DNA: The Sacred and Coveted Interface Between Dark and Light of these Pivotal Times
Comments Off on DNA: The Sacred and Coveted Interface Between Dark and Light of these Pivotal TimesThe biological warfare spreading across the planet is occurring at the level of DNA. The warfare is the one front and centre, headlining all broadcasts at this time of April 2021. DNA is the battleground, with the seeming pharmacological solution, the “vaccine”, soldiering forward in ample doses to alter and take over. Our genome is the principal “terrain” where our free will and liberation births into human awareness; the sacred anchor point for the light of our sovereign divinity. That crystalline light of our higher self downloads there, and with that embodiment we gradually wake to the holy qualities of the Divine Mother and Father, qualities that make up our spiritual DNA. Each soul is a holographic representation of All That Is, mirroring back the […]
Awakening Your Sovereign DNA and Breaking the Spell of Submission
Comments Off on Awakening Your Sovereign DNA and Breaking the Spell of SubmissionSubmission is the spell cast upon humanity for eons. As it’s been before, it is today, and to amplified measure given what we see unfolding across the planet. Few are awake from this dream, inured they are by the powers that claim to have their best interests at heart. A submissive neurobiology is susceptible to this obedient ignorance. Just as the abused child grows to tolerate and normalize the abusive partner, we have accustomed ourselves to being acquiescent to corrupt systems that render us numb to our senses. Family and education are but two examples of institutions reflective of larger bodies that portray a positive image from the outside, but carry tremendous dysfunction within the walls. Like with government and the military, church and corporations, […]
Everything is a Waiting Game… Until You Stop Submitting and Wake Up to Your Power
Comments Off on Everything is a Waiting Game… Until You Stop Submitting and Wake Up to Your Power“The ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators, and passionate peacemakers. Our world doesn’t need more adults who blindly serve the powerful because they’ve been trained to obey authority without question. Our world needs more adults who challenge and question and hold the powerful accountable.” ~ L.R. Knost If you sit passively back and do not engage life with a sense of purpose, do not act from your gifts, your power and in courageous service, you will succumb to the mainstream narrative and all that’s wrong with the world. The television will be the alter you frequent hours a day, not your heart which begs for […]
The Dark Forces are Waiting for You to Show Up in Your Power
Comments Off on The Dark Forces are Waiting for You to Show Up in Your PowerMaybe the dark forces are waiting for You to show up in your Power. And that in spending so much time pointing them out, highlighting their nefarious hidden agendas, you can continue hiding your light. All the while you confuse your persistent pointing with your power. It’s a deceptive and convenient game many are playing these days. Your power arises first from confronting your powerlessness. This is the purpose of tribal initiation practices and rights of passage—giving youth a taste of the depth and wisdom of uncertainty and vulnerability; of giving way to a higher force. Because most in the West have not been initiated, they, most naturally, are afraid to be powerless. Yet there are significant consequences. Namely, that they project this fear onto […]