Our Animal Friends, Bodies and Children Deserve More: Choosing Conscious and Kind Eating (That Can Include Animal Products)

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Our Animal Friends, Bodies and Children Deserve More: Choosing Conscious and Kind Eating (That Can Include Animal Products)

Before reading this article, please know that I’m very aware of the push by the dark forces to co-opt the vegan movement, based on their climate crisis narrative, which is an utter climate scam. I’m aware of how they are targeting our food systems, as tyrants do — destroying meat processing plants, trying to move us towards unhealthy fake meat substitutes and bugs, attempting to convince us that cow farts and manure are disasters for carbon “pollution,” and manipulating food science in favour of Big Business.  They do this and more while pretending to be our planet saviours. And yet no one destroys Mother Earth more than they.    *                    *                    * “The greatness of a […]

From Mother Mary to Me: “Your most important spiritual practice is sleep.”

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From Mother Mary to Me: “Your most important spiritual practice is sleep.”

“As we learn to treat our body with the highest of respect, we, by natural extension, treat our children, Mother Earth and all her inhabitants with the same degree of respect.” ~ Vince Gowmon “Taking good care of you means the people in your life will receive the best of you rather than what is left of you.” ~ Lorraine Cohen As you may know from reading other articles of mine or watching my YouTube channel, I’ve been in an intensive initiation for over a year now (completed now, as of November, 2021). Guided by the masters and mysteries of the Spirit World, I’ve been undergoing a transformation in consciousness that has affected me on all levels – body, mind, soul — one that has […]

The Power of Seeing Others for Who They Truly Are

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The Power of Seeing Others for Who They Truly Are

In 1998, while living in London, England, I began seeing my first counsellor, a wicked and wise 63 year-old name Valerie. Every two weeks I traveled to Wallingford, Oxfordshire by train, always eager for our sessions. I yearned to speak to someone who could help me make sense of things, of why I felt so different and troubled, and with whom I could be myself, as best I could in those early days of inner work. Valerie was intelligent and fierce, which bode well for the one in me who could easily deceive and out-wit others. Unique in comparison to all healing practitioners I saw after (and there were many!), she was not afraid to pull out her sword and call my bullshit. One time, […]

Alchemizing Wider Spectrums of Dark into Light: The Evolution and Maturation of the Soul

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Alchemizing Wider Spectrums of Dark into Light: The Evolution and Maturation of the Soul

Through the many faces of fear we learn the many faces of love. That is, until we are finished learning from fear, and are fully ready for love.  The evolution and maturation of the soul is a path of holding wider spectrums of dark and light without resistance. This comes from many heroic lifetimes of facing and integrating our shadows, alchemizing them into embodied gold — the crystalline light of our higher self.  Light reveals darkness. It conjures lower vibrational states and aspects — our deepest fears expressed as shame, guilt and unworthiness; parts vehemently announcing, “I don’t deserve love!” For people unready for the light, too attached they are to their suffering, they turn away like Dracula from the sun. It simply is too […]

Faith Lost and Found in Our Dying, Awakening World ~ A Poem for Humanity

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Faith Lost and Found in Our Dying, Awakening World ~ A Poem for Humanity

When you lose faith in the world you have known, as is happening now for countless many, an ancient voice within may find your inner ear, inviting you to finally have faith in something else, the Unknown you turned from and forgot many moons ago. When the fragmented routines and trivialities of daily living lose their semblant ground, you may feel the warm breeze of whole groundless being whispering to build life anew upon it. When what you relied on and took for granted no longer make sense, slip from your hands, when that which you identified with, jobs and family, friends and health, cultural and moral ideas of what is so, of right and wrong, learned, limiting stories about who you are, when all […]

The Tragedies of these Dark Times Initiate Us into a Remembrance of Love, Soul and our Human Family

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The Tragedies of these Dark Times Initiate Us into a Remembrance of Love, Soul and our Human Family

Ultimately, in any given moment, we have only two choices: the Path of Love, Light and Unity, or the Path of Fear, Darkness and Separation. In the extremity of these times, these choices have never been more evident. The future of humanity and Mother Earth depends on which path we take. It is up to us.  Life is tragic. There is no doubt. At increasingly alarming levels we are experiencing drastic and confronting lifestyle changes, while witnessing across the globe immense human suffering and violent eruptions on Mother Earth’s land and sea. Despite the rising apocalyptic energy, I remind myself that there is no tragedy without some form of redemptive beauty. Though that beauty may not come in the immediacy of the adversity, it eventually […]

What if these Confounding Times are like a Zen Koan Inviting Us to Awaken?

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What if these Confounding Times are like a Zen Koan Inviting Us to Awaken?

What is a peaceful word that ends with “i”? This is a koan that came to me in my dreams a few days ago. I offer this, what I call a Personal Koan, to sit with, to contemplate; to consider as an important inquiry to help you navigate these pivotal and confounding times, and your life in general. Reading further below, you’ll also discover what I call a Collective Koan, which is different from the former by only one letter. Personal Koan If you don’t know what a koan is, it’s a paradoxically complex yet simple question or riddle often given by Zen Masters to their disciples that can only be answered by going into the heart. Its confounding nature forces the seeker to abandon […]

Walking the Way of Innocence ~ The Courageous Path of Embodying and Living from Purity of Heart

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Walking the Way of Innocence ~ The Courageous Path of Embodying and Living from Purity of Heart

No matter your difficulties, no matter how hard your life has been and how much pain you carry inside, your innocence is indomitable. It cannot be tarnished or taken away. That’s because your innocence is the vibrant, wondrous light of your ever-present soul, as felt in your pure and open heart. Though the challenges of the human condition lead us to believe otherwise and detour us away from knowing our innocent nature, this immutable truth of who you essentially are is always present, waiting for you to turn towards it, to remember and embody it.  Our pain, especially the pain in our hearts, and our programming from the collective, keeps us turned away from our innocence. We learned early on that it was not safe […]

Want to Prepare Children for an Increasingly Uncertain World? Let Them Be Uncertain — Through Play!

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Want to Prepare Children for an Increasingly Uncertain World? Let Them Be Uncertain — Through Play!

“Play is training for the unexpected.” ~ Marc Bekoff Jacob is five years old. Seated at the kitchen table, he cradles his favourite box of crayons and felts to dive into yet another creative exploration. This is no project. Just discovery. What will arise from one moment to the next as is curious, heart-felt instincts direct his hand? He’ll find out! Same with Samantha, she too is engrossed in play. Four years old, buckets and shovel in hand, she communes with sunshine, fresh air, water and sand at the beach, scooping, piling, patting, allowing her moment-to-moment imaginative impulses to guide her in building her sand sculptures. Like Jacob, she immerses herself in the element of surprise! Both Jacob and Samantha learn to adapt when needed. […]

Befriending the Discomfort and Possibilities of Aloneness: A Necessary Rite of Passage on the Spiritual Journey

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Befriending the Discomfort and Possibilities of Aloneness: A Necessary Rite of Passage on the Spiritual Journey

Everyone longs to be a butterfly, but few are willing to go into the cocoon. Befriending aloneness intimately is a necessary rite of passage on the spiritual journey. As you’ll read in this article, aloneness is both a passage away from who we are not, but believe ourselves to be, and towards who we are, in greater and greater measure. In a spiritually bereft, distracted and easily tempted society, embracing aloneness, not surprisingly, is rare. Much more value is placed on romantic relationships and keeping busy, while the slow of aloneness is easily judged, eschewed and, more deeply, feared. If you spend too much time alone, people eventually project their fears onto you. They worry you are isolating too much, and suggest you may want to […]