Evolving from “Early Childhood Education” to Early Childhood Attachment and Outdoor Play
Comments Off on Evolving from “Early Childhood Education” to Early Childhood Attachment and Outdoor PlayWhen education and the raising of children aligns with the rhythms and cycles of Mother Nature, then we will have woken up. Nothing rushed, nothing forced, just enough structure to allow for what wants to unfold to happen in its sweet soulful time, trusting and respecting due order, the higher agenda of the child, and that of Life. We are speaking of a complete reorganization of society’s principles and values, such that we return to living in nature, as nature itself. What we call “early childhood education” is only a recent phenomenon in Western culture. Prior to the last 100 years, children learned through the natural impulses of exploration and engaging with family and friends. Their education was often outside, self-directed through unstructured, unsupervised play, […]
Awakening Your Sovereign DNA and Breaking the Spell of Submission
Comments Off on Awakening Your Sovereign DNA and Breaking the Spell of SubmissionSubmission is the spell cast upon humanity for eons. As it’s been before, it is today, and to amplified measure given what we see unfolding across the planet. Few are awake from this dream, inured they are by the powers that claim to have their best interests at heart. A submissive neurobiology is susceptible to this obedient ignorance. Just as the abused child grows to tolerate and normalize the abusive partner, we have accustomed ourselves to being acquiescent to corrupt systems that render us numb to our senses. Family and education are but two examples of institutions reflective of larger bodies that portray a positive image from the outside, but carry tremendous dysfunction within the walls. Like with government and the military, church and corporations, […]
Everything is a Waiting Game… Until You Stop Submitting and Wake Up to Your Power
Comments Off on Everything is a Waiting Game… Until You Stop Submitting and Wake Up to Your Power“The ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators, and passionate peacemakers. Our world doesn’t need more adults who blindly serve the powerful because they’ve been trained to obey authority without question. Our world needs more adults who challenge and question and hold the powerful accountable.” ~ L.R. Knost If you sit passively back and do not engage life with a sense of purpose, do not act from your gifts, your power and in courageous service, you will succumb to the mainstream narrative and all that’s wrong with the world. The television will be the alter you frequent hours a day, not your heart which begs for […]
Healing Your Inner Star Child and Liberating the Innocence and Power of Your Soul Star Essence
Comments Off on Healing Your Inner Star Child and Liberating the Innocence and Power of Your Soul Star Essence“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” ― Carl Sagan, Cosmos We are all children of God, the Universe, Christ, Buddha Consciousness, Brahman, whatever feels right to you. And each of us has what I call a soul star essence; for, we are, along with everything else, made of stardust! Hydrogen, nitrogen, your computer and clothes, everything is made from this magical and primordial Source! Knowing, embracing and shining our star nature is essential to our fulfillment, to realizing our soul purpose. And healing our inner star child is a big part of that. Disconnection from divinity The root of all […]
The Therapeutic Power of Play to Heal Shame in Children
Comments Off on The Therapeutic Power of Play to Heal Shame in ChildrenThe nature of shame is to hide. It keeps pain hidden, the dark corners of our psyche concealed from the masses, too unbearable to share with others, too unbearable to be seen. Look at people with tremendous shame and their head tilts down, their eyes avert contact. Many even have a hard time looking straight into a camera. They must look away. The pain of shame and blame runs that deep. Children are, of course, not immune to shame. Raised in abusive, neglectful, toxic environments, shame inevitably buries into their psychophysiology. Beliefs such as “I am wrong”, “I am bad”, “It’s my fault” are common amongst children who experience chronic failures in love; who grow up not feeling emotionally or physically safe; who come to […]
Why the Nuanced Language of the Soul is Rare and Needed in These Times of Growing Divisive Opinion
Comments Off on Why the Nuanced Language of the Soul is Rare and Needed in These Times of Growing Divisive Opinion“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. “When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” ― Rumi As the world moves into increasing complexity and confusion, the lightness of nuanced language will be necessary to navigate the darkness. Because nuance is the language of the whispering, mysterious soul, and these are mysterious times. At a time when there is a platform for every person to shout from, and an ever-saturated supply of all sorts of conflicting mainstream and alternative information, there is a pull, for so many, to write and speak to our growing collective uncertainty. To toss their opinion into the widening arena of debate and conjecture. As […]
The Wisdom of Pain and Suffering ~ Surrendering to the Gifts of Weakness in a World that Pedestalizes Strength
Comments Off on The Wisdom of Pain and Suffering ~ Surrendering to the Gifts of Weakness in a World that Pedestalizes Strength“Be crumbled. So wild flowers will come up where you are. You have been stony for too many years. Try something different. Surrender.” ~ Rumi “To be worn out is to be renewed.” ~ Lao Tzu Pain and suffering are difficult gateways no one avoids. We wish it was different, but it is the way of life. They are fierce and necessary teachers at times, initiating us to disarmour, soften into vulnerability, into our heart. They wear the edges off our hubris and pride so we become humble and compassionate in ways we could not without the adversity. To feel more deeply at a cellular and soul level. Pain and suffering did exactly this for me. Bit-by-bit, they crumbled the arrogant, overly-driven and insensitive man […]
The Dark Forces are Waiting for You to Show Up in Your Power
Comments Off on The Dark Forces are Waiting for You to Show Up in Your PowerMaybe the dark forces are waiting for You to show up in your Power. And that in spending so much time pointing them out, highlighting their nefarious hidden agendas, you can continue hiding your light. All the while you confuse your persistent pointing with your power. It’s a deceptive and convenient game many are playing these days. Your power arises first from confronting your powerlessness. This is the purpose of tribal initiation practices and rights of passage—giving youth a taste of the depth and wisdom of uncertainty and vulnerability; of giving way to a higher force. Because most in the West have not been initiated, they, most naturally, are afraid to be powerless. Yet there are significant consequences. Namely, that they project this fear onto […]
The Safe, Inviting and Eloquent Language of “I Miss” to Bring Another into Your Heart
Comments Off on The Safe, Inviting and Eloquent Language of “I Miss” to Bring Another into Your HeartLanguage is powerful. One word can make or break a conversation. Yes, most of what we communicate lies in the unspoken, the space between the words or energy underlying them; but the words you choose have the power to bring someone closer to your heart or further away. Connection—the tube The heart of communication is connection. Consider connection to be like a tube running from my heart to yours. The wider the tube, the larger the connection; the more can be passed through, felt and experienced between us. That tube is never static—it’s always changing given how something is communicated and what is being communicated. The tube, or openness between two people, fluctuates moment-to-moment depending on the words chosen, one’s energy and body language—the three main aspects […]
A Love Whose Time Has Come ~ Healing the Disembodied Human and Our Ravaged Planet
Comments Off on A Love Whose Time Has Come ~ Healing the Disembodied Human and Our Ravaged Planet“A person suffers if he or she is constantly being forced into the statistical mentality and away from the road of feeling.“ ~ Robert Bly We are a disembodied species, deprived of the weighted feeling of being in touch with our senses, attuned to the murmurings of our heart, the pleasures, ecstatic and intimate, that go with rootedness. We have lost touch with the once innate feeling of connectivity to strangers, the delight in a butterfly, the awe when struck by the glowing moon’s presence. We have squandered the feeling worlds of imagination and creativity born in pause and even boredom. And we’ve lost touch with the inborn capacity to feel profound sadness and anger, fear and pain, to be unbridled in our emotional expression, […]