“We are stars wrapped in skin.
The light you are seeking
has always been within.”
~ Jalaludin Rumi
There are infinite ways that Life creatively and miraculously guides you, orchestrating your path. And there are infinite reasons it does so.
Two general reasons are:
One, to confirm and inspire short-term goals your heart is guiding you towards; and two, to confirm and inspire your larger Soul Destiny, perfectly unfolding at this time.
Mysterious ways that Life surprises and de-lights you while supporting your path are what I call Winks of Starlight. Here are a few examples of Winks that may be familiar to you:
- A dreamtime message
- A whisper in your inner ear upon waking, sometimes in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning — liminal spaces between Spirit and Earth in which you are open and receptive
- A powerful, emotional vision that comes over you, clearly not yours of the making… or was it?
- Creative inspiration with whispers of meaning you’re ready for
- The sudden appearance of an animal, here to guide you
- A few words spoken (or maybe only one) by someone you know, or don’t know, that strike lightning in your heart
- Finding the exact resource you need at the right time, like a book
A star’s twinkle
is a wink.
Winks of Starlight, again, serve the divine purpose of confirming and inspiring the perfection of where you are now — the stellar choices you are making and the unfolding of your life in relation to short- and long-term heartfelt goals.
There is a good chance your Wink makes less sense in regards to your longterm destiny as compared to more immediate pursuits. This is because your larger Divine Destiny remains, for the most part, a sacred secret — two words wonderfully similar, for good reason!
Your Higher Self, which holds the larger map of your Divine Destiny, knows what your limited, amnestic human awareness does not. And so Starlight arrives, Winking beautifully, a gift of Heaven given right on time, time and again, bridging you to the Heavens and your larger Soul Plan!
Each Wink shines light on the Truth of your greater destiny, and without giving it all away at once. Messages are given that offer you just enough guidance, what’s needed at any one time. This allows your destiny to gradually blossom — or come to light, in your heart, where Truth is known; and without you skipping the necessary, often challenging, yet rich learning you came to experience that arises only if “left in the dark.”
Creatively, intelligently, symbolically, Winks of Starlight bypass the rational, grasping mind that craves certainty, and wants to know now. Like a transmission, they lovingly reach beyond, shining deeper, piercing, stirring and awakening the forgotten. They touch the quiet one within who knows without your logical mind knowing how you know. They touch the one who’s come to patiently remember and learn through important evolutionary stages.
“I don’t know why, but I just feel like I’m meant to…,” says someone older and wiser within.
In perfect timing and in perfect ways, the stars align for you, their light illumining your sacred path in patient, divine order. Destiny is on its way, with you on your way to destiny.
As its secret Truths continue to blossom in your heart and human awareness, they also blossom outside of you, in brilliant orchestration. From within and without, gradually, secret Truths are revealed. They co-arise and increasingly merge, with Life stunningly, miraculously weaving you and destiny together, in divine and earthly reality, while stars rejoice!
The Secret, Sacred Truth is, you were always One, woven into your whispering heart — a Holy Heart that, like the twinkling stars, knew all along.
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ~ Arundhati Roy
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Check out Vince’s book: Let the Fire Burn ~ Nurturing the Creative Spirit of Children, A Children’s Book for Adults