Silence of Soul

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Silence of Soul

Silence is always more authentic, more truthful, than words. Yet, how much time do you give yourself to silence each day, and thus give yourself to your soul and its quiet murmurings? How much do you reveal yourself, your forgotten depths, to another through the space between your words? How much do you reveal in intimacy, into-me-see, through tender eyes, a vulnerable smile, through the tears and trembles of your emotional body, and gentle, asking touch? How much do you share what words cannot possibly capture, what your mind cannot grasp, yet what your heart knows, feels, all too well? There, waiting for you in still silence, is the voiceless voice of the Ages that knows you far more than you realize. If only you […]

When Present-Moment Truth Trumps the Pursuit of Happiness: Learning to Live Authentically Here and Now

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When Present-Moment Truth Trumps the Pursuit of Happiness: Learning to Live Authentically Here and Now

“We are powerful beyond measure, and so deeply vulnerable at the same time. This may seem like a dichotomy, but it isn’t. We have misunderstood real power. It has been something assertive, non-surrendering, pushing on through. This is not real power. This is simply willfulness. Real power is something else—receptivity, openness, the courage to keep your heart open on the darkest of days, the strength to feel it all even when the odds are stacked against you. Real power is showing up with your heart on your sleeve and absolutely refusing to waste one moment of your life hidden behind edginess and armor.” ~ Jeff Brown In our first session my clients often tell me that they have a goal to be more authentic. It’s […]