being a victim?
Who would you be without shame and resentment, and your victim identity? Welcome to your dying to the unknown. You don’t need shame or victim consciousness to know God’s unconditional love. You don’t need to be perfect, either.
Perhaps your sacrificial offering to Great Hawk’s Fire is a belief stirred into life from the collective field; a belief that convinces you to play small; to not to stand in your voice and Truth, in your Warrior Spirit, boldly, if not wrathfully.
the Red Hot Sacred Flame
intolerant of the intolerable,
speaking to injustice,
making clear where No
rightfully belongs,
eyes piercing, radiant,
the eyes and heart of a
Holy Protector,
a Warrior Leader,
the Great I Am
breathing invincible Fire

Red Kite Hawk
Your trauma and programming create and sustain a wounded, closed heart that conceals the divine qualities within your Sacred Flame, the Gift you are. They close you off from the heat and light of your FireHawk Soul — your Holy Wrath, your dignity, your worth, the wild love you are.
To Great Hawk’s ceremonial Fire you can offer these imprints and patterns, and the false self that identifies with them. What is ultimately unreal and temporary is sacrificed to and for what is ultimately real and eternal.
This is the Great Work, as it’s called, the higher purpose of ancient alchemy. The very thing that consumes and dissolves who you are not, is who you are. You are the Holy Fire that returns you to your immortal, luminous state, transcending all illusions of separation, time and death.
It’s the Great Hawk’s honour to breathe alchemical Fire into your cells, heart and wings and awaken your FireHawk Warrior Soul; to initiate your heroic return to what you’ve been seeking all along — the boundless skies and love you are.
Click here for further details and registration