4 Criteria for Teaching and Learning ~ Empowering Both Teacher and Student
In my playshops with teachers we have regular conversations about what structures support and limit education. We discuss how certain structures, that we think need to be put in place, may in fact get in the way of a child’s learning and development. Education is ongoing balance between structure and flow. Too much structure and we stifle the child’s creative spirit and capacity to make decisions for herself. Too much flow and there may not be a container, and enough guidance or safety. It is my personal opinion that for teaching and learning to thrive, any structure used should meet the following four criteria: Does it support the child’s safety? Does it support the child’s academic development? Does it support the child’s creativity and imagination? Does it support the child’s self-esteem and empowerment, including her capacity to be self-directed? […]
Intending with an Open Mind ~ Detaching from Form & Opening to Learning
You don’t always get what you want. But you always get what you need. When setting our goals or intentions for the year, we often get caught up in what we want instead of what we really need. Our purpose is to grow, or evolve as souls. This is the Big Agenda in life. Our career, relationships, health and finances are gateways – they are the little agendas (or forms). When we are attached to the form of what we want, we are not open to the larger plan of our life which invariably focuses on our evolutionary needs. Set your intentions, but do not be attached to the form in which they manifest. Instead, be committed to your inner growth – to learning through […]