Gratitude is Not Just About Giving Thanks, but Ensuring Those Less Fortunate Are Not Forgotten
Gratitude is a beautiful practice of acknowledging the goodness one receives. It moves us from simply taking and consuming into a felt-sense of appreciation for the love and abundance in our lives. Gratitude is not limited to time and space. We can give thanks to our parents who have passed on or the kind stranger who came to our aid twenty years ago. And we can give thanks to someone we have never met who lives across the world. In expressing gratitude, however, we are not just feeling appreciation; we are offering an acknowledgement that we see another and that they matter in this world. This is the deeper part of gratitude few speak of. I was walking by a homeless woman who was collecting […]
Intending with an Open Mind ~ Detaching from Form & Opening to Learning
You don’t always get what you want. But you always get what you need. When setting our goals or intentions for the year, we often get caught up in what we want instead of what we really need. Our purpose is to grow, or evolve as souls. This is the Big Agenda in life. Our career, relationships, health and finances are gateways – they are the little agendas (or forms). When we are attached to the form of what we want, we are not open to the larger plan of our life which invariably focuses on our evolutionary needs. Set your intentions, but do not be attached to the form in which they manifest. Instead, be committed to your inner growth – to learning through […]
Appreciating & Intending ~ Applying the Spirit of Yes And
As we move into 2011, some of us begin thinking about or acting upon new intentions. One of the intentions I have this year is to practice appreciating what I have in my life as a foundation for setting intentions and manifesting my desires. The Spirit of Yes And teaches us to acknowledge, appreciate and accept what is here in this moment (YES), and then to build upon it in creative ways (AND). Actualizing our intentions is more possible when we first appreciate what we have in our life now. By spending time daily acknowledging the good in your life, you are creating a strong foundation of abundance into which you can plant your seeds of intention. There is a saying that what you focus […]