The Call of The Butterfly ~ Answering the Call of the Awakened Heart

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The Call of The Butterfly ~ Answering the Call of the Awakened Heart

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” ~ Richard Bach There may come a time when you feel the call to become something more than you’ve always been; a call to let go of one way of living, without being clear of exactly where you are going. All you know is that you can no longer stay where you are. This is the call of the butterfly. Life only really begins when you answer this call. It is you saying Yes to your soul, and Yes to soul-full living. It is the courageous beginning of a journey away from what no longer feeds your soul, towards a life that allows you to express yourself more fully and authentically. Answering the call awakens […]

Three Stages of Transformation & Transition

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Three Stages of Transformation & Transition

When the heart awakens there is an immediate calling for change in your life. The seed of awareness and possibility has awoken within you, stirring a deep desire to search for a renewed sense of Self and life, and to follow a path of purposeful and authentic living. The awakened heart sparks change in three general stages that reflect the inner transformation and outer transition necessary to awaken the butterfly within. Much like a flower’s incremental unfolding into the light, people move through these stages gradually. Notice how many times you have gone through them in your own life. 1. Answering the Call In answering the call you embark on a new phase of your journey. The essence of this stage is saying Yes to […]

Dream Boldly, Act Courageously

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Dream Boldly, Act Courageously

Dream Big. Anything is Possible. For us to create our dreams, they must be stronger than the fears and doubts that hold us back. What is your dream? Is it to paint? Travel? Have a family? Is it to run a marathon? Get in shape? Learn to play an instrument? Perhaps it is small. Maybe for a while you’ve been wanting to have friends over for a games night. Or maybe you’ve wanted to have a day just to yourself. I heard recently that if we don’t act on our impulse within the first five seconds, the impulse will disappear, and we will have missed an opportunity. Therefore act when the desire arises. Choose boldly right away. Notice what you keep thinking about and take […]