A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age

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A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age

Soul evolution and maturity depend on how well we courageously open to and embody the full-spectrum of the human journey. Along with feeling uplifting emotions like joy and expressing creative gifts, we have come to experience vulnerability, our raw humanity, the heartbreak that awaits us all that pain, suffering and truth initiate us into. Hundreds, if not thousands of incarnations into planets, bodies and stories afford us the opportunity to gradually give ourselves to each, and thus our Holy Cross. There is no transcendence of the world, no divine union, no Higher Truth, without surrendering to our heartbreak-induced crucifixion. It’s why we are here, and what we long for more than anything — to open our Holy Heart, claim our resurrection body, and ascend to higher, […]

Your Heart is Designed to Grieve ~ Learning to Live with Heartbreak, Your Gateway to Love

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Your Heart is Designed to Grieve ~ Learning to Live with Heartbreak, Your Gateway to Love

Chances are, you will never heal all your wounds, nor are you meant to. Perhaps they are to be faithful companions on your journey, worthy friends guiding you, reminding you of compassion and humility, and acting as an acutely sensitive barometer shooting aches and pains through you when you are not aligned in truth, or pushing too hard. Indeed, a certain amount of pain and heartbreak may just be necessary for all of us if we are to stay grounded in our humanity and open to the rawness of living and loving in the unfathomable paradox of light and dark we endlessly wander through together. I was walking along the beach the other day when I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in […]

Winks of Starlight ~ Creative & Miraculous Guidance for Your Divine Destiny

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Winks of Starlight ~ Creative & Miraculous Guidance for Your Divine Destiny

“We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you are seeking  has always been within.”
 ~ Jalaludin Rumi There are infinite ways that Life creatively and miraculously guides you, orchestrating your path. And there are infinite reasons it does so. Two general reasons are: One, to confirm and inspire short-term goals your heart is guiding you towards; and two, to confirm and inspire your larger Soul Destiny, perfectly unfolding at this time.  Mysterious ways that Life surprises and de-lights you while supporting your path are what I call Winks of Starlight. Here are a few examples of Winks that may be familiar to you: A dreamtime message A whisper in your inner ear upon waking, sometimes in the middle of the night or first thing […]

The Choice is Yours: Serve Tyranny from Fear or Serve the Awakening from Your Truth-Telling Heart

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The Choice is Yours: Serve Tyranny from Fear or Serve the Awakening from Your Truth-Telling Heart

The intellect can only take you so far in understanding what’s happening in the world right now. Stay comfortably bound by it and the news mongering it feeds off of, and you stay within a box of limited understanding and enslaved to tyranny. Awaken, as these destined times call us towards, and you transcend the polarizing, political mind into higher realms of Heart-felt Truth, both disturbing and liberating.  Courage is needed to choose the latter; for you must be willing to expand your thresholds for experience and reveal yourself anew. I hope by now you are piecing together that what is occurring across our dramatic global stage is much bigger than politics and health. What we are witnessing is the needed and destined collapse of […]

Evolving from Fear and Division to Our Limitless, Loving Self: The Heroic Path of Soul Ascension

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Evolving from Fear and Division to Our Limitless, Loving Self: The Heroic Path of Soul Ascension

Do not fear death. For it’s only in embracing death that you can truly embrace life. Find beauty in its quiet depths, the still sweet surrender, yours and others, so you may find beauty in life. Doing so, you open to all possibilities, versus only the ones fear creates room for. Death is the great portal to life. When we understand this, we remember that, like time, it is a great illusion; that there is no such thing as death, but simply transitions in consciousness and experience. We are here not just to know this intellectually, but to experience it many times over before what most consider to be death — release of the body — and, in this, awaken to fuller embodied experiences of […]

Walking the Way of Innocence ~ The Courageous Path of Embodying and Living from Purity of Heart

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Walking the Way of Innocence ~ The Courageous Path of Embodying and Living from Purity of Heart

No matter your difficulties, no matter how hard your life has been and how much pain you carry inside, your innocence is indomitable. It cannot be tarnished or taken away. That’s because your innocence is the vibrant, wondrous light of your ever-present soul, as felt in your pure and open heart. Though the challenges of the human condition lead us to believe otherwise and detour us away from knowing our innocent nature, this immutable truth of who you essentially are is always present, waiting for you to turn towards it, to remember and embody it.  Our pain, especially the pain in our hearts, and our programming from the collective, keeps us turned away from our innocence. We learned early on that it was not safe […]

The Safe, Inviting and Eloquent Language of “I Miss” to Bring Another into Your Heart

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The Safe, Inviting and Eloquent Language of “I Miss” to Bring Another into Your Heart

Language is powerful. One word can make or break a conversation. Yes, most of what we communicate lies in the unspoken, the space between the words or energy underlying them; but the words you choose have the power to bring someone closer to your heart or further away. Connection—the tube The heart of communication is connection. Consider connection to be like a tube running from my heart to yours. The wider the tube, the larger the connection; the more can be passed through, felt and experienced between us. That tube is never static—it’s always changing given how something is communicated and what is being communicated. The tube, or openness between two people, fluctuates moment-to-moment depending on the words chosen, one’s energy and body language—the three main aspects […]

Taking Time to Feel Authentic Forgiveness: Healing in a Culture of Quick-fix Solutions and Spiritual Bypassing

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Taking Time to Feel Authentic Forgiveness: Healing in a Culture of Quick-fix Solutions and Spiritual Bypassing

For more on forgiveness, please read the description for my ceremony, Temple of Holy Virtue. Otherwise, enjoy this article, as well as the related video at the bottom. Forgiving is a liberating act of love to self and others. It can free us from pain, resentment, from feeling separate from others and life. But forgiveness, if not felt deeply and given with enough rooted authenticity, can be a means of bypassing uncomfortable feelings (spiritual bypassing), the truth of one’s raw inner experience.  Long held as a virtue in religious teachings, cultures and, more recently, in new age / personal growth circles, we have and continue to be taught and even expected to forgive; to let it go and move on, for it is the kind […]