A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden Age
Comments Off on A Global Crucifixion: Truth, Heartbreak & Humanity’s Heroic Ascension into a Golden AgeSoul evolution and maturity depend on how well we courageously open to and embody the full-spectrum of the human journey. Along with feeling uplifting emotions like joy and expressing creative gifts, we have come to experience vulnerability, our raw humanity, the heartbreak that awaits us all that pain, suffering and truth initiate us into. Hundreds, if not thousands of incarnations into planets, bodies and stories afford us the opportunity to gradually give ourselves to each, and thus our Holy Cross. There is no transcendence of the world, no divine union, no Higher Truth, without surrendering to our heartbreak-induced crucifixion. It’s why we are here, and what we long for more than anything — to open our Holy Heart, claim our resurrection body, and ascend to higher, […]
Journey into Mastery: The Integrative Wisdom of Suffering and Heartbreak in Advancing Our Soul
Comments Off on Journey into Mastery: The Integrative Wisdom of Suffering and Heartbreak in Advancing Our SoulWe are here to experience suffering, not avoid it. Please take that sentence into your heart for a moment, and see what it feels like. It’s a big statement that holds great truths and promises filled with paradox, complexity and nuance, ones that may be uncomfortable to integrate into your heart, but that, if you let in, set your soul free. We do not journey as souls to do everything we can to avoid suffering; to avoid bad and only stay on the side of good; to avoid darkness and stay purely in the light. Suffering is freely chosen as a soul as part of our spiritual evolution through many worlds of form; not as something to escape, but something to experience that serves a […]
Alchemizing Wider Spectrums of Dark into Light: The Evolution and Maturation of the Soul
Comments Off on Alchemizing Wider Spectrums of Dark into Light: The Evolution and Maturation of the SoulThrough the many faces of fear we learn the many faces of love. That is, until we are finished learning from fear, and are fully ready for love. The evolution and maturation of the soul is a path of holding wider spectrums of dark and light without resistance. This comes from many heroic lifetimes of facing and integrating our shadows, alchemizing them into embodied gold — the crystalline light of our higher self. Light reveals darkness. It conjures lower vibrational states and aspects — our deepest fears expressed as shame, guilt and unworthiness; parts vehemently announcing, “I don’t deserve love!” For people unready for the light, too attached they are to their suffering, they turn away like Dracula from the sun. It simply is too […]