Letting the Body Lead ~ Trusting the Movements of our Inner Wisdom
When it comes to designing my playshops, I can be a real procrastinator; or so it would seem to my mind. Leading up to the event, my mind will say many times, “You need to get going! You won’t have enough time to do it all!” But despite its admonitions, I still don’t move. I stay on the couch, or seated on a log in the forest, or doing anything but designing my events. And then one day, I just suddenly start doing it. I know in my heart that it is time. My heart moves me, my body, without much thought. And as always, I have more than enough time (and the participants love the playshop!). It would seem our mind knows what is […]
Let It Play Itself Out
Work It Out or Let It Play Itself Out? Life is about balance. There is a time to speak and a time to listen. A time to move and a time to rest. And there is a time to work something out in our mind, or let it play itself out. Generally as a society we are better at the former. Recently I could not solve a bookkeeping challenge. I let it go, sat on my bed, meditated and out of nowhere the solution spontaneously arose. Also recently, my web designer said she needed my images to be three times as large. The next day I got a call from a desktop publishing company telling me that they now sell a photo enhancement software. It […]